Veronica Engler, Author at BKA Content Content Writing Services Wed, 07 Jun 2023 22:48:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why and When To Use a Euphemism Tue, 30 May 2023 16:08:40 +0000 The post Why and When To Use a Euphemism appeared first on BKA Content.


Why and When To Use a Euphemism

Have you ever been drinking an adult beverage in a colorful bar while discussing a coworker who was recently let go? If you understood that sentence, then you’ve probably used a euphemism or two.

Euphemisms are a figure of speech that have different denotations and connotations. When you read the above sentence, you understood that I asked if you’ve ever drunk alcohol at a dive bar while talking about a fired coworker. But there was something nicer about the first version, right?

That’s the power of euphemisms. They’re a crucial tool that allows us to say what we mean without really saying it — like a secret code everyone’s in on. So, how can you use euphemisms to their fullest potential? Let’s take a look at these terminologically inexact phrases.


euphemism definition

What Is a Euphemism?

Euphemisms are substitutes. If you can’t or won’t speak directly, you need an acceptable replacement word that’s less emotionally charged. Enter euphemisms.


What Is the Euphemism Definition?

To paraphrase the dictionary, a euphemism is a milder expression that replaces a harsh, embarrassing or unpleasant word or phrase. You don’t have to know the textbook definition of euphemisms to use them, but it’s helpful to have a clear explanation when you’re studying this rhetorical device.


Why Use a Euphemism?

Let’s get it out in the open: A euphemism is inherently manipulative language. When you use one, you’re trying to create a particular response in your audience while tiptoeing around the truth.

That sounds horrible, right? Well, it isn’t always.

When you think about it, all language is manipulative. We use words to tell people what we want them to know, which can be for good reasons or bad. Euphemisms are the same way — they’re rhetorical devices, just like similes, hyperboles and anaphora. A hammer can build a house or tear it down, and so too can a euphemism enhance communication or disrupt it. The deciding factor is how you choose to wield the device.


To Present an Idea in a Certain Way

Euphemisms are frequently used to create a particular “spin.” For example, if you’re trying to convince someone that a situation isn’t so bad, you may use euphemisms:

  • “My cousin isn’t firing on all cylinders” instead of “My cousin is dumb”
  • “He’s lost his marbles” instead of “He’s having a mental breakdown”
  • “I’m in-between jobs” instead of “I’m unemployed”


To Disguise Purpose

Politicians are well-known for using euphemisms to disguise their purpose. When a policy provokes outcry, public figures use euphemism to hide the truth:

  • “Enhanced interrogation techniques” instead of “torture”
  • “Air operations” instead of “military attacks via drones”
  • “Extreme vetting” instead of “discrimination against certain refugee groups”


To Make a Subject More Comfortable

Euphemisms can soften deeply emotional topics, which is why they’re commonly used in sensitive discussions. For example, when people are grieving, you may use euphemisms to speak about their loved ones’ deaths. This thoughtful approach considers their feelings, which a more direct tactic may hurt.

  • “Aunt Mable passed yesterday” instead of “Aunt Mable died yesterday.”


What Are Common Euphemism Examples?

The English language contains thousands of euphemisms. Here are a couple you’ve probably heard:

  • Birds and the bees: the mechanics of human reproduction
  • Correctional facility: prison
  • Big-boned: overweight
  • Sniffles: runny nose
  • Break wind: flatulence
  • Economically disadvantaged: poor
  • Outstanding payment: past-due bill
  • Downsize: fire employees


Euphemisms for Sex

Mentioning sex is taboo in many English-speaking circles, as many people see it as a private matter. To combat the discomfort of these discussions, many people use a euphemism. Here are common euphemisms for sex:

  • Score
  • Have relations
  • Do it
  • Make love
  • Know in the Biblical sense
  • Hanky panky
  • Hit a home run
  • Amorous congress
  • Be intimate
  • Get lucky
  • Roll in the hay
  • Go all the way

The above are the most “polite” options, but there are hundreds of euphemisms for sex. Interestingly, some of them are more descriptive than the actual word. If you’re trying to downplay discomfort, make sure you stay away from the more outlandish variations.


Euphemisms for Menstruation

Menstruation can be an uncomfortable topic for people who don’t menstruate, and it’s even taboo in some cultures. As a result, some people prefer a euphemism. Here are common euphemisms for menstruation:

  • That time of the month
  • Period
  • Menses
  • Have one’s monthly visitor

One thing to keep in mind is that avoiding direct discussion of menstruation contributes to its stigma. It’s a perfectly natural biological function that no one should be ashamed of, so many organizations working toward gender equality encourage people to use the scientific term.


Euphemisms for Using the Toilet

Defecation and urination are natural bodily functions, but they’re not exactly pleasant to talk about. That’s why most people use euphemisms. Here are common euphemisms for using the toilet:

  • Go to the bathroom
  • Use the facilities
  • Visit the restroom
  • Powder one’s nose
  • Do one’s business
  • Use the washroom
  • Answer nature’s call
  • Relieve oneself
  • Make a pit stop
  • Freshen up
  • Visit the conveniences
  • Go to the euphemism

OK, that last one isn’t exactly common, but it is real and was even used by Dr. Suess!


Euphemisms for Death

Talking about death is uncomfortable for various reasons: It deals with loss, is often connected to painful or traumatic circumstances and is an inevitability we all face. Using euphemisms can soften the reality of it. Here are common euphemisms for death:

  • Pass away
  • Pass on
  • Depart
  • Be deceased
  • Rest in peace
  • Rest eternally
  • Lose the battle
  • Succumb
  • Not make it
  • Be in a better place
  • Go to Heaven
  • Be called home
  • Expire
  • Cross over



When Should You Use a Euphemism?

Sometimes you can’t say what you mean because it’ll hurt someone or negatively affect your reputation. In these circumstances, it’s best to use a euphemism.

Now that you’ve reviewed the many forms and functions of euphemisms, you can use them effectively in everyday life, whether you’re joining the Vikings (“pursuing a career”) or staying on the tractor (“staying retired”). What’s the weirdest euphemism you’ve ever heard? Let us know in the comments below!

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How To Perfect Your Skills To Get Freelance Writing Work Wed, 03 May 2023 01:31:22 +0000 The post How To Perfect Your Skills To Get Freelance Writing Work appeared first on BKA Content.


How To Perfect Your Skills To Get Freelance Writing Work

​Professional development is essential in every field, but it’s especially beneficial in freelance writing work. After all, this industry is highly competitive, and you must prove to clients that your skills are one-of-a-kind. To hone your craft further, consider the following tips.

freelance writing work

Take Classes About Freelance Writing Work

What’s the best way to learn? Taking a class! The digital age has made it easier than ever for people to freelance, and various courses have emerged to help them. You can find a class to strengthen specific skills or give you the basics if you’re breaking into the industry. 

Take a Copywriting Course

Copywriting is much different from other types of professional writing, and best practices are constantly shifting with the ever-changing world of the internet. A course can help you control your tone and improve grammar and spelling.

Learn How To Market Yourself

A significant part of freelance writing work is marketing yourself to potential clients. If you want to expand your client list, consider taking a seminar on practical marketing tools for the solo entrepreneur.

Develop Your Proofreading Skills

Every writer will tell you that no first draft is perfect. You must proofread every article and use revisions to polish each one to a high shine. Of course, no one is born a top-notch proofreader — you have to practice, as with any skill.

Study AP Style

AP Stylebook is the standard for online webpages and articles, so every copywriter should be familiar with it. However, it’s very different from the styles used in schools and can take some getting used to. To make things more complicated, the Associated Press releases yearly updates, so freelancers must stay on top of the most recent style guide.

Read, Read, Read

Reading is just as essential to freelance writing work as putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboards). Take time to study popular articles and genre fiction. All writing has something to offer the avid reader, so don’t be afraid to consume scientific papers, news blogs and romance novels.

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

Write Guest Blog Posts

Are you getting bored with your current freelance digs? If so, you can spice things up with guest blog posts. These one-and-done projects let you flex your creative muscles and bring in extra cash. Of course, you can’t wait for these opportunities to fall into your lap — you must seek them out.

Join Job Boards

Job boards are an excellent resource for freelance writing work since they allow you to peruse hundreds of jobs in one place. Companies small and large post opportunities for copywriting, guest spots and more.

Talk To Colleagues

Does a friend or coworker keep a blog? Ask if you can write a guest post while they take a week off! Many writers keep blogs, so it doesn’t hurt to ask around.

Contact Editors

If you want to pursue freelance writing work, you have to be bold. Many online publications accept guest blogs, and pitching an idea is the only way to get on board. Emailing editors you don’t know can be intimidating, but think of it this way: The worst thing they can do is say no.

Start Your Own Blog

If you want to drum up business while experimenting with different topics, a blog is a perfect place to start. Launching a blog is incredibly easy with sites such as WordPress and Squarespace, and you’ll find opportunities to develop skills your freelancing work may neglect.

Write About Something You Love

Copywriting means adhering to your clients’ preferences and topics. While you may find most of them interesting, you probably don’t love every piece. Starting your own blog means you get to pick the subject matter, so you can write exclusively about what interests you. Doing so can help you break free of SEO ruts and experiment with new voices and rhetorical devices.

Post Regularly

Post on your blog regularly to build momentum for your freelance writing work. Search engine algorithms reward regularity, and it helps you keep a following. It’s also an excellent way to practice discipline, which freelancers need in abundance.

freelance writing

Join a Content Creation Company That Offers Freelance Writing Work

Finally, consider working with a content creation company such as BKA Content. These enterprises connect you with other freelancers who can teach you a thing or two, and most offer additional writing and editing training for those interested. The key is finding a company invested in your professional and creative growth.

When considering a content creation company for freelance work, look at the website. Does it provide helpful information for developing writers? If so, that’s a good sign the business values ongoing professional learning.

What are your tricks and tips for elevating your freelance writing work? Let us know in the comments below. If you’re interested in more freelance content creation opportunities, check out BKA Content today.

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How To Move to Online Content Writing Jobs From Full-Time Employment Tue, 27 Dec 2022 21:16:14 +0000 The post How To Move to Online Content Writing Jobs From Full-Time Employment appeared first on BKA Content.


How To Move to Online Content Writing Jobs From Full-Time Employment

Have you ever wished you could work in your pajamas? If you’re a fan of coziness and convenience, then online content writing jobs may be a perfect fit. Success as a freelance writer will take just as much work as in other fields, but you can pursue this career from anywhere — even your couch. If you want to become a full-time web content writer, take a look at this guide.

online content writing jobs

Practice Writing Before Applying to Online Content Writing Jobs

You should always practice writing before applying for jobs, especially if you don’t have much experience. The great thing about writing practice is that you don’t need much to get started — just a pencil, paper and an idea.

Try New Topics

To develop well-rounded writing skills, pick a new topic each time. Most online content writing jobs have a wide range of clients, so you’ll have to create pieces on many subjects. Businesses generally want webpages with an authoritative tone; writing about unfamiliar topics gives you the confidence to write like an expert.

Imitate Great Pieces

Did you stumble across a blog post you love? Try imitating the style. To avoid plagiarism, pick a different topic, but try mimicking the tone, organization and rhetorical devices as practice. This exercise is just for you, so don’t worry too much about polishing the results.

Don’t Quit Your Day Job Right Away

In most cases, you shouldn’t quit your day job right away. Freelancing has many benefits, but it takes a while to build momentum. Staying at your current workplace provides stability as you find your footing in the online content world.

Get Your Feet Wet

If you don’t have much experience with online content writing jobs, you should try out the field before taking the leap. Freelancing takes discipline and dedication, and you may find it’s not everything you hoped it would be.

Build Your Client List

Once you discover you love writing web content, you can start building a client list. This process takes time, and most freelancers can’t support themselves at first. A day job provides stability while you build a foundation for your career.

Create an Exit Plan

Even if online content writing jobs come flowing in, it’s bad workplace etiquette to leave your employer in the lurch. Before you switch careers completely, make a plan to courteously and professionally exit your current position. After all, your former company could become a future client.

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

Write for Content Creation Sites

Content creation sites are an excellent place to start your job search as a freelance writer. Companies such as BKA Content provide clients with high-quality blogs, metadata and landing pages. Some enterprises have in-house writers, others partner with independent contractors and some have a mixed workforce.

Enjoy a Stable Income

Online content writing jobs with a company provide a more stable income than freelancing alone. As an independent contractor, you have to actively search for work, which can feel like a job by itself. When you work with content creation sites, the company brings on clients — all you have to do is write the pieces.

Focus on a Narrow Role

Typically, freelancers must act as content managers, client liaisons, and editors. Some people enjoy the versatility of taking on all these duties, but if you’d rather focus on writing, a content creation site is the way to go. These companies hire others to fill the above roles so you don’t have to.

Take Writing Classes

If you’re not yet confident in your writing, you may benefit from taking classes. There are plenty of low- and no-cost options that teach the basics and offer professional tips.

Attend Workshops at Your Local Library

Libraries are an excellent resource for all writers. If you’re interested in online content writing jobs, look for professional writing workshops and seminars. Many libraries host these events online as well as in person.

Join a Writing Group

A writing group lets you network while improving your skills. Groups offer critiques on works-in-progress, share industry news and promote writing opportunities.

online content writing

Build a Portfolio for Online Content Writing Jobs

A writing portfolio shows potential clients what to expect from your work. Most businesses request a portfolio before hiring to see the caliber of your writing.

Keep Your Portfolio Fresh

The internet is a fast-paced place, which means the expectations for online content writing jobs change over time. To keep up with clients’ needs, you should update your portfolio periodically. For example, if you work on a type of landing page you’ve never written before, that’s an excellent addition to your portfolio.

Host Your Portfolio Online

Putting your portfolio online makes it easy for prospective clients to access. You can also use search engine optimization and other marketing tools to draw traffic.

Online content writing jobs allow you to exercise your creativity, make your own schedule and develop valuable skills. If this sounds like your dream position, consider writing for BKA Content. Our writers create content about a variety of topics and receive many opportunities to learn on the job and build their writing skills.

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How Online Copywriting Jobs From Home Can Boost Your Freelance Writing Career Wed, 07 Dec 2022 16:00:42 +0000 The post How Online Copywriting Jobs From Home Can Boost Your Freelance Writing Career appeared first on BKA Content.


How Online Copywriting Jobs From Home Can Boost Your Freelance Writing Career

Life as a freelancer means actively looking for opportunities, which may require breaking out of your comfort zone. For example, if you’ve never ventured into the copywriting space, you’re missing a variety of lucrative, engaging projects. Is it time to explore online copywriting jobs you can do from home? Let’s take a look at what this career path has to offer.

Why Apply for Online Copywriting Jobs From Home?

Though copywriting requires many of the same skills as fiction or academic writing, the purpose is entirely different. While this may be intimidating initially, many writers find they like the challenge and develop their craft in unexpected ways. Becoming a copywriter is a great way to explore your creativity while ensuring steady work.

online copywriting jobs from home

Explore Creativity

Writing ads may not seem like creative work, especially if you’re used to fiction writing. However, it requires a different kind of innovation that can expand your repertoire and offer a new perspective. Though it may not get mentioned often, copywriting requires problem-solving skills. How do you write an article that sells a product without being “sales-y”? How do you balance an authoritative voice with welcoming language? This career prompts writers to stretch muscles they may rarely use.

Get Steady Work

Every business needs copywriting, from international giants to single-person startups. That means there’s a steady line of work, a necessity when you’re a freelancer. With so many projects available, you can stave off boredom by finding something new and engaging.

What Is Copywriting?

Whether you become an in-house writer or take online copywriting jobs from home, the purpose remains the same: using words to help companies grow. What that looks like varies by business, as each organization has unique goals, but that’s part of the appeal — copywriters have to adjust their approach on a client-by-client basis. Of course, everyone in this field must have certain skills, including a firm grasp of written language and a clear understanding of branding.

Written Content Creation

Copywriting encompasses many types of content creation:

  • Landing pages
  • Blogs
  • Metadata
  • Social media posts
  • Ad copy

While all of the above promote a company, they can also establish authority, create a unique voice and appeal to a specific demographic. Balancing these factors takes careful planning and a high level of technical skill.

Branding Support

Copywriting plays an essential role in branding — after all, who’s responsible for the text that greets website visitors? Who creates ad copy to entice consumers? No matter what you’re writing, you must ensure the voice aligns with company branding. Well-done branding builds trust with consumers and appeals to businesses’ target audiences, creating long-term relationships with customers.

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

How Does Copywriting Increase Traffic to a Website?

Most online copywriting jobs from home focus on boosting business website traffic. The higher commercial landing pages rank on search engine results pages, the more likely internet users will click the link. Copywriters can boost SERP ranking through a combination of search engine optimization and content marketing.


One of the most effective ways to boost online visibility is SEO. However, not everyone has the skills to naturally include target keywords in a sentence. Choppy, awkward writing doesn’t rank well with algorithms, so copywriters provide an essential service by fluidly incorporating keywords.

Content Marketing

Of course, keywords aren’t the only factors algorithms use to determine SERP rankings; this software scans for high-value content. In fact, as you look at remote copywriting jobs, you’ll notice that nearly all of them include content marketing, even if not explicitly stated. Effective content marketing requires several elements:

  • Relevant topic
  • On-brand voice
  • High-quality writing

A blog with these qualities appeals to readers as well as algorithms, which can increase backlink building when impressed internet users share your work. These shares further improve SERP rankings, creating a positive feedback loop.

online copywriting jobs

How Can You Get Online Copywriting Jobs From Home?

Finding copywriting jobs that you can do online from home is easier than you think. Many companies are looking for in-house or freelance writers, and the internet is full of places where you can connect with prospective employers. In fact, some of the best ways to launch your copywriting career are by applying to content creation websites and looking at job boards.

Apply to Content Creation Websites

Content creation companies, such as BKA Content, provide businesses with high-quality web content that improves their online visibility. Contractors handle composition, while in-house managers liaise between clients and writers. If you prefer writing over customer service, this may be the perfect arrangement.

Look on Job Boards

Freelancers and businesses alike can post projects on job boards. Some are free to use, while others charge a fee, but all offer a vast collection of potential opportunities. Poring over posts can get tedious, but once you establish yourself in the community, you can work with returning clients.

If online copywriting jobs from home sound like the perfect fit, consider writing for BKA Content. Freelancers can access a wide range of projects and set their own hours. What draws you to copywriting? Let us know in the comments below!

The post How Online Copywriting Jobs From Home Can Boost Your Freelance Writing Career appeared first on BKA Content.

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Utilize Your Law Degree With These 5 Remote Legal Writing Jobs Wed, 30 Nov 2022 16:00:17 +0000 The post Utilize Your Law Degree With These 5 Remote Legal Writing Jobs appeared first on BKA Content.


Utilize Your Law Degree With These 5 Remote Legal Writing Jobs

Are you looking for ways to use your law degree outside the courtroom? If so, remote legal writing jobs may be the answer. There’s a high demand for quality legal writing, which requires specialized knowledge. Even if you’re new to freelancing, you can build a lucrative career as a legal writer. The first step is figuring out what kind of work interests you.

remote legal writing jobs

What Kind of Remote Legal Writing Jobs Can You Get?

Legal writing may not get a spotlight like other copywriting jobs, but it’s nevertheless essential for many businesses. You can find a wide variety of clients, from news outlets to legal firms, in need of your expertise. Most freelancers establish themselves in a niche, but finding the right one is a process. To find your niche, explore the following careers.

1. Legal Correspondent

If you have an interest in journalism, legal correspondence may be the perfect job, as it requires both law and reporting expertise. Legal cases involving public figures often make the news, but the average reader may not have the context to understand what’s happening or why it’s important. A legal correspondent reports on criminal and civil cases while breaking down complex legal concepts and explaining jargon. Correspondence can be one of the more lucrative remote legal writing jobs since qualified individuals are few and far between, allowing professionals to negotiate a sizable rate.

2. Legal Content Creator

Companies offering legal services need digital marketing just like any other business. However, not every copywriter has the knowledge to create this online content. Your legal degree provides insight into the legal system’s inner workings, allowing you to write informative and compelling marketing material:

  • Landing pages
  • Blogs
  • Social media posts
  • Title tags and meta descriptions

Of course, you’ll also need to learn about search engine optimization to follow this path. SEO utilizes keywords to drive traffic to clients’ websites, making it a crucial part of any digital marketing piece.

The internet isn’t the only place for content creators — print magazines and legal journals still need writers. You can make a pretty penny writing about important court decisions and how new legislation affects various industries.

3. Legal Analyst

All great lawyers have a team painstakingly documenting arguments and organizing records. Working as a legal analyst may require more research than other remote legal writing jobs, but that’s what attracts people to the position: Every day is different. To succeed as a legal analyst, you need experience in the following:

  • Updating tracking systems and databases
  • Creating reference tools by synthesizing information
  • Studying anticipated regulations and writing summaries of them

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

4. Brief Writer

Every business produces some degree of legal paperwork, and small companies may prefer to work with freelancers instead of hiring a firm. That’s where brief writers come in.

As the name implies, brief writers create summaries of legal arguments, called briefs, that clients may submit to courts. While brief writing typically falls under the purview of law firms, these writers produce a variety of other documents corporations may use:

  • Motions
  • Memorandums
  • Agreements
  • Contracts

5. Corporate Writer

Corporate writing may not seem like it belongs on this list of remote legal writing jobs, but a thorough understanding of corporate law is necessary for success in this field. Corporate writers speak on behalf of clients, which means they must know where to draw the line between responsibility and liability, as litigation is a genuine concern. A neutral voice and careful language are also crucial skills for corporate writers, as they create press releases and other public media that can significantly impact their clients’ image.

Why Apply for Remote Legal Writing Jobs?

In past years, people assumed that physically going to a workplace was necessary for high productivity. However, the shift to remote work proves that the flexibility provided by work-from-home jobs actually boosts productivity, a positive outcome for employees and employers alike.

If you choose to freelance, you have even greater freedom as you set your hours and select your projects. Doing so allows you to obtain the work-life balance you need to prevent burnout. Of course, there are other reasons people seek remote jobs, such as concerns with sustainability and variety.

legal writing jobs


Remote legal writing jobs don’t require commuting, which means a reduced environmental impact — the fewer vehicles on the road, the less air pollution. You don’t even have to meet clients in person — a video conference achieves the same effect without the hassle of travel.


Remote work also lets you apply for projects across the globe. That means access to a wider range of opportunities, ensuring a steady income and enough variety to prevent boredom. Contracting for content creation companies, such as BKA Content, is an excellent way to boost project variety.

Remote legal writing jobs are an excellent way to utilize your law knowledge in a highly flexible setting. If content creation is right up your alley, consider writing for BKA Content. Which career path are you most interested in? Let us know in the comments below!

The post Utilize Your Law Degree With These 5 Remote Legal Writing Jobs appeared first on BKA Content.

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5 High-Paying Online Writing Jobs From Home Wed, 23 Nov 2022 16:00:53 +0000 The post 5 High-Paying Online Writing Jobs From Home appeared first on BKA Content.


5 High-Paying Online Writing Jobs From Home

Remote work offers many benefits, especially to parents and disabled people. Of course, not all online writing jobs from home provide financial security. Fortunately, there are plenty of options that offer freelancers higher pay.

online writing jobs from home

What Are the Highest-Paying Online Writing Jobs From Home?

Going freelance can be scary since you don’t get the benefits package many corporations offer. That means you need a career with high enough pay to cover salary, health insurance and retirement savings. To get the best compensation for your skills, look into these high-paying writing jobs.

1. Academic Writing

Academic writing projects require intense research — sometimes even first-hand experience in a field. As a result, they’re an excellent choice for former educational professionals interested in online writing jobs from home. You may need access to scholarly articles, which means subscribing to digital libraries or working with institutions that provide access.

As an academic writer, you’ll likely work with university staff or students. Scientific researchers publish studies to expand their community’s knowledge and increase their own prestige. However, just because people are experts in their fields doesn’t mean they can articulate that expertise. Academic writers help researchers write studies that meet publishing standards.

2. Niche Writing

Niche writing may seem restrictive at first glance, but it’s actually one of the most versatile options for experienced writers. Once you get established in one niche, you can branch off. For example, if you start in the beauty niche, you can explore the fashion niche next.

Again, this is an excellent option for former experts who want to focus on online writing jobs from home. Your experience makes you uniquely qualified to write blogs, opinion pieces and social media posts on specific topics.

Of course, individuals can still create high-quality niche content without personal experience. Thorough research and a keen interest in an industry can produce engaging articles that net future work.

3. Legal Writing

While many types of writing jobs only require resourcefulness and a command of the English language, legal writing demands a certain level of legal knowledge. After all, legal writers can’t help clients polish pieces if they don’t understand the meaning or purpose of the work.

Most positions don’t require a law degree, but you may consider some education to stay competitive. You should also seek professional development opportunities to keep up-to-date since laws frequently change. While this may seem like a lot of preparation for freelance work, legal writing is one of the best-paying options and offers a life-long career.

Despite the narrow focus, legal writing has a surprising variety of online writing jobs from home. For example, you can compose motions, memorandums and briefs for legal teams. You can also report on current events as a legal correspondent. Search engine optimization experts may also excel as bloggers and copywriters for law firms.

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

4. Technical Writing

If you’ve ever followed instructions to put furniture together, you’ve read technical writing. Writing technical content pays well and remains in high demand. Since so many companies need technical writers, you have your pick of projects:

  • White papers
  • User manuals
  • Reference guides
  • Process flows
  • Customer service scripts

Among all online writing jobs from home, technical writing projects are the most focused on clarity. As the writer, your job is to simplify complex ideas. To excel in this position, you must have solid analytical skills and the ability to break processes into basic parts. Many clients use technical writing for training or educational material, so your work will have plenty of real-world applications.

5. Ghostwriting

Just because people have their names on the covers of books doesn’t mean they wrote them. In fact, ghostwriting — hiring someone else to write a project without credit — is more common than you think. While ghostwriters don’t get fame or even public acknowledgment, they can make an incredible amount of money. Most conveniently, they can do it all from the comfort of their homes.

There’s one caveat — you have to be fast. Most ghostwriters complete entire novel manuscripts in less than six months. While quick work isn’t unusual for most online writing jobs from home, speed-writing a work of fiction or a memoir is a different kind of beast.

Of course, ghostwriting projects aren’t exclusively books. Plenty of people hire ghostwriters for copywriting, blogging and even academic work. As long as you don’t mind staying out of the limelight, you can build a career by putting your words in other people’s mouths.

online writing jobs

Where Can You Find Reliable Online Writing Jobs From Home?

Constantly searching for online writing jobs from home can feel like a job in and of itself. Instead of hitting up multiple job boards, you can find a variety of projects at a content creation company such as BKA Content. If you love learning about different industries, this may be the perfect route for growing your writing career.

Which is your favorite writing job? Let us know in the comments below.

The post 5 High-Paying Online Writing Jobs From Home appeared first on BKA Content.

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5 Things Copywriters Should Do Before Applying for Remote Writing Jobs Wed, 02 Nov 2022 15:00:40 +0000 The post 5 Things Copywriters Should Do Before Applying for Remote Writing Jobs appeared first on BKA Content.


5 Things Copywriters Should Do Before Applying for Remote Writing Jobs

If you hate commuting but love crafting sentences, you should look into remote writing jobs. Of course, you need more than a penchant for wordsmithing and a can-do attitude — you must also develop copywriting-specific skills and learn about the market.

How To Prepare for Remote Writing Jobs

Freelance writers have a great deal of freedom, but that also means additional responsibilities. As your own boss, you need to think about all aspects of copywriting:

  • Gaining clients
  • Managing projects
  • Staying up-to-date on industry standards
  • Developing writing skills

Before tackling remote writing jobs, you should know how to achieve all of the above. Fortunately, these five tips can help you cover all your bases.

remote writing jobs

1. Build an Online Portfolio

Clients want to know if you’re worth the money, and an online portfolio is one of the best ways to showcase your expertise. The first step is finding a place to host your best work. When starting out, you can utilize a free website such as WordPress or an out-of-the-box option such as Wix. These sites are beginner-friendly, so you can customize web pages even if you don’t know much about web development. Once you’ve established yourself, you can pay for a domain that includes your name, making you more accessible to internet searches.

When building your portfolio, choose only a handful of pieces so as not to overwhelm readers. Pick diverse work to illustrate your varied skills:

  • Technical pieces
  • Reader-friendly blogs
  • SEO-centric metadata

If you haven’t completed any remote writing jobs yet, you can create sample pieces for the time being. You should update your portfolio every six months so you can gradually replace these samples as you get more work.

2. Develop a Writing Process

To make money as a copywriter, you must balance quality and quantity. You want to deliver high-quality pieces so clients continue to work with you, but you shouldn’t get so wrapped up in perfection that you miss lucrative projects. One way to strike a balance is to create a writing process.

This process should streamline your efforts, allowing you to churn out top-notch pieces at a rapid pace. The following is a great example of an effective writing process:

  1. Review job details
  2. Research
  3. Create an outline
  4. Write
  5. Edit

Once you create your process, don’t hesitate to change things. As you take on more remote writing jobs, you’ll better understand your needs and can adjust your process accordingly.

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

3. Work on Your Grammar

Every copywriter should have a firm grasp of English grammar, specifically in the AP style. If you come from an MLA or APA background, you should familiarize yourself with the AP Stylebook. The Associated Press updates this guide every year, so it’s a good idea to check the rules periodically.

You can also use tools to identify mistakes. For example, Grammarly makes suggestions in real-time and even updates text with a single click. Spelling and grammar checks can boost your writing speed, allowing you to take on more remote writing jobs.

4. Learn About the Copywriting Landscape

Effective copywriting utilizes algorithms, marketing techniques and solid writing to bring customers to clients’ websites. Since the internet changes rapidly, freelancers must keep up with industry news to remain effective. There are plenty of blogs, podcasts and newsletters dedicated to online marketing; subscribe to a few so major updates don’t catch you off guard.

You can also stay current by networking or finding a copywriting mentor. Remote writing may not seem the most conducive to meeting people in your field. However, you can still make connections by attending conferences, reaching out to copywriters you admire and joining a copywriting group.

5. Research Potential Projects for Red Flags

As you start the search for remote writing jobs, you’ll find opportunities in a multitude of places:

  • Job boards
  • Referrals
  • Paid services
  • Social media
  • Communications on your website

Unfortunately, not every job is what it seems. As a freelancer, you’re vulnerable to scams and badly behaved clients, so you must advocate for yourself. Before you agree to a job, check for these red flags:

  • The description includes unrealistic demands.
  • The client insists on a free “trial” period.
  • The client refuses to sign a contract.

You should also do an internet search on the client to identify questionable behavior. Glassdoor and Indeed are excellent places to look for reviews.

remote jobs

How To Find High-Quality Remote Writing Jobs

One of the biggest freelance struggles is finding regular work. The market landscape changes according to online and economic trends, meaning a formerly reliable source may dry up. However, content creation sites such as BKA Content offer a solution.

These companies work with a variety of clients, ensuring there’s almost always work available for contractors. If you’re tired of constantly searching for remote writing jobs, you should consider writing for BKA.

Do you have additional ideas on how freelance writers can prepare for the job market? Share your tips in the comments below.

The post 5 Things Copywriters Should Do Before Applying for Remote Writing Jobs appeared first on BKA Content.

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How To Create Engaging Content for All Your Freelance Writing Gigs Wed, 12 Oct 2022 15:00:53 +0000 The post How To Create Engaging Content for All Your Freelance Writing Gigs appeared first on BKA Content.


How To Create Engaging Content for All Your Freelance Writing Gigs

As a freelance copywriter, your job is to bring customers to clients’ websites. Playing to algorithms with SEO isn’t enough — you must create content that stands on its own. These may be freelance writing gigs to you, but to readers, they’re the company’s voice. Always strive to create engaging content for every client.

How To Create Engaging Content for Your Freelance Writing Gigs

Content should keep readers engaged from the first line to the conclusion. Of course, you may find that this task is easier said than done, especially if the topic doesn’t excite you. However, certain writing techniques work with any content. The following tips can help you create engaging content every time.

freelance writing gigs

Organize Your Content in a Logical Way

If you take a lot of freelance writing gigs in a particular industry, you probably write about the same or similar topics. Changing article organization is an excellent way to avoid plagiarism and keep things fresh, but creative structuring can also undermine your work if taken to extremes. When organizing your content, always do so in a logical way. 

One way to ensure logical flow is to create an outline. Write headings for each topic and subheadings that break down its aspects. The following are excellent guidelines to ensure the heading order makes sense:

  • Arrange ideas chronologically
  • Group similar ideas together
  • Move from basic ideas to more complex ones

If some of your points are stronger than others, consider putting your weakest content in the middle. This old trick ensures readers are more likely to remember your best arguments.

Stay Focused on the Subject

Some freelance writing gigs with hefty word counts may seem impossible to complete without persuing tangents. However, unfocused writing doesn’t deliver the stellar content readers expect and clients deserve. Instead, dig deep into your subject to showcase as much information as possible.

Understandably, you may struggle to write 2,000 words when there isn’t much data on the internet. When you encounter this issue, look for applicable information in adjacent but still relevant topics:

  • History
  • Trends
  • Terminology

As you write, keep your audience in mind. For example, a blog post about boat insurance looks very different when you’re writing to reach potential boat owners versus insurance agents. Letting your target audience guide your work ensures you provide valuable information while supporting your client’s business goals.

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

Use Varied Language

You must write quickly to get as many freelance writing gigs as possible, but doing so can land you in a rut. Repetitive phrases are a common trap, but readers crave variety, even within a paragraph.

While parallel structure has its place, content writers should vary their sentence structure to create a natural, engaging flow. One way to do so is by switching up your punctuation.

For example, isn’t a rhetorical question a great way to make a point? You can also utilize dashes — though take care not to overdo it. You can even sprinkle in a semicolon or two; this punctuation creates an elevated tone.

Additionally, pay attention to sentence length. For example, if you write a short sentence, follow it up with a longer, more complex one. Don’t be afraid to write imperative sentences to establish a commanding tone. Finally, use transition words to connect ideas seamlessly.

Write Clearly and Concisely

When internet users access a business website, they expect direct writing that answers their questions. That means eliminating fluff.

One great trick applicable to all freelance writing gigs is minimizing preposition use. You should never have two prepositions next to each other — if you do, there’s a better way to phrase the sentence.

Adverbs are another insidious issue. In most cases, you can avoid adverbs by choosing a more specific verb. For example, “he hurled the ball” is more evocative than, “he powerfully threw the ball.”

Eliminating unnecessary words also creates clear writing since readers don’t have to wade through rambling paragraphs. If you struggle to find the line between extraneous and clarifying details, a writing tool such as Grammarly may help. These tools identify wordy phrases and suggest a more concise alternative.

freelance writing

Proofread Every Piece

If you want to keep getting writing gigs, you must proofread every piece. Doing so ensures your writing reaches professional standards and achieves your clients’ objectives. Of course, editing an article you just wrote isn’t the easiest task. The following are excellent techniques to ensure you catch even the smallest mistakes:

  • Read the piece out loud
  • Read the piece backward, line by line
  • Take a 10-minute break between writing and proofreading

Writing tools can also help with proofreading, as they make suggestions in real time.

Where To Find Freelance Writing Gigs

Getting a steady stream of freelance writing gigs takes hard work. However, contracting with a content creation company such as BKA Content can help you find work opportunities without the stress. That way, you can focus on writing, not onboarding clients.

Do you have tips for creating engaging content? Share your ideas in the comments below.

The post How To Create Engaging Content for All Your Freelance Writing Gigs appeared first on BKA Content.

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How To Find Writing Jobs Online: 5 Things You Need To Know When Starting Out Thu, 01 Sep 2022 16:00:28 +0000 The post How To Find Writing Jobs Online: 5 Things You Need To Know When Starting Out appeared first on BKA Content.


How To Find Writing Jobs Online: 5 Things You Need To Know When Starting Out

There’s no one right way to find writing jobs, but some paths are certainly easier than others. If you’re a new traveler on your professional writing journey, you may sometimes feel like you’re exploring the unknown. How can you turn your side hustle into a full-time occupation? With this handy map, you can chart a course to success.

find writing jobs

1. Create an Online Portfolio To Find Writing Jobs

Creative freelancers often use writing portfolios to showcase their work to prospective clients. For copywriters, that means gathering your best pieces on a dedicated website.

Choose a Wide Assortment of Samples

Look through your finished pieces and select the best. Try to include examples with different lengths, topics and pieces to show your versatility.

Include Contact Information

An online portfolio decreases the effort necessary to find writing jobs since the power of the internet may bring jobs to you. Clients searching for copywriters may stumble across your portfolio and like what they see. Therefore, offering your contact information is crucial. Place it in a conspicuous place, such as the bottom of each page, to ensure clients can easily contact you.

2. Write Articles of Varying Lengths

Copywriting jobs offer a lot of variety. For example, some clients may want a pamphlet of 2,000 words. Others may only need a 160-character tweet. Writing works of differing lengths gives you perspective on the varying processes required for each project.

Create Sample Landing Pages

Landing pages are webpages internet users “land” on after clicking a link. High-quality landing pages are essential for search engine optimization, so many businesses seek professional writers for their creation. If you haven’t written landing pages for an actual client, you can create pieces for fictional companies to display your skills.

Include Examples of Product and Meta Descriptions

Product and meta descriptions are short but essential pieces that most businesses use for SEO. Demonstrating your skills with this type of content boosts your chance of finding writing jobs.

3. Start Your Own Blog

Blogging does several things for new writers:

  • Teaches discipline
  • Creates practice opportunities
  • Boosts online visibility

If you’ve never written a blog before, it’s surprisingly easy to start.

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

Choose a Platform

Before you can start posting, you need a platform. You can use a free option, such as WordPress, or pay for your own domain. Remember that websites require maintenance, so if you don’t have much experience with web development, an out-of-the-box site may be the best option.

Post Regularly

Regular blog updates keep your site on search engine results pages and boost the chance of people visiting. Sticking to a posting schedule is also an excellent way to practice discipline, as you’ll need to stay on top of deadlines once you find writing jobs.

4. Write on a Variety of Topics

One of the worst things you can do as a new copywriter is get stuck writing one type of content. Veterans of the industry that are well-known for their work can make a living this way, but versatility is your friend as a newbie. Writing topics you’re unfamiliar with isn’t a walk in the park. However, there are plenty of ways to seek fresh subjects and challenge yourself.

Check Your Calendar

Many companies update their content to align with upcoming holidays. Writing for the season is an excellent way to find prompts and create appealing content for your portfolio.

Take a Writing Class

Most writing classes require you to write an array of pieces, making them the perfect opportunity to hone your craft and build your portfolio. A copywriting course can also help you find writing jobs, as you’ll have the chance to network and study the content creation landscape.

5. Find Writing Jobs Via Content Creation Sites

Content creation companies such as BKA are great resources for freelance writers because they provide training, tips and flexibility. If you put in the work, meet deadlines and evolve with the online space, you’ll be off to a great start.

Learn the Lingo

Copywriting has its own jargon, and while most content creation companies teach new hires the basics, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with industry terms over time. Don’t be afraid to look up acronyms you don’t know or read articles about copywriting. The more you understand the industry, the easier it’ll be to find writing jobs.

Read the Requirements

Whether you’re writing content or applying for a position, you should always read the instructions. Make sure the project is a good fit before committing to it, or you may struggle halfway through. If you’re submitting sample pieces, read each sample carefully to ensure it meets all the criteria.

Are you interested in finding writing jobs that allow you to work from home? Consider writing for BKA Content. We’re always looking to bring talented writers into our content creation community, and we’re excited to show you what separates BKA from the competition.

The post How To Find Writing Jobs Online: 5 Things You Need To Know When Starting Out appeared first on BKA Content.

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How To Get Remote Freelance Writing Jobs as a New Content Creator Thu, 18 Aug 2022 23:23:00 +0000 The post How To Get Remote Freelance Writing Jobs as a New Content Creator appeared first on BKA Content.


How To Get Remote Freelance Writing Jobs as a New Content Creator

If you want a career with flexible hours and creative opportunities, then remote freelance writing jobs may be a good fit. Of course, finding your footing in the industry takes effort, especially if you’re new to professional writing. Fortunately, you’ve found the perfect guide for launching your new freelance career.

remote freelance writing jobs

Don’t Be Picky About Remote Freelance Writing Jobs

As a freelancer, you’ll come across many job opportunities, but many won’t be ideal. They may be dull or require extensive research. However, taking work as it becomes available is essential in this industry, especially if you’re a beginner.

Write Different Types of Articles

Writing as many types of content as possible is to your benefit, as it gives you a variety of pieces to showcase in your portfolio. Taking jobs as they come gives you the chance to stretch your creative muscles.

Work With a Range of Clients

You can do remote freelance writing jobs anywhere in the world, so you’re bound to work with a wide range of clients. Doing so builds your reputation and creates more job opportunities down the line.

Look at Several Job Boards

Job boards are incredible resources for freelancers, and many established writers have their favorites. However, you should look at several job boards, even if you find yourself taking more work from one. Keeping your options open ensures you don’t miss out on exciting opportunities.

Keep a Steady Stream of Work

All job boards experience slumps now and then. By checking various boards, you’ll have a better chance of taking on enough projects to pay the bills.

Find New Opportunities

Many job boards have a particular niche, which means you may see the same types of projects over and over. However, keeping an eye on several boards ensures you have versatility in your remote freelance writing jobs. Staying versatile is crucial for building your portfolio, and it keeps you from getting bored.

Find Your Preferred Niche

While casting a wide net is an excellent approach for new freelancers, you should search for your niche as you become established. Your place in the freelance writing community will naturally develop as you find your strengths and interests.

Work With a Content Creation Company

Content creation companies such as BKA Content are excellent resources for beginning freelancers. These businesses handle the client-side work so you can focus on writing. That way, you’re free to explore different projects and learn what you like.

Pursue Your Passion

You should have an interest in your niche, or you’ll soon grow tired of it. Don’t be afraid to take on remote freelance writing jobs that spark your imagination, as they may lead you to your true passion.

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

Use Social Media To Generate Leads

Social media platforms are great places to generate leads since they reach such a broad audience. Of course, you need a plan to get the most out of your efforts.

If you have a blog, share new posts on your social media accounts to drum up interest. You can also join writing and freelance groups to learn tips and expand your network.

Network To Build Connections

Networking is essential in any field, even if you work remotely. While you don’t have the built-in network of an office, you do have other ways to make connections, such as:

  • Going to conventions
  • Joining associations and guilds
  • Following peers on social media

A strong network provides more freelance writing jobs since creators in the space will think of you when they need a piece written.

Get Your Workspace Ready

While looking for remote freelance writing jobs, you have to be prepared to quickly take on work that comes your way. If you can’t work efficiently in an organized space, you might lose additional opportunities with that client.

With remote work, you won’t have a dedicated office to visit every day. While this is one of the perks of freelancing, it also poses a problem: How do you find a productive workspace? Depending on where you live, you can either set up a home office or use coworking spaces.

Create a Home Office

If you have space, you can set up a workspace in your home. To start, find a quiet area without distractions. Next, get a desk where you can store your writing supplies and comfortably sit while working. If you can, write near a window, as natural light boosts productivity.

Use a Coworking Hub

When working at home isn’t an option, you can visit a coworking hub. These pseudo-office spaces offer everything you need for remote freelance writing jobs, including the following:

  • Wi-Fi
  • Office equipment
  • Meeting rooms

If you only need access every once in a while, you can pay for a day; if you need a more permanent arrangement, you can get a monthly membership.

BKA Content Has Remote Freelance Writing Jobs

BKA is an excellent resource for finding freelance work. When you write for BKA Content, you join a community of elite freelancers eager to showcase their skills and hone their craft.

What are your best tips for finding remote freelance writing jobs? Let us know below!

The post How To Get Remote Freelance Writing Jobs as a New Content Creator appeared first on BKA Content.

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