content writing tips

How To Write Great Blog Content Fast

by | Sep 3, 2022 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

Your company, no matter the size, should have a blog on your website.

Not just create a space for blog posts, but have a consistent posting schedule with fresh, engaging content at least twice a month.

Why? A blog allows you to connect and engage with your customers. When you provide information that is relevant and useful to consumers, it establishes you as a trustworthy source. And data shows that consistent blogs create compounding results over time in both lead generation and traffic.

hubspot lead generation case study

However, effective blog content writing is a skill that takes time to learn.

You do not necessarily have to write your own blog content. It is often preferable to hire a blog service to create the content for you. However, this is not always possible. Maybe you are just starting out and cannot yet afford to hire outside agencies to help you with some aspects of running your business. If you need to write your own web content but aren’t sure how to start, the following guide may help you.


How Do You Get Started With Blog Content Writing?

If you’re going to create quality content, which is the goal, there’s actually a lot you need to do before you start writing. That’s the bad news. The good news is, once you get the preliminaries out of the way and get something down on the digital equivalent of paper, the writing tends to get easier. In other words, getting started is often the hardest part, at least in our experience. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of those first steps you need to accomplish before you get down to the actual business of writing.


Decide on a Posting Schedule

Generally speaking, the more frequently you can post on your blog, the better. If there were no other considerations, a new blog post every one or two days would drive the most traffic to your website and probably generate more leads.

Blog content writing schedule

The problem is that quality blog content writing takes time, and you are busy from day to day with other aspects of running your business. While a new blog post every day is an investment that could pay dividends, it may be more than you can afford.

There is some evidence to suggest that it helps just as much, if not more, to post regularly than to post in greater volumes. Therefore, you should come up with a sustainable posting schedule that has you publishing new content on a consistent basis. This is more beneficial than posting sporadically and helps keep you from burning out. If the most you can manage is one blog post a week, then that is the standard that you should set for yourself. A consistent posting schedule may be more likely to garner a consistent readership.


Identify Your Audience

Before you do any blog content writing, you should know the audience that you are trying to reach. Your task is to provide information that is relevant and helpful to your audience. If you don’t know who you are writing for, then content creation turns into a game of roulette. Once in a while, you might hit what you want, but most of the time you’re going to miss the mark.

Instead of roulette, your blog writing strategy should be more similar to a game of horseshoes. You should have a very specific target in mind. If you don’t hit it exactly, you can at least get into the vicinity, and that can be beneficial as well.

Blog content writing tips

Maybe you already have a very clear idea of the audience you want to reach. If not, you may need to do some investigating to gather helpful data about potential customers, including:

  • Where they live
  • How old they are
  • Whether they are married
  • If they have kids
  • Whether they own or rent a home
  • What their transportation is

These are some examples of information that might be helpful to you in identifying your audience. The exact demographics you should target depend on the goods and services you provide.


Choose Your Topic

There are a couple of important aspects when it comes to choosing what to write about. The topic of your blog content writing should be relevant to your audience, which is why you should identify those you are writing for before choosing the topic. There should also be a relationship between your topic and what your business does. It should be something that you can speak about with confidence.

Perhaps most important, you should write about a topic that is of interest to you. If you are not interested in your topic, chances are that your audience won’t engage with it either. Also, it’s more difficult to write about something that you don’t care about.


Do Your Research

Part of the purpose of your blog is to establish you as an authority in your particular field. Therefore, you should do enough research before writing so that you are able to speak confidently and accurately about your chosen topic. The amount of research that you have to do may depend on how much knowledge you already have about the topic. However, even if you are writing about something you are an expert in, you may still need to do a little light research to get the most up-to-date statistics or to confirm a salient fact.

Research for blog content writing

If you do publish an inaccuracy in a blog post once in a while, it might not be the end of the world. You’re only human, after all, and if you are otherwise competent at what you do, an occasional error may also help your reputation with your audience because it makes you seem more relatable.

However, if you consistently publish content with glaring inaccuracies or omissions, it can start to erode your audience’s confidence in you. People may start thinking that you are lazy, untrustworthy, or incompetent. In addition to pointing out your errors to you, they are likely to stop patronizing your business and may even give negative reviews about you.


What Does It Take To Create Quality Blog Content Writing Fast?

Okay, so you’ve taken care of the preliminaries and now you are ready to write. But you don’t want to write just any content; you want to create good, effective content that your audience will engage with and hopefully share with family and friends. The fastest way to do this is to use these tips to get straight to the point when writing content.

Here are some ideas for creating effective, engaging content for your blog.


Create a Strong Headline

Many people decide whether to read an article within a few seconds of looking at it. A headline that grabs their attention often encourages them to click through and see what you have to say. Neil Patel has collected a few examples of effective headlines and explains why they work so well:

attention-grabbing blog content

The same principle holds true for introductions. Once you grab attention with your headline, you should hold it with a snappy intro that draws readers in and makes them want to find out more.


Make Your Writing Easy To Read

Unless you are writing to an audience with advanced technical knowledge, you should try to make your writing accessible to as many readers as possible. A reading grade level between six and 10 on the Flesch-Kincaid readability scale is considered accessible to most readers.

Your blog post can be long or short, depending on what you think will be most effective. Even if you end up writing a long article, however, try to keep your paragraphs relatively short. Break up the text with headers and use numbered lists or bullet points to summarize key points. Try to streamline your text and eliminate unnecessary fluff.


Create Actionable Content

Sometimes people perform web searches merely to find out general information. More often, however, they have a problem and are looking for a solution. Your content should offer your readers a fix, preferably one that involves buying your product or hiring your service. You should empower your audience by showing them how to apply what you have to offer rather than by telling them what to do.

Create actionable blog writing content


Tell a Story

You may have had a language arts teacher in school who told you, “Show, don’t tell.” It’s good advice for writing in general, and it also has applications for blog content writing. In a marketing context, storytelling can accomplish several objectives:

  • Create a picture in your audience’s mind
  • Evoke your audience’s emotions
  • Help your audience imagine themselves in the situation
  • Encourage the desired outcome

From parables in the Bible to popular folk stories in many different cultures, people around the world have been telling stories for centuries to convey valuable information. This attests to how effective storytelling can be.

However, as with most rhetorical tools, there is a right way and a wrong way to use storytelling. Your story should be brief and relate directly to the main point you are trying to make in your blog post without a lot of meandering or unnecessary details.


Take Advantage of Multimedia

Content that includes videos or images in addition to text is more likely to rank high in search results. Search engine algorithms recognize multimedia as adding extra value. When you include multimedia, you are also helping different segments of your audience understand your message better. Not everyone retains what they read; some are auditory or visual learners. Adding multimedia allows your audience to receive your message in the way that is most effective for them.

use multimedia in blog content writing

You can either create your own multimedia or obtain it legally from other sources, e.g., purchasing a stock image. Don’t steal other people’s copyrighted material, and don’t include multimedia merely so you can rank better in search results. Any videos or photos that you include in your post should relate directly to the content and amplify your message. Unrelated multimedia will only confuse or distract your audience.


Vary the Type of Content

Your blog content writing should always be relevant to your company and useful to your audience. However, that does not mean that you have to keep posting the same type of content over and over. If you do, you may find that your audience gets bored with the content quickly. Keep their attention by varying the type of content you produce. Examples of types of content that tend to rank well and engage readers include the following:

  • Infographics
  • Trend predictions
  • Interviews
  • Listicles
  • Case studies
  • Tutorials

Not all of these different content types may work for you and your company, but a few of them probably will, and you can rotate among these. When you create your posting schedule, you can decide on the type of content that you are going to create for each new post. In addition to keeping your audience interested, you may find that varying the type of content keeps you more engaged with your writing as well.


Budget Time for Revisions

When I was in school, I had a bad habit of leaving writing assignments until the last minute and then turning in the first draft. I continued doing that throughout most of my college experience until I took an education class that showed me how much a piece of writing, or any creative work, can be improved through revision. From that time on, I’ve always tried to budget time between the point that I finish my writing and the deadline by which I must turn it in so I can make revisions.

Revising your content

When you are setting your posting schedule, plan for some time between writing and publishing to look over your draft a few more times and make some revisions. You may surprise yourself with how much better your writing can become. However, don’t become so occupied with the revision that you miss the deadline you have set for yourself. Strive for perfection, but be realistic that you might not reach it in time to keep to your schedule.


Can a Blog Service Provide Better Balance?

If all this makes it sound like blog content writing is a lot of work, it is. As with most other skills, it gets easier the more you practice it, but the multiple steps involved, including research, writing, and revision, always take time, sometimes more than you anticipate. Admittedly there are shortcuts you can take, but these result in substandard content that doesn’t rank well or connect with your audience.

Fortunately, you do not have to choose between quality content and time spent running your business. When you outsource blog content writing to a reputable service such as BKA, you can have both. Check out our blog writing services to see how we can help you.

Mary Dodson

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