Why Blog? 3 Reasons Why Businesses Should Blog

by | Apr 8, 2023 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

For nearly two decades, “Content is King” has been the reigning mantra for SEO agencies, but there are still companies that choose to ignore this crucial piece of insight from Bill Gates. With so many websites featuring second-rate or plagiarized copy, it is easy to understand why some businesses might choose to avoid content altogether. However, the old adage still stands as long as you stay focused on high-quality content for your site.


So, Why Blog?

why blog

Imagine that you are looking for a reputable plumber in your area, and you find four potential sites for information. Three of the sites have the same boring details regarding local services and pricing. The fourth site provides an in-depth description of each service in addition to informative blog posts and testimonials. As a consumer, which plumber would you be more likely to hire, or at least call for an estimate?

In a world where we can’t always see who we are buying from face-to-face, there is only so much a company can do to build trust among potential customers. When you buy things online, what do you do to feel more confident in a company or product/service they offer? You look for more information. The more you can learn about a company, the more you can judge for yourself whether or not you trust them. Testimonials, pictures and, of course, content are important parts of gaining this knowledge.


3 Reasons Why Businesses Should Blog

One of the biggest arguments concerning why companies struggle with content is because they do not believe it is worth the creative effort or expense. To dispel this theory, we have identified three of the most common excuses used by business owners to sidestep the need for content marketing.

But with each excuse comes an answer. So, why blog? We promise you that blogging, if done effectively, can and will be worth it.


1st Excuse: This Doesn’t Benefit My Business

why businesses should blog

The first defense launched by some companies is that blogging and local content do not benefit them.  Yet a recent study by the Content Marketing Institute reveals that 77 percent of B2C marketers in North America plan to invest more resources in content creation in the next year.

If there are no obvious advantages associated with this strategy, why would so many people jump on the blogging bandwagon? To be honest, there are many obvious advantages. One of them is the large impact of SEO.

Google ranks content (and websites) based on algorithms. These algorithms search the internet for content that is considered high-quality. This means that the content is well-written, applicable to specific searches and user-friendly.

When you have more content that includes keywords, pictures and engages the audience, you have a better chance of being ranked higher. And when you use SEO practices, your rankings increase. So the more content you have that uses these SEO practices, the higher ranked your website can become.


Why Spend So Much Time Optimizing Your Website?

You may be thinking that working on your website is only one small part of your business, why blog when you can focus on something like sales or marketing? In a way, creating a website full of optimized, informative content can affect many parts of your business.

What’s the point of using SEO and getting ranked on Google’s first page for relevant searches? The answer is simple – you want people to find your services or products. Conversational content does drive traffic to your site and attract new customers. The key is to make the information valuable to your audience.

What we mean by valuable is content that people want to take in. If you tend to focus on trending or decaying topics, visitors will eventually decrease as the subject loses appeal. To support this evidence, HubSpot published a report that shows how posts generate traffic over time. The results demonstrate that compounding posts with evergreen topics increase blog visits by 38 percent.  Each visit helps to establish your authority, especially if you develop effective titles that will remain popular in the search engines.

Words in Blog Titles

Are you still sure that blogging can’t benefit your business? In whatever industry you are based in, we promise there is a lot of potential for useful, engaging content that attracts readers and persuades viewers to buy your services. Using keywords, SEO practices and writing in an engaging way goes a long way.


2nd Excuse: I Don’t Have the Resources to Invest in Relevant Content

blogging with limited resources

We won’t deny that investing in quality content from a copywriting agency or freelance writer can be pricey. But believe it or not, you will be saving money and effort on marketing by using SEO content writing services.

Neil Patel explains eight reasons why small businesses should use content marketing. Some of his reasons include getting a better return on your advertising investments, creating marketing tactics that are personal and engaging and building up authority in the industry. Content marketing is an innovative way to both advertise and solidify your brand, so the benefits are definitely worth the cost.

Of course, there are many ways to create content. In-house writers, freelance writers, and copywriting agencies are the main options. However, outsourced content writing can save you a significant amount of money and resources. Why blog yourself when there are services out there that can write quality, SEO-driven content for you? Depending on the service you choose, such as BKA Content, you can choose the type of content you need and how much of it is needed to be written.


Why Write More Content Than You Need?

Some businesses may think they need less content than what the average posting schedule requires (for most companies, you should post content on your website once or twice a week). For example, many clients have a page that lists the services offered by the company. While this may seem like a logical approach, it is actually better to expand your site with individual pages for each service.

This allows you to select a theme and incorporate relevant keywords on the page. Furthermore, you can highlight additional details regarding policies and pricing. Ultimately, your service pages will rank higher, and you won’t have to worry about budgeting for fresh content.

Whether you are being charged per page or per hour, budget is also an understandable factor when implementing a successful content marketing strategy. You must be prepared to pay for keyword-rich content that will speak to your target audience. If you are hesitant to commit to regular blogging, you can still optimize specific pages and draw more visitors to your site.


Additional Content Tips

Another affordable way to embrace content is to eliminate the traditional FAQ format found on older sites. The idea is similar to remodeling your service page to maximize search rankings and readability. When too many ideas appear on one page, the audience quickly loses interest and moves on to a different site. Instead, link the topics on your FAQ page to separate blog posts that thoroughly address the concerns of your audience.

A roofing company, for instance, could create an article discussing the signs of roof damage. The article would then be linked to the inquiry, “How do I know when my roof needs to be repaired?” By utilizing this basic template, you can draw attention to the specific needs of your audience.  Readers are more inclined to make a purchase from your site if they can get all the facts beforehand. Again, this type of expansion relies on quality content but does not require constant blogging.


3rd Excuse: People Will Think My Content Is Boring

blog in an engaging way

The final argument used by many companies is that they do not have anything worth writing about, but a study conducted by PwC shows that 88 percent of online shoppers in the US research a product before buying it. Your job is to anticipate the needs of your target audience and give them all the facts. People want to know exactly what they are paying for when they invest in a product or service.

But providing information about the services is only one way to attract visitors to your site. Here’s where you need to consider the type of content that you are putting on the page. Why blog in the exact same way every time? There are many ways you can change things up to make your content interesting. For those who are willing to take a different approach to content marketing, here are three ways to encourage profitable customer interaction through blogging and community affairs.


Local content

Local content is typically defined as news, video or blog posts that revolve around community events and issues. It is no secret that small businesses play an integral role in the economy, but how do you build these connections and make them work in your favor? One way to accomplish this goal is to host neighborhood events. If you can’t afford to host an activity of your own, you can help promote an annual fundraiser or other local festivities. This shows customers that you are willing to connect with people on a more personal level.

Local content can also be a great vehicle for geographically based blogging, such as neighborhood guides and related industries. The easiest way to demonstrate this technique is with a basic website for a local hotel. When visitors stay at the hotel, it is reasonable to assume that they will need food and entertainment. Blogging about local activities and restaurants gives you an endless variety of topics to choose from, and you can include information about surrounding cities as well. If you’re company eventually expands, you can develop content for new locations too.


User-Generated Content

Another way to reinforce the use of quality copy on your site is to take advantage of user-generated content. This includes reviews, testimonials and feedback that comes directly from consumers. In 2014, BrightLocal published a study that analyzed the effects of consumer reviews on purchase decisions. The numbers showed that 88 percent of people turn to online reviews as a reliable source of information, while 72 percent feel more confident about choosing a business after reading a positive review. Provide multiple opportunities for your clients to leave feedback that will add to your credibility. You can even ask happy customers to write a testimonial or participate in a future case study.

blogging stats

Numbered Lists

If you are looking for a format that will make blogging a breeze, try creating more posts that function as numbered lists. In fact, a survey from Conductor found that 36 percent of all people prefer to read content that has a number in the title. The reasoning behind this relates to the human desire for structure and numbered lists satisfy that need by telling the reader how much time to allow for viewing. Just remember to stick to one theme and use strategically placed keywords to increase the value of the content.

These three options can help you develop more creative content, no matter the industry. Outsourcing is one of the benefits of hard-to-write topics. New eyes and fresh perspectives can develop interesting content in an original way. But no matter what, the case is closed. You can make content interesting with the right resources and quality writing.


The Answer To “Why Blog?”

Although many businesses are now leaning toward custom content, the concept has been gaining steam for years. As people continue to notice the advantages of blogging, more companies are expected to welcome this transformation as a means of development and growth. In the end, even a simple approach to keywords and local content can make a noticeable impact on your site.

So why blog? Because if done carefully and consistently, statistics show that it will help your business. The marketing aspect of blogging as well the engagement of readers and the opportunity to build up your brand should not be overlooked. Now make a plan and start blogging, you won’t regret it!

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