Everything You Need To Know About Hiring a Website Content Writer

by | Apr 13, 2023 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

Your website is your business’s virtual storefront.

That means your website must be designed to provide an optimal user experience, which entails easy navigation, a streamlined layout and peak functionality at all times.

But even if your website looks impressive and functions well, it won’t do you any good without quality content. Spelling errors and dull sentences won’t get you customers, but strategic, informative writing will.

A website content writer can help you out. Not sure what that entails or how to get started? Here’s the guide you’ve been looking for.


What Exactly Is a Website Content Writer?

website content writer

A website content writer is a professional writer who primarily writes for online marketing campaigns. When you think of writing for a website, you may initially think of home page content, service page content and product descriptions. However, a content writer for your website can be much more versatile than that. Blogs, white papers, guest posts, SEO articles, e-books and press releases (and more!) are just some of the popular types of content that web content writers for hire produce. We’ll go more into detail on this later.

Typically, companies hire website content writers as independent contractors either directly or through a web content writing service. While there may be some instances where hiring a writer in-house may make sense, it’s typically much more expensive when you consider the additional overhead of equipment, office space, salary and employment taxes and benefits.

When using website content writing services or hiring a freelance web content writer directly, you only pay for the content you need and nothing more. This makes outsourcing content a great option for small businesses and large corporations alike.


Why Should I Hire a Content Writer For My Website When I Can Write Content Myself?

While some business owners choose to create their own web content in-house, going it alone deprives you of many great benefits. It puts you at a disadvantage against competitors, who may be working with professional website content writers to develop pages for their sites.

Additionally, you may think you’re saving money on content creation this way, but you could be losing much more in sales by forgoing professional assistance. Plus, you’re capped in your ability to scale content creation to really go after competitive keywords and phrases in your industry.

Consider this statistic: It’s estimated that 1.8 billion people shopped for goods online in 2018. Additionally, it is projected that US online retailers will earn $4.8 trillion by 2021. Businesses that take the proper steps when hiring a content writer have the best chance of improving their website, its impact on visitors and their sales figures.

An estimated 👀1.8 BILLION👀 people shopped online in 2018, and it's projected that US online retailers will earn $4.8 TRILLION 💰💰💰 by 2021. It's absolutely crucial to have an online offering in 2020. #ecommerce #marketing Click To Tweet


How Do I Know I’m Hiring the Right Content Writer for My Website?

choosing a website content writer

Now that you understand the importance of hiring a quality website content writer, the next step is to begin your search for the perfect candidate. Because high-quality content is so important, you’ll need to take some time filtering through freelancers and agencies. There are many factors that should be considered during the selection process, which entails a review of your business’s content creation needs, as well as prospective content writers’ qualifications.

For your search to be most effective, you want to enter the process with as much information as possible. Asking yourself the following three questions can help you develop your desired content writing strategy:


What Are My Goals for Content Creation?

Maybe you’re designing a new website and must create a number of pages in a hurry to get up and running. Or perhaps you’re adding a blog to an existing website and are in search of frequent posts on a weekly or monthly basis to keep readers engaged.

In either case, easily identifying your marketing goals allows you to communicate them to writing applicants effectively. Write down two or three goals and be ready to discuss them in detail with candidates.

Be sure to include some of your expectations and requirements in the job description. Keep in mind that there are different kinds of freelancers and writing services out there. If you want a series of health blogs, look for health writers. If you want some technical writing done, you’ll want to mention this in the description so you can find freelancers that are qualified in writing these difficult pieces of content.

Additionally, when looking at content writing services, you may want to ask if there are any teams that specialize in the type of writing you’re looking for. If not, most website content writers can produce great content with a little bit of research.


What’s My Budget for the Website Content Project?

Having a solid figure in mind for your budget is a must before you create any contracts or agreements with web content writers. It’s also a good idea to think about how you’ll remit payment to the freelancer you ultimately choose.

Are you going to provide an advance and pay the remainder upon completion of the project, or only pay the full amount when the project is finished and submitted? Including this information in the contract ensures everyone is on the same page and prevents disputes or confusion from occurring down the line.

When working with writing services, discuss payment methods. Certain types of content will cost more than others, depending on what level of research and professional writing you are looking for. You may need to work with the managers to determine which content and prices best fit your needs.


What Keywords Should I Use in My Content?

While you are ultimately relying on the website content writer’s skill and expertise, you are the authority on your business and industry. As a result, you’ll probably need to make keyword decisions to point the writer in the right direction.

Keywords are terms and phrases web users type in when performing searches. Relevant keywords for business often include a description of services (like plumbing or HVAC), products (TVs or laptops) and localities (typically a city or region).


Ask for the Website Content Writer’s Portfolio

In this case, requesting a portfolio or writing samples is highly encouraged. Applicants to the position should be ready and willing to present writing samples from previous assignments. These writing professionals may even be able to provide links to blog posts or articles they’ve written, which proves they’ve worked professionally on projects before.

Seeing a portfolio is extremely important if you’re hiring a legal blog writer or real estate content writer, both of which require a higher level of knowledge. You want to be assured that the person has a command over knowledge or terminology relating to that industry or profession before proceeding. While writers can research any topic, hiring a professional web writer with the appropriate knowledge base removes a lot of the guesswork.


Red Flags To Avoid During Your Search for a Professional Content Writer

how to hire a content writer

Along with knowing what to look for, it also helps to know what to avoid when in search of a web content writer to join your writing ranks. The more due diligence you perform, the more certain you’ll be of your final decision. Performing the necessary research and knowing what to look for also spares you lost time and money because you’ll need to hire another website writer if the first choice doesn’t work out.

A writer being unable to supply a quality portfolio or applicable writing samples is just one red flag of many you should be on the lookout for when searching for a skilled candidate. Here are four more signs that your search for a website content writer should continue beyond the most recent applicant:


1. Their Communication Is Poor

Is the writer late in replying to your messages, even when a time-sensitive matter is being discussed? When they do respond, do their replies not make sense or fail to address the issue? Are you left to fill in the blanks when it comes to questions and requests? If you’re experiencing these problems at the outset, just imagine how confusing the actual project will be.


2. They Don’t Ask the Right Questions

Even seemingly straightforward projects often require clarification, and complex projects typically entail a lot of back and forth between client and writer. When a web content writer fails to ask the right questions at the start of the project, it’s likely that the client will not be satisfied upon its completion. A good writer will be engaged with the work and will be eager to learn all he or she can before proceeding.


3. They Claim To Specialize in Many Different Areas

While it’s true that content writers acquire many different skills throughout their careers, most excel in an area or two. There are many different types of content writing (see below), and hiring an actual specialist will ultimately be in your business’s best interests. When writers claim to be specialists in all areas, it’s worth asking for different writing samples from each area of specialty to verify their skills.


4. They Don’t Listen To Your Opinion

You want the writer you choose to have plenty of ideas regarding content creation, which will help refine your marketing strategy. However, you also want to rest assured that your opinions are heard and respected. A good writer will be able to take your ideas and incorporate them into your content in a way that pleases everyone, particularly your target audience.


What Else Should I Keep in Mind When Looking for a Website Content Writer?

Website Content Writer For Hire

Every business’s selection process will have some differences and variations when seeking a writer’s assistance. While the above information can keep you on the right track when making a decision, keep in mind that your need for a web content writer may vary wildly from that of your competitors. Accordingly, there are many other factors that must be considered to ensure you make the best possible decision for your website’s needs.


Know The Different Types of Content Writers

You’ve probably heard of copywriters before. This is a general term that refers to a writer who produces marketing content for businesses. Copywriting includes many different types of online writing, including the following:


Webpage Writer

Your website’s pages provide essential information to visitors, from an explanation of your goods and services to information about your business location and hours of operation. A webpage writer will present practical information in a way that’s easy to read and to comprehend.


Social Media Writer

While your website is the primary face of your business online, your social media pages are equally important. Proper social media usage improves brand recognition and helps you click with customers old and new. Social media messages are more conversational and casual than other types of content, so your social media writer must be able to strike the right tone.


Blog Writer

Along with the static webpages explained above, blog posts also add a lot of value to the user experience. A good blog writer will combine information regarding your business with trending issues and statistics to enlighten visitors. A blog writer will also be able to come up with new, exciting topics. Making frequent blog posts is a good method of keeping your business on the mind of consumers, especially when you share posts on various social media platforms.


Technical Writer

When discussing products with consumers, technical writers take complex subjects and topics and render them comprehensible to a layperson. This is beneficial when creating guides and instruction manuals to be posted on your website, which are beneficial to consumers who are still in the decision-making phases, as well as those who’ve made a purchase and are in search of supplemental info.


Ad Writer

Unlike the others, ad writers must pack quality content into a relatively small character limit. Ad writers are beneficial when developing a pay-per-click advertising campaign, which entails creating focused ads positioned to be seen by your target audience. PPC ads must contain the right keywords to be the most effective for a business.


Ensure a Smooth Working Relationship With a Website Content Writer

working with website content writers

Once you’ve finally found a writer to work with, how can you make sure that the working relationship between you and your writer remains constructive? Clearly defining project goals and directives is crucial to receive quality writing in return.


Clear Guidelines

Along with sending an article topic (which should be clear and concise), also provide a word count minimum/maximum, desired keywords, any links to be included, resources you consider helpful, and a content or style guide (if available).


Target Audience Details

You can also provide a buyer persona to the web writer for further guidance. A buyer persona serves as an outline of specific segments of your target audience, which can include information on age, gender, location, income, occupation, hobbies, interests, and other pertinent demographic information.


Revisions and Feedback

Also, don’t be afraid to return drafts to writers if you’re not completely satisfied with what you received. It may take one or more revisions to get where you want to be, especially if you’re working with a writer for the very first time.

Most website writers are accustomed to tweaking drafts multiple times, and it’s important that the final product meets, and possibly even exceeds, your expectations. An article or post should be sent back for the following reasons: It’s poorly written, it doesn’t follow the guidelines you provided, or it requires substantial editing on your part.



content writer for website

Finally, to ensure the best possible results, you must take full responsibility for the ultimate success (or failure) of the project. Being proactive throughout the content creation process, communicating freely with the writer you’ve hired, and having an open mind when it comes to suggestions and recommendations greatly increases the odds that you’ll be highly satisfied with the end result. Remember, great online writing pleases visitors to your website, but it can also boost your profits by increasing sales conversions.


Conclusion: Hiring a Website Content Writer Is Worth It

As explained throughout this guide, there are a number of factors that go into hiring the best content writer for your website. You want to feel comfortable with the writer you choose, both on a personal and professional level. Additionally, you want to feel that your marketing dollars are being allocated correctly and that you’re receiving the greatest return on investment.

The decision to hire a website content writer is vital for other reasons. A high-quality writer can improve your website’s ranking in search results, provide essential information to web browsers, and compel any visitors to your site to take the desired action (whether that’s setting up a consultation, signing up for an email newsletter, or committing to the purchase of a product or service). Conversely, hiring the wrong writer will result in a loss of precious time and money, which can harm both your business and your website.


Hire a Professional Website Content Writer Today!

Here at BKA Content, we know how important it is to have quality content on your website. Our large team of writers can craft professional and engaging content in whatever form or amount you need. Give us a shot and let us help you make a website you’re proud of. 

Jon Bingham
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