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Catering to the Consumer Through Keyword Research

Keyword Research

Catering to the Consumer Through Keyword Research

by | Dec 1, 2017 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

by | Dec 1, 2017 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

With online presence as a hefty factor in a company’s success in the world today, search engines have become the lifeboat of exposure for businesses. In order to keep afloat, one must grant easy access and possess significance to the modern audience. Executing proven keyword research methods through a content marketing plan is the surest way to secure passage for your customers through the ever-turbulent waters of the web.

Concocting a Keyword

You may be asking yourself why keywords are so important. If you provide a service, shouldn’t users be navigating the proper channels to your site? With an average of over 6 billion searches made each day, the chances of appearing on the top page of search engine results are more than slim without making use of effective keyword research strategies. When crafting a keyword, there are important things to consider:

1. What Are Your Goals?

Every business needs a well-thought-out plan to increase revenue or attract more long-term consumers. Use these goals as a rubric to shape the type of online content you put out. Then, simply find the language to incorporate those goals into keywords that will take the proper steps toward achieving them.

2. Who Is Your Audience?

Determining your audience is crucial in gaining traffic to your site. You don’t want to be shouting information into the void. Rather, you want to be directing your information to a specific demographic. This means getting inside the mind of your target consumers. What lingo do they use? What questions are they prone to asking? What kind of information do they prioritize?

Stay away from generic keywords. Strive for the language of the consumer by inhabiting a niche and employing the words common to that niche. It narrows the search to the kind of audience that is looking for exactly what you are advertising.

3. What Information Can You Provide?

Your keyword should be informative. Vague keywords will get lost amid the large number of competing keywords. By providing a straightforward and informative keyword, you’ll have a better chance at ranking higher and traffic to your site will increase.

4. Are You Being Relevant?

Keywords must be relevant not only to an audience but to the content that you are producing. Say you hook the right audience with a keyword and reel them in. How likely are they to stay if the subsequent information is not relevant? How likely are they to return? Make sure the keyword and the content match up.

5. Consider the Questions Audiences Ask

Questions are among the most common types of searches. It’s important to anticipate the kinds of questions your target audience may ask, and cater keywords and keyword phrases to those questions. If a reader asks, “How does Jane Eyre end?” flagging a summary of chapter 3 is only going to upset him or her and send that person looking elsewhere for answers.  

Creating a Content Marketing Plan

Keywords are incomplete without content. In order to gain more traffic to your site or business, a content marketing plan is crucial. There are big factors to keep in mind while drawing up the blueprints.

1. Publicize

In order to get more brand recognition, you must advertise on the appropriate platforms. Social media is the headliner for publicizing webpages and businesses. By tailoring your content to mobile-friendly and social media-enabled spaces, traffic to your website is bound to increase.  

2. Get Literate in Target Demographics

Your audience is a big part of the plan. Getting to know consumers’ interests, ages, geographic locations, and other information is helpful in planning the kind of content that will cater to them and determining the keywords that will draw attention to your brand.

3. Produce Quality Content

Produce content that connects with your keywords. Content marketing is about building a clientele. Providing content specific to that clientele is crucial in managing it. Long-form content exceeding 1000 words is more often shared and linked than shorter forms of content. Be sure your content provides value and is not just full of fluff to make it longer. Taking as much care with content as you do with keywords will help you get visitors who keep coming back.

Content Marketing Makes a Difference

A marketing plan is no good if you don’t put it into action. There are several content marketing methods that can get you closer to your target demographic.

1. Go Beyond Droning, Jargon-Jumbled Information

When text is too hard to follow, an audience sees it as a waste of time. Jargon-heavy content is intimidating and uninformative. Simplicity is a key element for keeping an audience’s attention and garnering their trust.

2. Provide Valuable Information to the Reader

Go beyond parroting information. Audiences appreciate originality. Your content should be unique and offer a new lens through which to view the material. Originality begets curiosity, and value builds loyal consumers.

3. Have a Conversation

A lot of information-based content can separate an author from its reader. Rather than simply getting information out, approach content writing as a conversation. Engage the audience with examples, stories, and tips from your own experiences. Encourage your viewers to join the conversation. Human interaction is filled with persuasion, information, and education. When content incorporates these elements, it means more to the consumer.

Integrating the Best Content Marketing Strategies

Often, the best content marketing strategies consider the visual draw to content that will increase web traffic. The internet is an interactive space in a fast-paced, technologically expanding generation. Create a space users will want to return to and tell their friends about.

1. Hook and Headlines

Creative headlines intrigue the audience and aid in getting visitors to the site. Coupling creative headlines with a good hook in the introductory sentence is a great recipe for continued reading and multiple visits.

2. Visual Appeal

Despite old sayings advising us otherwise, we really do have a habit of judging books by their covers. Visual appearance and aesthetic appeal are huge contributing draws to content. Even using a single image within content increases clicks and search engine rankings. Illustrating your content with good graphics can make all the difference.

3. Update Old Content

Because of the speed of the internet, information changes quickly. Recycling old blog posts and content is an effective strategy to hone. In fact, updating and republishing old content with new images and information can increase traffic by 111%.

Listen to Your Audience

Knowing your audience is the key to implementing effective keywords and content marketing methods. Starting with the needs of the consumer helps you create the kind of content that can brave the biggest of waves. By following these guidelines and taking advantage of various keyword research tools, your content has a much better chance of glowing happily from the first page results of any search engine.

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