Caleb Shepherd, Author at BKA Content Content Writing Services Thu, 27 Jul 2023 18:15:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Calls to Action in Writing: A Comprehensive Guide Sat, 13 May 2023 20:02:10 +0000 The post Calls to Action in Writing: A Comprehensive Guide appeared first on BKA Content.

marketing content writer and call to action

Calls to Action in Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

It’s foolish to deny the power of a call to action in writing, especially when it comes to online content. While anyone can craft a decent CTA, understanding the research and psychology behind web user behavior can drive even more conversions, sales and traffic. Here is a comprehensive guide on how to create a call to action in writing that snags readers and gets results


What Is a Call to Action in Writing?

Commonly called a CTA, a call to action in writing is what convinces readers to make a decision (such as making a purchase, filling out a form, etc). You may have great content on your website, but how do you help readers go the final step? This is through a phrase or word that encourages readers to take immediate action.

how to use a call to action

Learning how to write a call to action can be a little intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Whether a CTA takes the form of a button, text box, contact form or simply a link, it directs the reader to take the desired next step and further engage with your brand. Action words and strong phrases make some of the best CTAs.

So how do you write a call to action and what are some examples of calls to action that work? Keep on reading.


How To Write a Call to Action That Is Focused

Gone are the days of the one-size-fits-all CTA. With sophisticated audience segmentation, a brand may have several different buyer personas and desire different actions for each group. Before publishing content, clarify the goals of your call to action. For example, should your CTA:

  • Encourage people to buy a product?
  • Encourage people to share your content?
  • Drive signups to your email list?
  • Expand event registration?
  • Drive phone calls?

These are just a few examples of the endless ways your brand can use a call to action in writing to its advantage. Be creative, but be sure to have the end game in mind before you start writing or provide a brief to your copywriting services agency. When you finish, review the language as well as the design and colors to evaluate whether they reflect the campaign goals and the best practices for efficacy described below.


Examples of Calls to Action in Writing

call to action in writing

Learning how to write a call to action starts with knowing what options are available. These are some of the most common types of call to actions in writing to implement within your company’s content:


Event Awareness CTAs

These inform the potential audience about an impending online or in-person event. This CTA is designed to bolster ticket sales, encourage event signups and build a mailing list for event updates.

Add to Cart CTAs

These guide the reader into the purchasing funnel. With this type, a click should take the user directly to the full shopping cart ready for a sale.

Lead CTAs

Encourage further engagement with your brand. Common examples include free trial offers, no-obligation quotes and product demonstrations. Neil Patel reports that offering a free trial when a new visitor comes to your site can increase conversions by 328% over CTAs that ask users to buy something on their initial visit.

Continue CTAs

Often appear on blog posts and long-form content. After a teaser, the audience can click through to read the rest of an interesting item. The image below is a good example from Michael’s; readers who are inspired by the image can click through for a free pattern to make the jewelry pictured.

types of calls to action

Form Submission CTAs

Allow readers to submit their personal information in response to an offer. Learning how to write a call to action like this lets you guide casual visitors into the lead portion of your sales funnel.

Social Share CTAs

Perform well because they are low-ask and user-friendly. Readers can quickly share valuable content with their friends and followers, increasing their engagement with your brand while building your visibility and authority.

.@NeilPatel reports that offering a free trial when a new visitor comes to your site can increase conversions by 328% 🤯 over CTAs that ask users to buy something on their initial visit. #ContentMarketing #Marketing #CTA #CallToAction
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Text Elements of an Effective Call To Action

Search engine optimization firm CrazyEgg identified three key aspects of a click-worthy CTA. They recommend including:

  • Usability – Tell the reader exactly what you want them to do in the simplest terms possible. For example, if you want readers to sign up for your email newsletter, use language like “Subscribe” or “Connect With Us.” Consider this the modern version of the “Mail Your Card” plea from print magazines.
  • Immediacy – Don’t give the reader a chance to forget about your offer. Create a sense of urgency with words such as “now” and “today.” This sample from Ann Taylor encourages shoppers to visit the site right away by using language like “Ends Tomorrow!” and “Shop Now.”

call to action examples

  • A statement of obligation – For the email newsletter example, make sure to clarify that the content is free and customer data remains secure. Users are more likely to click on your CTA when you limit their perceived risk. Ask your marketing content writer to stress phrases like “Free Trial,” “Free Offer” and “Risk-Free.”

These are all important aspects to use in your CTAs, and you can accomplish all three through the text elements you use. The following are actionable tips to keep in mind when learning how to write a call to action.


Stay Focused

A good CTA will include just one call to action in writing. More than that can confuse readers and discourage them from taking any of the suggested actions. As every great marketing content writer knows, the ideal copy is clear, concise and straightforward. Avoid obscuring your message with excess words.

When writing your CTA, describe what will happen when they click. For example, a new product release CTA should not use the words “Buy Now,” unless clicking the link actually completes the purchase. Instead, choose precise language such as “Explore Product Features” or “Add to Cart” to ensure the click lives up to reader expectations.


Use Action Words

You’ll see some common verbs used repeatedly in brand CTAs, because they work. But how do you know how to write a call to action with the right words? Examples include Discover, Download, Learn, Shop, Join, Buy, Build, Order, Go, Subscribe and Start.

Do you notice a common thread? These vivid action words spark a sense of adventure, problem-solving, enrichment and engagement that appeals to your curious audience. Avoid words that don’t create an emotional reaction. For example, you probably don’t get very excited when someone asks you to “Read More,” “Click Here” or “Submit Your Information.”

The words “I” and “You” are also quite powerful because they imply an existing relationship with and speak directly to the reader. A study by Content Verve found a 90% increase in a button’s CTR after changing third-person language to first-person. In research by Unbounce, CTRs rose by 90% simply by changing the word “you” to the word “me” in a CTA.

A study by @ContentVerve found a 90% increase in a button's CTR simply by changing third-person language to first-person. 📈 #ContentMarketing #Marketing #CTA #CallToAction
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You probably already know that numbers catch a reader’s attention when you use them in a headline. Learn how to write a call to action using this trick. The number gives readers a sense of value that answers their vital question: “What’s in it for me?” Check out the big, bold numbers in this Gap CTA below.

examples of great calls to action

Visual Elements of a Call to Action

Although almost any page element can serve as a CTA, Leighton Interactive and other content marketing gurus report the most click-through success with buttons. Getting too creative with images can confuse the reader and prevent them from taking the next step.

To encourage them to click, learn how to write a call to action with a recognizable shape like a circle or rectangle for your button. Experiment with rounded vs. squared edges and other design elements.

Make it conspicuous by using a contrasting color that stands out from the page background. The Wordstream blog reports that orange and green buttons tend to get the most clicks. The easier it is for your user to find the CTA, the more likely they are to answer the call. The immediately recognizable green button on Spotify’s CTA is a prime example of how to do this right.

how to write a great CTA

When you’ve settled on a color, consider font size. The sweet spot is a font large enough to be easily visible and to catch attention, but not so large that it will be mistaken for spam. Avoid annoying your audience, but make sure they have difficulty passing by the button.

If you prefer a designed CTA rather than a button, make sure your audience can distinguish the result from a banner advertisement. Otherwise, they will likely skip right over the offer since we’ve become conditioned to avoid online ads and pop-ups. A clean, simple CTA will help your offer stand out from all the digital noise.


Placement Best Practices

Learning how to write a call to action is one thing, but what about placement on your site? The ideal spot for a call to action on your website depends on who your audience is and the action you want them to take. Let’s return to our list of example CTAs above and consider placement possibilities for each:

How To Place Different Kinds of CTAs

  • To drive event attendance among existing customers, add an event awareness CTA to their receipts, personalized dashboards and login pages. When you’re looking for new leads for possible attendees, try the CTA in the sidebar, within the navigation bar or as a pinned post on your page. Time-sensitive events should also appear as a CTA on your brand’s landing page.
  • Have your marketing content writer craft an add-to-cart CTA on the specific product page, email blast or social media post for the item or service you’re selling, as well as at the end of blog content.
  • CTAs designed to encourage engagement among fresh leads work well in blog posts. Figure out where new visitors spend time on your site, then add lead CTAs in those places, too.
  • Continue CTAs appear on long content items to break up the flow. They also provide insight into the headlines that your audience finds most interesting.
  • Place form submission CTAs before your landing page. You can also use this type of CTA when prospects click away from your site or after they take a different action, such as making a social share of your content.
  • Social share CTAs can go just about anywhere on your site. Landing pages, blog posts and other content-rich areas make the most sense. However, avoid placing share buttons on any page where you also ask your audience to share their personal information.


Additional Tips on How To Write a Call To Action

Just as you should avoid including more than one action in a single call to action in writing, avoid crowding multiple CTAs on a single page. Limit per-page CTAs to three and make sure each appears in its own distinct area of the page.

CTA layout

For example, place one in the sidebar, one in the navigation menu and one at the bottom of the content. Your call to action should never have to compete for attention with other items on the page.

Place a CTA on a page with relevant content. Inappropriately placed offers can confuse and misguide the reader. If your audience can’t find what they’re looking for on your site within a few minutes, you’ll notice an increase in your bounce rate as they seek substance elsewhere.


Think About the Buyer’s Journey

When learning how to write a call to action, you should also consider the readers’ journey through the page when you place your CTA. Ideally, your offer should be directly in the path they travel as they explore and gather information.

This doesn’t mean reinventing the wheel, though; many effective pages use the simple structure of an H1 title, marketing copy that contains H2 headings to guide the reader, and a CTA at the end, with a form where appropriate. This layout appears on the web over and over because it works.

Placing the CTA at the end of content is a natural choice, but make sure it doesn’t get lost when your readers scroll. If they never reach the CTA, they can’t possibly click on it. Test for this issue when you have a call to action in writing that follows best practices but still performs poorly compared to your other offers.

If you use social media, not adding CTAs to your brand’s Facebook page is a missed opportunity. It’s not too complicated to learn how to write a call to action for your page. Just visit your business page and click the button to “Create a Call to Action.” Fill in the link and appropriate information and click “Create” for an instant offer you can delete, update or edit at any time. Instagram users can currently add certain types of CTAs to business pages, such as “Start Order,” “Book Tickets” and “Get Directions.”


Benchmarks for Call to Action Success

In a study by Leighton Interactive, the firm noted that limited data addresses an average click-through rate for calls-to-action. They studied the performance of calls to action that received at least 100 clicks over the past five months and found an average universal click through rate of 4.23%. Button-style CTAs had an average rate of 5.31%, compared to 3.35% for those with a distinctive design and just 2.06% for ones consisting of text alone.

Measuring performance of your own CTAs will provide valuable insight into what types of calls to action appeal most to your audience. A simple A/B testing program allows you to gather useful data even with limited resources. In fact, CXL reports that customers’ A/B tests increase CTA performance by up to 49%.

According to @leinteractive, a button-style CTA has the highest click-thru rate at 5.31%, nearly 1% higher than the universal average of 4.23%. 👀#ContentMarketing #Marketing #CTA
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Let Us Help You Write Effective Calls to Action

Creating a call to action in writing takes time and effort. When you hire a marketing content writer, he or she can serve as a professional guide to calls to action in writing that convert visitors to leads and leads to long-term satisfied clients. At BKA Content, our team is ready to brainstorm with you on the most effective CTA strategy for your brand. Get in touch today to learn more about our dedicated content creation services.

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The 2023 Guide to Buying Blog Posts Online Sun, 07 May 2023 04:46:05 +0000 The post The 2023 Guide to Buying Blog Posts Online appeared first on BKA Content.

guide to buy blog posts

The 2023 Guide to Buying Blog Posts Online

You want more sales, and you want to build your brand. The way to do this is through blogging.

However, developing and executing a blog strategy can be time-consuming and challenging. Often, the best solution is to buy blog posts online.

The good news is that you can find some excellent blog services to buy a blog from online in 2023. However, a lot of brands don’t know where to start to find the right help with their blogs. The following guide will help you to get the most from buying blog posts and find the right service provider for your needs.

Already Know What You're Looking For?

If you’re ready to buy blog posts, our high-quality blog writing services are for you. See what BKA Content has to offer.

Reasons To Buy Blog Posts Online

Before exploring how to fully realize the benefits of buying blog posts, it is helpful to understand what those benefits are. For many brands, this is the optimal way to generate content for a blog. The following are five of the most significant advantages to buying a blog:

  • Fresh Blog Content Drives Traffic: Search engines such as Google reward websites that regularly publish new content. The goal of their algorithms is to deliver relevant and high-value websites to users. You can maximize your SEO impact by updating your blog with topics that are interesting to your visitors.
  • High-Quality Blog Posts Convert Visitors: Of course, your goal isn’t just to get people to visit your site. You also want them to perform an action such as buying a product, signing up for a mailing list or completing a contact form. Visitors who are engaged in your content are more likely to convert. Use your blog to get visitors excited about continuing to interact with your brand.
  • Blog Services Save You Time (and Money): Many marketing teams, especially at smaller businesses, are tempted to run their blogs themselves or use an AI generator. However, the first option can be time-consuming and expensive, and the second option won’t get the traffic and results you’re looking for. Get more done in less time by hiring professional blog content writing services. Experienced writers work faster, produce better results and are worth the investment.
  • Consistency Is Key in Content Marketing: The most effective content marketing strategies include consistent release schedules. A common pitfall for brands is to start strong and taper off after the initial set of topics is exhausted. When you buy blog posts online, you can achieve a more consistent and effective release schedule.
  • You Can Focus on Other Tasks: Chances are that you didn’t get into your business to write. Spending too much time on blogging may have a significant opportunity cost. Delegate content creation to experienced writers so that you can invest your time in high-return activities.


5 Steps To Getting the Most From Blog Content Writing Services

The above benefits can help you earn a substantial return on investment when you buy blog posts online. However, to fully realize these effects, you will need the right approach to your blog and content marketing efforts.

It is always best to work collaboratively with whoever is writing your blog, whether that is an in-house team member or an outside service. Blogging needs to be aligned with your broader business goals. The following tips will help you achieve that alignment and see greater benefits from your content.


1) Create an Integrated Blog Content Marketing Strategy

To ensure that your blog is effective, develop a cohesive content marketing strategy that is integrated with your other sales, marketing and strategic plans. This should detail what your goals are for your blog. For example, when you buy a blog are you trying to attract new leads, convert sales or something else?

Create a strategy to buy blog posts

It can be helpful to think about the sales funnel as you plan your blog strategy. You may need to divide your blogging efforts between different stages. Something relevant and effective for someone who has never heard of your brand may not be as useful for someone who is making a final purchasing decision.

Part of your strategy should be a calendar for when you will publish blog posts. As mentioned above, consistency is important in content marketing. You can always adjust your schedule, but try to stick to releasing new content regularly.


2) Develop a Backlog of Blog Content Topics

When you work with a blog writing service, you can choose whether you want to create all the topics or have the provider develop some. However, you should always be involved. Planning topics is one of the most important parts of integrating your blog with your marketing strategy.

Coming up with fresh topics that are interesting and relevant for your visitors can be challenging. It is even more difficult to do on the fly. When working with your blog content writing service to buy blog posts, try to generate a backlog of topics you can draw from.

Whenever there isn’t a relevant or timely topic you want to use right away, you can pull from your list. This is a great way to ensure that you always have a blog topic to use.

It can be helpful to reuse and repurpose topics. For example, some are seasonal and can be repeated several times a year. Others can be created as annual versions of the same topic. A few can be used whenever certain circumstances are met, such as when you have a new product release.


3) Base Your Blog Posts on Keyword Research

The most effective blogs tend to be ones based on solid data. You can hand off a lot of research to your blog writing service provider. However, even when you buy blog posts online, it is a good idea to research the keywords you plan to use and pass them along.

Along with topics, determining which keywords to use is one of the most important ways that you can ensure that your blog posts are aligned with your broader marketing goals. Again, this is something that you can collaborate with your blog service on. However, it is smart to maintain an active role in keyword selection.

Do keyword research before you buy blog posts

There are many ways to research your keywords including tools such as SEMRush and Moz. These tools offer features such as checking which keywords you and your competitors rank well for. Additionally, you can use Google’s keyword and trend research tools to find topics and terms that may be relevant to your visitors.


4) Give Examples of What You Want

As you give assignments to the blog writing service you have chosen, you will need to describe not just the topic and keywords but also the tone and style you would like. These characteristics can be difficult to describe but you know them when you see them. So, providing examples is a great way to communicate what you want to your blog writer.

If you continue to buy blog posts from the same provider, you will not need to continuously provide examples (unless you want to deviate from previous work). However, as you get started, some posts from other sources that match what you need can be invaluable.

Sometimes it is better to show rather than tell. That is as true for commissioning blog writing as it is for doing the writing yourself.


5) Coordinate With Your Blog Post Writing Service

Overall, the best thing you can do to get the most from your purchase of buying blog posts is to coordinate with the blog content writing services you’ve chosen. Having professional writers do the legwork of writing the posts is very helpful. However, you should not expect to completely hand off your blog to your service provider.

Instead, try to work together to ensure that you are receiving high-quality blog content that is well-aligned with your business objectives. The clearer you are with yourself and your provider about what you want, the better the end result will be. There are a variety of managed services you can try, including BKA’s blog subscription plan to make outsourcing simple and smooth.

As you continue to collaborate and buy blog posts, use your analytics to provide feedback to the blog service. Consistent communication will help you to realize the blogging benefits you are looking for.


How To Select the Right Blog Writing Service

To get the best results when you buy blog posts online, you need to select the right blog service for your business’s needs. At first, it may seem as if all the options are more or less the same. After all, writing is writing, right? However, finding the right partner can make a huge difference to both the blog post quality and your collaborative experience.

These four tips will help you narrow down your search and ensure that you are happy with the results. It is better to take time to search for the right blog writing option than to settle and be disappointed with how your blog turns out.


Look for Blog Content Writing Services That Fit Your Brand

As you are searching for blog writing services, try to think about whether an option is the right fit for your circumstances rather than simply finding the best option in absolute terms. In other words, the best choice for your business may be different from the ideal provider for another business, even a direct competitor.

One factor to consider when buying blog posts online is whether the provider can achieve the voice and tone you want. Another important element is whether the blog writer(s) understands the technical aspects of your business. You don’t want to buy blog posts from someone who can’t write convincingly about your products, services and field.


Ask for a Blog Sample

Determining whether a possible blog service provider is the right one for your brand can be challenging until you have seen example work. So, it is always a good idea to ask for a sample before you buy a blog. You can take a look a prior work; however, the best option is to commission one or a few blog posts for your brand.

Get samples before you buy blog posts

By making a relatively small investment to test a blog writing service, you can see whether it is the right option to buy blog posts from in the future. It is common to test an ad on a small scale before launching it in a broader campaign; this is the same idea only with blogging.

You will get a clear sense of whether a potential provider can write well for your brand or not. Additionally, you will get a preview of what it is like to work with that provider. As mentioned above, having a positive relationship with a blog service is almost as important as buying the posts themselves. Good working relationships tend to produce better work.


Don’t Base Your Decision Solely on Price

It is tempting to choose the lowest-priced option, especially if you have a relatively modest marketing budget. However, doing this may lead you astray.

A highly effective blog can more than justify the cost to buy a blog by delivering higher sales volume for your business. Naturally, you have to work within the realities of your budget. Nonetheless, if you need to invest a little more to get the results you want, doing so will typically be financially advantageous in the long run.

Although in some cases the best option will be one of the lowest-cost ones, that alone should not be your deciding factor to buy blog posts from a provider. You could potentially hamstring your blog from the start by being overly cautious with your budget. Plus, if you decide that the returns are not justifying the expense, you can always switch to a new provider.


Buy Blog Posts With a View To Building a Long-Term Relationship

Finally, try to avoid buying blog posts from varied providers. Instead, find one service and foster a long-term relationship. In most cases, the results will continue to improve as you and your provider learn to understand each other better.

The main advantage of building a long-term collaboration is that the writer(s) working on your blog will home in on the ideal voice and style for your brand. Another benefit is that you will typically get faster turnaround times due to clearer expectations. Furthermore, you can expect that communication will become more streamlined. In short, it can be helpful to have a lasting partnership for your blog.


You’re Ready To Buy Blog Posts

If you are currently looking for blog content writing services, consider BKA Content. Our blog service offerings will help you establish a highly effective blog. When you buy blog posts from us, you can expect your pieces to be written by a consistent writer or group of writers who understand your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services, or to just buy a blog!

Ready To Buy Blog Posts?

We guarantee satisfaction with our high-quality, affordable blog writing services.

The post The 2023 Guide to Buying Blog Posts Online appeared first on BKA Content.

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SEO Keyword Research Is Not Dead Fri, 05 May 2023 00:06:36 +0000 The post SEO Keyword Research Is Not Dead appeared first on BKA Content.


SEO Keyword Research Is Not Dead

Do you feel that keywords are passé, having landed in a grave years ago when Google decided to stop primarily using them for ranking? The latest algorithms from Google focus on topics to find relevancy rather than words. The way people search also reflects an emphasis on topics (or queries) rather than matching words. This has led to many marketers saying goodbye to keyword research. However, researching keywords and keyword phrases remains just as important as it did back when SEO first started to become mainstream.


What is SEO Keyword Research?

what is keyword research

Keyword research is about much more than simply finding words to sprinkle throughout your content for increased rankings, which is how keywords were traditionally used. Putting in the time and effort remains an important component of your digital marketing campaigns, especially your SEO strategy. SEO keyword research today is about combining user search queries with relevant keyword phrases to create a topical structure for your content. Blog posts written in a format that covers all of the relevant questions and topics surrounding the main keyword phrase reinforce to Google that the piece will provide readers with something valuable.

SEO keyword research has become an art form of sorts. It begins with data and research, moves to topic ideation and ends with natural optimization and subtle reinforcement. These components have to be weaved together in a way that appeals to both reader and search engine without one taking precedence over the other.


Things to Consider When Conducting Keyword Research

Because of all that keyword phrases need to accomplish in today’s SEO landscape, it can be easy to get a little lost when learning how to find appropriate user queries to focus new content around. Here are some of the main things to master when getting started on your SEO keyword research.


Understanding Relevancy of Keywords/Topics

Relevancy is an essential component of content marketing for many reasons, especially as it is one area that Google uses to match pages to searches. Using keyword research provides you with a larger understanding of all the relevant terms associated with a particular topic. For example, if you are writing about cars, you also want to include relevant terms such as vehicle, automobiles and auto. Simply including a diverse array of relevant terms increases the ranking of your page. Furthermore, incorporating a variety of relevant terms enhances the content and boosts your rankings by demonstrating your page has a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

When performing keyword research, it’s a best practice to focus on a primary phrase for the overall structure of the post. That being said, it’s important to have 4-5 other related keyword phrases that help expand upon the ideas in that primary phrase you’ve selected. For instance, if the primary keyword you’ve decided to focus your blog on is “How to take great pictures”, you might consider secondary keyword phrases along the lines of “When to take pictures”, or “what camera to use to take pictures”, as well as interchange the word “pictures” with “photos” or “images” to cast the widest-reaching net of keyword phrases in your piece.


Learning the Nuances of Your Topics

No matter the nature of your business, the topics about which you write are multi-faceted. It is difficult at times to fully comprehend all sides of your business and adequately include those in your SEO strategy. Working with keyword research provides you an opportunity to learn more about all of the niches and nuances within your business, including those you might not immediately realize. Then, you can include this in your content by writing about more diverse topics, which provide even more ways to be found by potential customers.

Half the battle of content writing is just coming up with a topic in the first place. The better you understand your industry, the easier it will be to spot the holes in great informational content. While one strategy for SEO keyword research is to just take the top-performing words and make better content than everyone else that focuses on that phrase, another great avenue to take is to find keyword phrases with less competition and be the first to make original, great content about it.


Discovering Opportunities for Targeting Traffic

SEO keyword research

Not only does keyword research help you remain relevant and discover additional nuances of your topic, it also helps you to find better opportunities for targeting traffic on your site. You can also find keywords and phrases that have the highest-volume for traffic. Often, these are highly lucrative keywords but also highly competitive and potentially expensive.

As was mention above, you can also find terms that have less competition that might provide additional ways to find traffic. By performing adequate research, you have the information you need to create a strategic SEO strategy that intelligently uses your budget to attract the traffic you want with a combination of high-volume and low-volume terms.

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to SEO keyword research strategy, so coming up with a custom plan that best suits your business and it’s current placement in the industry you’re in is the best way to go.


Knowing the Language of Your Customers

No matter how brilliant your content or how much of an expert you are in your industry lingo, if it does not match the language of your customers, you will find that your pages do not rank well. Although you might feel that you have a strong sense of the language of your customers, keyword research provides invaluable insight that you cannot always get simply by interacting with your customers or performing market research.

It includes ways that potential customers think about your products and services and the language they use to search for your products. Including this language alongside the industry lingo increases the number of people who find your information and see it as relevant, which in turn improves your organic traffic and your SEO rankings.

Companies often make the mistake of labeling a product or service a certain way and assuming that everyone refers to it the same way. On the other hand, some things may be labeled correctly but have multiple meanings. Our own company name, BKA is a great example. If you searched for “What is BKA” on Google, you’d find a lot of information about a below-the-knee amputation procedure. However, if someone searches “What is BKA Content” they’d find information about our company.

When performing SEO keyword research, always be aware of language and how user intent changes based on the words in the keyword phrase.


Matching Landing Pages and Other Navigational Information

navigate and learn keyword research

When you create your website, it is important that you make it easy to navigate. If customers find it confusing, they will quickly bounce. Learning more about keywords helps you to create a navigation that matches the language and needs of your customers. For one, the keywords provide recognizable language in which to use as your menu buttons and other navigational tools. As discussed above, there might be a disconnect between the industry language and that of the customers. Using the laymen’s terms in your navigational tools ensures customers know where to go.

Additionally, keyword research also helps you to create more relevant landing pages. Landing pages are an essential component of any successful SEO strategy because they direct customers to the actions you want them to perform. They need to be relevant to the keywords so that there is no disconnect when the customers arrive. Learning more about how the competition and customers use keywords and understand them enhances your ability to create dynamite landing pages.

One great way to showcase this point is to look at how one keyword phrase may be better suited for a landing page vs another keyword phrase that’s better suited for an informational blog. For instance, any keyword that has a question attached like “how to”, “what is”, “when should”, or “Why”, would be better suited for an information blog post that can fully answer their question. Any keyword that is specifically about a product or service would be better suited for a landing page that shows them the product or service and how you can help them.

People want relevant answers to their queries and don’t want to be jerked around by having to navigate through multiple pages. When conducting your SEO keyword research keep that in mind when picking keywords and the associated content types that you’ll use to try and win that keyword.


Getting Inside the Searcher’s Head

To increase traffic to your site, it is important to find ways to target all potential customers. Knowing what goes on in people’s heads helps you to create content that matches all stages of the sales process from contemplation to purchasing. As was mentioned above, it is important to understand what phrases match different parts of the stages so that you create content that is relevant to the customers in their present position.

To take it a step further, think deeper about search intent and put yourself into the shoes of your potential customers. If the people searching are simply interested and looking for research, they will want to find information that provides answers to their questions. If they already own something and are looking to solve an issue, then they will search for troubleshooting content. Taking some time to see what pages rank highest for certain keywords and phrases provides insight into the headspace of customers when they use these words so that you can create content that matches it.


Discovering Products and Services for the Future

When you research associated keywords in your business, you might also discover products and services you can add to your business to grow and expand. You might not have the ability to expand and grow your business at the moment, but it is beneficial to continually see ways that you could expand in the future rather than only looking into today’s potential business.

For example, if you provide massage therapy services, you might find that many people who search for it also search for facials, acupuncture and other complementary services. Using this information, you might decide to work towards adding facials and acupuncture services to your massage clinic in the future to bring in additional customers.


Researching Your Competition

what is keyword research seo

Using tools for SEO keyword research also helps you to have a better understanding of what your competition is doing. The Google Keyword Tool has a component where you can enter a website, including that of your competition. This search provides you with a list of keyword and phrase matches, as well as the search volumes for the keywords. Then, you can determine whether or not to use the same information on your content or focus on other areas based on what your competition is doing.

This might also help you find information that expands your SEO strategy, especially if you do not have a large marketing budget and wish to target areas that are under targeted. Sometimes going after your competitors’ keywords allows you to kill two birds with one stone. You can go after keywords that appeal to your target market while also gaining an advantage over competitors vying for the same keywords.


Creating Better Content That Owns the Topic

Search engine rankings rely heavily on strong content. It is important to create relevant content that fully includes the nuances and niches of your business, which you now know after researching for keywords. It also needs to match your customers’ expectations for the results from their searches, which you also have a firm understanding of after you have explored keyword research and learned more about how customers use different languages. Additionally, content should be diverse while relevant, full of depth while remaining current.

When you have a complete understanding of all the different words associated with your topic, you will fully own it and create the best content possible.  Keyword research opens up so many new areas of topics on which you can write so that you do not end up continually rehashing the same content over and over again on your blog or other mediums. You can also use them to improve any existing content by adding in some additional language and keyword phrases that help with your rankings.


Developing Better Metrics

SEO keyword research metrics

When creating your SEO and digital marketing strategy, it is important to have a strong method of knowing what to expect. This assists you in creating realistic goals and parameters with which to assess the metrics. Researching into keywords provides you with an understanding of the efficacy of the keywords, as well as the competition. This ensures that your expectations remain realistic as you determine how to view the analytics and determine whether or not your efforts are working.

Also, by tracking the keywords you’re targeting in your content you may be able to identify keyword trends you can capitalize on. For instance, maybe writing about a certain niche product allows you to jump up the rankings quicker than another, more mainstream product. Or even just a certain type of query relating to your products and services seems to provide quicker results. Use your own metrics to help hone in on what keywords are performing better than others and take advantage of it!


Boosting Click Through Rates

Speaking of metrics, SEO research into keywords also helps you to improve them. The research you discover leads to creating more relevant pages, connecting better with customers, and developing the best possible content for your digital properties. Using the right keywords improves your traffic by increasing the page rankings. When customers land on relevant landing pages, your bounce rate decreases.

Appropriately using keywords also boosts the number of click-throughs you get from the SERPS. Using keywords correctly in your meta description and title tags does more than just help your rankings. It also matches your customer’s language to increase the chance that they will choose your page from the results page over your competition.


SEO Keyword Research: More than Meets the Eye

As you can see, there are many uses for keywords throughout the entire marketing funnel. Because of this, keyword research still plays a vital role in your SEO strategy. Although Google might not search exclusively for keywords anymore, these important phrases still have a major role to play in developing the best SEO strategy to help you reach your business goals.

Need help developing a keyword strategy for your business? Want to see how properly optimized SEO Blog Content can boost your business to the next level? Contact us to find out how we can help!

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Why Your Investment in SEO Blog Writing Isn’t Paying Off Fri, 28 Apr 2023 23:50:44 +0000 The post Why Your Investment in SEO Blog Writing Isn’t Paying Off appeared first on BKA Content.

invest why you should invest in seo blog writing services

Why Your Investment in SEO Blog Writing Isn’t Paying Off

So, you invested in SEO blog writing services and a stunning website, and you routinely post to social media, but you haven’t seen any substantial results. What gives?

If content marketing were as easy as writing a few blog posts for SEO and sharing a couple of memes on Facebook, everyone would excel at it. And, if everyone excelled at it, no one would benefit from it. Though writing blog content for SEO requires a well-thought-out strategy and help from the experts, there are a few things you can do — or stop doing — to bolster your efforts. Instead of making you guess what you’re doing wrong, we’ll share with you here the top five SEO blog writing mistakes most website owners make that sabotage their efforts.


How To Make the Most Out of Your SEO Blog Writing

writing blog posts for SEO

We get it — it’s frustrating writing blog content for SEO only to see little to no return on your investment. However, before you blame the writing or call bogus on the saying, “Content is king,” look to what you or your marketing department might be doing wrong.

Below are a few common pitfalls even the most veteran marketers make when trying to roll out too many campaigns across multiple channels at one time.


Mistake #1: Failing To Create Cohesive Messaging

cohesive messaging in blog writing

When you’re working with SEO blog writing services along with a social media guru, an SEO expert and your in-house marketing department, it’s so easy for your message to fall out of sync between receipt and publication.

Why Your Brand Needs To Be Consistent

While it may not seem like a big deal that your SEO blog writing is not consistent with yesterday’s tweets, the lack of consistency can actually confuse your audience and even turn them off of your brand. How? Consider this fake yet realistic example:

– Jane, a recent victim of a car crash, sees a social media post that links to a page that promises to tell her how to pursue compensation following an accident.

– She is intrigued, and so Jane clicks.

– Jane is redirected to the attorney’s “About Us” page, where she does not find any helpful advice.

– Annoyed, Jane clicks away and consciously decides that if she does decide to pursue a civil lawsuit, she will not be using the offending attorney.

Maybe the lawyer did write a helpful how-to guide for pursuing compensation after a car crash. However, the person in charge of social media may not have had a link to the SEO blog writing content. Perhaps the article hadn’t been published yet, leading the social media manager to link to a static page. Though this may have seemed like the best thing to do at the time, it could have cost the attorney a client.

The moral of the story is to make sure your messaging is consistent across all channels. Before publishing new content, have someone review the text (and its links) for consistency in terms of messaging, calls to action, keywords and hashtags.

If anything seems noticeably out of sync, take the time to make the appropriate revisions, as doing so can prevent a Jane-like situation from occurring.


Mistake #2: Failing To Include Social Share Buttons

social media share buttons for seo blog writing

It hurts every copywriter’s heart … It frustrates interested readers … It sabotages many content marketing campaigns … It’s the lack of social share buttons.

If you publish a piece, we’re going to assume you did so because you believed in its merit. Moreover, you trusted that the article would do everything that a quality article should do: Engage, inform, impress and convert. If you didn’t believe your SEO blog writing would do all that and more, then why publish it?

So, if you are impressed with the copy you receive, it’s safe to assume that your audience will be, too. Most people who come across a good read want to share it with others, but often your readers aren’t willing to work to do so. When writing blog posts for SEO, make things easy on your readers by including social share buttons.

The Real Importance of Share Buttons

Be loud and proud about your invitation to share. While discreet share buttons may feel more formal, they’re hardly helpful, as they’re just that — discreet. Using large but unobtrusive social share buttons along the sidebar that travel with the reader (like in the example below) make it easy for readers to share whenever the urge strikes.

Share buttons at the bottom of a page are handy for that small percentage of readers who drink in every last word on the page, while share buttons at the top are perfect for individuals who believe that an entire article can be summed up in a headline.

social share buttons for content strategy

While you should make it easy for readers to share the entire article, you should also consider installing a plugin that allows visitors to share impactful snippets of your SEO blog writing. A strong snippet can be just as effective as a catchy headline for attracting new audiences.

While headlines are extremely shareable pieces of content, consider installing plugins like Click to Tweet that allow your readers to share other interesting snippets of content. 🗣🗣🗣 #SMM #SocialMediaMarketing #Marketing
Click To Tweet

Additional Share Button Tips

We’re in the business of creating shareable content, so we won’t delve too much into the best practices for creating clickable share buttons. (We’ll let WordStream do that.) However, we do have a few suggestions to help you make the most of your buttons:

  • Include the post title in the generated social post.
  • Include the author and/or brand’s account handle in the messaging.
  • Don’t be so loud with your buttons that they interfere with the content.


Mistake #3: Writing Blog Content For SEO With No One in Mind

writing blog content for SEO,

With all the pressure to invest in high-quality content in mass amounts, it can be so easy to lose sight of why you’re publishing in the first place. Yes, you’re publishing to gain ranks, but you’re also publishing to appeal to your target audience, to earn their trust and respect and to establish yourself as an industry authority. Accomplishing these goals will be extremely difficult if you don’t first take the time to establish an audience persona.

Before you even think about investing in SEO blog writing services, sit down with your team and discuss who will consume the content you order, and where will they find it? Below are a few questions to guide the process:

  • What are your ideal customers’ pain points?
  • What questions do they want answered, or what problems do they have?
  • Where do these people spend their time online, and at what time of day or night are they most likely to be browsing the web?
  • What are their likes and dislikes, and what elicits in them an emotional response?
  • At what stage of the buyer’s journey are they in?

Once you answer these questions, it should be fairly easy for an experienced copywriter to create content that speaks to your target market.


Mistake #4: Using the Same Content Across Various Channels

creating unique SEO content for social media platforms

Social media distribution tools have made it easier than ever for marketers to publish the same links across multiple sites with a single click. While this ease of distribution is undoubtedly cost-effective and time-efficient, it’s lazy. And, in the content marketing world, lazy does not prevail.

Each social media platform delivers content in a way that appeals to its target demographic. For example, LinkedIn posts are all about influence. When posting to LinkedIn, you want to post high-quality and highly targeted content. You also want to use the first person point of view, as LinkedIn is like a virtual round table at which you discuss relevant topics with your closest connections. Before you post, ask yourself, “Am I contributing valuable input to this conversation? Would I talk like this in real life?” If you answered no to either question, that type of SEO blog writing doesn’t belong on the platform.

How To Format Content For Other Platforms

Then there’s Twitter, which is all about short and concise messaging. Because you can use only so many characters, your messaging needs to be as hard-hitting as possible in as few words as possible. Your tweet should also have a compelling image, an applicable hashtag and a conversational tone. (It doesn’t hurt to throw in an emoji or two.)

Facebook is like a mix of Twitter and LinkedIn. Both longer, in-depth posts and short and sweet blurbs go over well on this platform. Users also respond positively to imagery, gifs and videos. That said, though just about any type of post goes on Facebook, you do want to keep it relevant and ensure the messaging is an adequate representation of your brand.

Instagram is all about imagery and videos. Though you can (and should) caption your photo, captions aren’t what will attract likes and clicks.

Needless to say, not even a short and sweet repurposed tweet will go over well on Instagram, and a happy-go-lucky Twitter post won’t garner much attention (or respect) on LinkedIn. If you’re going to invest in influential SEO blog writing, take the time to craft a unique message that utilizes the best practices for each social media channel.

Going the extra mile in this way can help you maximize engagement from your target audience across all channels based on their content consumption preferences.


Mistake #5: Refusing To Outsource SEO Blog Writing

outsourcing blog writing

For many businesses, their content marketing efforts fail simply because they refuse to invest in SEO blog writing services. Instead, they try to do everything in-house in the hopes that doing so will save them money. Unfortunately, the DIY approach often fails.

For content marketing to be effective, you need to be able to publish multiple types of content across multiple channels on a consistent basis. Moreover, your articles need to be well-researched, well-written, free of errors and useful.

Many business owners often lack the time it takes to write blog content for SEO that generates and sustains results. If your content marketing efforts have “failed,” it may simply be because you haven’t given content marketing an honest attempt.

We could go on and on about how investing in blog writing services can help your business. Let’s just say that there’s a reason that 70% of businesses outsource their blog writing … and we’ll leave it at that.

70% of businesses outsource their content to blog writing services. 🤝 #ContentMarketing #Marketing
Click To Tweet


Overcome These Common SEO Blog Writing Mistakes Today

seo blog writing content strategy

Content really is king, and we’re not just saying that because we’re biased. From higher rankings in the search engines to increased leads and sales, a robust content marketing strategy can transform your business from a small-time operation to an online sensation.

However, you won’t get anywhere if you continue to make the same mistakes when writing blog posts for SEO. Though some of the aforementioned mistakes may take you time to remedy (building a buyer persona is not something you can do in a day), there is one thing you can fix today, and that is partnering with a content writing agency. 

Whether you’re dissatisfied with your current services or are ready to test the waters with outsourcing, browse our content shop or monthly subscription page to see how we can help you take your SEO blog writing efforts to the next level. 



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10 Ways To Monetize Your Online Content Tue, 18 Apr 2023 22:01:38 +0000 The post 10 Ways To Monetize Your Online Content appeared first on BKA Content.

Use a marketing content writer to monetize your site

10 Ways To Monetize Your Online Content

Perhaps you’re a dedicated marketing content writer with a venerable library of blog posts under your belt. Maybe you are a small business owner that has been creating content as a way to build awareness of your brand but need a writer who can deliver high-quality work as your readership grows. In both scenarios, you’re likely overlooking a few smart online monetization strategies to monetize your content.

Online Monetization Strategies

Implementing just a few of these 10 online monetization strategies can help you turn the time you spend carefully crafting stories, posts and articles into real financial value. If you’ve ever wanted to know how to monetize your content.

1. Access the Power of Affiliate Sales

When you successfully expand the readership of your content, you unlock opportunities to work with brands that want to sell their products or services to audiences like yours. With affiliate marketing, you agree to promote partner brands on your blog in exchange for a percentage of sales that come from your page. This online monetization strategy is one of the most common modern monetization methods for online content. With the help of a great marketing content writer, you can seamlessly add affiliate links without distracting your readers from the high-quality information you provide.

Affiliate marketing as an online monetization strategy

Whether you work directly with brands you admire to request an affiliate partnership or rely on an online affiliate marketplace, make sure the item you’re helping to sell truly offers value to your readers. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your company’s credibility and authority, both cornerstones of reader trust. Be selective about the products you promote, look for partnerships that fall solidly within your industry niche, and be sure to disclose all affiliate links as advertising or risk running afoul of Federal Trade Commission regulations.

As long as you have quality content within your niche and a healthy readership, you can get the ball rolling with affiliate marketing as an online monetization strategy. Some of the most popular and proven platforms include:

  • The Amazon affiliate program
  • eBay’s partner network
  • ShareASale
  • ClickBank
  • Rakuten Marketing

2. Offer Consulting Services

You already have a successful blog, business and brand, so you obviously possess expertise in at least one specialty area. Give your readers the opportunity to learn from you one-on-one by offering personalized coaching and consulting sessions. Maybe you own a catering business and have already gained some ground by monetizing your blog and publishing a recipe e-book.

Expand your empire with personal Zoom or Skype cooking classes. Because consulting is a low-volume enterprise, dedicating just a few hours a week can quickly create another stream of income from your content. You can also get started by utilizing a marketing content writer even when you have only a few hundred followers.

Do you have event planning experience? Consider hosting conferences and workshops. Love speaking in front of an audience? Offer yourself for paid public engagements for a person within your niche. Search Engine Journal recommends boosting engagement by promoting the talk, posting online videos and encouraging social shares with a designated hashtag.

If you think your industry doesn’t necessarily lend itself to the coaching model, you might be surprised. In 2019, Forbes reported that the fastest-growing areas for one-on-one coaching include employee satisfaction, female empowerment, sales, sexuality and gender, and chronic illness management. This is a great way to monetize your writing by turning it into a lead source for consulting clients.

3. Turn Existing Content Assets Into E-Books

If you’ve already published extensively online, you should do a thorough review of your online content assets. Group them by topic and then hire a writer to turn each separate topic into a short e-book. Even 10 blog posts can become a 10,000-word guide your readers can use to address a pain point, solve a problem or gain insight into a complex area. What’s more, publishing a book instantly adds cachet to your brand’s credibility. If you want to monetize your writing, you can sell the e-book directly on your website or rely on a sales platform designed for this purpose. Either way, selling 100 copies of an e-book for $12 each provides a healthy $1,200 profit from content you already created.

create an ebook to monetize your content

E-books represent a serious growth area within content marketing. According to data from Statista, 25% of users report that they have read an e-book in the past month. The e-book industry will earn a projected $7.895 million in U.S. revenue by 2024. As a bonus, websites and blogs that publish e-books tend to see a significant increase in their SEO rankings.

4. Provide Premium Content at a Price

When you hire a marketing content writer to produce high-value long-form content, consider offering these labor-intensive items on a membership basis. If you have specialized expertise, skills or experience in a niche area, others within that area will gladly pay a premium for access to your knowledge. Examples include a series of videos, a tutorial or course, or a subscription-based newsletter.

Premium content can also come in the form of one-time digital downloads. Examples include trackers, templates, checklists and other actionable resources that solve a problem or address a pain point for your audience.

Some blogs also create online monetization strategies with a private, members-only site that houses premium content. Your readers can pay a monthly or annual subscription fee for access to discounts, directories, private discussion boards and forums, podcasts, webinars, course content, and even small group consulting sessions. This model creates the benefit of recurring revenue; Kinsta reported that 46% of online users have at least one premium subscription, so it’s also a well-established market.

5. Add Ads to Your Site

If you have a following of several thousand readers, placing ads on your blog or website could be a lucrative way to monetize your content. Content creators can choose from a few different payment structures when it comes to online ads:

  • Personal sale: A brand pays you a lump sum to place their ad on your site for a specific amount of time.
  • Pay per action: You receive a specified amount whenever someone uses the ad on your site to ask for a quote, purchase a product or complete another action as agreed.
  • Cost per mille (CPM): The brand pays you a flat fee every time the ad reaches 1,000 impressions.
  • Pay per click (PPC): The brand pays you for every click, which is the model used by Google AdSense.

As with affiliate marketing, avoid damaging the trust of your audience by posting unsightly, irrelevant or spammy ads. Many brands decide to dip their toe into the water with PPC ads on Google AdSense. After setting up your account, you just add the provided code to your website. The service will select relevant ads and even put them in the ideal spots on your site for user engagement.

Monetize your blog with AdSense

While banner ads sometimes get a bad rap, the Kinsta blog notes that they often provide the fastest route to a profitable blog, largely because of the hands-off approach. In fact, some marketing content writers start with Google AdSense to create a passive income stream while they work on additional online monetization strategies.

6. Syndicate Your Content

Once you build a significant blog following, you can monetize your content by selling to other industry sites within your wheelhouse. With this monetization model, you license content assets to these publications in exchange for an agreed-upon payment. In addition to the financial benefit of syndication, you also get the chance to reach a wider audience (and further improve your bottom line). Check out Neil Patel’s guide to syndicating your blog content without causing your own site to drop in the search rankings.

7. Request Donations

By now, we’ve all seen sites use the Wikipedia model of asking — but not requiring — readers to financially contribute to their content. When you have a regular readership, you can quietly test the waters by adding small calls-to-action for donations through a site like Patreon or PayPal. You can even provide an incentive for readers who donate, whether that’s a sticker advertising your brand or a coupon code for access to your paid resources.

Search Engine Journal uses clinical psychologist and marketing content writer Jordan Peterson as an example of how to use this model to your advantage. While it’s free of charge to sign up for Peterson’s newsletter, he includes an online form where subscribers can choose a one-time, monthly or quarterly amount to donate.

8. Develop Online Courses

You’re an expert in your area, so monetize your blog by sharing your knowledge with the world. An online learning course can combine traditional reading, discussion boards, video conferencing, webinars, pre-recorded material and other content assets. You can hire a marketing writer who has experience with educational materials to help you create a cohesive course. Survey your audience about their biggest challenges or address the most common client questions you receive to ensure that your course offers value and fills an unanswered niche.

How to monetize writing

Statista projects that by 2022, the online learning industry will be worth nearly $2.5 billion in the United States. You may be compelled to place a low price on your course content, but hear us out. In 2018, Podia found that the average price for an online course is $182.59 and recommends that a new content creator charge between $50 and $150 for an online course, on the higher end for those who have a sizable audience and reputation. Podia’s survey also found many short courses available for less than $50, as well as extensive learning content starting as high as $1,500 for a single course.

If you have an existing website, you can easily host your own online course to start monetizing your writing. WordPress offers courseware plug-ins such as LearnDash and LearnPress, but standalone options can also meet your needs if you blog on a different platform.

A successful line of online courses can quickly become a certification program within your niche. This model can increase the cachet of your brand and command a higher price for your services, provided that you have established yourself as a trustworthy authority whose words have weight in your field. Copyblogger’s certification program for freelance writers is a prime example of this type of strategy.

9. Seek Sponsors

A marketing content writer can work with sponsors to create everything from short blog posts to white papers, reviews, podcasts, videos and multimedia content. Though sponsored content is similar to affiliate content in that both promote a product, you rely on clicks to get paid with the latter. With sponsored content, on the other hand, you get paid to create and publish the content regardless of whether it drives clicks and sales.

As with other forms of blog advertising, disclosure to your readers when a post or piece of content has a sponsor is a must. Doing so ensures that you stay in line with FTC regulations and remain a genuine source of trustworthy information for your readership. The sponsorship avenue could potentially be quite lucrative for your brand. Influencer Marketing Hub data showed that companies spent about $6.5 billion on sponsored content in 2019, representing a 41% increase over 2018 numbers.

In 2020, the Fitnancials blog reported sponsored content revenue of $3,000 per month. The publisher recommends that content creators charge at least $250 for every sponsored post; high-traffic influencers report earnings of $3,000 to $5,000 for an average sponsored post. Fitnancials highlights the importance of reaching out to target brands directly as an online monetization strategy, as well as using sponsorship sites such as Social Stars, Pollinate, IZEA and Clever.

10. Sell Your Blog

Are you thinking of moving on to a new niche or otherwise expanding your horizons? If you want an idea for how to monetize your writing on that blog, try selling it! When you have a blog with great content, an impressive number of followers, and a good reputation and SEO ranking, you can sell your domain to someone else in the industry who wants the benefits of blogging without the labor and the learning curve. Flipping a website can result in revenue in the five figures when you are able to display impressive numbers for social media followers, conversion rates, search engine placement, traffic and ratio of revenue to expenses. Your specific niche also plays a role in the valuation of your website.

Get the Most Out of Online Monetization Strategies With a Writer

The magic of being able to monetize your content lies in the ability to develop multiple income streams that feed off one another to accelerate your passive income. Unless you spend most of your time writing, producing and publishing content, however, you’ll need a writer to help you take full advantage of these online monetization strategies. Reach out to BKA Content and learn more about how our dedicated team can help.

Need Content Services?

Our SEO plans get results fast. Check out BKA Content’s blog writing services to see how we can help monetize your content. 

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6 Different Types of SEO Writing Companies Thu, 13 Apr 2023 18:29:25 +0000 The post 6 Different Types of SEO Writing Companies appeared first on BKA Content.


6 Different Types of SEO Writing Companies

Have you decided to outsource to SEO writing companies to free up your time and resources to focus on your core business? Join the thousands of businesses benefitting from copywriting services.

However, before you take the next step, it’s important to understand that countless SEO content writing services are available in the United States and beyond. We’ll explore the six most common types of content marketing and SEO article writing services. Comparing and contrasting a well-known company from each category can help you choose the best solution for your firm.

6 Different Types of SEO Writing Companies

Here are the six types of SEO writing services we’ll cover:

  1. Content Database Services
  2. Writer Broker Services
  3. Content Subscription Services
  4. Freelance Networks
  5. Full-Service Content Writing Companies
  6. Managed Service Content Writing Companies


1. Content Database Services

Some agencies offer a searchable database of content by professional writers. With this type of SEO article writing service, you can preview articles and select those appropriate for your topic and keywords. When you purchase full license rights to the articles, you also receive assurance of unique content.

This is a hands-off, affordable approach if you want to cover common subject areas and don’t require significant customization. Major publishing companies also offer opportunities to license content. For example, Meredith sells articles, videos and recipes in niches such as health and wellness, DIY, luxury and travel. However, it may be difficult to find good articles for some niche industries.


Some Customization Required

Keep in mind that to some extent, you will still need to customize the content you purchase from these SEO content writing services. For example, you will need to add the right links and keywords to drive search engine optimization for your business.

Once you find the right article and adapt it to your needs, you may find you’re not saving much time and money compared to purchasing truly custom content. Also, if you prefer current content that reflects updated news and events, it will be difficult to find exactly what you need in a content database.


Example of a Content Database Service

Let’s look at Constant Content, which advertises a database of more than 100,000 custom articles by professional writers on a variety of topics. Constant Content verifies that all its content is unique and offers both a full-rights content license and a cheaper limited-use license that may allow the content to be published elsewhere after you purchase it. If you go with the latter option, make sure you read the terms of the license carefully before proceeding.

When you access the Constant Content database, you can search the offerings by keyword or browse by dozens of different topic areas. The advanced search feature lets you drill down further by price, word count and type of content license. Because content writers set their own prices for each article, rates vary widely. You might find a great article for a bargain or become frustrated when nothing in the database quite fits your content parameters.

constant content pricing

When you need an article quickly and don’t have time to commission a custom-written piece, this type of SEO content writing service can be a fast solution. However, articles written directly for your audience and your goals will almost always be a more engaging and effective option. Constant Content also lets you make a public writing request that any of the site’s writers can bid on, or a private writing request, which goes only to a specific writer.


2. Writer Broker Services

Although the interface of a writer broker writing firm may remind you of a content database, you’re actually searching for writers rather than content when you use this type of SEO content writing service. Generally, this type of service offers clients access to writers at different quality levels and different costs. You select a level based on your needs and budget, then search for an SEO content writer with relevant experience. Well-known writer broker companies include Zerys, WriterAccess and Textbroker.

This SEO writing companies option is often appealing to businesses that are just starting their content marketing campaigns. The self-service model is affordable and can often work well for one-off articles and small projects. It also allows you to test out different writers and see what type of content attracts the most readers.

However, to receive quality content when using a writer you find through this type of SEO content service, you’ll need to provide a detailed content brief with clear instructions for links, SEO and other needs. You will be responsible for managing the writer you choose and for providing feedback, usually through the service’s existing platform.


Example of Writer Broker Services

Let’s explore the process at Writer Access, one of the best-known and most popular writer broker firms. With this SEO article writing service, you can either post a “casting call” through which writers can apply for your project, or you can search the database of freelancing content creators with the qualities you’re looking for. Either way, once you choose a writer, you manage the contracting, training and feedback process.

Although clients can set their own rates when contracting through Writer Access, the platform recommends a rate of at least 2 cents per word for the most simple content and at least $2 per word when contracting for a project that requires specific, targeted industry knowledge and skill. Most projects will command a cost somewhere in between.

types of seo

Another Caveat?

Users must pay a monthly membership fee even for the Writer Access self-service option. Currently, the site charges the following:

  • $39 per month for up to three projects per month, writing only, with a seven-day turnaround time to approve and accept the provided content
  • $79 per month for up to 10 projects per month, with a 10-day turnaround time to accept content, plus access to writers, content strategists, editors and photos
  • $99 per month for up to 14 projects per month, with a 14-day turnaround time to accept content and access to premium resources including animation, illustrators and web designers

With this SEO content service, a project manager will place orders, contract out writers and deliver content on your behalf. New Writer Access clients receive a 14-day free trial, and all orders are satisfaction-guaranteed, with unlimited revisions. Although this sounds like a good deal, use caution unless you want to be caught in a cycle of unlimited revisions with a writer who just doesn’t jive with your brand.


Managed Service Options

Clients can also consider a managed service option through Writer Access. The cost for project management is charged in addition to the cost of your content as follows:

  • $349 per month for order setup, topic ideas and basic management
  • $749 per month for the basic managed service features, as well as keyword research; content publishing on your website, blog, or social media site; and image research

For full-service project management, Writer Access will quote a monthly rate for high-volume publishing, editorial review and other agency services depending on your needs. In contrast, BKA Content includes this SEO article writing service for free when clients exceed a certain content spend threshold.


3. Content Writing Subscription Services

With a content writing subscription service such as BKA Content, Izea or Verblio, you choose a schedule that works for your publication needs, then you receive your content order by the deadline. This model works best for people who need consistent content to kick off a new blog or website. The more fresh content you publish, the better for your SEO endeavors.

When evaluating these SEO writing companies, make sure you review the quality of the articles before committing to a schedule. In addition, you should ensure that the content you receive will be unique and will not be sold in other versions to your competitors. The subscription model should be flexible and allow you to adjust your order as needed so you do not end up paying for content you will not use. Often, firms that offer one-size-fits-all content packages aren’t ideal for your one-of-a-kind business.


Example of Content Writing Subscription Services

As an example of an SEO content writing subscription service, let’s look at our subscription plans at BKA Content. Our platform offers multiple blog writing subscription packages depending on the amount of content you need and the difficulty of your subject matter. All subscriptions with BKA include original content, keyword research, topic creation, proofreading, a dedicated account manager and the ability to change your plan as needed.

If you use our SEO blog writing services, you’ll first undergo an onboarding process during which you’ll be asked to share information about your brand, audience, products, style guide, desired voice and other content requirements. Once you select the content package that best fits your needs, BKA will assign an account manager, begin keyword research and topic creation, build a team of writers for your content, and begin to deliver your finished content.

blog writing subscription plans

With this model for SEO article writing services, you get consistent content on a monthly basis. Publishing frequently on your blog will help grow your audience, educate your customers and improve your SEO.

The BKA Content subscription plan is focused on blogs but other services may include newsletters, press releases, website content, blog posts, e-books, white papers, product categories and content rewrites. All blog subscription plans include – or can include as add-ons – social media posts, meta descriptions, title tags and images.


4. Freelance Networks

On a freelance network like Upwork or Fiverr, you can search through content creator profiles to find a writer offering SEO article writing services that fit your needs. While you’ll find that many of the freelancers on these sites charge very low rates, many companies often report low-quality articles that need significant edits before the content can be published. It can also be very difficult to vet the credentials of the writers who create profiles on this type of freelance site.

Using a freelance writing network is best for a company that needs a large volume of content quickly, but does not necessarily need consistent quality (or a company that has the resources to provide stringent quality control in-house). When you order from Upwork, for example, you have access to more than 9 million freelance writers from all over the world. However, because the site allows anyone to sign up for a freelance writing account, you’ll need to be careful about quality. For this reason, many firms decide to go with an SEO writing company with selective criteria for its writers, decreasing the time you’ll need to spend on content that may not be up to par.


Example of Freelance Networks

Clients can post a job on Upwork, and freelancers will bid either an hourly rate, a word count rate or a project-based rate. In general, freelance writers who have more experience will charge more, so you may want to stick with people who charge prices on the higher end of the platform.

In addition to connecting users with writing professionals, Upwork connects users with individuals offering their services in marketing, web development, design, customer service and countless other areas. Within the freelance writing realm, you can choose from academic writers and researchers, blog and web content writers, creative writers, copywriters, editing and proofreading professionals, and other specialties.

Web Content Focus

When you click on the web content focus, you can search writers by national origin and hourly rate. The most affordable freelance writers charge less than $10 an hour on this platform, while the highest-paid writers cost upward of $150 per hour. However, you’ll also find several mid-range pricing options. Once you click on a writer profile, you can see how many jobs that writer has completed and how much he or she has earned on the platform. Availability, response and turnaround times, and overall customer ratings and feedback also appear on the writer profile.

different types of content writing services

When you post a project, Upwork will analyze your content needs and send you a shortlist of freelancers who fit the bill. You can invite the best candidates in the bunch to submit a bid for your work; however, keep in mind that you are responsible for screening and training the writer you select. Both chat and video interviews are available through the platform to help make your selection easier.

Whether you are paying by the hour or a fixed price for the entire project, you can use Upwork’s online system to do so. The firm will hold payments in escrow until your work is delivered, which can provide peace of mind. However, Upwork does not guarantee the quality of the work you’ll receive – which is a major consideration when trying to find the best SEO article writing service to work with.


5. Full-Service SEO Content Writing Companies

When you want to invest in a professional content writing service that can handle your comprehensive writing, marketing, strategy, analytics, testing and SEO needs, you should consider a full-service firm to take care of your content. These SEO content companies are ideal when you know you can benefit from content marketing but lack the time or staff to create your own program in-house.

However, full-service content writing is on the costly side of your options, so you need to make sure to budget for the expense of hiring experts. Some full-service content writing companies like Brafton also offer adjacent services, like video and infographic production.


Example of Full-Service Content Companies

For example, Brafton touts its comprehensive services in content creation, lead generation, SEO, social media strategy, pay per click marketing and inbound consulting.

seo writing companies

The agency relies solely on its in-house content writers and editors, who are also knowledgeable about keyword research and SEO. Brafton’s subject matter experts specialize in industries such as health and wellness, finance and law, entertainment and lifestyle, travel, technology and more.

The Bigger Picture on Full-Service 

While this type of SEO writing company provides everything you need to get your content marketing strategy off the ground, it also tends to be the costliest option and may be out of reach for smaller firms and people with more limited budgets. In fact, Brafton does not publish its prices online, but instead gives project-based quotes depending on the extent of your content needs. The company does explain its unit pricing model: The client pays $100 for one unit that can be used to purchase a portion of any service. For example, Brafton offers five different website content audit packages ranging from six to 80 units.

Estimated costs for Brafton SEO writing services include the following:

  • $1 per word for search engine optimized content
  • $200 per hour for SEO consulting services
  • $300 per keyword brief
  • $600 to $8,000 for a full content audit, depending on the number of pages for review


6. Managed Service Content Writing Companies

Although managed service content writing companies have similar offerings as full-content companies when it comes to SEO writing companies, this top-tier option is distinguished by the inclusion of individualized project management. When you hire this type of content writing firm, you will be assigned a dedicated account manager who will provide quality control and customer service for each of your projects.

Managed service SEO content companies can also handle long-form content, such as e-books and white papers, that may not be available from other content agencies. Many of these managed service companies offer white label services for agencies and businesses that need hundreds or even thousands of pieces of content each month to help serve their own clients.


Example of Managed Service Content Companies

A managed service content writing company such as BKA Content is different from a full-service content writing company because, although we ensure that every piece of content is optimized for SEO, we do not provide other services (strategy, design, illustration) beyond writing. This allows our team to focus on what they do best: providing effective, engaging content that supports your marketing goals and speaks to your readers.

Like many other content writing companies on this list, BKA Content provides several tiers of service that you can select depending on your budget and needs. The self-service tier is designed for small one-off projects and businesses with a content budget of less than $1,000 per month. With self-service, you benefit from transparent, up-front pricing and a quick turnaround time between seven and 10 business days.

seo article writing service

Simply order your content through the website and receive 100% original, SEO-optimized articles and blog posts written by professional native English speakers. Prices for original content (as opposed to rewrites of your existing content) range from $2.10 for a category description to $43.40 for a press release.

Managed Service Ordering Process

Here’s the easy ordering process:

  • Choose the type of content you want, such as a blog post, webpage, product description, etc.
  • Indicate your word count and select add-on services such as photos and a meta description.
  • Add your content to cart and repeat as needed, then pay using the secure online check-out form.
  • Check your email for an intuitive order form that will help you provide a content brief to the BKA Content team.

As you explored the types of SEO writing companies described above, you may have noticed that managed services are often the costliest aspect of outsourcing your content needs. At BKA Content, we bundle managed service as a free perk for clients who spend at least $1,000 on content every month. Our managed content writing service provides the peace of mind you need for ongoing, complex content projects with consistent, stringent requirements.


Additional Benefits of Managed Services

Managed SEO writing services also provide access to a dedicated team of specialized writing experts, which is ideal for high-level content areas such as medicine and law. BKA Content’s managed services have been used by major companies in countless industries, including but not limited to CVS Pharmacy, Auto Zone, Shutterstock, Target, Dell and The Home Depot.

In addition to our managed services, we offer scalable, flexible options for e-commerce sites and other businesses that need large batches of high-quality SEO-optimized content (product descriptions, for example). Agency services allow other SEO and marketing providers to benefit from our expert team of writers.


Get Started With an SEO Article Writing Service Today!

If you’re ready to get started working with one of the best SEO writing companies out there, browse our Content Shop today to learn more about our self-service options as well as our blog subscription plans. For larger SEO article writing projects, contact us directly to discuss your needs and to receive a free content writing quote.

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6 Steps To Outsource Content Creation Thu, 13 Apr 2023 10:11:51 +0000 The post 6 Steps To Outsource Content Creation appeared first on BKA Content.

Outsource Content Creation

6 Steps To Outsource Content Creation

Content marketing can be one of the most powerful tools in the digital marketing arsenal. Creating informational content on your website is a powerful way to attract, engage and convert potential customers. As you create blog posts, articles and other kinds of content that will interest your target audience, you can drive your strategic business goals. However, creating all that material isn’t an easy undertaking. Therefore, you may want to outsource content creation to a freelancer or work with copywriting services.

For businesses small and large, hiring professional content writers can be the key to an effective content marketing strategy. Of course, doing so is often easier said than done. The following guide will help you get started outsourcing your content creation so that you can achieve optimal results.


Reasons To Outsource Content Creation

outsource content creation

Before examining how to outsource, it is helpful to fully understand why outsourcing content creatoin is such a good idea for many businesses. The simple reason is that you can get better results faster and for less money in many cases. This may sound like it is too good to be true, but it isn’t. These are some of the benefits that outsourcing can deliver:

  • Dedicated Writer: One of the key challenges of using your existing team member (or yourself) is the fact that you both have other responsibilities. There are other interests competing for a finite amount of your time. Conversely, an outsourced writer is solely dedicated to writing content. He or she can turn around pieces more quickly and on a more consistent schedule.
  • Expertise in Content Marketing: As with any other role in your business, there is a lot to be said for hiring an expert to handle content creation. If you work with an agency that specializes in content marketing, you can be confident that the work will be backed by professionalism and expertise. That can make a huge difference in how impactful your content is (increasing your return on investment).
  • Cost-Efficiency: In most cases, you will spend less on an outsourced content writer than on any other option. While a full-time writer may cost less per hour, that assumes that you make optimal use of that writer’s time. Having a non-writer create content for your website will be very inefficient. When you outsource, you only pay for what you get.
  • Access To Topic Experts: When you outsource content creation, you aren’t married to a single writer. This is especially true if you choose an agency with a variety of writers available. If you need an expert on a particular topic, you can find one to work on a specific piece of content.


How To Get Started Outsourcing Content Creation

Now that you know that you want to outsource to a freelancer or agency, you are ready to get started. However, just having the intention isn’t enough. You also need a plan for how you will find and hire the right writer. The following six steps will help.

Do you need to outsource content creation

1) Identify Your Goals

Before starting to search for an outsourced writer, it is essential to establish your goals. As with all forms of marketing, content marketing is at its best when backed by strong goals. The most immediate benefit of this is that you will be better positioned to communicate what you want to potential writers.

Start by considering what your overall strategic and marketing goals are for content creation. For example, you may want to increase sales by 50% in the next three years. Your goals may be more modest or more ambitious and they may be defined in other terms. However, having specific and measurable strategic goals is necessary.

Next, think about how outsourcing content creation will support those larger goals. You may want to double your organic inbound website traffic in the next year, so a good plan would be to publish outsourced content consistently and focus on keywords. Alternatively, you may want to earn views from a new target audience. Again, being able to share your specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time-bound goals with your potential writers will help ensure your satisfaction.

You may also have some more logistical goals. For example, you may want to create new articles for your blog on a weekly basis. Regardless of whether it is a hard-and-fast requirement, it is a good idea to identify your expectations in terms of schedule, quality, tone and voice.

By thinking through what your content will look like, you will set yourself up to find the best writer more easily. After all, you can’t find someone who is the right fit if you don’t know what that fit is.


2) Set Parameters for Outsourcing Your Content Creation

Beyond your goals, it is also helpful to know some of the parameters of what you are looking for. Perhaps the most important of these is your budget. Every organization has different needs and expectations in terms of marketing expenses. You can approach this from the perspective of what you can afford, or you can set a realistic budget based on your goals.

Keep in mind that you often get what you pay for. There are certainly some diamonds in the rough. However, some business teams have been disappointed after opting for the most cut-rate article writer they could find. In many cases, it pays to invest a little more and get high-quality work.

Set parameters to outsource content creation

Ultimately, a knowledgeable and experienced writer will pay for him or herself. Content marketing works, especially when you outsource article writing to skilled freelancers or agencies. If you are putting out blogs, videos and web pages that engage your audience, you will see a substantial return on investment.

In addition to your budget, think about what your timeliness expectations are. If you have something that you want to have written, when would you typically need it by? If you want consistency, content writing agencies have the most reliability in the long run. And of course, some teams like to work at breakneck speed while others are okay with a more relaxed pace. Keep in mind that faster turnaround is usually more expensive.


3) Write Your Job Description

Using the information that you have gathered, start writing your job description. Even when you outsource content creation, a well-written job description can have a huge impact on your search outcomes. If you decide to pursue an agency rather than a single writer, you may want to format the document as a brief or a request for proposals. However, the long and short of this step is the same: communicate your needs and requirements in a concise and informative way.

The most important element to explain in your description is your content marketing goal(s). When you outsource content creation, there are a lot of possible service providers. Being clear about your objectives will help to thin out the pack significantly, allowing you to spend more time talking to writers who can really help you.

Don’t forget to detail your timeline and schedule expectations as well. Again, if you need daily content, there is no point in talking with a writer who can only offer a few hours per week.

Finally, try to avoid using vague language. Many teams have a tendency to say they are looking for “rock stars” or similarly vague terms. This doesn’t narrow down your search at all. Try to limit the description to information that will determine whether you and a writer are a good fit.


4) Decide Whether You Want To Use an Agency

You will need to make the important decision about whether to use an agency or not. There are a lot of reasons to choose an agency over an individual.

  • Multiple Writers: Most writing agencies employ numerous writers. Therefore, if one is unwell or taking a vacation, you won’t need to wait to get your content. Plus, if a writer gets a new job and leaves the agency, you don’t have to start the search all over again. In short, when you outsource content creation to an agency, you get a more reliable experience.
  • Organized Process: For a lot of teams, the organized process offered by agencies can be immensely helpful. There are typically account managers who can help you to submit orders and plan your content. Additionally, the writers have a streamlined process for receiving content briefs and completing and submitting content.
  • Greater Odds of Success: Finally, agencies are just easier to trust in a lot of cases. While there are some excellent freelance writers out there, it can be hard to know who will truly be able to deliver results for your brand. Conversely, agencies tend to have more established track records. They also know their niche specialties.

outsource content creation with a content agency

In some cases, hiring an individual may be better. They may be less expensive, and you can foster a more personal relationship. However, for many businesses of every size, the backing of an agency is worth seeking out.


5) Send Your Description

Next, it is time to send your job description, brief or RFP to some potential applicants. If you are looking for an agency to outsource your content creation, it is typically easiest to simply research some and contact them directly. However, if you are looking to outsource content from an individual writer, you will need to search a little more deeply.

Some job-posting websites will allow you to post freelance jobs. However, it is often more effective to target websites for remote work. Some examples include UpWork, and Flex Jobs. Additionally, you can consider more general websites such as Craigslist. However, these will tend to return weaker results.

One of the best ways to find writers is to leverage your network. Simply ask some other business teams who they have worked with previously. Personal recommendations can help you find reliable and effective people. However, keep in mind that other businesses may have different requirements and expectations than you.


6) Get Samples

The final step when choosing to outsource content creation should be getting one or more writing samples. This is the most effective way to evaluate a writer’s work. While you can look at a portfolio, the examples may not be directly relevant to your needs.

Furthermore, you can use samples to test the efficacy of a potential writer. Keep in mind that you will likely need to pay for samples if you want to run and test them. This is usually the best way to go. You will not only get higher-quality writers who are interested in your job but will also have the legal right to benefit from the samples.

Form a partnership when you outsource content creation

Commission a few samples and run them while tracking your KPIs. Then, evaluate whether the samples were effective enough for you to order more. If the writer is good but not quite achieving your goals, try changing your instructions. It is usually easier to home in on quality with an existing writer than to search for someone completely new.


Tips on Outsourcing Content Creation

The above steps will assist you in finding the right option to outsource. Of course, there are small lessons that can enable you to get more from your content marketing efforts. The following tips will help maximize the impact of your outsourcing efforts:

  • Focus on Long-Term Relationships: You will almost always get better results from someone you have worked with before. If your first try with a writer isn’t perfect but you can see some potential, keep working together to see if you can find the right stride. Over time, you will likely foster an excellent working relationship.
  • Reward Your Writers: People like to be rewarded when they do a good job. You can show your writers how much you appreciate them by sending messages of gratitude. Providing some financial incentives may also be a good idea, especially if you are working with individuals rather than agencies.
  • Work on Instruction-Giving: Don’t expect your writer to read your mind when you outsource content creation. Giving clear instructions is a skill that needs to be practiced. There are some special nuances for writing that you will learn as you go. Take some time to work on this and ask the writer for feedback on how you can be clearer.


Outsource Content Creation Today

Working with an outsourced writer or agency can be a great way to drive your content marketing success. BKA Content can help you outsource content creation and achieve optimal results. Our knowledgeable writers and account managers will help you to plan and execute high-quality content. Contact us today to learn more.

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25 Wise Marketing Quotes From the Best in the Business Wed, 12 Apr 2023 02:26:19 +0000 The post 25 Wise Marketing Quotes From the Best in the Business appeared first on BKA Content.


25 Wise Marketing Quotes From the Best in the Business

We’ve all heard that the “cream of the top rises to the top” and that you should “work smarter, not harder”, but there’s a lot more to business marketing than following marketing quotes that probably hung on the walls of your middle school classrooms. While these two pieces of advice are great, we thought we’d treat you to twenty-five insightful quotes to improve your marketing from some of the top business brains in the world.

'The cream of the top rises to the top!' See 25 more insights from business professionals.
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25 Best Marketing Quotes

While some of these marketing quotes may not apply exactly to your company, there is likely something to be gleaned from each of them. One of the fastest ways to get better at content marketing is to learn from the mistakes and successes of those who’ve gone before you, no matter what industry they’re in, and use that knowledge to make your content awesome. This is the way of the wise marketer.

best marketing quotes

So, let wisdom prevail, and enjoy the following business marketing quotes:

1. “If dogs don’t like your dog food, the packaging doesn’t matter.” – Stephen Denny, author of “Killing Giants”

2. “Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov, content team manager for HubSpot

3. “All the creativity books in the world aren’t going to help you if you’re unwilling to have lousy, lame and even dangerously bad ideas.” – Seth Godin, launcher of Yoyodyne and Squidoo and author of “All Marketers Are Liars”

4. “It’s not what you know or who you know, but who knows you.” – Susan RoAne, author of “How to Work a Room”

5. “Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.” – Philip Kotler, professor of International Marketing at Northwestern University and author of over 55 books

6. “The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you are not a brand, you are a commodity. Then price is everything and the low-cost producer is the only winner.” – Philip Kotler

7. “The only thing more expensive than hiring a professional is hiring an amateur.” – Red Adair, innovator and oil well firefighter

8. “Content is king, but marketing is queen and runs the household.” – Gary Vaynerchuk, business builder and owner of VaynerMedia

9. “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker, the “founder of modern management”

10. “Don’t build links. Build relationships.” – Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz

11. “Whether B2B or B2C, I believe passionately that good marketing essentials are the same. We all are emotional beings looking for relevance, context and connection.” – Beth Comstock, vice chair at GE

12. “Social media is about the people, not about your business. Provide for the people and the people will provide for you.” – Matt Goulart, founder and CEO of Ignite Digital

13. “Transforming a brand into a socially responsible leader doesn’t happen overnight by simply writing new marketing and advertising strategies. It takes effort to identify a vision that your customers will find credible and aligned with their values.” – Simon Mainwaring, marketing expert and founder of the concept of We First capitalism

14. “Pinterest is the new Google.” – Guy Kawasaki, author of “The Art of Social Media”

15. “If I’d have asked my customer what they wanted, they would have told me ‘A faster horse’.” – Henry Ford

16. “Creativity is one of the last remaining legal ways of gaining an unfair advantage over the competition.” – Ed McCabe, founder of McCabe & Company

17. “In network marketing, duplication is what success looks like.” – Michael S. Clouse, MLM expert

18. “The story is what’s going to get people excited.” – Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS

19. “Nobody cares about your products except you. Create interesting content!” – David Meerman Scott, author of “The New Rules of Marketing & PR”

20. “By publishing content that shows buyers you understand their problems and can show them how to solve them, you build credibility.” – Ardath Albee, author of “eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale”

21. “If your stories are all about your products and services, that’s not storytelling. It’s a brochure. Give yourself permission to make the story bigger.” – Jay Baer, founder Convince & Convert strategy consulting firm and five multi-million dollar businesses

22. “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” – Andrew Davis, founder of the first marketing thought leader talent agency, Monumental Shift

23. “Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes, it’s an ad.” – Howard Luck Gossage, founder of Mander, Freeman & Gossage

24. “Content is fire, social media is gasoline.” – Ryan Kahn, founder of The Hired Group

And finally, to put the cherry on top of this feast of marketing quote wisdom (and prove that business brains come in all different shapes and sizes) ….

25. “It will work. I am a marketing genius.” – Paris Hilton


What Are the Best Marketing Quotes You’ve Heard?

business marketing quotes

These are just a few of the best marketing quotes to keep in mind when trying your hand at marketing with wisdom. Are there any other amazing quotes about marketing that we missed?  If you have any other tips or business wisdom to share, please send it our way in the comments!

The post 25 Wise Marketing Quotes From the Best in the Business appeared first on BKA Content.

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How To Come Up With Blog Content Ideas Wed, 05 Apr 2023 19:21:26 +0000 The post How To Come Up With Blog Content Ideas appeared first on BKA Content.

seo content creation great idea

How To Come Up With Blog Content Ideas

Content marketing and search engine optimization are often viewed as two must-have forms of digital marketing for modern brands. They can help small businesses with focused blogging strategies to compete against global corporations. However, no one can get very far with business blogging campaigns without having interesting blog content ideas. Unfortunately for many marketers, coming up with those blog post topics can be a serious challenge at times.


Why You Need To Create Interesting Blog Content Ideas

Before delving into how to come up with blog post ideas, it is worth considering why doing so is important. Consumers increasingly distrust traditional forms of advertising. Blog writing, conversely, is viewed as more authentic because it provides genuine value to the audience. By reading an article, blog or watching a video, the consumer is engaging with something he or she is interested in rather than simply being shown an ad.

The best blog content strategies have diverse schedules of content featuring different media and plentiful topics that the audience is excited about. Of course, filling your schedule with blog post topics is much easier said than done.

Whether you buy blogs or try to create them in-house, you need to have a catalog of ideas to draw from. Coming up with one on the spot whenever you need a piece of content is impractical. Using the following 11 techniques (broken into three categories) will help you come up with more and better ideas for your blog content.


How To Come Up With New Blog Content Ideas

Some ideas you are inspired to create without having seen them elsewhere. These blog post topics are wholly (or at least mostly) new for your brand. Although you will likely end up repeating ideas that others have broached, all of these techniques focus on coming up with blog content ideas on your own.


1. Read Regularly

One of the best ways to come up with blog topics is to read frequently. It is a good idea to stay up to date with the latest in your industry anyway. Doing so will help you run a better business.

blog content ideas

However, the impact on content creation is also substantial. Regular reading can help you notice blog post topics that are worth sharing with your audience. It may also inspire new topics that synthesize what you are reading with your real-world experiences.

Don’t limit yourself to just industry news. Also read advice and guidance from business experts. Even fiction can sometimes be a source of significant creative inspiration. If you make time to read every day, you will consistently inspire new blog ideas to write about.


2. Capture Your Blog Topic Ideas When You Have Them

Have you ever had a brilliant idea but forgot it by the time you could actually do something about it? This is an extremely common experience. It is so relatable that shower thoughts are a commonly discussed trope.

The best way to overcome this problem is to write down your blog content ideas when you have them and to create a list for your SEO content creation schedule. Set up a note-taking application on your phone or carry a small notepad around with you wherever you go. Having something to take notes on is one of the simplest ways to ensure that those brilliant ideas make it onto paper before you have a chance to forget them.

This is helpful for more than just blog post writing. If you suddenly think to reach out to an old associate about potentially collaborating, you can write that down. Similarly, if you meet someone new, you will never forget any information about them if you write it down. In short, note taking is a smart idea for any businessperson.


3. Review Your Notes on Meetings and Business Concerns

In a similar vein, it is a good idea to write down and later review notes on your business activities. If you have an important discussion about your business, you probably aren’t thinking about blog post ideas in the moment. However, if you take notes, you can revisit that discussion later.

By taking notes, you can mine your own work for content ideas without having to distract yourself in the moment. This can be a very fruitful source. Anytime you are working on something relevant to your audience, jot down a few notes and review them later for ideas.

best blog content ideas

For example, if you have a significant discussion about a new product release, take notes on it. You could then prepare content topics that are closely related to that release. Alternatively, you may realize that you are discussing a gap in the market that consumers may be interested in.


4. Research Keywords and Blog Post Topics

Keyword research is an essential part of search engine optimization. It can also be a valuable tool for blog content creation. Spend some time exploring the keywords that people frequently search for. This can give you a hint about what questions and concerns your audience may have.

Similarly, search engines are increasingly trying to deliver topic- and intent-based search results to their users. They want to ensure that the users’ true interests are being addressed with relevant results, regardless of what keywords they decide to enter. Taking a step back from the specific words and thinking about those search intents can help you to create impactful blog content topics.

There are numerous keyword research tools that can help you discover both the specific search terms and the search intents of your audience. Don’t just throw those keywords onto your website. Build high-value blog content around them to attract and engage potential customers. As you post keyword-specific articles consistently (perhaps with the help of our monthly SEO blog writing subscription), you can start seeing steady results.


5. Think About Your Audience

Sometimes it is helpful to sit back for a moment and try to put yourself in the shoes of your audience. This is a valuable exercise for business marketing in general. It can be useful for coming up with blog content ideas.

For example, if you run a camping supply business, empathizing with your customers may cause you to realize that there is an audience that feels cooped up at home but doesn’t yet know that camping could be an entertaining solution to their problem. Writing for that audience can be a great source of new topics.

find topics for blog

You can apply a more rigorous and organized process for this by using personas. These are fictional characters that represent different groups of your real customers. “Greg” may be a student, while “Mercedes” may be a young professional. Creating personas is a good way to make your audience feel more human and relatable.


Borrow Blog Content Ideas From Others

Of course, you don’t always have to come up with your own blog content ideas from scratch. There are plenty of topics that have already been addressed but that you could approach with a new voice or perspective. The following three techniques will help you borrow some blog ideas from others.


6. Look at Your Competitors’ Blogs

Your competitors’ blog content is always a good source of topics. They are likely also trying to create interesting articles, videos and more to engage your shared audience. So, why not make use of their topics for your blog writing?

This may feel like plagiarism, but you don’t have to copy their ideas word for word. Instead, you can take a look at them and see what you could say differently about the same topic.

Furthermore, you don’t want to let your competitors dominate relevant blog post topics. If they have an article about the best tents for beginners, you should have one too. Otherwise, any prospective customers searching for that topic are going to go straight to your competitor.


7. Talk To Your Customers

Why not talk to your customers about blog post topics they are interested in? After all, customers are the ones who will be consuming your blog content creation. You may as well tap into their thoughts to help fill your topic catalog.

The simplest approach to this is to just outright ask your audience what they would like to know more about. If you have an engaged following on social media, try asking the question there. You can also create a form on your website to request topics for you to cover. This digital suggestion box can help you find blog content ideas you may have never thought of.

blog post topics

Another technique is to ask your audience which blog topics have been their favorites. This can help you delve deeper into certain ideas. Additionally, you can pitch a few ideas to your followers and ask them which they like the most. Chances are that they will come back with some ideas of their own.

Remember that this will tend to get interaction from your most loyal followers. This isn’t a good way to find topics for people who don’t already know about your brand.


8. Check Out Social Media Chatter

You can also take a look at what your audience is talking about on social media channels. For example, if you join some groups that are relevant to your field, this can be a great source of blog post topics. Perhaps people are talking about the best campsites around the country, which could make an excellent topic.

This can be both a source of inspiration and a source of specific topics. Keep in mind that you should avoid looking at groups for enthusiasts only. It is a smart idea to also examine social chatter from groups of beginners or people who have related but different interests.


Build Upon Your Best Blog Content Ideas

Finally, you have a bank of existing blog content that you have already created. You should leverage it to come up with new items to publish. Many people buy SEO articles simply to update their existing blog content catalogs. These three techniques will help you give your online library a refresh.


9. Change the Medium of a Blog Topic

Changing the medium that you use for a topic is an excellent way to turn one blog topic into two or more pieces of content. For example, you may have produced a webinar on a high-value topic. You can record this webinar and release it as a video on demand. You can also write an article summarizing the topics discussed in the webinar and video.

best blog post ideas

This can also help you to make your blog content more accessible for your audience. Some people don’t like to watch videos and would rather read. Others want to listen to their content. This is especially relevant for people with disabilities that restrict some of the content they can consume. Writing a summary can make audio content accessible to hearing-impaired audience members.


10. Revisit Old Blog Post Topics

Sometimes you can simply revisit an old topic in your SEO content creation process. For example, you may have written about the top 10 products in a category before. Chances are that they are completely different three years later. Use the same topic again but write a version for the current year.

Many topics will change between years and seasons. Additionally, you may simply have something new to say on a topic. Obviously, you shouldn’t revisit a blog post topic that you wrote about a month ago. However, after a while, you can safely go back to an old topic without overloading your audience.


11. Update Old Blog Posts

In some cases, you can simply update old blog topics. These may be pieces that you think deserve more information but that a full rewrite would be too much for.

An example of this for the hypothetical camping brand may be if concern about bear populations increased. You may want to provide your audience with new tips on how to store food in a way that won’t attract unwanted attention. You don’t need to rewrite all of your old camping tips, just add an addendum.

Even if you are simply updating a blog topic, it gives you a chance to reengage your audience. Let them know that you have added an update and invite them to learn more.


Get Help Coming Up With Blog Post Topics

The above tips will help you come up with new blog content ideas for your SEO and content marketing. However, even the best blog post ideas don’t write themselves. Whether you need help with strategy or SEO content writing, BKA Content can help. Our knowledgeable team can help you create better, more impactful content. Check out our content shop or contact us to learn more.

The post How To Come Up With Blog Content Ideas appeared first on BKA Content.

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8 Ways To Update Old Content On Your Website Wed, 22 Mar 2023 14:21:42 +0000 The post 8 Ways To Update Old Content On Your Website appeared first on BKA Content.


8 Ways To Update Old Content On Your Website

Posting a really great piece that generates thousands of visitors can be great for your business, but eventually, the newness will wear off and the hits will drop. While you could let that article drift off into the oblivion of your archives, you may find that a few simple tweaks can breathe new life into the piece and start generating more traffic. Updating old content SEO is one of the best content marketing strategies you can do to help your company in the long run… and it’s one of the easiest to achieve.


Why Update Old Content?

update old content SEO

Although the internet isn’t alive, it sure feels like it sometimes. Millions of people search for things every day, and millions of new content pieces are being uploaded. The internet connects people from around the world and is a huge part of marketing for businesses.

Google’s search engine is constantly running it’s algorithms to find the best articles for people who search. SEO is a big factor in where your content gets ranked when answering users’ search queries. The problem is, as new content is getting uploaded by your competitors, your posts slowly move down the line.

Unless you do some proactive work and update old content. There are many factors of updating, but overall, when you fix, tweak and update the date of your old posts, you are recirculating them back in the sea of google searches.

If you had a few amazing posts, don’t let them disappear. Keep tweaking them so they meet the needs of users and keep them fresh on your blog.


8 Ways To Update Old Content

There are so many benefits of reoptimizing old content, but you may be wondering how to update old blog posts. If you’re not sure where to start, here are the top ways to refresh a post to snatch up new followers with the least amount of effort.


1. Click on Your Links

It has probably been a while since you clicked on the links in your old post, and there are several reasons to do so now. First, you may find that some of them are no longer good and you need to find a replacement. You don’t readers to be disappointed if your article’s links take them to 404 pages, and that definitely doesn’t improve your credibility.

Second, you may find that there is better information out there now that would benefit your article. Especially if it’s been a couple of years, there might be completely new information that you would want to give to readers. Outdated information also lowers your credibility. Third, you can use the success of your original post to request links and backlinks from reputable sources.

Adding new links is also a great way to refresh your article and boost it in Google’s rankings. If you have new product offerings, including internal links to them can be another great way of updating your page and encouraging sales at the same time.


2. Check for Errors

how to update old blog posts

After writing a piece of content, it’s best to step away for a few days or hours before reading it over. This can give a writer fresh eyes that are better at catching mistakes. Looking at your page again after a few weeks or months can be plenty of time to give you a new perspective and allow you to catch small mistakes you may have previously overlooked. Not only will fixing grammatical errors improve your company’s image, but it will also give your page an updated status.

Although you want to avoid making mistakes in the first place, each time you go to update old content SEO, give a quick scan through to see if there are grammatical, structural or tonal errors. You may want to install a grammar app that can highlight problem areas, thus saving you time while editing.


3. Add Some Images

If your old content doesn’t have pictures, don’t let this problem date you. Articles without pictures often seem tedious and they are a pretty good sign of older or outdated content. You can easily upload images that go with old pieces of content. If you use a stock image website or prefer Google’s creative commons, search for images that go hand in hand with your article. Try to space them out as evenly as possible for the best readability.

New images and videos are constantly being created and you may find something better than what you originally had in your post. An eye-catching picture can go a long way in attracting readers, so finding something relevant can bring in new viewers that had previously passed over your page.


4. Update Your Keywords

One of the best content marketing methods is to utilize keywords, but those can change over time. Readers may have been searching for “Queen Elizabeth’s teapot replica” in the early 2000s, but an addition to the royal family may have prompted searchers to switch from looking for trinkets of the Mother Queen to those of Princess Kate. By constantly checking your keyword research, you can make sure you are using the most recent terms and catch the eyes of as many viewers as possible.

And let’s be honest, keywords are so important when it comes to search engine rankings. You need good keywords. But sometimes, when checking which keywords you’re ranking for, you realize that your content isn’t ranking for the keywords you focused on. If this happens, that’s okay… in fact, it can be great because you do rank for other keywords. If the keyword has a high search volume and you’re ranked pretty high, go ahead and alter the content a little bit to focus on those keywords. As we’ve seen in our own keyword research, content ranks best when it’s focused on the keyword you’re aiming for.

As you make the switch to a different keyword, go ahead and write new content about the keyword you didn’t rank for. Maybe this new piece will have better luck.


5. Analyze Information

Analyze Data to update old content

In addition to keywords and links, basic information in your post can also become dated, even if you were working toward an evergreen blog. A quick glance over your post should alert you to any details that are no longer relevant. This could include a change in outside information but also may be due to adjustments or advancements within your own company. Have you changed your product offerings or ordering system? If so, be sure your content reflects that information so you don’t confuse and lose customers.

Along with updating information in old content, don’t forget to update the format if you’ve made any stylistic changes to your newer blogs. This includes image size, font, headings and spacing. Keep things consistent to help build your brand identity and image.


6. Add Attractive Details

By doing a little bit of research, you may find that all of your posts about the latest styles of pencil boxes attract a lot of views, but those about erasers don’t. If this is the case, add some details about which stylish pencil boxes look best with which erasers. Use the details that bring readers to your site to attract them to other posts as well.

This can be applied in many ways, but don’t forget to include internal links to help build hierarchy and help readers find additional information they are interested in. When you start publishing a lot of content, you have the benefit of using what you’ve already written to enhance and support the content you are promoting.


7. Completely Change Focus

Do you have a page that is just not getting clicked on? Maybe it’s time to think of a new angle. You can retain much of the original information and writing but adjust and organize the page to fit a new title. And maybe, you need to focus on a different keyword that is similar but a little more popular.

Sometimes just adding a catchier heading that takes a different approach can be enough to bring new viewers in. Work with your content marketing agency to determine how your original post can be adjusted to fit a new focus.


8. Add More Subsections

Sometimes new organization and a little more information are all you need to bring in thousands of viewers. This can be easily accomplished by adding new subsections. If you have a hard time coming up with new facts or ideas, plug your topic into Google’s search engine. Check out the “people also ask” feature in the results. This can be a great place to find out what else people want to know about your topic.

SEO updating old content

As you beef up your content, you’ll not only better inform readers, but you can increase your word count which can be good for your search rankings. Keep in mind that you should always add content that helps readers and isn’t fluff. But as you provide more useful content, you can build up credibility and offer more fulfilling content to readers.


Additional Tips When Updating Your Blog Posts

tips for updating old content

All of these are great tactics to use as you revamp your old content, but there are some things you should keep in mind. The experts at Search Engine Journal advise professionals to be aware of the following tips when reincarnating old content:

  • Simplify your title tag: Some title tags are more clickable than others, and if yours is too congested, you are less likely to get clicks, no matter how awesome your updated content is. Fix this problem by updating the title tag to reflect what’s on the page and attract readers.
  • Change your timestamp: Rather than sticking with the original publishing date, change your settings so that the time stamp will show when the last update was made. This prevents your page from looking outdated and lets viewers know just how recently the information was checked.
  • Share and Re-share: Once you’ve put your time and effort into revamping your post, share it on every social media platform you’ve got. Sometimes, people feel subconscious sharing something that’s already been shared, but it’s just fine to let readers know that you’ve updated a past post with a title like “Preschooling Your Own Child (Updated With New Apps!).”


Get Started Today!

Updating old content SEO is one of the best content marketing strategies to keep profiting from a great piece. Follow these tips to breathe new life into your dormant pages and continue climbing up Google’s rankings.

The post 8 Ways To Update Old Content On Your Website appeared first on BKA Content.

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