SEO blog writing services and productivity

10 SEO Blog Writing Tips for Small Businesses

by | Apr 18, 2023 | Content Marketing | 1 comment

SEO blog writing is a powerful tool that can help brands increase their visibility and authority. It can also help enhance search engine optimization. However, writing blog content for SEO isn’t an easy channel to compete in. To create effective blog content, you need the right blog strategy to bring it together, the right blog formatting and design to keep readers interested, and the right SEO blog writing services to help you scale your marketing efforts.


SEO Blog Writing Best Practices

Maintaining a productive and effective blog writing process is challenging. Many teams start strong, but their enthusiasm flags after their initial ideas run out. Keeping a consistent and effective blog marketing strategy is no small undertaking.

seo blog writing best practices

As with most things, it helps to have a plan and resources in place to make sure a marketing campaign really takes off. With blog writing for SEO, that can entail everything from stellar keyword research to tracking and analyzing posts on a monthly basis. Below, we’ve compiled some of the best blog writing tips for SEO that can help your business reach the next level of blogging dominance.


10 Blog Writing Tips for SEO

Fortunately, there are a few blog writing tips for SEO that can help you achieve a more consistent content writing strategy. Whether you hire an SEO blog writing service to help you create content or do it all yourself, these blog writing tips will empower you to achieve your marketing goals.


1. Record Blog Ideas When They Come

SEO blog Idea creation can be a major impediment to productive content marketing. Simply put, it is difficult to just sit down and come up with ideas.

A simple strategy for overcoming this obstacle is to record your ideas whenever you have them. That way, when inspiration strikes, you can immediately write down your thoughts and reference them later.

Consider carrying a notebook around with you. If you think of a brilliant new idea for an SEO blog post, you will have a system for capturing that concept before you forget it.

seo blog writing

Over time, this will help you to steadily create a bank of ideas. Try organizing your blog ideas into categories. Some will be highly topical and need to be written almost immediately. Others may be seasonal or otherwise somewhat time-bound, but not necessarily early. The most valuable SEO blog content tends to be evergreen, meaning that it will always contain relevant information, no matter when you read it.

You can also expand your idea pool by creating variants of concepts. For example, if you want to produce a list of summer activities that are relevant to your products, you can do the same for fall, winter and spring. In doing so, you turn one SEO blog idea into four. In fact, you could potentially produce those same four blog posts every year with new updates each time.


2. Plan Each Blog Post Before Creation

When you want to be productive, it is tempting to try to dive straight into SEO blog writing. However, for content marketing, this may be a mistake. Instead, it is helpful to have a complete plan for each piece of blog content first.

Think about what you intend to achieve with each specific piece and how it will fit into your broader strategy. Additionally, consider how you plan to promote it. SEO blog writing isn’t very beneficial if the piece doesn’t reach the intended audience.

seo blog writing

Some of your promotional considerations may include the format of the blog content, the channels you will promote it on and the schedule for promotion. One piece may require intense, short-term promotion, while another may need more of a slow burn.

Planning out these factors before you start creating can help you to avoid wasting time on ideas that aren’t likely to be successful. For example, you may realize that a particular subtopic is especially relevant for your audience. Ultimately, a piece of content is only worthwhile if it works for the audience.

This process is especially useful when leveraging SEO blog writing services to maximize efficiency.  Having a set topic, format and keyword guidelines for an SEO blog writer speeds the process up immensely and ensures you keep revisions for a minimum.

Finally, consider if and how you can repurpose your blog content. As mentioned above, reusing and reshaping ideas can help you expand your pool of content. It is helpful to think about this before you delve into SEO blog post writing.


3. Set Goals and Track Progress

It probably comes as no surprise that goal setting can help you stay more productive when engaging in writing blog posts for SEO. Effective goals can improve the efficiency and results of almost any business project. Using the SMART criteria is a helpful way to write better goals:

  • Specific: The goal should be focused on a particular area of improvement.
  • Measurable: You should be able to quantify your goal, or at least clearly know whether it has been achieved.
  • Action-Oriented: There should be action steps you can take to achieve your goal.
  • Realistic: The end result should be something that you can realistically achieve (even if it is ambitious).
  • Time-Bound: There should be a time parameter for achieving your goal.

There are other versions of this acronym and other criteria sets, each with its own merits. Regardless of which system you prefer, having a methodology that helps you write useful goals for your SEO blog writing will enable you to achieve more with your content marketing.

seo blog writing services

Another important element is tracking your progress. This should be closely linked with your goal setting (see “Measurable” above). Consider establishing a scorecard of key performance indicators to help you evaluate each piece of SEO content and your strategy overall. This may include clicks, conversion rates, blog shares and other valuable metrics.

Setting goals and tracking your progress will help keep you on the path to success. It will help you focus on the SEO blog writing ideas and techniques that deliver significant results.


4. Learn To Foster Flow

Getting in a state of flow when blog writing can improve your productivity. This is especially important for creative work, such as content creation, because it requires greater cognition.

Flow is a concept in positive psychology that describes a state of mind in which a person is fully immersed in the task at hand. People also often call this “being in the zone.” When you achieve flow, you can devote a larger portion of your brain activity to creating ideas, writing blog content for SEO and promoting the results.

Achieving flow is a little different for everyone. So, there is not a single, one-size-fits-all solution. Nonetheless, a few tricks can be valuable. First, make sure to eliminate as many distractions as possible from your workspace. Second, avoid multitasking mentally or physically.

seo blog post writing

It is also helpful to do SEO blog post writing at your peak time. For example, if you are not a morning person, don’t try to find your flow first thing in the morning. Perhaps you tend to hit your stride in the early afternoon. Save your most important writing work for that time.

Chances are that you have naturally experienced flow previously. However, if you can learn to foster it, you will be able to more intentionally get into a flow to get your SEO blog writing done.


5. Remember the Audience During Blog Content Writing

When developing a piece of blog content, always keep the audience in mind. This concept was briefly mentioned in the tip on content planning. However, it is so important that it deserves its own tip.

Think about who will be reading the piece. You can have the best blog idea in the world, but if it doesn’t work for your audience, it will not achieve the results you want.

Creating personas can be a helpful way to understand your audience better. These are fictional, representative customers. Typically, marketers create one persona per audience group. For example, you may create a persona representing college students.

Start by creating a description of someone who would likely fit into the target group. Give that person a name and choose a photo that fits the character. Most brands will have several personas that represent different parts of their audiences.

writing blog content for seo

Thinking in terms of personas when writing blog content for SEO helps to make the audience feel more real. As you plan, create and distribute content, this technique will help you to make decisions that better suit the people who will be reading, viewing and/or listening to the piece.

You are creating blog content to attract a specific audience. If you aren’t thinking about it when you are working, you will likely be writing blog posts for SEO that don’t speak to the wants and needs of your would-be customers. In other words, if you forget your audience, you will be wasting your time.


6. Create a Process for Publishing and Promoting Blog Content

Another great blog writing tip for SEO is to think of what should happen once the writing process is finished. You can increase your productivity by having a well-defined and consistent process for publishing and promoting your blog content. This should be a repeatable process that minimizes the amount of effort you need to put into the logistics of writing each piece of blog content.

Whether you use SEO blog writing services or in-house writers, there is no getting around the need for creativity and effort when coming up with ideas and creating content. However, you can minimize the level of work needed for all the other parts.

Your process should include considerations such as where blog content will be primarily hosted, what the schedule for posting will be, how it will be promoted on various channels and when it will appear in email marketing. Many of these decisions and tasks will be the same for all or at least many of your pieces. So, why reinvent the wheel every time you write blog posts for SEO?

seo for blog writing

When you begin, you may want to have a single process for every piece. As you start to get more advanced, you can consider having a few versions of this process optimized for different blog campaigns and goals.


7. Stick to Your Content Calendar

As you may already know, it is very valuable to have a content marketing calendar. This is a plan for what blog content you will create and when. Your calendar should include two types of entries: types of content and specific ideas. In other words, you should have a long-term plan for the sorts of topics and media that you will create and distribute. As you come up with blog ideas, you can swap these general types of content out for specific ideas you have planned.

This calendar can be extremely valuable and will help to improve your productivity long-term when writing blog content for SEO. In general, it is a good idea to stick to your calendar and avoid deviating.

Sometimes there will be necessary exceptions to this. For example, a world or market event may make a particular blog piece very topical. Naturally, you should produce topical blog content when it is relevant. This may require deviating from your plan.

blog writing tips for seo

Additionally, you can always adjust the blog strategy of your calendar as you learn more about what does and doesn’t resonate with your audience. However, you should avoid changing things up just because you have a moment of inspiration. If there is no added value in writing an SEO blog now rather than when it is planned to be released, don’t change things.

Perhaps even more importantly, don’t let yourself get behind on the calendar. Working with SEO blog writing services can make this easier. At BKA content, we offer a monthly blog subscription to give you access to high-quality blogs consistent with your posting schedule.


8. Repurpose SEO Blog Content

Whenever possible, repurpose your blog content. You don’t have to come up with an original idea every time you want to write blogs for SEO. Instead, you can simply modify or reformat your content and reuse it.

One easy way to repurpose your content is to change the medium. Many marketers focus on articles and blog posts when thinking about content marketing. While these are often highly effective, there are many other types of media that can work too. HubSpot identifies 12 types of content that can fit into your toolkit.

So, you could produce a video, then write a blog article summarizing the points. Similarly, you may write a whitepaper and then host a webinar about it. You could even record the webinar and release that.

Of course, you don’t want to have a content calendar that is dominated by the same small number of topics. There is value in fresh ideas when it comes to writing blog posts for SEO. However, if you planned to release something every week, for example, you could repurpose each idea once to have 52 releases with 26 topics in a year.

writing a blog for SEO

Beyond saving you some time and energy, this process will also help you to engage a wider audience. Not everyone enjoys watching videos or reading blog articles. Some people like a deep dive into the data, while others prefer the high-level summary. Repurposing blog content means that your pieces can suit the preferences of more audience members.

Whenever possible, repurpose your content ♻️. You don’t have to come up with an original idea every time you want to release something. Instead, simply modify or reformat your content and reuse it. #ContentMarketing #MarketingTips Click To Tweet


9. Schedule Time To Revisit Each Post

When you publish an article and schedule the social media posts that will promote it, you may think that you are done. However, it is very valuable to revisit each piece you have published after a few weeks or so.

This creates an opportunity for you to check out the metrics for the piece and evaluate its performance. It is also a chance to think about how the SEO blog content may be repurposed, re-promoted or otherwise improved.

In some cases, this time will simply be a retrospective period to think about what you could do better in the future. In other cases, you may find ways that you can get more from the piece of content.

writing blog posts for seo

It is very easy to put off self-evaluation of marketing in favor of tasks that seem more urgent or important. However, getting in the habit of revisiting each item when engaging in SEO blog writing will set you up for significant future success. It will also help you get more for your money if you are hiring SEO blog writing services.

Once you have made a habit of this process, it will be easy to make the necessary time. However, getting started can be tougher. The best technique is to schedule a block of time as soon as you publish the blog post.


10. Look into Utilizing SEO Blog Writing Services

Last of all, when you start immersing yourself in the world of SEO blog writing you’ll quickly learn it’s a massive sandbox. The more blog content you can create for different key phrases and terms, the wider your online reach can be. When you rely on your own time and skills for all of your SEO blog post writing you’ll cap out on how many posts can be done, or burnout altogether. That’s where professional SEO blog writing services can come in handy.

SEO blog writing service

Hiring an SEO blog writing service to help you scale your campaigns allows you to eliminate bandwidth constraints and really attack your competitors’ hold on the industry. Most SEO blog writing services have hundreds of trained blog writers that can help you completed large amounts of content in short periods of time. So rather than waiting an entire year to get through your backlog of blog ideas because you don’t have the time, you can be proactive and get ahead of the curve.

If you’re serious about writing blog posts for SEO and gaining traction online you’ll need help. SEO blog writing services are the most efficient, cost-effective way to scale your efforts.


Writing Blog Content for SEO: It Can Be Done!

Staying productive with your blog content marketing efforts isn’t easy. By its nature, writing blog posts for SEO involves coming up with new and creative ideas regularly. Doing so consistently is no simple undertaking. However, by using the ten blog writing tips for SEO listed above, you can improve your productivity and your results.

For many brands, it is better to hire SEO blog writing services to help create a catalog of content. In many cases, you will save more time and energy than the cost of the service. BKA Content provides content writing services tailored to your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your brand.

Greg Secrist
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