6 Reasons Why Buying Content Marketing Articles Will Supercharge Your Efforts

by | Mar 12, 2023 | Content Marketing | 2 comments

Content is the fuel that feeds the fire in your digital marketing strategy. However, the challenge of creating quality content is the time and effort it takes to write SEO articles. This problem can be easily solved by deciding to buy content marketing articles, which in turn can save you an insane amount of time and money in the long run.

Not convinced? Let me explain why using a high-quality article writing service is the best way to supercharge your content marketing efforts hands down! Here are six reasons that you won’t be able to refuse.

1. Buying Content Marketing Articles Saves Time

It’s no secret that the biggest complaint amongst content marketers is the amount of time it takes to create original content. When people talk about content marketing, they recognize the importance of publishing quality articles. However, they usually grossly underestimate the time it takes to create the content that helps businesses generate leads, market their brand and ultimately deliver sales and improve customer retention.

Effective articles that boost business take time to develop and write. Researching keywords, topics, strategies and staying up on current SEO tactics can each be a full-time job in and of themselves, not to mention all of the tracking and reporting that comes with each of these functions.

With so many moving parts that have to somehow harmoniously synchronize in order to see results, creating content marketing articles often is one of the hardest things to pull off due to its huge time commitments and is often neglected. If you don’t add the meat of content marketing, you’re left with a bunch of hungry, dissatisfied readers. If you’re looking for marketing success, quality SEO content needs to be a priority.

How Long Does It Take To Write Articles for Content Marketing?

It takes longer than you may think. Hubspot asked over 4,000 marketing professionals how long it takes them on average to write a 500-word blog post. Here is what they found out:


content marketing articles


56% of those surveyed said it takes them between 1-3 hours to write a post of this size. For simplicity’s sake, let’s say it takes two hours on average to write a 500-word blog post.

Two hours isn’t too much of a time commitment until you start adding everything up. When it comes to volume, our statistics show that companies that write and post 16 blog posts or more per month see three times the amount of traffic compared to those that only post one or two per month.

Will your company use the minimum number of content marketing articles or choose the more effective way of success? For the maximum chance to progress, you need to invest more in content marketing. If we do the math, 16 blog posts a month would equate to 32 hours of writing timeain’t nobody got time for that!


If you buy articles for content marketing, you can outsource ALL of the time it takes to write unique and original content, not to mention the time it takes to optimize it for SEO and edit it for grammar mistakes to a copywriting service for a fixed cost! It’s a win-win situation; you get the content you need and extra time to promote it.

2. Buy Content Marketing Articles To Save Big Bucks

Based on the figures previously stated, if it takes 32 hours on average to write sixteen 500-word blog posts, you would need to multiply 32 hours by whatever you or an in-house writer’s hourly rate is to figure out how much that content costs.

Chances are, this amount of article writing is much more costly than you may have previously thought!

Outsourcing Article Writing vs. Writing In-House

If you are a larger operation and have some marketing staff in-house to write the content, we have done a very thorough analysis of what the true cost is to hire and manage in-house writers vs outsourcing it to a copywriting service.

outsource article writing

Based on our research, most companies can save an average of up to 36% annually by outsourcing content writing vs creating that content in-house.

That’s a lot of money saved on content marketing articles! Imagine all of the things you could use that extra money for within the company or your own department! Besides, with outsourced content, you are guaranteed writers who are proficient in writing SEO content. You no longer have to make up content on the fly, so you can count on content marketing articles that will complement and enhance your marketing strategy.


3. Create More Marketing Articles Faster

One person can only create so much content. If you are the only one writing articles for content marketing, your efforts are capped by whatever amount of content you can personally create within a certain amount of time. This isn’t anything against your abilities, but simply the reality of things. If you want more content written, you need a bigger team.

By using a copywriting service, you instantly gain the ability to scale content writing at large volumes. With access to an army of highly qualified writers, you can create large amounts of content marketing content in a much shorter period of time.


4. Increase the Impact of Content Marketing Efforts

Are you searching for an increase in online traffic? According to the research below from Hubspot, the more content marketing articles you post, the more monthly indexed traffic you will receive:

content marketing blog posts

The data shows that the more content marketing blog posts that you publish each month, the more site traffic you receive. Effective Search Engine Optimization relies on quality, keyword-infused articles. The more you have, the more likely users will find your website and stick with it.

Keep in mind that not only does the length of your marketing articles matter, but so does the frequency and consistency of how you post them. Once you pass the threshold of posting 10 content marketing articles a month, the graph starts to show a steeper incline. Once you reach the 16 a month mark, you’ve maximized your traffic potential.

Since content creation services are usually always cheaper than creating content in-house, you can get more article content for the same amount of money by outsourcing the content writing.

Creating high-quality content in large volumes is the secret to supercharging your content marketing ROI.


5. Create Higher Quality Content Marketing Articles

Let’s face it. Many content marketers quickly burn out writing about the same products and services that their company offers. How many times can you uniquely describe the same mold removal service?

When you buy articles from a high-quality article writing service, you instantly get a unique perspective and a fresh take on your topics from people who come from many walks of life. That diversity scales with an article writing company, too. You have the ability to use 1 or 100 different writers to create all your content, ensuring unique ideas and casting a wider net of writing styles and sentence structure that appeals to both readers and search engines.

content marketing article writing

This helps your content become much more personable, which is the ultimate goal when trying to identify and connect with your readers.

Don’t forget that outsourcing companies choose their writers carefully. They look for grammar proficiency and readability. When you buy content marketing articles, you can expect content to be of good quality. For extra insurance, you can pay for additional editing which improves the written content. If you are looking for top-notch SEO content writers, a high-quality article writing service has plenty to choose from.


6. Create Better Optimized Marketing Articles

Using high-quality article writing services not only increases the chances of your content marketing articles being more readable, but depending on the writing service you use, they may also have writers trained in the art of implementing SEO into their writing.

When content is SEO optimized by those who write it, it saves you time and ensures that the content was written from an SEO perspective to target search engines as well as readers. When it comes to content marketing, the more you can do to help your content succeed on both of those fronts, the better positioned you are to maximize your ROI and start making waves in your industry.

What options do you have when choosing writers who can optimize your content? Here are some possible ways writers can help you with your marketing efforts:

  • Place keywords strategically
  • Write meta tags such as title tags and meta descriptions
  • Include written text for social media posts
  • Insert headers and bullet points

Depending on your needs, you can pay for the exact type of writing you need with the right level of SEO. You can also find writers for all kinds of content, such as ebooks, blog posts and product descriptions. You may want to check article writing vs. content writing services, but keep in mind that most outsourcing companies do both.

Buy Content Marketing Articles Today: What Are You Waiting For?

As you can see, outsourcing your content writing will save you time, money and headaches when it comes to implementing content marketing campaigns. It’s just another way to improve your potential reach to customers. Besides, why not use digital writer resources to your advantage?

Make the switch today to buying articles from a content writing company and start seeing the results.  By creating more high-quality content marketing articles with the existing budget you already have, you’ll see increased rankings, traffic and exposure. After all, getting more for less is a winning strategy that every business can get behind.

Start Supercharging Your Content Marketing Today!

Let us show you how easy and convenient it is to outsource your content  to a high-quality content creation service. Our high-quality writers will make your job a breeze by providing you with the marketing articles you need to take your content marketing to the next level.

Greg Secrist
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