fashion content

How To Grow Your Fashion Brand

by | Apr 21, 2023 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

From celebrities to street fashionistas, clothing and accessories have long been a favorite among people looking to express themselves and show off their personal style.

In fact, according to the job board Zippia, the fashion industry is worth $1.2 trillion as of 2022. If you own your own fashion company, it goes without saying that you’ll have lots of competition when you’re trying to bring in and retain customers. To keep your footing, you need to learn how to grow your fashion brand.

Learn How To Grow Your Fashion Brand With Digital Marketing

fashion content marketing

The digital world is here to stay. Statista states that more than 230 million people in the United States shopped online in 2021, and that number is only expected to grow. If you want your fashion company to thrive, it needs to have a strong online presence that includes a professional website, an informative blog, and a personal social media presence.

Building a Professional Website

Research platforms that help you create online stores, comparing features until you find the one that best suits your needs. When it’s time to build, work on your logo and your imagery. Your website should have a high-quality, recognizable logo of your company’s name. It also needs professional-quality images of the products you sell, which helps to create a good shopping experience.

Write With Search Engine Optimization in Mind

Remember to write in-depth product descriptions for each item for sale. Focus on SEO to help them come up in search results. Use a combination of keywords that people search for often as well as keywords that don’t have as much competition. They should appear naturally in the text of posts as well as in the titles and metadata.

Avoid product descriptions that use passive voice or that have long or overly flowery sentences. Remember that you’re ultimately writing for humans, not the bots. Don’t stuff the keywords or write with overly promotional language.

Include Relevant Pages on Your Website

fashion website

After you set up shop, consider how to grow your fashion business with other website elements. A home page that provides a brief description of your company and focuses on new trends in the fashion world is a necessary start.

To go into more depth about how your company came to be, include an “about” page. A contact page is vital as well. It should provide your company’s name, physical address (if there is one), phone number, and a contact form.

Creating an Informative Blog

Fashion blogging has been popular for well over a decade and is essential for any fashion business owner who wants to learn how to grow a fashion brand. A strong blog contains a variety of content:

  • Long-form content (1,000+ words)
  • Short-form content (300-500 words)
  • Industry news, tutorials, reviews, and a range of other related topics
  • High-quality video and images

An important part of writing a blog that shows your professionalism is research. Determining which topics are trending in the industry, researching the most used keywords, finding supporting sources, and writing the content itself are time-consuming tasks, but you don’t need to do it alone.

Outsourcing your content writing needs to a company such as BKA Content allows you to rest assured that your blog has a steady supply of engaging, high-performing content, even when you’re focused on the other aspects of running your business.

Get Quality Blog Content Today

We offer fashion content tailored to your marketing and SEO needs. Work with our friendly people-oriented team and get a steady stream of blog content for your fashion business needs. 

Maintaining a Personable Social Media Presence

Your online presence goes beyond a website, which can only do so much when it comes to bringing in new customers. The real key to digital marketing is social media. At a minimum, your brand should have a presence on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.

Use Facebook to build a page where you provide information about your company and a link to your website. Instagram is best for posting new products, lookbooks, and even pictures of your customers wearing your products (with permission). Don’t skip TikTok, either. Use it to let people get to know the faces behind your brand.

Interacting with your followers is a key takeaway when it comes to learning how to grow your fashion brand. Answer comments and questions, respond to direct messages, and even visit the pages of some of your followers and interact there as well. The more human your company seems, the more likely it is to draw in new customers.

Harness the Power of Influencers in the Fashion Industry

fashion content influencer

Social media influencers were practically unheard of just a few years ago, but today more than 50 million people around the world consider themselves to be influencers. An influencer is someone who has a strong social media following and uses their platforms to review products for businesses in exchange for payment.

If your fashion business is still up and coming, you’ll likely want to work with a microinfluencer. Microinfluencers are new to influencing and usually only have a few thousand followers. Because they’re still up-and-coming themselves, they’ll often charge much lower rates for their services.

It is important to work with influencers who help to reflect your brand, so keep this in mind as you choose who to partner with. The right influencer should have the same values as you and your company, such as sustainable fashion or a focus on social issues. They should also have an appealing personality and a personal style that matches the type of products you sell.

Maintain Relationships With Your Current Customers

While websites, blogs, and social media accounts are vital for bringing in new customers for your fashion business, they aren’t the only way that you can market your company. Don’t forget about current customers during your quest for new ones. If you don’t maintain your current client base, you won’t actually grow your company. There are several ways you can interact with your current clientele:

  • Email and SMS Marketing – Ask customers to sign up for email or SMS messages from your business. Use them to let people know about upcoming sales or new products in stock.
  • Personalize the Experience – Send reminder emails with discount codes to customers who haven’t purchased anything in a while or provide a free gift for those who are celebrating birthdays.
  • Ask for Feedback – Periodically send out questionnaires that ask about the customer experience, including what they like and what they feel you can improve. Offer an incentive to convince them to fill out your survey.
  • Use Chatbots – You can’t be available 24/7, but sometimes customers need information right away. Use chatbots to answer questions about business hours, product shipping, sales, and more.

How To Grow Your Fashion Brand With the Help of BKA Content

fashion blog writing

There’s no denying that building your online presence is time-consuming and may feel overwhelming if you have never marketed a business before. Learning how to grow your fashion brand shouldn’t take too much time away from the other tasks you need to manage for your company, which is why BKA Content is proud to offer our services.

We’ve been providing content writing services for more than a decade, and our team of talented writers has the experience necessary to create quality content for your fashion business. In addition to blogging services, we also write web pages, product descriptions, social media posts, and more. Contact us today to learn how we can customize your content plan.

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