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6 Surefire Strategies To Increase Blog Traffic

Increase Blog Traffic

6 Surefire Strategies To Increase Blog Traffic

by | Apr 13, 2016 | Content Marketing | 1 comment

As a blogger there are a variety of things you can do to increase the amount of visitors your blog receives. But some tactics can take months or even years for you to see even the slightest of increases. If you are looking for ways to gain a huge following in just a few short months, keep reading. The solution is a multi-directional approach that is much easier to implement than you think.

The following chart shows what’s most important when it comes to blogging your way to more visitors.

Quantity is King and Quality Rules

You can publish as many posts as you like over the course of a few hours, days or even weeks. However, if your content writing doesn’t reflect quality, you aren’t going to get very far with your viewers. In fact, you could end up losing them to competitors. No matter what niche you are in, your visitors want content that speaks to them, has an air of authority and offers them information that is of value. They don’t want to read some run of the mill articles they can find just about anywhere on the internet. Your content needs to be strong, unique, factual and grammatically correct. Only once you’ve mastered the art of posting quality content, should you start to increase the frequency in which you post each week.

When ramping up your posts, do so gradually. You need to keep track of how each additional blog post is doing. For example, instead of just posting one or two blogs per week, go up to three to four blogs for a few weeks and monitor your results. If you see a positive trend and you like the amount of visitors your work is attracting, consider posting a little more often. Repeat this process until you are comfortable with your posting frequency and have reached your desired amount of visitors. Don’t forget, no matter how many blogs you post each week, if they are not of excellent quality, you won’t see the increase in traffic you desire.

Get Creative With Infographics

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but did you know that a well-placed and creative infographic is invaluable. The use of infographics is an excellent way for you to provide your readers with information and data without causing their eyes to glaze over. Let’s face it, you could create the most interesting blog posts in the world about how to win the lottery on the first try. But, if you present that information in a manner that is all words on the screen, you risk losing much of your audience before you’ve had time to completely engage them. Sure, they were interested in clicking through to your article because they wanted to learn how to hit the jackpot, but since your information wasn’t presented in good form, they went elsewhere for something that was much easier to read through.

Here’s where the use of infographics comes in. If you have data that you want to include to further substantiate your points, turn them into infographics. You don’t need to be a really creative or artsy person to create bold and appealing ones. All you need is a highly credible data source and the services of a highly skilled content marketing service. Or, if you have some time on your hands, you could learn the creation process yourself.

Use Catchier Headlines

There’s nothing more appealing than a catchy slogan. Think about it, those are the ones that get remembered and talked about the most. To get people to visit and talk about your blog more, you need to create catchier slogans and headlines for your content. These slogans shouldn’t be irrelevant to your posts, instead they should catch the interest of your audience and the search engines.

Comments and Guest Posting

It’s a highly competitive world no matter what niche you are in. But that doesn’t mean you can’t show other fellow marketers and bloggers some love and receive some as well. It’s called networking, and it can be a very effective marketing tool when done correctly. Find other blogs that are in the same or similar niches as yours. Make sure these are credible and authoritative blogs. Read through their information and post genuine comments about it. Ask open ended questions or make valid points. The goal is for you to write something interesting on another blogger’s site regularly. This will help to boost your visibility so you can gain visitors you may not have originally been able to reach. Return the favor and encourage other bloggers to do the same.

According to elite blogger Neil Patel, you should regularly feature other bloggers on your site. This technique has proven to be wildly successful for him. He reaches out to other bloggers, links to them and encourages them to share his articles. In turn, he gains tons of traffic back to his blog.

Increase Search Engine Visibility

One of the biggest struggles many bloggers face today is retaining visibility and ranking in search engines. There are billions of people on the internet at any given time, searching for information. Even if your blog was the first result on any given search engine page, that does not guarantee that you will have billions of visitors. But, the higher your website or blog ranks, the more traffic you will receive from web searches.

So how do you improve search engine visibility? Easy! Learn the art of SEO so you can use it to optimize your blogs and increase the ranking of your articles. Use external links sparingly. External links are still a valid and effective marketing tool today. However, you can’t just place them in your content anywhere and expect them to work. You should avoid placing manipulative links in your content and on your sites at all costs. Google is the largest search engine in the world, and it is also highly specific about how it analyzes web pages to determine their rankings. Play it safe by incorporating one or two external links into your content. You should also consider adding link earning opportunities, such as contests, promotions and freebies to gain more traffic and increase rankings.

Social Media Promotion

In this day and age, it’s hard for anything to go viral without social media. Learn to promote your content through social media effectively. You can’t expect to blast a whole bunch of meaningless tweets to gain the amount of followers you want. Of course, initially you may gain some new visitors, however, they won’t be people who are actually interested in your product. In other words, they won’t stick around or share your work. You need to beef up your social media profiles. Accept all requests and publish your content during peak hours when it is more likely to be seen and shared.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to boost blog traffic. It just takes the right approach, a bit of patience and the right content. Remember, Rome wasn’t built over night, so don’t expect for your traffic to substantially increase that fast either. Be patient, diligent and soon you’ll see the fruits of your labor increase astronomically.



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