Jon Bingham, Author at BKA Content Content Writing Services Wed, 07 Jun 2023 22:47:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Content Marketing Guide for Insurance Companies Wed, 31 May 2023 08:51:49 +0000 The post Content Marketing Guide for Insurance Companies appeared first on BKA Content.


Content Marketing Guide for Insurance Companies

You’ve heard by now that insurance content marketing can help grow your business, but have you added this strategy to your arsenal? Maybe you’re too busy to keep up with a blog, or you think that insurance writing is too dry to attract an audience. Perhaps you simply don’t feel comfortable writing professional content for your insurance website.

Despite these reservations, there are solutions to creating content that raises your google rankings and encourages insurance lead generation. The time is right to bolster your bottom line with inbound marketing. Here’s what you need to know about creating an actionable strategy with the help of experienced marketing gurus.


Why Insurance Content Marketing?

In the 2018 report Digital disruption in insurance: Cutting through the noise, consulting and research firm McKinsey & Company stressed the importance of a digital transformation for insurance companies to survive and thrive. An online presence gives you the opportunity to reach potential clients effectively while creating increased exposure to interested visitors.


insurance content marketing


In addition to technology upgrades and online service platforms, the report indicates the critical need for clear, understandable communication about a company’s products and services. With accessible information, lead conversion is just one phone call or online form submission away.


How Can Insurance Content Marketing Establish your Online Presence?

The insurance content you write and market helps define what your company stands for. It creates the bulk of your website, describes your services and provides useful information for visitors. Of course, one of the best advantages of quality website content for insurance companies is how it can improve your search rank on Google. With carefully placed keywords and quality writing, Google can use your blog posts and landing pages to answer the search queries of potential leads.


insurance website content

A comprehensive, consistent marketing strategy for insurance companies can also provide the details your customers expect while reaching them on the apps and social media platforms where they spend time online. With a creative approach, you can attract the interest of readers through your content strategy.


What are the Benefits of Using Content as the Center of Your Insurance Marketing Strategy?

Consider these numbers from the magazine IA: Insight + Analysis for the Independent Insurance Agent:

  • Companies who post regular blogs and other types of posts receive 97% more customer leads than brands that do not engage with customers online.
  • 90% of consumers find value in custom content distributed by brands.
  • 78% of clients think that brands that release custom content are interested in building good relationships with their clients.
  • More than half of customers report they feel more positive about a company after reading its custom content.
  • 61% of consumers say they have greater trust in and are more likely to buy policies from insurance companies that provide custom online writing.

The statistics above show how content marketing for insurance companies can improve your brand image and gain the trust of potential customers. However, there are also great financial and marketing benefits from investing in this type of strategy. Industry expert Neil Patel adds these statistics:

  • Content marketing costs three times less than traditional marketing methods and generates 62% more leads.
  • The average conversion rate for companies that use content marketing is 2.9%, compared to just 0.5% for companies that do not rely on this type of marketing.

We know you can’t ignore numbers like these. The traffic, loyalty and conversion rates go above and beyond with the help of an insurance content marketing strategy. If you are convinced of the power of online marketing, follow this guide to develop a strategy that works for your business.


How To Create Insurance Website Content

In order to get your insurance marketing campaigns off the ground, you need to know how to create really great insurance website content. This comes from understanding what brings insurance lead generation.


marketing strategy for insurance company


Your insurance firm is focused on the people you work with, and so should your marketing strategy. As you begin to understand your customers and their needs, you can use the resources you have to gain greater traction.

Use the insurance content writing tips below to get started!


1. Consider Your Target Audience

You can’t write effective insurance website content if you don’t know who your audience is. If you want to gain clients, you learn how to help them with their insurance needs. This requires getting to know who they are and the challenges they might face.

marketing for insurance companies

Any insurance company can dig deeper into their target market. The more you understand them, the more you can focus your insurance content marketing on potential buyers. Ask these questions about your target client base:

  • What are the demographics of my desired audience?
  • What are their behavior patterns?
  • Are there popular sites and apps that they frequent?
  • Which factors motivate them?
  • What insurance problems do they face?
  • How can we provide content to help solve these problems?

The answers to these questions will form the basis of your firm’s insurance content marketing strategy. They will determine what topics you’ll focus on, the platforms you’ll use and the services you will market more firmly.

Of course, if you sell policies both directly to consumers and to insurance brokers that sell these policies to their clients, you will need to perform this analysis for both audience groups.


2. Offer Educational Insurance Content

Too many insurance firms create website posts focused on selling their products. To succeed in insurance content marketing, you must provide posts that offer value to your clients.

Any effective marketing strategy for insurance companies creates room for informational content. The main reason being the impressive benefits of getting more engagement on company websites. Unless specifically looking for an insurance firm right off the bat, most insurance leads research information that will help them find solutions to their current situations.


content marketing for insurance companies


As a firm with insurance experts and resources, you can provide answers through content. With some help from Google and social media platforms, readers can find your blog posts when searching for specific topics. If they feel satisfied with your answers, they have a likelier chance of looking into your services or sharing your post with other interested readers.

However, traffic is not the only benefit of including informational writing in content marketing for insurance companies. As you provide quality writing that benefits readers, you begin to set your company apart from others. Visitors will begin to see your company as an expert in the insurance field, thus giving you more credibility and trust as an insurance provider.

Becoming a trusted expert and receiving constant traffic can and will affect your company’s success and survival in the digital world.


Provide Insurance Website Content that Proves its Value

Educational content about insurance topics is worthwhile, but you can also mix it up with posts indirectly related to your industry. Farmers Insurance offers a shining example of how to implement this strategy with their Inner Circle site for consumers. In addition to educational blog posts about insurance policies, plans and products, the firm provides lifestyle advice about home and car care, travel and other areas not directly within the industry wheelhouse.


inbound marketing for insurance companies


The bottom line is that you’re not limited to dry, stereotypical insurance content. Branch out and hook your readers with a variety of writing and specificity.

If you’re not sure where to begin, consider these smart blog ideas for your insurance website:

  • Current affairs: What’s going on in the news, and how will it affect the insurance industry and your clients’ financial outlook?
  • Frequently asked questions: Engage with your audience by requesting their most common insurance questions. Create a weekly feature answering some of the most interesting requests.
  • Local events: Let your readers know about fun activities planned in your service area. This is also a great way to network with the organizations and businesses hosting these events, thus further extending the reach of your content.
  • Seasonal information: Teach your readers how to plan a road trip for summer, winterize their garage for winter, prepare their garden in spring and get kids ready to go back to school in the fall.

Although expanding your topic pool is a great way to reach more of your target audience, keep your insurance content marketing objectives in mind as you write. Relate back to the industry and how your company can help customers achieve their aspirations. An effective insurance content writer always keeps the end goal in mind.


3. Be Consistent with Insurance Website Content

According to data from Patel, 60% of companies with successful content marketing programs post every day. Whether or not you have the time and resources to invest as often as every day, it says a lot about the power of consistency.


insurance topics to write about


So how can daily or weekly posts help your website? For one thing, it helps you get content out there without getting overloaded. You may be a marketing expert, but even you need to schedule out where you put your time. Along with making it easier for your team, regularity keeps a steady inflow of readers while creating more opportunities to raise your rankings on Google.

Your website isn’t the only beneficiary, consistency can do a lot of work for your social media accounts too. The more your readers come to expect worthwhile information, the more they will follow you on social media and engage with your posts. People are looking for the best resources, and you can supply a large amount of excellent insurance advice.

Consistency is one of the most important factors in building an online audience in the insurance industry. A schedule can help your company stay consistent with posting while giving your writers enough time to create valuable posts for your inbound marketing plan. However, if your team is too busy holding up the fort, consider outsourcing insurance content to save time and still get quality writing.


4. Use Multiple Channels To Market Your Insurance Content

Let’s be honest, social media is a huge influence in the world today. With so many different businesses and ideas fighting for the attention of your customers, you need to be intentional with your insurance social media posts.


insurance website content


Just because your firm posts occasional content on Facebook doesn’t mean you have an insurance social marketing strategy. Creating diverse types of insurance writing and disseminating your posts everywhere from LinkedIn to Google News and beyond will help you reach customers and potential customers where they hang out online.


Effective Social Media Content is Short, Catchy and Focused

Depending on the platforms you use, the best way of contact differs. For Instagram, short videos and bright images work best, while Facebook can include more content that interests readers.

However, spreading content for your insurance company far and wide doesn’t necessarily mean multiplying your workload. Repurpose each piece in a variety of ways for maximum reach. Formats that may spark inspiration include blog posts, website content, podcasts, videos, infographics, white papers, e-books and FAQ sessions.

Don’t forget to optimize for mobile as part of your insurance content marketing. A report from Nielsen indicated that 40% of insurance purchase research is conducted on mobile devices, with 25% of customers exclusively using a smartphone or tablet for this purpose.

Becoming mobile-friendly starts with the format you use on your website. Check to see if your website theme is responsive and try to optimize your site’s code. You can also decrease loading times by compressing images, getting rid of unnecessary widgets and updating everything periodically.


5. Include Calls to Action In Every Insurance Content Post

If your insurance content marketing makes every blog post sound like a sales brochure, you need to take a step back. Remember, it’s all about engaging your audience by providing solutions to the problems they face. Luckily, you can convert leads more effectively with smaller, less intrusive calls to action.


content for insurance website


A call to action invokes the reader to act after reading. This can be effective if your visitors like what they read. In that case, even educational content should include a call to action that makes it easy for readers to take the desired next steps. Social media posts should have powerful calls to action, as well.

CTAs in insurance writing should be created with clear, direct language and include a link to your contact page or another way for potential clients to contact you with the push of a button. For the most leads and best conversion numbers, make eye-catching CTA buttons and forms that are easy to follow. Use powerful words to invoke emotion or action and find reasons why readers should trust your services.


Get Insurance Content Marketing That Works

Content marketing for insurance companies is the key to digital success. Readable writing helps brand image, lead generation and business standing. In the long run, your marketing strategy can raise your company to a new level of stability and awareness.

At BKA Content, we help clients in the insurance industry harness the power of content marketing with high-quality insurance website content targeted to their audience. Our content shop is ready to help with your insurance writing needs both large and small, boasting a team of professional writers trained in SEO best practices. Contact an account manager today to get customized services that can evolve your company’s insurance content marketing strategy.

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How To Improve Marketing to Baby Boomers Sun, 28 May 2023 01:32:55 +0000 The post How To Improve Marketing to Baby Boomers appeared first on BKA Content.


How To Improve Marketing to Baby Boomers

There is no shortage of blogs, guides, how-to articles and ebooks about marketing to millennials, but what about marketing to baby boomers? Even though millennials (defined as people who in the mid-2010s were between the ages of 20 and 36) are now the largest generation in the U.S. at over 72 million members, the baby boomer generation is still a considerable force at over 71 million strong. A little research and insight can show you to how to market to baby boomers effectively.


What Are Baby Boomers?

marketing to baby boomers

The term “baby boomer” refers to a person born in the years just following the Second World War, when there was a temporary spike in birth rates. Currently, boomers make up nearly 20% of the American public and a substantial amount of the entire global population. They have been around to witness the incredible leaps and bounds of technology: from the landing on the moon to the development of virtual reality and AI assistants. They have seen a lot during their lifetimes and are prepared to see even more global advancements in the years to come.


What Age Group Are Baby Boomers?

The baby boomer age group is defined by people born between 1946 and 1964. This would put the baby boomers ranging from 56 to 74 years of age. Do you fit into this age group, or do you know someone who does? Chances are that you have more than a few baby boomer associates, which means marketing to baby boomers can be a realistic target market for your company.


Where Do Baby Boomers Spend Their Money?

Baby boomers are a large and diverse group with individual needs. Just like any generation, they are seeking businesses and services that can help them. But here’s the catch; they’re actually spending more money than the younger groups that many companies are scrambling to target with their advertising. In fact, many are using the internet more than ever to make purchases, so now is the time to market to baby boomers online.

Because of the size of the generation and the amount of buying power they have, it’s crucial that companies find a way to reach this group and target content and marketing to baby boomers in a way that’s authentic.


How To Market to Baby Boomers

The foundation of any successful marketing strategy is to connect with your target market. Those who see your ads, find your website or learn about your services need to feel like you have their needs in mind. This is where content marketing to baby boomers can really come into play.

We Can Market To Baby Boomers For You

Need high-quality content that targets baby boomers? We’ve got you covered. Check out our SEO blog writing services.

Content marketing is the link between businesses and potential customers. The articles, social media posts and landing pages you create inform, persuade and build brand image. The content you create should be catchy and informative, while personally reaching your target market. When marketing to baby boomers, you can use content marketing to help them realize how their services can help them.

Not sure where to start? Here are some insights into what the baby boomer generation wants and how you can speak to them through your marketing content.


1. Understand Their Financial Needs and Concerns

how to market to baby boomers

The first way to market to baby boomers is by understanding what kinds of things they are looking for. The baby boomer label covers a wide range of ages and lifestyles, but many of the people in this group are retired or are approaching retirement age. By 2030, every baby boomer will be at least 65. Other statistics show that this generation is more frugal when it comes to entertainment, though more of them may be supporting an adult child than previous generations.

According to the National Center for Policy Analysis, baby boomer spending on food, clothing and furnishings fell by large amounts from 1990 to 2010. Spending on food and restaurants saw the smallest decline with an 18% and 20% drop for 45-54-year olds and 55-64-year olds, respectively. The largest decrease in spending was seen for clothing purchases by 55-64-year-olds. This group’s clothing spending decreased by 70%. If these are the types of products you offer, it’s important to find creative ways to market to baby boomers.

However, none of these statistics mean that baby boomers don’t want to spend money or can’t spend money. As mentioned above, they have more disposable income than any other demographic group. Still, with retirement saving and adult children to think about, they may need to be more selective how they spend their money, which means your content marketing has to work twice as hard to convince them that what you’re selling is worth it.

Marketing to baby boomers includes focusing on how your product or service offering can make their lives better, more fulfilling or easier, and highlight the value that they receive when they choose to spend their hard-earned and hard-saved money on your services.


2. Don’t Be Patronizing to Baby Boomers

Growing older isn’t something to dread, it’s just another upgrade in life. People in their 50s and 60s have a lot of living under their belts, and they are by no means done learning new things, having new experiences and finding more ways to enrich their life. Don’t talk down to baby boomers or diminish them by thinking of them as old and obsolete.

Though this group is starting to age physically, they are interested in finding ways to continue the things they enjoy and learn how to embrace their later years gracefully and safely. When marketing to baby boomers, help them see how your products will benefit them in their journey. Even with the less glamorous parts of aging, look for ways to present your products in an attractive, persuasive way.

As people near retirement, they may also be more interested in services and products that make life more convenient, such as home delivery of products, easy-to-use tools, or all-expense-paid trips. Although these types of services can be appealing to anyone, market to baby boomers with their interests in mind. Create content that shows how the added convenience of something is worth the extra money.

People in the baby boomer age group are vibrant members of society, and your content and marketing should reflect that you understand that by showing them how your products and services can help them keep living their own individual lives and achieving their goals. Relate with them, offer solutions and use content marketing to baby boomers as your biggest marketing weapon.


3. Reach Baby Boomers Through the Internet​

how to market to baby boomers online

While baby boomers might not be as likely to use social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and Reddit as younger groups, they still heavily interact online. The internet offers plenty of resources and channels of entertainment, not to mention the chance to stay in touch with friends, family and coworkers. According to the Pew Center, 83 % of younger baby boomers and 76 % of older baby boomers are also internet users. This isn’t as high as millennials, (97 %) but it’s still a large majority.

In addition, the internet is the most common way baby boomers research information on a topic, meaning you need to be ready with outstanding content to inform them about your company. Marketing to baby boomers includes using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to improve your digital strategy. Rank for keywords that potential customers may use, and don’t forget to create quality content that answers questions and encourages readers to act.

Like most groups, baby boomers like to be entertained online. They use social media and conduct research on the internet. Remember this as you create engaging content and media for baby boomers.


4. Don’t Forget About Traditional Methods When Marketing to Baby Boomers

Although baby boomers are quite digitally savvy, more old-fashioned tactics like direct mail still work on them. Consider as an example, the popularity of the AARP Magazine, which had over 23 million subscribers as of a couple years ago. If you have products or services that can benefit baby boomers, delivering persuasive content right to their doorstep can be an effective strategy.

Just make sure that the materials you send are targeted at their interests and needs. There aren’t many people in any age group that actually like receiving junk mail. When marketing to baby boomers, use attractive pictures, keep the format simple and consider offering coupons or discounted services.


5. Don’t Make Them Work Too Hard

Baby boomer reading marketing content

For baby boomers (and really for people of all ages) you need to create content that’s easy to access and engage with. Always provide a simple way for readers to take further action such as purchasing from your company. People have packed schedules these days, and if you make them jump through too many hoops in terms of poor website speed or user experience, they might find that it’s not worth the effort and leave your brand for another competitor.

While boomers are active internet users, they might not have as much patience with confusing or hard-to-use websites. Ensure your content is easy to find and consume on all devices, from laptops to smartphones to tablets. Here are a few ways to make this happen:

  • Make fonts a comfortable size for reading
  • Keep CTAs simple
  • Use bullet points, headers and shorter paragraphs
  • Utilize white space
  • Stick to one or two fonts
  • Include images, videos and infographics

Effective marketing to baby boomers takes work. Try to be as convincing as you can with your content by incorporating both quality design and text.

If you really want to get the attention of your target market, your content needs to be seen on search rankings. Getting on the first page isn’t a guessing game, carefully used SEO practices can improve your rankings. With keywords, meta information and quality content, Google can start ranking your content higher when baby boomers search related keywords.


6. Remember Baby Boomers Are a Diverse Group

Are you exactly like everyone else in your age group? Of course not. With any marketing content you create, it’s important to keep in mind that baby boomers aren’t a homogenous group. They have different wants, needs and concerns, and what works on one group of baby boomers might not work on another.

If you really want to understand and market to baby boomers online, survey them. Everyone likes to be appreciated, and a survey on baby boomer preferences is a way to show that you’re interested in really understanding their wants and needs so you can provide content and services tailored to them.

The more accurate you are when you market to baby boomers, the more results you’ll get. Be thorough with your research, and always strive to improve. Who knows how the future will continue to mold and shape the needs of baby boomers?


Marketing to Baby Boomers Can Be Done!

marketing words for baby boomers

Baby boomers aren’t simply another faceless consumer group. They’re a mix of working professionals, retirees, athletes, artists, grandparents, couples and other individuals who all want to be able to enjoy their lives. Spend as much time and thought creating content and marketing to baby boomers as you would for any other demographic. Before long, you’ll see the rewards when baby boomers start responding to your marketing content, identifying with your brand and buying your products and services.

We Can Market To Baby Boomers For You

Need high-quality content that targets baby boomers? We’ve got you covered. Check out our SEO blog writing services.

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What is the Ideal Twitter Header Size Sat, 27 May 2023 13:16:59 +0000 The post What is the Ideal Twitter Header Size appeared first on BKA Content.


What is the Ideal Twitter Header Size

Twitter profiles feature full-width headers, also known as Twitter banners. It is important to select an image with the recommended Twitter header size dimensions and the best composition for the desktop and mobile display modes of this social media platform.


The Ideal Twitter Header Size

So what is the ideal size for a Twitter header? The recommended image size for a Twitter header is 1500 pixels wide by 500 pixels high. Panoramic photos are well suited for use as banner images. Twitter header pictures size remains constant, even when an image scales and re-crops as a user expands or shrinks a browser window.

Keep in mind that Twitter automatically crops the upper and lower edges of images that meet the Twitter banner size requirements. Make sure that the major details of the image you choose do not appear along the top or bottom edges or they will likely be cut out. You should also account for the floating position of the profile image displayed at the bottom left of the Twitter header image since it will be covering some of the picture.


Twitter Headers and Profile Pictures

A Twitter profile pic size should be 400 pixels wide by 400 pixels high. On a full-screen desktop view, the profile image covers up a small portion of the lower left side of the header image and tends more toward the center of the header.

twitter header size

The profile image floats further toward the left side as a user shrinks the browser window. The header image also scales down.

twitter banner size

Make sure that the Twitter header image you choose does not have important visual elements or information in the lower left corner. You may prefer some header images over others based on the presence of the profile picture over the top.


A Note on Twitter Header Image Quality

Twitter converts header and profile images to JPG files and compresses these files to conserve bandwidth and promote faster loading. This process can degrade image quality. This is especially the case if you use an image that has been saved (and compressed) multiple times, or attempt to increase the size of a small image by scaling.

For the best results, use images that have as little prior compression as possible. If you edit a header or profile picture, save it at the highest quality setting. Images with many colors, smooth gradients, logos, or text may look blurry unless they are at high resolution and the proper Twitter header size.

You may want to opt for header images that have clean lines and fewer colors. Avoid added effects such as drop shadows. It is always a good idea to test any header image you are considering on desktop and mobile devices to make sure that it never appears distorted.


Twitter Header Image Dos and Don’ts 

A scenic shot can be an eye-catching Twitter header, even if you aren’t creating a profile for a national park.

twitter banner dimensions

Make sure that the most interesting aspects of the banner photo appear near the center. This image directs viewers’ attention toward the geysers. The profile image should not cover the important parts of the image in any browser window size or on mobile.

what is twitter header size

Rather than just displaying a single image, you can also create a collage to serve as your Twitter banner. Be sure to use only high resolution images, adhere to the Twitter header size requirements, and remember that the file will be compressed.

what is twitter banner size

In closing, here’s a cautionary example. Here, Oprah has a picture of her five adorable dogs as her Twitter header, but this photo does not make for the best header image.

ideal size for twitter header

The dog on the right is much taller than the others and gets cropped at the top. The dog in the middle is shorter than the other dogs and barely makes the cut at the bottom.


Consider the Photo When Figuring Out Twitter Header Sizes

Not every photo is ideal for use as a header or Twitter banner. Factor in the Twitter header size specifications and the composition of the image before making a selection!

Screenshot Sources:, 24 October 2018, 24 October 2018, 24 October 2018, 24 October 2018, 24 October 2018, 24 October 2018

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Twitter Character FAQs and Tools Mon, 15 May 2023 12:10:48 +0000 The post Twitter Character FAQs and Tools appeared first on BKA Content.


Twitter Character FAQs and Tools

Twitter’s unique design only allows up to 280 characters per tweet. This forces users to be both creative and succinct with their messages, making each tweet potent. So how do you use your character count to the best of your abilities? This is the guide for you. 

twitter character counter

Twitter Character Count Rules

As you may be aware, Twitter has always had some pretty strict twitter word count and character count rules. With that being said, how many characters are allowed in a tweet? The answer is 280 characters.

Toward the end of the year in 2017, Twitter upped its tweet character count from 140 characters to 280 characters. This change helped writers everywhere to pack twice as much into a tweet than was previously allowed.

While brevity is still the name of the game with tweets, having the ability to go to 280 characters is very appreciated as writers can use complete sentences now and add more value and context to the social content they’re putting out.


Do Spaces Count as Characters on Twitter?

This is a good question since most character counter tools give you both the “characters with spaces” and “characters without spaces” results. But in regards to whether or not spaces count as characters on Twitter, the answer is Yes. Spaces between words count towards the 280-character Twitter limit.


Do Links Count as Characters on Twitter?

One question commonly asked is whether or not links, or URLs, count towards the overall 280-character count allowed by Twitter. The answer is yes, mostly. URLs go against the character count as they take up to 23 characters.


Does Replying to Someone Count as Characters on Twitter?

When using an @ to reply to someone, the @-name does not go against the overall character count. So the answer is no, it does not count. Reply away!


Best Twitter Character Counter

As a writer, the only way to check a tweet outside of twitter was to highlight the tweet in Microsoft Word, go to the word count at the bottom and click it, and then look at the “characters with spaces” section. While this doesn’t take too terribly long, not every writer uses Microsoft Word. This is where a free, online character count tool can really come in handy.

The one that we’ve picked is

Twitter character count tool

This free Twitter character count tool gives writers who don’t have, or who don’t want to use, Microsoft Word a way to quickly check character counts without having to log into Twitter. The character count tool does not require registration to use and is as easy as copying and pasting in your tweet to see how many characters you have used of the 280 characters available to you.

If you go over the allotted characters allowed, the Twitter character count tool eliminates any characters above the 280 character limit so you get a real time view of what your tweet will look like. Once you have your tweet looking the way you want to, you can copy and paste from the tweet character counter into Twitter, or click their “Pass on to Twitter” button which will reroute you to Twitter to post your tweet.


Other Word and Character Count Tools

While there are many other character counter tools out there, this is one tweet counter we like specifically for Twitter since it gives you a preview of how your tweet will look as you write it. That being said, we’ve compiled other character counters and word counters you can use for general writing. You can find a list of word count tools and character counter tools on some of our other blogs.


Do you have a lot of tweets that need to be written but don’t have the time? Let us write those tweets for you! Check out our social media writing services here.

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10 FAQs About Blog Writing Outsourcing Thu, 04 May 2023 22:01:31 +0000 The post 10 FAQs About Blog Writing Outsourcing appeared first on BKA Content.

faqs outsourcing

10 FAQs About Blog Writing Outsourcing

10 FAQ's to ask when outsourcing blog writing

So you may be wondering, “how do you outsource blog writing?” Setting up and maintaining a quality blog that is an asset to your business takes time, skill, and focused expertise. If you do not know a backlink from a browser, you may want to outsource article writing. Here are 10 of the most important questions to ask before you do:

1. How much does a blog post cost?

The cost of outsourcing blog content varies greatly. The axiom “you get what you pay for” generally holds true here. Frequently, the less money you spend, the poorer the quality of blog writing you will get. Opting for the cheapest you might find –$5 per blog post, for example– means that you risk the chance of poorly researched, quickly crafted content. This is especially common if you work with blog writers whose first language is not English.

On the other hand, you could also spend as much as $2,000 per post. For this amount, you would expect extremely high-quality articles customized to your site and brand voice. These blog posts should include information based upon time-consuming research and perhaps interviews and will be focused on helping you achieve your specific business goals.

Fortunately, however, the norm when outsourcing often falls somewhere between these extremes. If you outsource blog writing to a reputable content company that vets and trains their writers effectively, you can generally expect to get great individual blog posts for between $20 and $125, depending upon the post length and information depth you desire.

2. How do I hire a blog writer?

When you outsource blog writing, it is essential to find a skilled person to write your content. You want to work with a blog writer who has a style you like and who understands what you are trying to achieve. Neil Patel describes three important steps for hiring contract blog writers.

  • Set clear, reachable goals
  • Advertise your need and find potential applicants
  • Interview applicants and choose the most qualified individuals

Locating the best blog writing professionals for your needs is a vital part of outsourcing blog content. It also takes a lot of time and effort.

From our perspective, we think hiring blog writers on your own is a little outdated. Blog content services are centered around creating high-quality content for companies like yours. It’s like hiring a roofing company to take care of replacing your roof instead of finding people in the neighborhood who are “good at fixing roofs”. Go to the source that has the right resources and manpower to get the job done.

outsource article writing

3. Does good blog content writing really matter?

In short, yes. Blogs are excellent vehicles for SEO and backlinks, which can improve your search engine rankings. According to statistics from Hubspot, about 55% of business professionals rate blogging as their most important marketing tool. Orbit Media published findings from another enlightening survey showing that about 64% of business-to-business marketers contract their blogs out to professional writers. If you decide to outsource your blog posts, you will be in good company.

Also, the meat of your blog content should also be stellar. If you’re putting out sub-par content, you can expect sub-par engagement from your reader base. Outsource blog writing to professionals that can nail your brand voice and style while doing enough research to really provide value in their article writing.

4. Do I risk getting lower-quality work by outsourcing my article writing?

Not necessarily. If you want to outsource blog writing, be aware that not all freelance article writers are equal. There are specific ways you can ensure you find experienced, talented writing professionals to work with on creating your blog posts. When you partner with a high-quality content writing company as opposed to negotiating with an individual, you will be working with professionals who already have quality control methods in place to ensure writers focus on your goals and meet your requirements.

You need high-quality, original blog copy in your regular postings, but you can also refresh older posts and republish them. Many content marketing professionals have success with this strategy. To keep information in your blog relevant for longer, you can specifically order new blog posts that are “evergreen,” meaning they do not contain specific dates or information that becomes quickly outdated. You need to outsource article writing to someone who understands this tactic.

5. How long should a blog post be?

In addition to the frequency of your blog posts, another point to consider is the length of each post. Neil Patel points out that longer blog posts get better results. Today’s consumers are savvy and smart. They want useful information and helpful links, and they want them framed within blog posts of 2,500 words or longer.

Writing high-quality long-form blog posts takes time, talent, and hard work. You must include interesting, pertinent information gleaned from research and your own experience and present it in an engaging way that keeps people reading. If you doubt whether you can carry out these quality-driven strategies on your own, consider outsourcing to a respected content writing company to do the blog content writing for you.

outsource blog content writing

6. How do I know if blog content writing is helping my business?

Blogs are an integral part of a content marketing campaign, which you undertake for long-term results rather than quick fixes. That being said, however, you can look at specific metrics to help you judge your outsourced blog writing’s performance. The aspects you examine depend upon what you want to measure.

  • Do you want to increase awareness? Look at page views, followers and readers, email and RSS feed signups, and media links.
  • Do you want to get more sales? Consider registrations and click throughs to your website.
  • Do you want to attract new readers and interact with your audience? Pay attention to page views, comments and discussions, likes, how long readers stay on your site, and how frequently readers share your blog posts.

Sharing is an important indicator of audience interest. When people share your blogs, you benefit in three important ways. First, you get an audience you might not normally reach yourself; secondly, you get free marketing, as it were; and finally, your voice increasingly becomes authoritative in your particular specialty, which boosts your reputation.

Staying aware of the general reaction to your blog post writing through tracking specific results can help you tweak your content strategy to reach both short- and long-term goals.

7. Will I have legal rights to outsourced blog content?

You should, but you need to pay attention to what your agreement says. If you do not determine this detail ahead of time, you could run into trouble later, especially if working with individuals or a group of freelance blog writers without a definite policy on copyright ownership.

When you outsource blog writing to a reputable content writing service, however, such companies are often clear about copyright jurisdictions. You want to buy blog content categorized as “made for hire,” which considers you rather than the blog writer as the legal author.

8. Can outside blog content writers capture my professional personality?

Yes, if you are clear about your expectations and provide specific guidelines upfront. When you decide to outsource blog posts, the more information you provide the freelance blog writer or the content writing company about how you want to appear to readers and what your goals are, the better the results you will get.

As the saying goes, “Nothing comes from nothing,” and this is true when you outsource blog writing. If the writer has nothing to go on, the results may not be what you want. You are, after all, the expert on your company, brand, and product or service. Giving writers basic information is like laying the foundation for them. They can then creatively build upon this base to craft fresh blog content that entices readers.

9. When is the best time to outsource blog writing?

Rather than waiting until you get in a bind or even teeter upon a crisis, consider outsourcing blog content as a tool you use to help your company grow stronger. Contracting your blog content writing out to professionals frees up time and energy to let you focus on growing your business.

According to a study published on, about 90% of firms surveyed said outsourcing article writing was vital to their growth. This is not a mere trend or a simple strategy that might help you get ahead. Contracting article writing out to skilled writing professionals is how business is done now.

time to outsource blog writing

10. Are there guidelines for quality blog content writing?

There are best practices in the content writing industry, so familiarize yourself with the standards reputable freelance writers should follow when you outsource blog posts to them.

However, if you outsource to a trustworthy content writing company, they have already set high standards, and the writers working for that company will adhere to its principles of excellence. Working with a reliable content company to develop your blog removes stress—in this area, at least—and makes your life easier.

How to Manage a Project When You Outsource Blog Writing

If you work with individual freelancers privately when you outsource blog content, it is best to set up a management team within your company to oversee them. This includes making sure deadlines are met and the content quality is consistently high. It is also important to put checks in place to prevent issues with plagiarism. Plagiarism can harm you in multiple ways, including hurting your search engine rankings, not to mention your company’s reputation.

Another plus of working with a strong blog writing company: This process is usually managed for you. Account managers will oversee blog assignment distribution, set deadlines, and keep in contact with writers working on your blog posts. This lets you breathe easier and frees up your internal resources for other activities.

Outsource Blog Writing Without the Hassle

Partnering with a highly regarded blog writing company means you can do what you know best and trust that knowledgeable blog writers will produce copy that meets and exceeds your expectations.

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The Top 7 SEO Content Writing Benefits Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:29:18 +0000 The post The Top 7 SEO Content Writing Benefits appeared first on BKA Content.

What are some seo content writing benefits

The Top 7 SEO Content Writing Benefits

When it comes to the top SEO content writing benefits, the numbers don’t lie. High-quality SEO articles can be a huge asset to your business strategy.

Of course, content isn’t just about numbers. Here at BKA, we understand the effect the written word has on brand image and authority. Content can be both persuasive and useful, which is why more and more companies are implementing a content marketing strategy to reach their customers in new ways.

Because content is so valuable, it’s important to create articles and blog posts that are top-notch and optimized. That’s where SEO content writing comes in. With the help of findable content that is engaging and persuasive, your business can thrive and become an expert in the industry.


7 SEO Content Writing Benefits

seo content writing benefits

If you haven’t implemented a content strategy yet (or are reconstructing your previous strategy), you may wonder how SEO content writing can help your company. We guarantee that buying and publishing high-quality SEO content is worth the time and money to create. To prove it, here are seven incredible SEO content writing benefits for your business.


1. SEO Content Writing Improves Search Engine Rankings

Search engines (like Google) bring blog posts, landing pages and websites to users who are looking for them.

But when someone searches for a topic relevant to your business, how do they find your article?

This is where SEO plays a huge part in the success of your content marketing strategy.


How Do Search Engine Rankings Work?

Search engines make it simple for users to find answers to their questions. This is possible due to the complex nature of search engines and their algorithms. Search engines discover URLS, send computer bots (called spiders) to visit and download the websites they find and process key information from the websites they crawl. Once this is complete, the page is indexed, which then makes it available when search users are looking for similar pages.

But how do search engines know when an article can answer a search query? Basically, when a user searches a specific query, Google and other search engines sort through their indexes to find the most relevant articles to answer the query. Specific algorithms rank content based on their relevancy and other SEO factors.

Your goal as a business is to make sure you get on the first page of Google results. To get the most traffic, aim to be in the top ten ranking results. After all, not many people go past the first page, even though there may be thousands of blog posts concerning a certain topic.


How Do You Improve Search Engine Rankings?

how to increase seo content writing search rankings

SEO content writing is written in a way that can easily be interpreted and indexed by search engines. Luckily, Google doesn’t have favorites, at least when it comes to organic content. All you have to do to improve search engine rankings and get to the top page is to incorporate SEO techniques. These include some of the following:

  • Focus your content on specific keywords.
  • Use headings like H2 and H3.
  • Include metadata such as the meta description and title tag.
  • Insert images and use bullet points.

SEO techniques combined with quality content writing can help your blog posts show up when people search specific keywords. You can use content marketing tools to decide which keywords are worth trying to rank, and what keywords people are looking up that are related to your industry.

Because of the many SEO content writing benefits, many companies turn to content agencies to produce the level of quality a piece of content needs to successfully rank. Outsourcing can also save you time so your marketers can spend more time reoptimizing articles, promoting new content and creating topics for new blog posts.


2. SEO Content Writing Brings Traffic To Your Website

increase traffic with seo content writing benefits

Simply put, your search engine ranking efforts are all directed towards one goal: gaining more traffic. When people search keywords related to your industry, you want to be the one who answers their questions. Especially when they are looking for a product or service, you want your website to show up as a good candidate.


How Do You Increase Traffic?

The best way to increase traffic is to up your SEO game. Great content has the potential to earn you backlinks from other industry professionals and insiders. While all relevant (read: relevant) backlinks are helpful, those from popular domains can lead to a surge of traffic in little time.

Not only will backlinks give you traffic, but they can also earn you Google’s esteem, as backlinks are one of the criteria that the search engine uses to rank sites. This, in turn, leads to more traffic as people start to find your website organically – all thanks to your article writing endeavors.

And although search engine rankings should be one of your top priorities, you can gain a lot of traffic through social media sites. SEO content writing is persuasive and high-quality, which entices readers and improves your traffic.



3. SEO Content Writing Builds Brand Authority

increase brand awareness with seo content writing benefits

Included in the many SEO content writing benefits is the capability to build brand authority. Have you ever wondered why some sites with seemingly no reputation are commonly cited by industry experts and major news publications? The answer is simple: The website owner built a reputation for being an industry expert through authoritative content.

Authoritative content is the type of content that informs and helps readers to understand something. You are giving valuable information to someone who needs it, therefore making your business an authority on the subject.

This is a powerful way to show your expertise in your industry. Creating blog posts that answer customer questions directly can help you be seen as a trustworthy source of knowledge. This can be done by any business with information or helpful advice that benefits their customers.


How Do You Create Authoritative Content?

There are a few things that you should keep in mind when creating content that builds brand authority.

First, you need to be honest. Writing false or exaggerated information can repel customers and negatively influence their perspective of your brand. To be an authority in a field, you have to have the knowledge required.

However, there are many ways you can slowly build up authority. Share informational content about basic things in the industry, compile (and cite) resources of other experts and teach consumers about the benefits of the products or services you offer. As you begin to grow as a business, so does your expertise. Content marketing can help you along this journey.

Next, create content for the benefit of the reader. If you want to build brand authority, sometimes you need to sacrifice the desire to advertise or sell your products and instead write something that doesn’t have strings. Sure, you can include links and CTAs, but readers will trust your words more when they don’t suspect you’re trying to sell something to them.

Stick to your brand voice, be honest and find creative ways to help readers. Brand authority is just one of the SEO content writing benefits you can have with a content strategy.


4. SEO Content Writing Increases Brand Awareness

build brand awareness with seo content writing

As you increase traffic and build up your brand authority, this creates ample opportunity for new audiences to find you. Content marketing is one of the most effective and cost-efficient ways to target new audiences, increase brand awareness and generate new leads.

When you create informative content writing that is optimized for relevant search terms, you increase the likelihood that Google will place your site before new audiences that are interested in what you have to say and offer. High-quality website content writing also increases the likelihood that other industry professionals will link to your content.


Why Is Brand Awareness Important?

Simply put, brand awareness is the first step of any potential customer. Without sufficient knowledge of a brand, people won’t buy your products. If you can create positive brand awareness through content marketing, you help readers feel familiar and comfortable with your company, which can lead to promising relationships and partnerships with them.


5. SEO Content Writing Forms Relationships With Customers

There’s a reason why this kind of content catches the attention of readers and builds up your brand: it’s useful and attractive to the reader. And if you can touch the heart or mind of a reader, you can create a connection that leads to more sales and referrals (which may be one of the most important SEO content writing benefits).

Great SEO content writing educates, engages, entertains and builds trust. Each of these traits is a cornerstone of any great relationship, so it makes sense that investing in quality content writing services is one of the best and easiest ways to form and strengthen relationships with customers and to build brand loyalty.

And of course, customers are important to any business. You want them to be satisfied with the work or products you give them, and hopefully, they’ll want to share those products with their friends! This added connection of informational content can nourish those forming relationships.


6. SEO Content Writing Generates New Leads

SEO content writing generates new leads

The real reason anyone hires a content writing company is that content generates leads and drives traffic. Businesses always need new sources of leads so they can generate revenue.

SEO content writing is the best way to ensure people searching for your products or services can find your site and, once there, decide to do business with you. This is the reason why you want to target keywords related to your industry. If someone is searching for a specific product or service, you want your website to show up in the top 10 for them to find.

SEO content writing focuses on getting the reader’s attention, but it also persuades them along the buyer’s journey. Use links, CTAs and mobile-friendly share buttons to encourage readers to act on what they’ve learned. Of course, you don’t always want to be advertising to them (as most of your content should be informational), but you can slip some strategic marketing efforts in each and every blog post.


7. SEO Content Writing Can Stay Evergreen

While it’s true that many pieces of content are time-sensitive, just as many will still be relevant years into the future. This type of article is called “evergreen content,” which means it can continue to drive traffic for years after its publication date, depending on the relevancy and quality of a piece.

Another great SEO content writing benefit is that this kind of content is designed to produce long-lasting articles and blog posts. And when you start to see a dip in traffic, you can boost it again with little effort on your part, such as by sharing that still-relevant article on social media or linking to it through one of your more recent articles.

Learning how to create this kind of SEO content writing will ensure that the work and effort you put into an article will not go to waste. As any smart business would want, content should be able to last.


How Do You Create Evergreen Content?

how to create evergreen content with seo content writing

Not every piece of content can be evergreen. Announcements, press releases, posts about current issues and seasonal articles add diversity to your pool of content, but they tend to only be useful at one time. These are important to include, but they aren’t the kind of posts that endure the ages.

The kind of content that lasts years and years are about topics that consistently matter to people, such as how-to guides and definitions. These topics can be discussed any season or year. As Neil Patel says, “evergreen content is ever relevant.”

Once you pick a great topic that seems like evergreen material, use these tips to increase its potential to stay relevant:

  • Don’t use specific events, occasions or dates (especially in your title). Of course, if you are creating a guide for big events such as Covid-19, you may find more benefit in the traffic you get during the timespan of the event.
  • Update your content. Although you may have some solid SEO content writing, you’ll want to periodically update the content to help it stay as current as possible.
  • Use the right keywords. When taking the time to create evergreen content, make sure you pick strong keywords to buoy up your content throughout the years.

If past articles are struggling to rank, you may find it useful to repurpose the content into new, more evergreen content. You could make infographics, cut the article into two new topics or share tidbits on social media. If you have high-quality SEO content writing available, there is always a way to improve and promote it.


Discover SEO Content Writing Benefits for Yourself

At BKA Content, we are, and always have been, in the business of creating optimized content for our customers. In the 10+ years since our inception, we’ve flourished from a small WordPress website with a single order form into a robust team of dozens of project managers, hundreds of writers and dozens of editors. We attribute our growth to several factors, two of which include our commitment to producing quality, well-researched and engaging content, and our dedication to adhering to SEO best practices in our writing.

If you want to discover SEO content writing benefits for yourself, work with a team that already has processes in place for gaining rankings through content, such as ours. Contact us today to learn more.

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Why You Need SEO for E-Commerce Websites Wed, 19 Apr 2023 20:33:00 +0000 The post Why You Need SEO for E-Commerce Websites appeared first on BKA Content.


Why You Need SEO for E-Commerce Websites

As you’re building your online business, you’ve probably wondered what the best way is to draw in new customers to your e-commerce website. Do you opt for pay-per-click services? Purchase more visible advertising spaces? Incorporate SEO into your ecommerce marketing campaign? While each option has its own benefits, one of the most effective ways to drum up new business is by optimizing your site for better search results.

In fact, a study done by New Media Campaigns found that when comparing organic search results to paid, organic was 8.5 times more likely to be clicked. This is one of several reasons why you need SEO for ecommerce websites over relying wholly on PPC advertising.


Why Do You Need SEO for E-commerce Websites?

SEO in ecommerce

If you’re looking for the benefits of ecommerce SEO, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to find out exactly why SEO is important for ecommerce.


1. Viewers Ignore Sponsored Ads

Unfortunately, this has been scientifically proven. Those expensive ads you’ve purchased hoping to make a quick return will often simply sit on the side or top of the search engine results page without even being looked at. Scientists have used heat-mapping technology to show where a viewer’s eyes move on the page, and it’s rarely to the areas where sponsored content lies. Why do viewers do this? Typically because internet users respect organic search results more than something that was paid to be in front of them.

Utilizing SEO for ecommerce takes an organic approach. To be organic is to seem natural. If people are searching for honest answers to their questions, they are more likely to click on something that isn’t a blatant ad trying to sell them something.


2. E-commerce SEO Offers Long-Term Benefits

why you need seo for ecommerce website

PPC ads are a great way to get your company’s name out there when you’re just starting, but they can be expensive and competitive to maintain in the long run. In reality, click-through ads have been shown to hold a higher conversion rate, but that number is slight at 1.5 times that of search engine results. Rather than putting all of your money toward short-term sponsored ads, you should take a part of that marketing budget to invest in something that lasts by creating dynamic content that will be viewed again and again.

While the content on ecommerce sites is sometimes considered a flash in the pan, meaning that those products may go in or out of stock at any time, the lasting products and top-selling categories should absolutely be SEO optimized. When your product and category content starts to rank for organic keywords, you can keep it near the top of search engine rankings for a fraction of the cost of PPC. Not only that, it’s organic (natural), so it helps branding, authority and consumer trust.


3. You Can Outsmart the Competition

The same New Media Campaign study mentioned above found that only 11% of search engine dollars are spent on SEO, while 87% is put toward PPC. That means that your competition is likely focusing the majority of their advertising budget on sponsored advertising, something that has been shown to be less attractive to users than organic clicks.

One obvious way to get ahead of the game is to focus where others are neglecting and allow your site to rise up naturally through SEO and content creation. While you won’t reach the top spot overnight, patience and dedication can build your rankings till you’re the first option users see. SEO and ecommerce are definitely the long play, but once you reach the top of the mountain you’ll have real staying power that your competition won’t be able to approach unless they’re willing to spend a fortune on marketing ads. In either case, you win.


How to do SEO for E-commerce

Now we’ll talk about how to work effective SEO into your e-commerce advertising campaign. To do this, you need to realize that the easiest, least expensive route is to involve an SEO expert in your website design from the very beginning. There are so many aspects of your e-commerce website that will affect your rankings in the search results, so you really need a professional to make sure your site is completely optimized. Here are a few ways that SEO for ecommerce sites can help potential customers find you as well as boost your organic rankings.



There are many factors in the coding of your page that will affect your SEO rankings. For example, tags can cause your site to pop up in the results of multiple searches and boost awareness… or not. If you include valuable keywords in your description, URLs and title and image alt tags, search bots will find your page many more times than if your HTML is not optimized.

For example, if you sell nuts and your website is called, a product page with a URL “” is much more likely to appear in search results than “” Having each of your product pages pop up on search results is one of the many ways to use HTML to maximize your site’s authority.


Page Design

seo and ecommerce websites

There are certain aspects of the design of your ecommerce site that will also play a part in what your ranking is. For example, things like graphics covering certain keywords can make it more difficult for search engines to recognize your page. The layout of your page is also important. Google likes traditional looks, so using titles, headers, content, footers, etc., in the proper order and arrangement will make scanning your site simpler and quicker.

Google’s search mechanisms are becoming more sophisticated, but helping them by prominently placing keywords on your site can boost your position and sales. This may seem simple, but you’d be surprised how many companies miss this SEO tactic for their sites altogether.


In-Page Content

One thing that can set your site apart from the crowd is the content on each page of your site. Your shopping funnel and site navigation are just a few of the places that e-commerce SEO can be applied. There are many other areas of your site that benefit from optimization. Good content and commerce sites are inseparably connected.

Using SEO in ecommerce sites will help get people to your pages, but you need your SEO content to be well-written and high-quality to keep them there and ultimately make a sale. Invest in ecommerce writing services that provide SEO optimization AND great copywriting.


Product Descriptions

seo for ecommerce sites

Having unique product descriptions that make the most of valuable keywords can not only drive traffic to your site but also make your site more attractive to viewers. Many websites simply use the manufacturer’s description, making them monotonous and boring. Make the most of each word on your site by optimizing everything on the product page, from the titles to the descriptions.

This provides benefits beyond just the organic rising of rankings for SEO purposes, but can also allow you to localize and improve your descriptions to help you convert on a more surgical level.


Build Links

When seeking to establish authority, links are a great addition to any site. Consider internal links to direct customers to the proper page they’re searching for, but also place external backlinks to sites that can support your business.

One of the best ways to build your link profile and increase the SEO for your ecommerce site is to utilize a blog that has relevant, informational, educational and entertaining content on it. Utilize social media platforms to share that content and you’ll find people will naturally link back to it if it is, indeed, a great resource on a certain subject.


Site Usage

seo for ecommerce website

What happens when a user lands on your site? Do they have to scroll through useless information to find what they’re looking for? Is the site slow? Is it accessible from any platform? Unless your product is truly one-of-a-kind, viewers will likely have many other options to click to if your e-commerce website is difficult to navigate. Having an expert ensure that your page is user-friendly will mean longer visits by potential customers and, hopefully, more sales.


Now You Know Why You Need SEO for E-commerce

So why do you need SEO for your ecommerce site? By completely optimizing your website for search engines, you’ll be increasing your opportunities to rise in organic rankings and drive more traffic to your site. Traditional SEO articles and blog posts can also bring in more viewers; just make sure it’s easy to navigate from them to the specific product pages.

Enlisting writing professionals to create SEO content for commerce sites can ensure that no detail is overlooked and your website has the best chance possible at claiming the top spot on Google.

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3 Disruptive Marketing Examples and Why They Work Wed, 19 Apr 2023 01:45:21 +0000 The post 3 Disruptive Marketing Examples and Why They Work appeared first on BKA Content.

power of disruptive marketing

3 Disruptive Marketing Examples and Why They Work

When competition for your products and services surrounds you on every side, it can be exhausting to find new ways to market your business. Perhaps the popular forms of marketing aren’t doing enough for your company and you are looking for something new to pique the interest of potential customers. What you’re looking for is disruptive marketing (aka disruptive advertising), and it can completely change the advertising game.

What Is Disruptive Marketing?

Similar to the way disruptive innovation turns existing business models on their heads, disruptive marketing looks at the practices and techniques that everyone is using, the platforms they’re on, the things they’re saying, and does the opposite. The definition of disruptive marketing is to always seek out the new, cutting-edge way of doing something, taking advantage of social platforms and new technologies along the way.

Beyond that, disruptive advertising seeks to break through the noise of modern marketing and truly hit home with customers. It recognizes the invisible needs of a target market and invests in techniques that are being ignored by competitors.

Why Disruptive Marketing Is Key

You’re probably familiar with the term “Disruptive Innovation.” If not, here’s a quick definition: In short, this phrase refers to the practice of newcomer businesses examining an established industry to find the customers that are being neglected because they are less profitable than other groups. The newcomers then meet the needs of these neglected customers and steal them away from established businesses by offering the products or services in question, often for less money.

disruptive marketing

A classic example of disruptive innovation is the rise of Netflix and how they challenge the livelihood of video rental stores and cable TV. If you go back a little further, Apple Music knocked down Sony, the king of music, and Apple wasn’t even created to be in the music industry. You can probably think of numerous other disruptive advertising examples. This method can get quick results with staggering increases in sales and brand awareness, and it’s the foundational principle of disruptive advertising.

Disruptive Marketing Examples

Disruptive advertising can bring dramatic results when effective, and there are countless successful examples. Many disruptive marketing techniques have yet to be discovered, so there is plenty of potential for future businesses looking for an edge. However, here are three of the best disruptive marketing techniques and examples that you can use and apply to your company’s strategy.

1. Take a Stand

Black Friday is an American tradition, and there probably aren’t many people you know that don’t participate in this post-Thanksgiving shopping event. In 2016, over 100 million people shopped on Black Friday. For some context, that’s nearly three times as many people as the population of California.

Million Shoppers

So why on earth would a national brand urge customers to say no to the yearly shopping tradition? To find the answer, dig deeper into the #OptOutside campaign from REI.

REI is an outdoor brand that provides gear, clothing and supplies for a wide range of activities and events. Their branding strives to be personal and connects with customers through a common love of nature and exercise. In 2015, REI urged customers to go enjoy outdoor activities instead of participating in Black Friday. The campaign included an intro video and a website where people could (and still can) post pictures of their outdoor adventures.

With the website and the tradition of skipping Black Friday still going three years later, this is still a very relevant example of disruptive marketing.

disruptive marketing example

Why It Works

Though it might seem the exact opposite, REI’s campaign was smart from a sales perspective. By encouraging people to forgo Black Friday, though people won’t be shopping at REI’s stores, they, in theory also wouldn’t be shopping at their competitor’s stores.

Also, by urging customers to #OptOutside, not just on Black Friday but year-round, REI creates more demand for their products. It promotes the brand and develops their company values, which helps customers connect even more with their business.

Beyond these reasons, REI also accomplished something very indicative of disruptive marketing campaigns by connecting with their customers, utilizing user-generated content, and taking a stand against an established tradition. The ground they’ve covered in both sales and brand awareness makes this an astonishing disruptive marketing example.


How To Apply It

This disruptive advertising technique doesn’t work for every situation, but it can succeed when used wisely. Think about big events that your business participates in, whether planned or unplanned, and decide if taking a stand against the norm can get big results. Standing up for something can develop your brand image and help customers connect with you. However, be sure that whatever move you make is smart, ethical and sensitive.


2. Change the Conversation

Even more well-attended than Black Friday is the Superbowl. Each year, millions of people tune into this sporting event, and each year, millions of dollars are spent on TV advertisements that air during the game. Ad costs can be higher than $5 million for a 30-second spot, yet big-name companies such as Pepsi and Budweiser, continue to pay for these ads.

Swedish car manufacturer Volvo decided to take a different approach to Super Bowl advertising and offered an excellent example of disruptive marketing at the same time. During the Superbowl in 2015, Volvo told customers to tweet at them with the hashtag #VolvoContest whenever they saw a commercial for another car company. In the tweet, they encouraged users to make a nomination for one of their loved ones to win a Volvo automobile.

Volvo called the campaign “The Greatest Interception Ever,” which speaks to the way they managed to shift the conversation away from their competitors. Every time customers saw a commercial for a different car brand, they immediately thought of Volvo and interacted with them instead. Not only did this disruptive marketing tactic become a win for Volvo, but it was also a huge blow to competitors.

According to a video recapping the campaign and its results, Volvo sustained engagement throughout the Super Bowl on Twitter. Even more importantly, Volvo sales of the XC60 model increased by 70% in the month after the Super Bowl.

Why It Works

This campaign was disruptive and successful on multiple levels. In one sense, Volvo saw what other car companies were doing (spending millions on Super Bowl advertising) and did something completely different. This alone makes their interception campaign disruptive. Additionally, they changed the conversation to one of emotional connection by putting the spotlight on Super Bowl viewers and the people most important to them. This disruptive marketing strategy and the results it gained will benefit them for years to come.


How To Apply It

Changing the conversation happens when you think outside the box. Instead of following the traditional advertising methods, think of how you can engage the audience in an original way. Many disruptive advertising strategies that change the conversation use emotional connections to gain traction with followers. This can be done in a variety of ways, whether through social media, videos or printed advertising.


3. Harness Cutting Edge Technology

Disruptive marketing doesn’t have to use innovative technology, but it often does. When a company takes advantage of a new, exciting technology before their competitors, they have a chance to position themselves as an industry-leading brand. L’Oreal, a leader in digitally competent hair care brands, has a great recent disruptive marketing example of doing this.

In January of 2018, L’Oreal released an updated app that uses artificial intelligence to show users how they would look in different L’Oreal hair colors. Many people hesitate to dye their hair because they don’t know how the color will look on them. Many factors such as complexion and eye color can affect how a certain hair color will look on a person.

L’Oreal solved this insecurity with technology. With a few buttons, the viewers’ hair can magically transform into any color. The realistic app gives customers confidence in the colors they choose and offers a quick method to schedule an appointment.

Using an app by itself isn’t necessarily disruptive, as multiple companies, from Suntrust to Great Clips, have their own mobile apps. But creating a game-like app that puts the power of artificial intelligence at your customers’ fingertips is.

Why It Works

With one app, L’Oreal is able to provide a personalized beauty experience to millions of customers. Not only that, but launching an augmented reality app uses cutting-edge technology and takes into account the importance of mobile, which is one of the 10 disruptive marketing trends identified in Geoffrey Colon’s book, “Disruptive Marketing: What Growth Hackers, Data Punks and Other Hybrid Thinkers Can Teach Us About Navigating the New Normal.”

How To Apply It

Do you have a few ideas you think could improve your customers’ buying experience with technology? Get your programmers and technology experts started. Many competitors are intimidated by technology, which means you could get an immediate edge with some innovative proposals.

Disruptive Marketing Works

In a marketing landscape where customers are bombarded with the same or similar marketing tactics and messages over and over, disruptive marketing just might be one of your best chances to really reach your customers and make a lasting impression on them. These disruptive advertising examples may be from large and well-known brands, but they can still be applied to just about any company. In fact, they can be the springboards of new and undiscovered disruptive marketing campaigns that your company creates.

Let Us Help You Disrupt the Market

SEO blog writing services are a form of disruptive marketing. See how we can change the playing field for your business.

power of disruptive marketing

The post 3 Disruptive Marketing Examples and Why They Work appeared first on BKA Content.

Content Marketing Life Hack: Using a Content Writing Company Mon, 17 Apr 2023 12:19:43 +0000 The post Content Marketing Life Hack: Using a Content Writing Company appeared first on BKA Content.


Content Marketing Life Hack: Using a Content Writing Company

Content Marketing is the driving life force behind keyword targeting, content creation, and online lead generation. It’s no secret that all of this content writing takes time, which is the one thing that most content marketers have in short supply. Lucky for you, there is a life hack that every single content marketer should know about, which is to use an online content creation company to do some or all of the writing for you.


Why You Should Stop Writing Content Yourself

Like I mentioned above, most content marketers find that they never have enough time. One of the most time-consuming and most important parts of content marketing is to write content. In order to engage in different types of content writing, there is a lot of strategy, keyword placement, formatting, organization, scheduling and research time that has to be devoted to the craft. Most content marketers have their hands in so many marketing initiatives already that they rarely have time to sit down and write the content themselves.

On top of that, if you as a content marketer are in charge of all the writing for your content strategy campaigns, you’re likely to burn out. The chances of you falling short on inbound marketing goals or not producing enough content to make a dent in search rankings becomes very high. This can be stressful and frustrating! The most efficient way to increase your content marketing skills is to work smarter and not harder – employ high-quality content writers through a reputable content creation company to help your marketing efforts scale with your goals.


How Often Should You Engage in Content Writing?

A well-known study by Hubspot in 2015 highlighted the fact that companies that blog more than 16 times a month saw 3.5 times more traffic than companies that did less than that. In today’s content landscape, competitive content marketers should probably be doing even more than that, but the fact is most companies still aren’t even hitting 16 blogs a month. In order to accomplish this number, a business would essentially need to write around 4 blog posts a week throughout the entire month.

Now that you have a benchmark of the number of articles to create a month, let’s talk about the time it takes to actually sit down and write this much content. So how much time does it take to write at least 16 blog posts (assuming 16 is the minimum recommended amount) per month?


According to Hubspot, it would take you about 32 hours of writing time to come up with 16, 500-word blog posts per month. That’s a ton of time that most content marketers just don’t have! Enlisting a content writing company to handle this load reduces any bandwidth strangleholds that content creation has given you in the past.

How Long Should Your Content Be?

On top of the number of blogs you should be producing per month, guidelines for the length of blog posts have also changed over the years. For content that you want to rank at the top of google, 1900 words per post is the new minimum standard (but we’d recommend even 2500-3000 words…). That’s nearly 4 times the length of the 500-word blog posts analyzed in the study!

If you were to scale the math accordingly, the writing of 16 nearly 2000 word blog posts would take around 120 hours. If you’re working full-time as a content marketer or content manager, then just to write the content you need each month you’d be spending 30 hours of your 40-hour work-week typing. This isn’t sustainable!

This is one great reason why outsourcing your content writing to a reputable content writing service can be an amazing tool for content marketers. By having a skilled marketing content writer creating your content, you can spend more time focusing on keyword research, click funnels, posting schedules and analytics – the things you were hired on in the first place to take care of.

Delegating content writing to a trusted SEO content writing company is the best content marketing life hack out there!

content marketing writing

What are Some Content Writing Examples in Digital Marketing?

Now that we’ve gone over how much time you can save, let’s talk about what content writing actually looks like in a digital marketing campaign.

Every digital marketing campaign consists of different types of content working together in order to create leads and, ultimately, sales. These different types of content come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some examples of different types of content writing:

  • Blog posts
  • Web pages
  • Landing Pages
  • Rewrites
  • Geo-pages
  • SEO articles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Title tags
  • Product pages
  • Category pages
  • White papers
  • Ebooks
  • Social media posts
  • Video scripts
  • Quizzes
  • And More…

While these web content writing projects all are similar in that they require someone to sit down and create them, they are not all the same. The structure of the content writing can differ between product types (think press release templates and ebook formats) and the intent can also be quite different. Blogs are meant to inform and engage where product pages need to describe and sell. Case studies require factual data written in a problem/solution format, while video scripts need to be short, succinct and translate well to being read on-screen.

In order to really nail your content marketing campaigns, you need to hire content writers who have experience with these different content types and can focus more on the message than just learning the template.

different types of content writing

What Skills Should a Content Writer Have?

Marketers who haven’t used professional ghostwriting services in the past often wonder what types of skills they should be looking for when selecting a content writer.

The truth is that content marketing writing skills can vary greatly, but there are a few skills that the best content writers all have. They include the following:


1. Stellar Writing Ability

Content writers must have a firm understanding of proper grammar, sentence structure, and the ability to express ideas clearly. You’d want to be sure any content writers you hire go through a grammar test as well as multiple sample articles to get a feel for their writing ability and if you’d consider them to be a good fit for your content writing projects.


2. Researching Expertise

While everyone wants to find a writer who is an expert in their vertical, this just isn’t a reality. However, writers that may not know a subject need to have the skills to adequately research the topic in order to write helpful and informational content that is credible. You may need to create some industry/brand-specific training to make sure writers can write in the appropriate tone, voice and vocabulary of you or your clients.

research content writing

3. Native Speakers

Since language has a lot to do with the way a person thinks and understands information, it’s important to write in the native language that you speak. This helps to ensure that those who also speak this language can clearly understand what you are expressing as it will sound familiar and make logical sense.


4. Writing Efficiency

Professional ghostwriters are just that, professionals. Hiring seasoned, high-quality content writers is essential as it means that these writers know how to meet deadlines and can work efficiently in order to produce high-quality content in short amounts of time.


5. Understanding of SEO

The best content writers have an understanding of how keywords should be used naturally in content and not keyword stuff their content – otherwise the content can come off as jarring and unnaturally worded. Optimizing content for SEO is something that is ingrained in the best article writers and becomes something they do naturally.


6. Aversion to Duplication or other Unethical Writing Practices

Duplicate content, as well as spun content, is completely worthless. Not only that, it’s unethical. Only original content is worth paying for…period! We only hire writers that have the integrity and pride it takes to produce well-written SEO article content. We believe the best content creation services are the ones that have the best all-around people working on client’s projects, and that has as much to do with core values as it does writing skills.

duplicate content

How Do Other Content Marketers Find Content Writers?

One of the main issues that exist for businesses trying to be good about executing content writing campaigns lies in creating it all. In many companies, digital marketers take on the responsibility of finding a way to create all of the different types of content that are used in a digital marketing campaign. Finding content writers is usually done one of three ways:


1. Hire High-Quality Content Writers In-House

While this sounds like a great fix at first glance, it’s usually the most expensive and least efficient way to do content writing at a company. While hiring someone in-house does give you the most control over the writing output of that employee, you do take on extra overhead, office space, taxes, hiring costs, managing costs and more.

If you don’t currently have a way to weed out high-quality writers from not-so-good writers, you may spend months as well as thousands of dollars on content that only ends up being subpar or worse.

Plus, there’s no easy way to scale your writing projects. If you have too much work to do, then you’re hiring multiple content writers in-house and piling on the costs. If you have too little writing work to do, then you have unhappy employees and wasted management resources.

costs of content writing

2. Manage Your Own Team of Freelance Writers

While this is typically better (from a financial standpoint) than hiring in-house content writers, the hiring, procedural and management costs still add up. Bringing on independent contractors can help you to scale up or down when necessary, but you still have to have someone in charge of vetting and hiring SEO writers, training them and then managing them on writing projects as they come up.

The more article writers you bring on, the more your hiring and management costs are, and you need to have an easy way to distribute, collect and audit work from them. Typically, the amount of time and work it takes to just set up a solution like this doesn’t end up being worth the cost, especially if it takes you away from the other core aspects of your business.


3. Outsource Content Writing to a Content Creation Company

The most efficient, affordable and scalable way to increase your content writing campaigns is to hire online content creation companies. The best content creation services have already curated large teams of writers that can work on your projects immediately, without you having to worry about hiring talent or writing content yourself.

When it comes to certain online writing companies, writing is all they do! They focus on this one part of the content marketing process and have become specialists. Some writing companies also offer blog post subscriptions where they’ll do all the keyword research, topic creation and content writing for you. It’s basically a set it and forget it blogging plan for business owners that just don’t have the time. The key is finding the right kind of online writing service to help make sure you’re getting exactly the type of content that you need.


best content writers


What are the Different Types of Content Writing Services?

The truth is that not all content writing companies are created equal. In fact, there are a few different types of writing services out there to be aware of. Knowing the different types of content writing that they specialize in can help you determine the best content creation services for your company.


Self-Service Content Writing Companies

Self-service content writing companies generally provide a large platform that gives you access to thousands of writers. They’ve done the initial work of vetting writers at different quality levels so you can then pay for the quality level you need and try some different writers on your project. This type of writing service can be good for companies with small projects, aren’t as concerned with quality/control of the message, or need an article ASAP.

This service is usually the cheapest writing service option available, but there is some loss of control on which writers take your projects and generally you will be the one managing the writers, albeit through their existing system. This may not be the best fit for a company needing consistent, high-quality content writing.

Companies like TextBroker, WriterAccess and Zerys would be considered primarily “Self-Serve” content writing companies.

self service content company

Full-Service Content Writing Companies

These types of content writing companies offer a full-service experience at a premium. They can help you do in-depth keyword research, analytics, testing, content strategy and content writing – and at times provide well-known journalists. This can be a good option for companies that want the name recognition of existing writers to help boost credibility or need help with many pieces of the content marketing puzzle and have a bigger budget to spend.

That being said, this option may not be the best fit for smaller companies or digital marketing agencies that already have an in-house SEO. If you need all the services related to content writing, they can be a great fit but may be too expensive for the business that only needs one or two pieces of the content marketing puzzle.

Content creation companies that would fall under “Full-Service” would be companies like Brafton, ClearVoice, Contently, etc.

full service content company

Managed Service Content Writing Services

A content creation company that falls under this “managed” umbrella would be one that provides quality, consistency and control at a project level. This setup is ideal for digital marketers who have come up with their own strategy and just need help to fulfil the content writing portion of it at a high level on a consistent basis. In a managed-service writing environment, you’d typically have dedicated writing teams that stay on your projects as well as a dedicated account manager to help customize the ordering process and provide customer support. The only requirement is typically that you’re ordering a minimum amount of content as a part of your project.

This option is generally a little bit more expensive than self-service but cheaper than full-service content writing companies. This is a great fit for companies that have consistent, ongoing content projects and want the same high-quality writers content writers on their projects without having to manage it themselves.

Here at BKA Content, we are a “Managed Service” content writing company. While we do offer a self-service option for companies that need a quick article here or there, the bulk of our business is done through our managed services.

best content writing company


How Does A Content Writing Company Offering Managed Services Work?

So instead of digital marketers creating the content one piece at a time, let’s assume they outsource this writing to a “Managed Service” content writing service. If you have multiple pieces of content to order at a time consistently, using a content writing service like this can be a godsend. So how does it all work?

In our case, we believe that consistent, quality content is what ultimately drives search rankings so we’ve set up our business model to accommodate. As long as you are spending a minimum of $1,000 a month on content, we provide account management for free and create dedicated teams of writers to keep quality and consistency high for each project. There are a few other content companies that offer managed services similar to us, but the process will differ slightly between companies. Even so, you can usually expect the following.


More Work Up Front = Better Results Later On

With a “Managed Service” content company, there is a little more work involved initially to help set up the project and go through a few feedback loops before the large project can be worked on. However, this is done to ensure that quality, process and scale are all up to standard so that the project has a pathway to success. Once the initial “trial order” is done and feedback is given, the process can be replicated month-in and month-out with very little work on the clients’ part and they can rest easy that the manager on our end will ensure the project runs smoothly.


Access to Dedicated Teams of Writers

Typically, in this setup, monthly feedback loops with clients are still preferred to make sure any new updates or any small issues are shored up and that the writing teams are still up to speed. Keeping the same writers on the same projects, however, ultimately helps the quality of the work increase as they become familiar with the purpose of the content, the topics that are given and become experts in the field they are writing in (if they weren’t already.

For specialized fields, like Legal, Medical, Technical or other, dedicated teams offer an affordable alternative to trying to find working experts to write the content. The truth of the matter is that working experts rarely write and the ones that do cost a fortune. Using dedicated teams of writers, with good initial feedback loops can provide training to help create a team of writing experts in your industry. We’ve done this for multiple clients and now boast some of the largest writing teams in those respective industries.

seo content writing services

A Digital Marketing Content Writing Example Using Managed Services

Let me give you an example of how this managed service setup typically works here at BKA Content:

  1. One of our boarding managers will communicate with you regarding the types of content you need and give you an initial content price quote.
  2. An easy ordering method will be determined and customized for your business and a content order will be placed.
  3. Our account manager will vet a few writers to complete a few pieces to get feedback from you in order to create a detailed set of instructions on our end to train the writers on your content project.
  4. We create a dedicated team of content writers to work on the project going forward.
  5. The account manager will get your content order written and then deliver it back to you.
  6. The account manager takes care of all of the writer training and questions that may arise with your project.
  7. Ordering and delivery works like clockwork as repeat and new orders can be made at any time.


content marketing questions

Some Final Things to Consider when Using Content Creation Companies

While using content creation companies is the best way to affordably scale your content, there are still some things to be aware of as you decide who to use. There are plenty of content writing establishments out there, but choosing the right partner can make or break your content marketing results. Here are a few things to watch out for when selecting a top content writing service.


1. Beware Off-Shore Content Writing Services

Some content creation services can be based in the US but use off-shore writers to write the content. While these services may be cheaper, you get what you pay for in that the quality of the content will almost always be poor. When needing American English content, be sure to only use content creation services that use American writers.


2. Consider the Risks of using a Small Content Creation Company

While a small content company may tout anywhere from 0-25 writers, this simply is too small of a team to create a lot of content quickly. With a team that small, chances are they don’t have expertise in a wide variety of niches which can be problematic if you’re needing a certain level of experience. Make sure to pick a company that has at least a few hundred writers to ensure that they have the capacity to take on your projects, the personnel to write to your needs while also doing it in a timely fashion.


3. Understand What Each SEO Article Writing Service Offers

Many content creation services claim to be full service or managed solution when in reality they are only a freelance platform that connects you with individual writers. If you’re expecting managed services but only get self-service, you’ll find yourself frustrated since this type of setup doesn’t save you too much time since you have to do the ordering, writer selection, instruction explanation, editing, question answering as well as following up on all of your projects. The last thing you want to is to use a process where you feel like you should just be writing the content yourself.

When looking for a managed solution, be sure to select a top content creation service that gives you one point of contact for ordering and delivery so that you can truly save time by not having to deal with writers individually.


4. Be Aware that Some Content Writing Companies Can’t Customize

Every company works a little differently, but many content creation services lack the ability to customize ordering processes or delivery that works best for your existing processes. This is typically true of content writing services that primarily focus on having you use their platform to get work completed.

Experienced content writing companies will be able to customize certain processes to help keep things easy and work for the way your company operates. The goal is to be a content writing extension of your business, not just another writing platform you have to work around.

Content Creation Company

A Content Writing Company You Can Trust

BKA Content has everything you are looking for when it comes to hiring an experienced and professional content writing service that offers blog writing services. Having been around for over a decade, we have helped countless companies and agencies create high-quality content for their digital marketing campaigns. We also have multiple avenues for you to work with us, whether it be through self-service, managed services or our blog subscription plans.

We only hire American writers and take the time to vet them properly to make sure that their writing quality meets our high expectations. Our account management team is truly our secret sauce as we make content ordering simple, affordable, custom and efficient. Contact us today to see how our content creation company can help you with your article writing projects!

The post Content Marketing Life Hack: Using a Content Writing Company appeared first on BKA Content.

17 Content Writing Tips You Need To Use Sun, 16 Apr 2023 23:39:01 +0000 The post 17 Content Writing Tips You Need To Use appeared first on BKA Content.


17 Content Writing Tips You Need To Use

According to data reported by Time magazine, the average website visitor spends just 15 seconds before clicking away. In order to get new customers and increase overall sales, you need longer engagement than that! With good web content writing and good web content writers, you can build the trustworthy aura and valuable expertise that will keep your readers longer and encourage them to return more often.

The average website visitor spends just 15 seconds ⏱ before clicking away, according to @TIME. #SEO #Marketing
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So how do you write good content that convinces readers to stay? Two solutions: Hire a content writer or write better content. In that case, do you need a web content writer? Click here to check out our writing services. Want to do it yourself? Here are 17 tips to turn your writing into stellar content that drives sales and increases leads.

17 Tips and Tricks for Effective Web Content Writing

These effective content writing tips will take your online publications and communications to the next level.


1. Explore Your Target Audience

Many small business owners begin writing website content without conducting a study of their desired readership. Content writing should provide value for your web visitors and social media followers by solving a problem or fulfilling a need.

Create personas that match your target market and conduct research to figure out what those individuals want from your business. Although this content writing tip is crucial for the growth of your business, it is even more so for the development of focused, effective content.


2. Build a Web Content Strategy

Your editorial calendar will serve as the cornerstone of your content marketing strategy. Many business owners find it helpful to develop a quarterly calendar. List your goals for that quarter, then brainstorm web content ideas that can support those goals.

web content writing

For example, if a car dealership wants to drive new SUV sales, it may post content highlighting how certain vehicles can go off-road at local parks and trails. That dealership should use a web content writer or in-house writer to research these ideas and write blog posts that appeal to the needs and wants of its readership.


How To Create A Successful Web Content Strategy

Marketing goals should always drive your content strategy. Some of the most common goals of content marketing include:

  • Creating new profit streams
  • Getting more marketing bang for your buck
  • Increasing sales of your products and services
  • Building loyalty and trust with existing and potential customers
  • Generating leads for potential new customers
  • Connecting with your audience
  • Building awareness for your brand

Build these goals into your quarterly calendar and keep them in mind as you produce web content. Within the quarterly calendar, set monthly and weekly goals for developing and publishing content.

Consistency is key to developing an online audience, especially if you are new to this type of marketing and still building your readership. Ideally, web content writing efforts should drive sales, cost and/or customer retention.


Additional Strategy Tips

Usually, it is better to have two or three solid, well-defined web content goals. When you have a long list of potential goals but have not assigned priority them, your content may come across as unfocused and is less likely to be effective.

Consistency is key to developing an online audience.

A detailed editorial calendar with topics mapped to your goals will guide each successful content writing campaign. However, even the most granular plan should be flexible enough to accommodate current events and other fresh items that pop up throughout the year. A good web content writer can help you get the balance right.


3. Know the Value of Keyword Research in Content Writing

Ranking higher on Google and other search engines is one of many content marketing benefits. For this reason, you need a web content writer who is well-versed in search engine optimization, or SEO. Keyword research can help you target your writing efforts to the right potential audience for your products and services. You can illuminate the terms targeted by your competitors as a way to set yourself apart from similar businesses.

One common mistake? Cramming your web content with keywords that don’t make grammatical sense. Search engine algorithms penalize sites for this practice, called keyword stuffing, and prefer sites that use more natural keyword terms to display topical relevance.

Start your search with any of the plethora of free keyword research tools available online or opt for some of the more robust paid tools, such as SEMrush. Choose a program with an intuitive interface and review the terms that led users to your current site. You can then develop keyword ideas based on your goals, marketing budget and target audience as defined in step one.


4. Seek Out Writing Inspiration

Even the top web content writers experience writer’s block every now and then. In content marketing, coming up with a new angle for a tried-and-true topic can be challenging. Try free tools, such as Google Trends, to see what’s new with your target keywords.

web content writing

Browse online forums and social groups relevant to your industry to learn about the topics important to your potential readers. You just might get an idea for new territory your competitors have yet to tackle.


How To Use Every Resource For Content Inspiration

Your existing readership can also be a valuable source of content ideas. Consider conducting a quick survey to find out what type of web content they need and value. You can offer an incentive such as a free white paper or ebook in exchange for this input. You need a web content writer who can repurpose the data into something fresh and illuminating.

You can also cover industry events, trends and statistics. A fresh take on newsworthy items supports your position as a thought leader within your niche.

When you have an idea for a great story, write it down. If you feel lacking in inspiration, flip through your notebook or scroll through your digital file to take advantage of those earlier musings. You’ll never know where you might have the seed of an engaging blog post.


5. Start With a Content Outline

When you sit down to write a blog post or web page, you want to make sure you clearly convey your ideas to the audience. Instead of meandering and failing to touch directly on your core ideas, structure your post with a simple list of the items you want to express. Then go back and fill in this outline with the meat of your content, including anecdotes, details and statistics.

Every engaging web article starts with an enticing headline. Search Engine Journal recommends pulling a particularly compelling quote from your content if you’re struggling to come up with a great opening header.

A detailed outline will also help you stay focused as you write. If you lose the point of your article, you will likely lose your readers along the way.


6. Use the Inverted Pyramid

While the inverted pyramid is an old concept from the days of print newspapers, you can also apply this principle to web content writing. When you organize a web page or blog post, simply put the most important information at the top of the page. This strategy allows your visitors to quickly and easily find what they’re looking for when they visit your site.

tips for effective content writing

Start the post with a headline that draws your readers in without becoming misleading clickbait. Entice readers to learn more, then grab their attention quickly with the first two lines.


7. Think About Web Format

Search Engine Journal recommends this simple format by Donald Miller as a road map for any piece of web content.

  • The Character
  • A Problem
  • The Plan
  • The Success

For example, the character in a blog for a car dealership might be wondering where to take his new four-wheel-drive SUV on the weekends. The dealership offers a plan to solve this problem with a list of the best off-roading trails in the area, creating success and value for the reader.

“How to” articles, lists and comprehensive guides all do well with audiences seeking engaging, usable web content that helps solve their pain points. Many of these formats also lend themselves well to evergreen content.

Evergreen pieces should be well-researched, and when updated frequently, they provide real value for the reader and encourage backlinks that boost your site’s SEO.

The Content Marketing Institute recommends trying infographics, glossaries, Q&As with industry thought leaders, frequently asked questions pages, checklists, case studies and original research to grab visitors’ attention over and over again. If you hire a website content writer, encourage him or her to play with the format and consider creative article structures.


8. Prioritize Readability in Web Content

Writing for the web works best with short sentences and brief, scannable sections. Frequent headings and bite-size chunks help guide your reader through your content. By contrast, slogging through long pages of text with few points of entry can feel like a chore.

Elements that make a piece of web content more navigable include colored words and headings, bold to highlight important points, bulleted lists and short paragraphs (generally 100 or fewer). Subheads also do double duty by helping search engines locate and correctly categorize your content.

You or your web content writer should make sure your blogs and web pages are written at an appropriate literacy level for your audience. For most online content, avoid exceeding an 8th-grade reading level. You can ask your content writer to check or to use an online tool like the Flesch-Kincaid readability scale.

Our most important content writing tip to you is to avoid attacking these content projects on your own. Whether you use an online tool to improve readability or hire a content writing service to do the work for you, having help can relieve a lot of stress and make your content the best it can be.


9. Rely on an Editor

web content writer

Even the best web content writer teams up with an editor who reads his or her work before publication. The editor looks for and corrects errors, makes formatting suggestions and ensures that the piece makes sense for the target audience.

The editor will also ensure that your content speaks directly to the audience. Write in active voice rather than passive voice, which can sound stodgy and academic while making your sentences more difficult to understand.

If you are pressed for time, did not hire a content writer and don’t have an editor available, read your content back to yourself out loud. This is a good way to catch typos, awkward phrasing and writing errors that you should eliminate from copy before going live. You can also run your piece through a free online tool like Grammarly.


10. Create Calls to Action

When readers derive value from your web content, they are more likely to take the next step to connect with your business. The call to action, which typically comes at the end of an article or blog piece, encourages the reader to take that next step.


How To Write a Good Call To Action

Depending on the goals of your content marketing, create some of the following common effective calls to action:

  • Make a purchase, often with a coupon code
  • Share the content with followers on social media
  • Schedule a demonstration or consultation with a member of your team
  • Provide an email address to sign up for a newsletter
  • Download resources, ebooks, tips or white papers

Not only does a great call to action build your connection with your potential audience, but it also allows you to track the return on investment you receive from your marketing efforts. For example, you’ll be able to tell that 15% of the visitors to your blog post decided to subscribe to your email updates.

Calls to action should be brief and clear. Use actionable verbs like join, connect, explore, download and create, as well as other appropriate words of encouragement.


11. Stick to Familiar Words

According to Search Engine Journal, simplicity and clarity are the calling cards of good web content writing. Instead of using complex industry jargon and esoteric language, use straightforward words that the majority of your readers will easily understand.

For example, why say utilize when you could just as easily say use? Ask your editor to go through each post and strip out complicated lingo and fluffy language that does not add to your meaning.


Why You Should Use Words That People Know

Simple terms also reflect the words people use when they search online, which will also boost your Google rankings. Facilitate, obtain and in order to are other examples of words and phrases that should often be replaced with basic, everyday alternatives. The Hemingway App is a free online tool to identify and eliminate common writing issues that can bog down your prose.

hire web content writer

If you write content for a technical or scientific industry, some jargon may be unavoidable. However, you can make it palatable to the reader by spelling out all acronyms and defining unfamiliar words.

Word choice is also important when it comes to variety. Even when prioritizing simplicity, avoid using the same terms repeatedly. Grab a thesaurus if you need to mix it up a bit, and eliminate extraneous words and phrases that don’t add to your message. One exception: When referring to products, services or other specific words with meaning for your brand, use the same phrasing each time to build customer recognition.


12. Bolster Credibility

Demonstrate industry expertise by citing resources, data and expert testimony. Sources, numbers and client testimonials all display your prowess without coming across as too sales-oriented.

Avoid filling your website content with vague promises on which you are unable to deliver. When you borrow information from a source, make sure to rewrite it in your own words. When you use a direct quotation, keep it short and indicate clearly with quotation marks where the citation begins and ends, along with the source.

Although most content writers use competitor sites to get ideas and strategies for their own marketing, any work you publish on your website should be completely original.

If you aren’t sure whether your copy varies substantially enough from your sources, run it through a plagiarism checker like Copyscape. You can catch and fix any errors before your post goes live. In addition, vague, generic or poorly supported information can harm your credibility.


13. Consider Guest Bloggers

You don’t have to write every word of content on your site for it to represent your authentic brand voice. Ideal guest blog writers are industry thought leaders who have something to offer your audience.

Returning the favor with your own guest post on their site builds a partnership and drives natural traffic, a win-win situation for both businesses. Make sure you partner with a brand that you trust to offer real value to your readers.

When searching for guest bloggers, scour social and business networking sites such as LinkedIn for publications within your wheelhouse. Connect with the authors and determine whether the potential for a beneficial partnership exists before introducing yourself. Existing customers can also serve as subject matter experts who have a unique point of view to offer your clientele.


14. Optimize Every Web Page

web content writing meaning

Refer to this checklist before you go live with a post or web page to make sure you get the most SEO bang for your buck:

  • Title tag: This 55-character tag should describe the topic of your page and will appear in your reader’s browser tab. Longer tags will be cut off by Google.
  • Metadata: This section, usually 160 characters or less, appears as the featured snippet about your page in search engines.
  • Target keywords: Naturally include your keyword phrases two to five times in each post, but avoid single words since you will rarely be able to improve your ranking for those.
  • Similar phrases: In addition to your keywords, try to incorporate synonym phrases that people might search, as long as it doesn’t sound forced.
  • H1 heading: This tag indicates the title of your web page or blog post.
  • Links: An optimized post should include both links to other pieces of internal content and to external sources and partners as appropriate.
  • Calls to action: Encourage the reader to take the next step by making it easy for them to do so with forms, buttons and links to social media.


How To Get Even More Specific With SEO

Customize your checklist to include optional items, such as:

  • H2 headings that guide your reader through the web content
  • Featured image that will appear if a reader shares your post on his or her social media feeds
  • Numbered and bulleted lists
  • Infographics
  • Video and audio clips
  • Slideshows


15. Think About the Emotional Impact of Content Writing

It’s hard to plan for content to go viral. An article or blog post that reaches the masses often results from a combination of quality, connection and timing. One undeniable factor, however, is the ability to engage with your reader’s emotions.

Before going live, ask yourself whether a piece of web content has the emotion you need to touch your readers’ hearts. For example, if you are a family law attorney, you may want to highlight the importance of family in every blog post.

Packing your content with details makes a big difference for your reader. When you have clearly defined personas, you can speak directly to the needs and concerns of the audience. The more specific your writing, the more likely it will be to hold attention and to keep the reader coming back for more.


16. Weigh the Benefits of Outsourcing Content Writing

Many small businesses start with an in-house website content writer and quickly realize that person doesn’t have the skills, capacity, resources or time to meet the goals of their content marketing plan. Analyze the advantages of outsourcing your content, such as:

  • The ability to create copy that paints your brand in the best light without coming across as overtly promotional and thus untrustworthy
  • The ability to boost your content volume beyond what your internal team can produce. Remember that every new piece of web content is an opportunity to attract new readers, to convert existing readers and to improve your brand’s SEO rankings
  • An increase in the time and resources you can dedicate to other areas of your business
  • The professional skill level you need to truly make an impact with your content marketing strategy
  • Customizable content packages that can be scaled and adjusted based on your needs
  • Expanded resources compared to what you have in-house, including an extensive team of freelance writers with a range of specialties
  • Access to expanded services such as digital content strategy, e-books, white papers, social media planning, stock images, product and category descriptions, proofreading, editing and content curation


17. Calculate the Cost Savings

At BKA Content, we estimate that we save our clients around 37% when they use a website content writer from our network compared to the cost of hiring a full-time, in-house content marketing professional. The average salary for an in-house writer is $50,000 a year, plus the funds used for training, hiring, benefits, taxes, equipment, office space and additional overhead.

With web content outsourcing, depending on your needs, you can opt for either a self-service or managed service content account. With the former option, you place orders directly using an online platform. And with the latter option, you work closely with an account manager who helps plan and execute your content strategy.


Your Content Should Provide Value, So Get a Web Content Writer!

It’s not enough to just write web content, throw it at the wall and see what sticks. In order to be successful, you need to go into the content writing process with a plan, execute and write with your readers in mind. Providing interesting, helpful and optimized content with the help of a web content writer is your best bet to appeal to both search engines and potential customers. If you’re interested in learning more about how our web content writing team can save you time and money while increasing reader engagement, contact us today.

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