Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media Posts

by | Mar 14, 2016 | Social Media, Writing Tips | 0 comments

When someone follows you in real life, run away! Unless it’s a bear. Then stand very still and pull out the bear spray so you don’t end up like Leo in “The Revenant.” But I digress.

In the world of social media, the more followers a company has the better. It’s easy to dismiss the importance of Facebook posts or Tweets because they are so short and churn out cookie-cutter posts, but few types of content are more important. Here are three quick and easy ways to make each of those 140 characters count and garner more followers for the company you are writing for!

1. Have Fun!

Social media posts are less formal than other types of content and offer the opportunity to express the personality of the company. Don’t take yourself too seriously when writing for social media platforms.

DO: Are you using your oven for storage? Fall in love with your kitchen again by letting us help you plan your new #kitchendesign.

2. Hashtag It

Including a hashtag in a social media post makes it easier for potential customers to search for topics. Hashtags that identify a company’s specialties typically perform the best and often double as keywords.

DON’T include spaces or punctuation when hashtagging keyword phrases.

If you are writing a social media post to promote a blog, simply adding “blog” to the end of the keyword phrase or topic makes it more powerful. For example, #roofingblog.

3. Use Current Events or Trending Topics for Inspiration

The ratings during the last 15 minutes of the 2016 NBA Dunk Contest spiked because of the number of Tweets about it. Even if you are writing posts in advance and can’t capitalize on real-time happenings, working current events or trending topics into social media posts still makes them perform better.

DO: Rose quartz is the new Marsala. Let us show you how to incorporate Pantone’s 2016 color of the year into your #interiordesign scheme.

DO: Last month’s storm strip your siding? Blow your neighbors away and prevent future damage in the Windy City with new #fibercementsiding.

Social media posts are a refreshing change of pace from longer, more formal types of content. They are fast and fun to write, enabling you to write more and pad your paycheck. Are you a pro at writing Facebook posts or Tweets? Share your tips below!

Melinda Rhodes
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