Is Content Marketing Still Important?

by | Nov 11, 2015 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

It’s been a few years since we started hearing all about how important good content is for online marketing. Business owners and marketers alike raced to get in the game and learn the art and science of becoming a content creator.

Now that the focus on content is no longer new, you might be wondering if it is still even important. The quick answer is a resounding “Yes!” but for those of you who would like to know a bit more to back up this quick answer, I invite you to read on…

Content + Marketing = Content Marketing

First there was marketing, then came content and today we have content marketing. In both the B2C and B2B arenas, content marketing is seen as a mainstay of any marketing program. It is important enough, in fact, that the Content Marketing Institute notes that as many as 44% of businesses choose to outsource their content creation. An outsourced content creator can be an efficient and affordable option for businesses with limited bandwidth or expertise in developing just that right content.

Within the B2B space, companies spend an average of one-third of their marketing dollars on content. Despite this strong allegiance to content, do not be fooled into thinking it is only for the B2B sector. CMI data shows that a whopping 86% of B2C businesses employ some form of content marketing.

Variety is not just the spice of life but the spice of content marketing as well with companies being found to utilize at least 12 different communication vehicles for their content. This can include blogs, social media, videos and more. There is no shortage of options and a diverse portfolio is a winning one.

Social Media is Not Just for Consumers Anymore

Do you have a LinkedIn account? Do not be fooled—this social media platform is growing in its power as a marketing tool. Jason DeMers notes that nearly half of all B2B marketers utilize this social site regularly. The Content Marketing Institute also points out that social media is a mainstay of content promotion for as many as 87% of businesses in the B2B sector.

If these points are not enough to convince you of the continued importance of social media or content, let me also tell you that social posts and blogs are seen by 80% of all online users.

A Word (or Two) About Blogs

This last point begs for more information about blogs. How important are they really? That seems to depend on how many leads you want. According to DeMers, businesses with active blogs enjoy 67% more leads than those without active blogs.

Yes, People Really Do Read Email

Email has rebounded from its position a few years ago when people were declaring its death. It is now considered to be a primary method of digital communication and can deliver excellent open and click-thru-rates when done right.

Let Your Content Creator Out

So, if you have been hesitant about producing too much content, don’t be. Just make sure that what you produce is appropriate for your business and for your prospects and customers and you will be happy that you got in the game.

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