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Wise Marketing Advice from 10 Content Marketing Masters

Marketing Advice

Wise Marketing Advice from 10 Content Marketing Masters

by | Nov 16, 2021 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

Whether you’re an industry professional or just venturing into marketing, there is always room for improvement. This is why we’ve compiled a list of some of the best marketing advice from some of the world’s top content marketing masters. These masters of marketing have proven they know what it takes to draw a crowd and boost sales, and now you get to be the beneficiary of their wide range of knowledge and experience, all in one place.


The Best Marketing Advice From 10 Content Marketing Masters

Here are some of the answers to the most common questions rulers of the content marketing world receive.


1. Why Does Content Marketing Take So Much Time?

As you can see by the graph above from, this obstacle is a common problem for many small businesses. As proven in the following quote from Adam Stetzer, founder of HubShout, LLC, the key lies in a little organization.

“Sixty-one percent of marketers say that their biggest difficulty with content creation is that it takes too much time, but only 44 percent are reported to have a documented content marketing strategy.

Putting together a calendar of content scheduled for the month is a great first step that provides a set amount of time to strategize, brainstorm, create, and publish.”


2. Do I Need to Include Links in My Content?

To link or not to link? That is a question many SEO professionals face. While linking can be very beneficial, there is definitely an element of strategy to the process. Andrew Dennis, CEO of Northpage, said this about linking as a part of your content marketing strategy.

“Improving your link-building skills is all about honing your ability to recognize link opportunities. You should always keep your head up and look for potential prospects beyond the obvious. A link builder’s job is to make relevant connections on the web.”


3. How Can I Create Content That Stands Out?

Rand Fishkin, founder of Moz, preaches “10x content”.

“We can’t just say, ‘Hey, I want to be as good as the top 10 people in the search results for this particular keyword term or phrase.’ We have to say, ‘How can I create something 10 times better than what any of these folks are currently doing?’ That’s how we stand out.”

In an age when content is becoming more and more abundant, creating something truly unique can set you apart. For ideas on how to create 10x content, give Rand’s article a read.


4. Can I Use One Piece of Content for Multiple Purposes?

While it may be tempting to try to reach several goals with one piece of content, doing so can make the content cloudy and confusing. In fact, Tereza Litsa, content writer for ClickZ and Search Engine Watch, stated that “ambiguity is your mortal enemy.” She continues by advising content marketers to focus on one goal and accomplish it proficiently.

“This allows you to produce an organized content strategy, which will lead to meaningful (and effective) content. Ambiguity is not helpful for users, as it may be confusing, distracting, or even annoying. That’s why a brand should aim to drive people to a specific product or page through the right use of content.”


5. Do I Have to Incorporate Social Media Into my Content Marketing Strategy?

It’s difficult, if not impossible, to come up with an industry that wouldn’t benefit from a social media presence and strategy. Even if your business caters to the retired generation, states that there are over 10 million Facebook users over age 65 and 17.1 million users between the ages of 55 and 64. Simply having a social media account won’t gain you followers, though. Cathy McPhillips, the vice president of marketing at Content Marketing Institute, said:

“Successful social media starts with solid content marketing processes.”

She then goes on to discuss the importance of having a plan for your content, a blog or website on which to post, and enough resources to keep your social media account active. In fact, she states that “you really can’t have one without the other.” If you want to share your content, get social media. If you want social media exposure, get content. Simple, right?


6. How Do I Market to My Target Audience?

While you may realize that catering your content to a target audience is critical, you may not understand how to do it. Lee Odden, CEO of Top Rank Marketing, said,

“Content marketing isn’t just about adding more content; it’s about creating information for a targeted audience that has a particular purpose and an intended outcome…Modern day marketers should focus on understanding their customers, what topics are relevant to guide sales and leverage keyword research into an editorial plan and social media engagement program.”


7. Is the Quality of the Content Really Important?

Again we’ll hear from Adam Stetzer on this one, along with Chad Hill, his co-founder at HubShout.

“We can’t stress this enough. You can make a brick fly, but a paper airplane flies a lot better. Have good content, and it will help itself share and propel itself as you put it out there.”


8. I Don’t Think Content Marketing Works in my Industry.

Despite the obvious benefits, some small business owners still believe that they just aren’t in the right industry to make content marketing work for them. Lisa Barone, VP of strategy at Overit Media, put it this way:

“Complaining your industry isn’t glamorous tells me two things about you: 1) you don’t fully understand your customers need/pain points/ wants and 2) you are boring. The opportunity to create high-quality content is there, regardless of what industry you serve…. Just because your topic is toilets (or insurance, or telecom, or stained-glass windows), doesn’t mean your topic has to be 100-percent toilet focused. Find those interesting periphery topics, or the topics your customers are passionate about, and create content around them.”


9. Content Marketing is Too Expensive

One of the biggest holdups to companies taking good marketing advice is cost, despite the fact that content marketing is supposed to have a big return in revenue. Neil Patel, owner of and various other marketing websites, offers some tips on how to reach your content marketing goals by comparing the options for different types of content pieces.

“Marketers see successful bloggers posting 3-5 times a week and assume that they should, too. However, if you don’t have the budget to publish 3-5 great pieces of content, it’s pointless. You’ll end up publishing 3-5 okay posts instead. Growth from content marketing comes from quality, not quantity. Each post should be as valuable as possible. You’re better off publishing one absolutely amazing piece of content per month than publishing 30 mediocre posts.”


10. I Just Don’t Feel Like I Have Time for Content Marketing

Content marketing does take time, but Amanda Dodge at Search Engine Journal advised business owners to treat their blog as a client.

“The best advice we can give to entrepreneurs looking to improve their content marketing is to make it a priority. If you don’t commit to high-quality creation, dedicated curation, and tracking conversions, you may not realize the full benefits that your peers enjoy.”


Content Marketing Advice That You Need To Take

While it may not always be easy to create an effective campaign, following content marketing advice from those who’ve gone before can make the road much easier. Keep your end goals in mind and you’ll be able to move closer to them as you rise through the rankings and become a top content marketer yourself.

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