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how to find real estate leads online

How To Get Real Estate Leads Online

It’s no secret that your ability to engage, entice and capture customers can make or break your ability to generate real estate leads.

While you may have mastered the art of all three in the real world, you may struggle to know the best way to convey that charisma when trying to get real estate leads online. Your social media posts may fall flat, your email list generates might cause more unsubscribes than subscribes and your online listings might only receive 15-second views at most.

If you feel like you don’t know exactly how to get real estate leads online, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Real estate agents, brokers and investors are natural people-people, but their online personas can tend to be, well, dry. However, while the closing of a deal may happen in person, you still need to hook prospective buyers, and the truth is that most prospective buyers begin their search online. If you don’t take action to inject some zest into your content, your hook stands to remain dangling for a while.

What are Online Leads in Real Estate?

how to generate real estate leads online

Before we get too far down the rabbit hole of how to increase engagement with your written SEO content, it’s a good idea to define exactly what online real estate leads look like. Online real estate leads usually come in the form of a “contact us” form, live chat session, phone call, or contact from a real estate lead generation website. Most leads come from direct engagement with your online real estate content.

When interested buyers or sellers come to your website, they’ll typically contact you about your real estate services in one of these ways. Although there are many creative ways to get real estate leads online, there is a catch. To find online leads, you’ll need to increase your traffic. Without that precious traffic to your website, your leads won’t be able to find you. We have a few ideas that can help boost your website and help you generate leads.

How Can You Generate More Real Estate Leads Online?

We’re glad you asked. When you’re trying to learn how to get more online leads in real estate, every little bit helps. Below are 10 innovative ways to generate buyer and seller leads this year.

1. Start a Real Estate Blog

Blogging continues to be one of the most powerful ways to generate website traffic and get real estate leads online. If you want potential leads to find your newly optimized website, you need to start blogging. Why? Because properly utilizing SEO keywords in your blogs is one of the best ways to start ranking on Google and establishing an online presence. The statistics speak for themselves.

According to many sources, SEO blog writing is responsible for 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links. On average, companies that blog produce 67% more leads per month than those that don’t. Companies that publish 16 or more blog posts per month get 3.5 times more traffic and 4.5 times more leads than those that publish four or fewer posts per month. However, those numbers triple for companies that publish longer and more in-depth blog posts of 1,000+ words.

Additionally, Hubspot figured out that consistent blogging leads to compounding results:

online real estate leads

How do consumers feel about blogging? Well, 60% of respondents say they feel more engaged or positive about a brand after reading custom content on a blog. The benefits of blogging go even farther than creating a community for your readers and increasing traffic. Providing informative real estate content can establish you as an expert in the industry. Over time, people will see you as a resource and come to you for questions and more importantly, request your services. 

If you don’t have time to blog 16+ times a month, you’re not alone. The average blog post takes more than three hours to develop, which is why 64% of marketers outsource blog writing to an online marketing company. If you want to generate online real estate leads while focusing on growing other aspects of your business, outsourcing is way to go.

Keep in mind, though, that blogging just for the sake of blogging doesn’t cut it! Blogging with a solid SEO strategy is what brings these kinds of results. Writing blogs that are optimized around keyword phrases your target market is looking for while also providing value is the best case scenario. SEO blog writing for businesses also happens to be something we specialize in. 😉

Let Us Do the Blogging For You

We’ve been writing high-quality real estate blogs for years. Let us help you increase sales and pick up leads with our affordable monthly blog writing services

2. Optimize Your Website for Online Real Estate Lead Generation

Optimizing your website to generate real estate leads online is not as simple as throwing a “Contact Us” button on the bottom of each page. Rather, website optimization is a strategic process, one that begins with a basic understanding of the lead generation process, which typically begins with a call to action and ends with the visitor filling out a contact us information form. But how do you get the customer from A to Z? Below are a few ideas to get you started when learning how to find real estate leads online:

  • Up Your Number of Landing Pages: According to a recent HubSpot survey, websites with 30+ landing pages produce seven times more leads than those with one to five landing pages.
  • Incorporate a Basic CTA Into Your Homepage: Your homepage is at the top of your marketing funnel so should therefore offer visitors something of interest – a free real estate e-book or a subscription to a “How To Sell” course, for example.
  • Personalize Your CTAs: Want to take your real estate CTAs to the next level? Personalize them to each visitor’s interests, items they’ve purchased or pages they’ve viewed. Websites that do this convert 42% more leads than those that don’t.
  • Send a Kickback Email: Once a visitor converts to a real estate lead, send a “thank you” email. Studies show that kickback emails double the engagement rates of standard marketing emails. In addition to sending a kickback email, consider sending real estate leads to a thank-you landing page, which may include social sharing buttons or a link to download the promised offer.
  • Include Live Chat: Once a person decides to buy or sell their real estate, he or she wants to get started right away. Make yourself immediately available to answer any questions prospective clients have by allowing real estate leads to communicate with you via a live chat.

A few tweaks to your website can help increase your ability to find leads online. Optimization can also help your website become more user-friendly, which satisfies readers and increases their likeliness to trust you with their real estate needs.

3. Launch an Email Campaign

how to generate real estate leads online

If you haven’t already done so as a part of your real estate content marketing efforts, launch an email campaign. Email is one of the most valuable tools you have at your disposal if you use it correctly. BoomTown! details seven ways to use email as a real estate agent, but for real estate lead generation purposes, the content email is our personal favorite.

The content email is informational and serves to establish yourself as a local real estate expert. Anyone can appreciate the content of this type of email, especially when they are seeking more knowledge about real estate. Well-crafted content emails can help you get real estate leads in a practical way. When a personalized real estate email catches the eye of a potential buyer, they’re only a few clicks away to becoming your next real estate lead. As another factor in your marketing strategy, an email campaign can be one of the best ways to generate real estate leads online. 

What to Include In a Real Estate Marketing Email

Not sure what to send to readers? The different types of information you share in these real estate emails may include:

  • Local Market Updates
  • New Development Updates
  • “Just Sold!” Listings
  • How To Buy a Home in the Current Market
  • How To Turn Your Home Into the Ultimate Investment

Some other real estate email ideas BoomTown! suggests include the introductory email, the testimonial email and the get-to-know-you email. Depending on who you’re talking to, any of these emails can produce successful online real estate leads. 

4. Create a Real Estate Quiz

real estate lead generation tactics

Quizzes are some of the most underutilized real estate lead generation tools, but any reputable online marketing company will tell you that quizzes are a huge moneymaker.

What’s more catchy than an opportunity to quiz your real estate knowledge? If you don’t know how to get more leads in real estate, this type of marketing gives readers a great opportunity to interact with you. From there, they can explore your website, learn about your services and fill out a form. With a little bit of creativity, you can create an intriguing quiz that can draw readers and potential real estate leads to your website. Here are a few ideas to start with:

  • Real Estate Vocabulary: From “proposition” to “appraisal”, quiz readers on their knowledge of challenging real estate terms.
  • Interesting History: Give history buffs a run for their money as you create fascinating questions about the history of real estate.
  • True or False: Are there some real estate myths that are hard to debunk? Turn them into engaging true or false questions.
  • Lead Generation: Cater to potential real estate leads with a quiz that helps them find exactly what they are looking for.

According to quiz stats, 82% of social media users engaged with a quiz that came across their newsfeed, even if it was from a company they’d never heard of before. The standard quiz is shared close to 2,000 times, and in 2015, nine out of 10 of the most shared Facebook publications were quizzes. The typical quiz produces a lead capture rate of 31.6%. Need we say more?

5. Create a Virtual Tour

how to find leads in real estate

Example from Infinity Custom Homes

Over 50% of homebuyers found the home of their dreams online, compared to just 7% who followed a yard sign or open house sign. Does that mean the open house is dead? Some real estate experts say yes, but we say no—it’s merely changed. Prospective investors still want to see the inside of a home before they invest any more time into pursuing it. Make it easy for online real estate leads and offer a virtual tour of a property.

What Does a Virtual Tour Look Like?

A virtual showing gives a 360-degree view of each room, including the yard and driveway. Users can look at every angle and have control over what they see. Some tours even allow you to “walk” through the house, making it faster and more convenient to use rather than in person. A virtual tour may very well be the best way to get real estate leads online, as it gives potential customers the chance to see the house without wasting anyone’s time. If they’re still interested after going through the virtual tour, you’re in for a ride.

6. Invest in PPC Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising may not be a long-term solution when trying to generate real estate leads online, but it does help to produce that initial influx of traffic. If you’re just starting out, or if you’re starting from the depths of Google, dedicate a small portion of your marketing budget to PPC ads. Even if you’re working with a small budget, you can generate a wealth of real estate leads to tide you over until your other efforts begin to pay off.

When it comes to attracting the attention of real estate leads online, there are two big winners: PPC advertising and organic marketing. While both can be extremely effective, PPC advertising can yield fast results. Active searchers who need real estate services will look for companies that fit the bill. If you’re not sure how to generate real estate leads online, pay-per-click advertising can more accurately target interested customers by displaying an ad at the top of Google’s search results or within websites they surf. Either way, if someone’s looking for your services, PPC advertising can help you get their attention.

7. Offer Free Real Estate Advice

real estate lead generation strategy

People who are thinking about buying or selling properties often turn to forums such as City-Data, Zillow, and Reddit to ask questions and seek advice. If you can address their concerns or solve their problems, consumers will view you as a trusty source to whom they can turn when they decide to pursue the process more in-depth. In the worst-case scenario, the consumer goes with another agent or decides against taking action, but you expand your reach and influence all the same.

How Do You Spread Free Advice to Online Real Estate Leads?

You can start simply by adding more content to your website. Offer it through informational blogs, or even create a free e-book or guide that can give insider tips and professional advice. As you build your reputation as an expert in the real estate industry, try guest posting on other websites that are related to real estate. One unique way to get highlighted as a professional in the real estate industry is to accept an interview. HARO is a website that provides resources for reporters who need insights from a variety of professionals. Register and watch for opportunities to share your expertise, and receive recognition for the facts or personal experience you supply.

8. Use Social Proof

Like in any line of business, prospective real estate leads want to know you’re good at what you do before they hire you. Highlight your successes in real estate in your blog, on social media and in pop-up ads. If you have several successes under your belt, consider adding a portfolio page to your website dedicated to all the houses you’ve sold and for how much.

What Should You Include in Your Online Real Estate Portfolio?

It takes a lot of effort to build up the real estate portfolio you want. Here are a few things you can mention on your website:

  • Education
  • Experience in the real estate industry
  • Special deals or houses sold
  • Customer reviews

Showcasing your successes and expertise are great factors of knowing how to find real estate leads online.

9. Start a Real Estate Podcast

best way to get real estate leads

According to Podcast Insights, approximately 51% of the population has listened to a podcast at least once in their life, while 80% of those individuals listen to an average of seven shows per week. The majority of podcast listeners are educated and affluent, which makes podcasts the ideal tool to use to generate real estate leads.

Podcasts offer a unique alternative for users who’d rather listen than read. As podcasts become increasingly popular, you can find online real estate leads by offering a free, informative podcast.

What Do You Cover in a Real Estate Podcast?

If you’re running out of interesting topics to discuss, ask your readers what they want to know about. With such a large scope of topics in the real estate industry, it’s important to focus on what can help you get real estate leads. However, here are some hot topics that can get you started:

  • Latest real estate trends
  • Beginner’s guide to buying, selling or renting
  • Insider tips as a realtor
  • Real estate horror stories
  • Economic forecasts for the year

Whether you share experiences, make jokes or share valuable information, recording podcasts may be how you generate real estate leads.

10. Use Social Media to Find Real Estate Leads

 Social media platforms are both influential and exciting, especially when they help you attract real estate leads to your website. There are dozens of ways you can use social media to get real estate leads, such as the following:

  • Post quizzes.
  • Use paid advertising.
  • Start a content email campaign.
  • Publicize customer reviews and recently sold listings.
  • Encourage contact.

Use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn to foster relationships with existing customers, who also happen to be your greatest brand ambassadors. Encourage customers to like your accounts and share content that can benefit their friends. 

Still Wondering How to Get Real Estate Leads Online? We Can Help!

how to find real estate leads online

You have charm, charisma and all those other traits that draw investors, sellers and buyers your way—now you just need to inject those attributes into your real estate content on your site. From optimizing your website for SEO to playing around on social media, there are dozens of ways you can begin to generate honest real estate leads online. If you’re overwhelmed with the to-do list, or if you just want to focus your attention on finding the best way to get real estate leads, let us help your voice shine online. Check out our monthly SEO blog writing services for real estate agents or get in touch with us today to see how we can pair you with expert writers that can take your real estate generation efforts to the next level!

Let Us Do the Blogging For You

We’ve been writing high-quality real estate blogs for years. Let us help you increase sales and pick up leads with our affordable monthly blog writing services.

The post How To Get Real Estate Leads Online appeared first on BKA Content.

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8 Reasons To Hire a Real Estate Content Writer Wed, 12 Apr 2023 04:16:56 +0000 The post 8 Reasons To Hire a Real Estate Content Writer appeared first on BKA Content.

Do I need a real estate content writer

8 Reasons To Hire a Real Estate Content Writer

You’ve heard the stats on successful content marketing (especially for real estate agents), but writing content for your real estate website on top of running your business seems unrealistic. You don’t have enough time to do that, and you might not feel very confident in creating quality error-free content.

Enter the real estate content writer, your new partner in bolstering your brand online, attracting new leads and turning prospects into partners. Working with a real estate writer may be exactly what you need to take your website content to the next level.


What To Look For In a Real Estate Content Writer

When it comes to writing website content, you want to find a real estate writer who has keen research skills and experience writing for the web. Luckily, your real estate writer doesn’t have to be a former real estate agent. What you want is someone who has a working knowledge of the real estate industry that can benefit your brand. With your guidance and a little research, real estate writers from all backgrounds can create exceptional content that attracts potential clients.

Browse the portfolios of prospective real estate content writers for pieces that show off expertise about concepts such as the following:

  • Market trends
  • Industry marketing techniques
  • Contracts
  • The process of buying and selling real estate
  • Laws that apply to real estate transactions
  • Types of problems you can solve for buyers and sellers

Teaching a novice writer about these topics can eat up time you’d rather spend running your real estate business.

When you find a writer with real estate experience, you should also make sure he or she knows how to write for the web. The blog content you buy should be optimized for the web with your target keyword and metadata that helps Google and other search engines find and rank your content. Short, clear sentences, headings, bulleted lists and multiple points of entry help guide your reader by creating appealing, easy-to-digest content. This also makes your blog easy to read on a mobile device, which is where most buyers and sellers search for real estate information.

You can ask for a sample piece from the real estate writers you contact. Look for the key indicators mentioned above and determine for yourself if they are a good match for your brand. You may also consider hiring a content agency that assigns a team of real estate writers to your work.


8 Reasons To Work With A Real Estate Writer

real estate content writer for blogs

Hiring a real estate content writer (or real estate content writing services) to take care of the content marketing needed to find new leads and gain a bigger following is a smart and realistic solution. Review these eight reasons to add a web content writer who specializes in real estate to your team, particularly if you want to refresh your marketing strategy and attract a new audience.


1. Real Estate Writers Publish Comprehensive, Engaging Content

A real estate content writer will help you publish vivid, in-the-know blog posts that position you squarely as a neighborhood expert. Just a few of the common content categories to consider in a real estate content marketing strategy include:

  • Overviews of neighborhoods, communities, school districts and local amenities
  • Long-form reports about market trends
  • Advice for prospective clients who are buying or selling a home, including guides that cover mortgages, refinancing, the closing process and other hot topics
  • Frequently asked questions about every aspect of the real estate industry
  • Case studies that spotlight a unique property, hot new listing, client story or industry trend
  • Details about local restaurants, parks, museums and points of interest

Homebuyers conduct detailed research online before making a move. For example, 44% of buyers surveyed in a National Association of REALTORS study are seeking locally-focused content from real estate agent blogs. If you hire a real estate writer who can deliver fresh, hyperlocal information online, buyers and sellers in your area will consider you an important resource before you ever meet in person.


2. Real Estate Writers Differentiate Your Brand

differentiate brand with real estate writer

The real estate industry can be quite competitive, so establishing yourself as a local expert with an informative blog can set you apart from other agents in your area. According to research published by the National Association of REALTORS, just 11% of realtors ages 49 and younger have a blog. The percentage is even lower for older real estate professionals. These stats offer plenty of space for you and your real estate content writer to make an impact with a vibrant, informative online presence.

Having clear buyer personas in mind can help you create content that resonates. Every post should target a specific segment of your desired audience. For example, you might specialize in buyers who have specific needs such as open land, those seeking a resort lifestyle in retirement, first-time buyers and countless other demographic areas.


How To Create A Consumer Persona

Think about your ideal reader’s income, lifestyle, problems and needs when it comes to real estate. You can also tout yourself as a neighborhood expert for a few desirable areas rather than targeting your entire city or metro area. Consider sending a short survey to your email list or your past clients if you need more information to develop an accurate consumer persona.

With this information, your real estate writer can craft blog posts and other types of content directly to those clients you are looking for. Using specific keywords and posting content on social media platforms can help you boost traffic and pick up interesting readers.

Boosting your website traffic doesn’t just increase awareness of your business. It also improves your ability to market properties on behalf of clients who are selling their homes. If your real estate content writer can attract a sizable readership to your website, this success creates a selling point for prospective customers who want to sell quickly at the highest possible price.


3. Real Estate Writers Build Your Client Base

use a real estate content writer to find leads

NAR also reports that 52% of 2019 homebuyers found their real estate agent through the internet. The prevalence of the tech connection among buyers and realtors will likely grow even more in 2021 and beyond. If you aren’t getting online traffic to your professional page, you’re missing out on a significant segment of potential clients.

Content marketing also lets you capture the valuable first-time home buyer audience. NAR data indicates that 24% of home sellers used their realtor to buy or sell property in the past and 74% of sellers plan to use their realtor again for a future transaction. In addition, nearly every surveyed buyer in an NAR study reported by Ritter-Knight searched online at some point during the home search. About 90% looked for a specific property online and 89% used the web to connect with and hire a real estate agent.


How To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

If you haven’t already started a content marketing strategy, you might rely on traditional marketing or paid search to drive leads to your real estate website. The Content Marketing Institute reports that every dollar spent on content marketing returns an average of three times the return of a dollar spent on paid search.

Compared to traditional outbound marketing strategies, content marketing generates three times as many leads at less than two-thirds of the cost along with six times the conversions. What’s more, small businesses with blogs get about 126% of the lead growth earned by blogless businesses of similar size and 61% of consumers report purchasing a product or service because of a blog. Writing content for your real estate website can get you more leads and more exposure as an expert in the industry.

In addition to writing for potential clients, don’t discount the power of asking your real estate content writer to create blogs that appeal to other agents, especially if you have a perspective born from years in the business. Gaining traction as a trusted industry resource can lead to valuable referrals. Building a local community around your blog also gives readers a reason to keep coming back.


4. Real Estate Writers Can Spruce Up an Old Site

write content for real estate website

You pride yourself on providing every client with personalized attention, which doesn’t leave much time for your content marketing endeavors. You started a website for your business with every intention of keeping it fresh, but unfortunately, you don’t have the time to dedicate to a thriving real estate blog in addition to your career. CMI reports that businesses that publish 16 blog posts a month get 350% more website traffic than those who publish less than weekly.

If this scenario sounds familiar, a real estate content writer is probably just the partner you need to perk up your website. After a while, old posts and an outdated design make you look a bit out of touch, especially if an interested client looks up your website to learn more about you and finds a dusty landing page with minimal information. Professional writers have the expertise to rewrite and repurpose your existing content assets as well as create brand-new items that paint your brand in the best light.

Without frequent updates and content that offers real value to the reader, your blog traffic will flag and your search engine rankings will dip. Conversely, regular blog posts with original, well-written, relevant information will increase your site’s SEO performance and bring new prospects into your sales funnel. A real estate writer can get you into the groove with the consistency you need for content marketing success.


5. Real Estate Writers Can Power Up Your Postcard Campaign

Direct-mail postcards are a real-estate marketing mainstay for good reason: Advertisers who use this method see an incredible 1,300% average ROI. Consumers who make purchases based on direct mail campaigns say they tend to trust print marketing more than online ads. They also appreciate receiving mail from these trusted brands.

Take the direct mail tradition into the modern age by adding QR codes that can drive traffic to your shiny new blog or lead to a virtual tour of a highlighted property, for example. Make sure your postcard has a clear call to action that will encourage the recipient to connect with you online.

If you have a real estate content writer consistently publishing new content on your website, you can feel confident that potential clients who receive your postcards will be impressed when they look you up on the internet. Having both a strong physical and digital presence can be rewarding.


6. Real Estate Writers Can Answer Reader Questions

Answer questions on your real estate blog

Keyword research lets you answer the actual questions your would-be readers look for online. You can find this information instantly with free tools like Google Trends and Answer the Public. To serve as a valuable resource, your blog needs to teach your audience about interesting topics in real estate. By encouraging your real estate writer to consistently focus on a few keywords and write readable, engaging information, your website will begin to rank for those keywords and organically attract an audience.

In addition to taking advantage of free keyword tools, you can build traction by answering the questions you get from your existing clients. Common examples include:

  • What type of mortgage should I use?
  • Where are the most affordable neighborhoods in my city?
  • What are closing costs and what do they cover?
  • What should I look for in an investment property?
  • How should I prepare my home for a quick sale?

The more specific the keywords you target are, the easier it will be to rank for those searches. For example, “real estate agent,” will have many more searches on average than “real estate agent in Toronto.” Even better? “Downsizing real estate agent in Toronto.” If you decide to hire a real estate content writer, you may want to choose an agency that can handle keyword research on your behalf.

The best part of finding relevant questions and keywords is that these are instant hot topics for your real estate writer to write about. As you provide topics and specific content ideas for your website content, in return your real estate writer can produce rich content about those things.


7. Real Estate Writers Can Step Up Your Social Media Game

share real estate content on social media

If you want to connect with customers through content marketing, you need to be on social media. Building a blog and creating content opens up natural opportunities to share with your audience on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and beyond. Social shares will drive conversation around your content and expand the reach of your brand, especially for popular viral formats like Q&As, infographics and image-based stories.

In the NAR survey referenced above, 47% of realtors report that their highest-quality leads come from social media. Of the real estate agents who use social media, 97% rely on Facebook, primarily because the app’s demographics so closely match those of home buyers.

Instagram is also a smart choice as the most common online hangout for millennials, who represent a healthy segment of homebuyers. It’s also a visually rich platform that can help you make the most of outstanding photo and video assets. If you’ve invested in professional photography, remember that posting those gorgeous images will multiply your social shares.

Having a real estate content writer around means you can have consistent blog posts to share on these social media platforms. You could even pay your real estate writer to write up social media posts to go with the links. Having fresh content available to publish makes using social media so much more effective.


8. Real Estate Writers Take Tasks Off Your Plate

Hire a real estate writer

Let’s consider a different scenario. You have some writing experience and you thought you could handle the rigors of publishing high-quality blog content for your readers. The trouble is that it’s working, and now you’re expanding rapidly with more client contacts every week. At the same time, you know that consistent real estate content keeps your readers coming back, while spotty posts and slow updates might lead them to think you’ve dropped the ball.

Delegate some of your duties, including content creation, to make room for your much-deserved business growth. You’ll be able to use your industry knowledge and publication prowess to write detailed content briefs that help a professional real estate writer capture your voice and elevate your brand.


Hire a Real Estate Content Writer

work with a real estate content writer

When you work with an agency like BKA Content, you don’t have to take the time to vet writers on your own. Each professional web content writer on our team has completed a comprehensive screening process and has extensive experience creating content for clients in countless professional niches, including real estate. Our team will work hard to create high-quality content for your real estate website that attracts followers and boosts your brand.

Purchase a la carte articles through our content shop or enroll in managed services to benefit from the guidance of a dedicated account director. When you connect with us, we’ll learn more about your content needs and match you with a real estate writer with the chops to help your brand thrive online.

The post 8 Reasons To Hire a Real Estate Content Writer appeared first on BKA Content.

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7 Real Estate Blog Content Ideas for Your Content Marketing Plan Mon, 10 Apr 2023 11:36:38 +0000 The post 7 Real Estate Blog Content Ideas for Your Content Marketing Plan appeared first on BKA Content.


7 Real Estate Blog Content Ideas for Your Content Marketing Plan

Digital marketing is no longer optional for successful real estate agents. Whether you are starting a brand-new real estate blog for your business or looking for guidance to spruce up a blog that’s been a bit neglected, we’re here to help. The right real estate blog content ideas can generate a stream of valuable content that will attract readers and build your local following.

One of the hardest parts of creating content marketing ideas for real estate is getting started. Although real-world communication may feel like a breeze for most agents, real estate blog writing can be an entirely different ballgame. Whether you write real estate blog content for yourself or use a content writing company, here are some ideas to consider.


Why Create Real Estate Blog Content?

The internet is by far the most popular way for homebuyers to find the right real estate agent to help them find their dream home. Real estate blog content can be a hook for hungry buyers. Consider the following numbers from Real Estate in a Digital Age, a 2018 publication by the National Association of Realtors:

  • 93% of prospective homebuyers look online for property information, and 73% did so on a mobile device
  • 65% of prospective homebuyers are millennials, a generation known for their digital prowess
  • 44% of prospective homebuyers search properties online before committing to a real estate agent

real estate blog ideas

Despite the prevalence of internet use among homebuyers, however, the NAR noted that only 9% of Realtors surveyed have a real estate blog, and only 13% plan to start writing real estate blog content in the future. That leaves a significant opportunity for agents who want to fortify their online presence and position themselves as local real estate experts by creating an industry blog.


How Do You Start Writing Real Estate Blog Content?

If you already have a website, the process of starting to write real estate blog content is simple. Add a tab on your nav page specifically for “blogs” and then begin adding real estate blog content. The key is making your blog easily accessible, which can be done with a few clicks. If you haven’t made a big footprint online yet, you can find a website host that can cater to your real estate blogging needs.


Create User-Friendly Content

Once you start posting real estate blog content, try to improve the overall quality of your blog. Holding on to readers can be challenging and frustrating, but a little website optimization to make your content more user-friendly can go a long way.

real estate blog content


With social media booming, most users access your content through their cell phones. No matter how good your real estate blog ideas are, if your website isn’t compatible with smaller screens, you can lose a lot of potential leads. Here are a few ways you can simplify the design of your blog and speed up loading times:

  1. Streamline your navigational bar
  2. Reduce pop-outs and widgets
  3. Use a minimalistic theme
  4. Optimize image sizes

Not only will readers be happier when interacting with your real estate blog content, but you’ll impress them with your exceptionally designed website. In addition, cramped paragraphs, unorganized headers and grammar mistakes can place you in a bad light. On the other hand, having consistent, professional real estate writing can develop your brand voice and increase positive feedback from buyers. Add a style guide that can be used to form each real estate blog post to minimize differences and mistakes.


7 Real Estate Blog Ideas That Can Bring Results

Now that we’ve covered the why and how of real estate blogging, you probably understand how important it can be for your business. However, you may also have an ongoing case of writer’s block on what real estate blog topics to write about. Never fear! With these seven great real estate blog ideas, you’ll be able to hit the ground running and never look back.


1. Build Local Community Pages

Clients want to hire local real estate experts to help them find the right home or market their property for a successful sale. By zeroing in on specific neighborhoods and communities within the towns you serve, you create hyperlocal information that will naturally attract potential clients who are thinking about buying or selling homes in those areas.

You can adapt some of your real estate post ideas to include different kinds of information that buyers would find useful. When writing a blog post highlighting a neighborhood or community, be specific about what makes the location special. Does it have a sense of local pride? Are parks, walking trails and great schools nearby? Does the community host fun events like festivals or parades?

Although you should combine this anecdotal information with demographics and other key stats, don’t lead with boring numbers. Instead, draw your readers in and leave them wondering what it would be like to live in that neighborhood. Readability and design are a big part of a real estate agent’s marketing plan. Here’s a great example from Luxury Big Island, a real estate agency in Hawaii. Their community pages hit a homerun with beautiful photography, links to relevant properties and detailed local information.


real estate blog content


Neighborhood pages should focus on just one small portion of the city you serve, but you can also create a city guide to the area’s best-kept secrets and must-know info. Whether the goal is navigating public transit, ranking the best restaurants or highlighting your favorite hiking trails, a series of broader real estate posts like this can even have an extended life as an e-book or microsite of its own. This type of real estate blog content can establish you as a local expert, while also producing potential leads in that area.


2. Share Timely Real Estate News and Information

You probably already have a pipeline to one of the richest sources of real estate blog content ideas – community groups, local governments and homeowner associations are constantly publishing information about their events, from town meetings to tree lighting ceremonies. Include some of these gold nuggets in your next real estate post ideas.

Not only does summarizing and sharing this information on your blog provide a stream of valuable information for your readers, it also creates and nourishes networking relationships with the groups in question. When you disseminate their news to a wider audience, those groups will likely do the same for you by linking to your real estate blog content, sharing your card and otherwise promoting your content.


blog topics for real estate agents


Check out this example from F1rstTeam Real Estate in Los Angeles County. The real estate team created a monthly events calendar for their blog with links to the sponsoring organizations. If you can make this a regular feature in your real estate content marketing strategy, clients will start to rely on your intel when making plans. This is one of those real estate blog ideas that has a lot of longevity when done correctly.


3. Spotlight Local Businesses

When you share information that provides value to your audience, readers are more likely to return to your site and share it with others on social media. Connecting with and highlighting local businesses on your real estate blog content indirectly promotes your business while offering actionable blog content that readers can actually use.

Let’s say your community is revitalizing its Main Street area, and a brand-new bakery just opened. Work with the bakery owners to promote their business in ways such as the following:

  • Create a profile encouraging readers to stop by the business
  • Provide a coupon code that viewers can use for a discount
  • Spotlight the business in your next real estate marketing email
  • Encourage your social media followers to like and share the bakery’s page

Because this real estate blog idea provides a win-win for both your business and theirs, it also creates a valuable networking relationship. In fact, connecting with local businesses in this way is a great initiative to add to your real estate agent marketing plan, and it doesn’t cost a dime.


4. Teach Real Estate Clients About Financing

Obtaining financing for a new home can be one of the biggest challenges for homebuyers, especially those who are brand new to the market. Consider writing a series of real estate blog posts about the ins and outs of applying and qualifying for a mortgage. Make it local by highlighting special programs offered by your state or municipality, such as 0% down programs for teachers, police officers and other “good neighbors.”

For example, you could interview a local mortgage broker about financing do’s and don’ts for first-time homebuyers. This example from MacNificent Properties answers frequently asked questions about home down payments.


content marketing ideas for real estate


High-quality, informative posts are often the most successful blog topics for real estate agents, and for good reason. Valuable information can create a great brand image and build trust in buyers. If you already have a referral relationship with brokers and banks, writing real estate content of this nature is also a good opportunity to bolster your networking with those contacts.


Engagement With Financial Real Estate Blog Posts

Although effective, your real estate blog content should never appear dull. A blog topic about financing or other valuable subjects can easily be titled something that repels readers. Consider crafting your posts in creative, out-of-the-box ways to deliver important information to your potential clients. Here are a few formats you can customize:

  • FAQs and common concerns
  • Extensive real estate guides for beginners
  • Financial quizzes
  • Illustrations and infographics

Readers are looking for engaging real estate blog content that can help them. If you want to branch out more, consider highlighting a podcast series on your website. Invite guest speakers, comment on hot real estate trends and teach listeners about financing their next home. Any unique spark you add to your real estate blog ideas can be a hook for potential leads.


5. Highlight Notable Properties

Consider a monthly top-five or top-ten list of properties in your portfolio that share a certain theme. Whether they are for fixer-uppers at a great value or homes with a water view, these real estate blog posts target clients who are buying or selling within a specific niche. For best results, use lots of photos and descriptions of the properties currently on the market.

If you want to improve your content marketing ideas for real estate, seriously consider adding virtual tours to your website. These online showings give a complete view of the properties you are offering, making it easier for potential buyers to look at properties they are interested in. A video tour can create rich, shareable content that will get plenty of traction on social media and improve your online reach. This is an outstanding real estate blog idea to generate real sales leads online!


6. Answer Reader Questions About Real Estate

There are hundreds of blog topics for real estate agents to choose from, which means there are hundreds of questions that viewers or potential leads may have. With an active real estate blog, you can use these questions to your advantage.


real estate content marketing ideas


Interactivity is one of the best ways to make a blog “sticky,” which means that readers will keep coming back and share your link with their friends, too. Encourage a dialogue that will build a relationship with potential clients by asking your readers for their real estate questions.

There are many unique real estate blog ideas you can use to answer important queries. Answer one or two of these questions in a weekly series, or host a live video on your social media account. If the questions relate to other industries, bring in some friends to guest post for you. After a few successfully answered questions and feedback, you’ll quickly earn a reputation as a real estate agent who knows the market and is dedicated to educating buyers and sellers on the finer points of the industry.


7. Talk About Yourself

You may feel hesitant to make yourself one of your real estate blog topics, but it’s actually a great way to boost online traffic. Use this opportunity to build trust and brand image as you share who you are. Not only will real estate blog content like this help you seem more “human”, but you give readers a chance to understand you better. Here are a few things you could share:

  • Reasons why you’re in the real estate industry
  • Favorite things about the area you sell for
  • Personal preferences in home-buying
  • Latest transactions and testimonials
  • Specific experiences or education that qualify you

Feel free to get creative with your real estate blog ideas and share hobbies and interests that you love. As you differentiate yourself from the “bland” world of real estate, you give your brand an extra twist of distinctiveness.


Feel Inspired By Our Real Estate Blog Content Ideas? Start Now!

Now that you have a few real estate blog post ideas, start posting. As your web content increases and you begin to build your online reputation, traffic and lead generation can increase dramatically. Consider the needs of your target audience, market directly to interested parties, and seek out more potential buyers. Developing quality real estate blog content can tip the scale for your online marketing strategy.

Maybe you love the idea of starting a blog for your real estate business, but as a busy professional, you just can’t find the time to sit down and write. There’s no need to fear, you can still expand your real estate marketing plan. Check out our content shop to learn more about how we can help you transform these real estate blog content ideas into a lucrative marketing tool.

The post 7 Real Estate Blog Content Ideas for Your Content Marketing Plan appeared first on BKA Content.

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Can SEO Optimization Result in Real Estate Lead Generation? Mon, 20 May 2019 16:10:00 +0000 The post Can SEO Optimization Result in Real Estate Lead Generation? appeared first on BKA Content.


Can SEO Optimization Result in Real Estate Lead Generation?

These days, people use the internet for just about everything – finding a date, ordering food, and shopping for real estate. People looking for a house overwhelmingly use the internet. About 90% of buyers shop for a home online during some part of their search process, and about 53% begin their search online, according to an in-depth report about consumer trends in real estate called “The Digital House Hunt,” sponsored by the National Association of Realtors and Google.

Making the most of the market and reaching buyers is vital for long-term success in any industry, and this is especially true for real estate companies. Real estate lead generation has always been fundamental for success, and in today’s digital world, understanding how to use search engines to generate leads online is the new way to thrive. Can advantageous use of SEO (search engine optimization) generate real estate leads? In short, yes. Here are some ways to do it.


Making SEO Work for You With Real Estate Lead Generation

The intelligent use of popular keywords in your content marketing helps you reach many interested buyers who otherwise might not know what you have to offer. However, while using the right keywords is an integral part of SEO, there are many more strategies to discover. Maximizing SEO potential for your business and acquiring leads online involves an array of practices specific to the real estate industry.


Focus on Generating Local Real Estate Leads

While house hunters may start their searches with wider terms such as “houses for sale,” the course of their searches will quickly become more specialized, homing in on specific cities and even neighborhoods. Therefore, to gain traffic, which can translate into leads, make a place for yourself in the local market through the careful use of area-specific references and keywords.

You may do business in multiple cities and areas, but focus on the main city first. For example, buyers looking for a new house or condominium in Burlington, VT, might search for “Burlington realtor.” There are multiple important local keyword phrases that can help drive traffic to your site.

  • Burlington [any city] homes for sale
  • Burlington [any city] real estate
  • Burlington [any city] realtor
  • Burlington [any city] real estate listings

Use locally focused keywords throughout your website. Incorporate them in page names as well as page content. For example, your webpage can be arranged to guide searchers easily through your local listings and provide useful, informative content that gives added value to your website for potential buyers.

  • Burlington Homes for Sale
  • Burlington Real Estate Comments
  • Life in Burlington
  • What To Do in Burlington
  • Meet Your Burlington Realtor


Outsource Your Content Creation

If you are not sure about how to use keywords naturally throughout your website content, if you do not have a website at all, or if you need to completely rewrite it, consider hiring a dedicated content company such as BKA Content. Content marketing has become integral to success in today’s digital marketplace for large corporations and small start-ups alike.

Coming up with great marketing content takes time, especially because you need to post consistently to reap the benefits. According to eMarketer, about 60% of marketers generate at least one new piece of content every day. Writing strong content that makes a good impression on visitors takes experience and talent.

About 64% of B2B (business to business) marketers outsource content writing, according to TopRankBlog. Considering the massive advantages that powerful content can bring you, it makes good business sense to turn to an experienced content company, whether you need an entire website or a new blog post.


Use Blogs To Promote Sales

Speaking of blogs, if you do not have a blog for your real estate business or you only post sporadically, make blogging a content marketing priority now. According to HubSpot, about 82% of businesses that blog see positive ROI (return on investment) from this type of content marketing. Strong, well-written blogs serve you in multiple ways.

  • Use blogs to help your business by incorporating strong keywords about homes you particularly want to sell. Use the addresses as keywords, and include them in features such as title tags, meta descriptions, headlines, photograph captions and file names, and content.
  • Make your posts useful to customers. Answer their questions and provide practical information. Engage them by inviting them to comment. Get creative with formatting, experimenting with question-and-answer formats, video, and even music.

When you provide added value to potential buyers, you make a good impression on them, and they are more likely to remember you. The more you blog, the better your results are and the higher your ROI will be. Companies that see the most success from content marketing have a dedicated employee or department to handle this important responsibility. If you cannot hire someone in-house to do this for you, work with a content company that feels like an extension of your own business.


Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

Today’s home buyers take their house searches with them wherever they go – restaurants, lines at stores, the gym – so be sure your website is mobile-friendly to have the best chance at real estate lead generation using online content marketing. According to “The Digital House Hunt,” about 89% of people shopping for a home used mobile devices during some part of their searches.

To make the most of SEO for generating real estate leads, ensure that your site is mobile so potential buyers can search your listings, read about you, and contact you easily when it is convenient for them. You still need great content that drives traffic to you, but you also need a user-friendly site that makes buying your listings almost an organic process.


Content Marketing That Brings Real Estate Lead Generation

Generating real estate leads online takes planning, work, time, and talent. Using today’s best SEO practices for your industry is vital for driving traffic to your site, but once potential buyers are there, you need to impress them with your knowledge and interest in helping them. You need strong, fresh, and consistent marketing content to hold audience attention.

After all, just because potential buyers visit your site does not mean they will stay long. Great content marketing is like a warm welcome. It encourages buyers to come in and “sit a spell.” The more time they spend on your site, the better your chances are of ultimately making a sale.

To ensure your website has content that makes the best possible impression, as well as specialized content such as fresh, creative blogs and great property descriptions, turn to a dedicated content company such as BKA Content. We make ordering fast, easy, and fun. Contact us to find out how we can help you with great content marketing that improves real estate lead generation online.

The post Can SEO Optimization Result in Real Estate Lead Generation? appeared first on BKA Content.

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