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25 Tongue Twisters Everyone Should Know

Funny tongue twisters are the cornerstone of many family road trips, recess games and annoying little brothers, and that is likely due to the near impossibility of perfect pronunciation. These phrases are made to force mispronunciation and confusion, but it is this purposeful manipulation that makes tongue twisters in Enghlish great for teaching proper pronunciation as well as excellent for good, old-fashioned family entertainment.


The Ultimate List of Funny Tongue Twisters For Adults

The key to practicing tongue twisters is to never take it too seriously and too have as much fun as possible. Here are some of our favorites:


The Classic Tongue Twister

You probably remember some of these classic tongue twisters from those days as a child, riding in the backseat of a car with your friends or siblings and pushing each other to say each three times fast or faster. While this is not an extensive list of classic funny tongue twisters, you can find more like them either here or here.

funny tongue twisters

  1. Wordy Woodchuck –  How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  2. Bear-ly Babbling – Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?
  3. Pete’s Pick – Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
  4. Baker Blurb – Betty Botter had some butter, “But,” she said, “this butter’s bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter – that would make my batter better.” So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So ’twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.
  5. Sea Speak – She sells seashells by the seashore.
  6. Medical Mayhem – When a doctor doctors a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor?


The Strange Tongue Twister

While part of the fun of tongue twisters is the nonsensical nature of the genre, the following selection is a little stranger than your typical twisters and offers some of the most challenging and funny tongue twisters in the English language. Can’t get enough? Try checking out more strange speaks on this cool site.

tongue twisters for adults

  1. Gobs of Gab – Gobbling gargoyles gobbled gobbling goblins.
  2. Spooky Story – Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and thundered threatening the 3-D thoughts of Matthew the thug – although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty-year-old thug thought of that morning.
  3. Lucky Lick – Luke Luck likes lakes. Luke’s duck likes lakes. Luke Luck licks lakes. Luck’s duck licks lakes. Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes. Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.
  4. Marriage Mumble – Mary Mac’s mother’s making Mary Mac marry me. My mother’s making me marry Mary Mac. Will I always be so Merry when Mary’s taking care of me? Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac?
  5. Easy Fleasy – Through three cheese trees, three free fleas flew. While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew. Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. Freezy trees made these trees’ cheese freeze. That’s what made these three free fleas sneeze.
  6. Baseball Blab – Bobby Bippy bought a bat. Bobby Bippy bought a ball. With his bat, Bob banged the ball. Banged it bump against the wall. But so boldly Bobby banged it. That he burst his rubber ball. “Boo!” cried Bobby. Bad luck ball. Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball. Now to drown his many troubles, Bobby Bippy’s blowing bubbles.
  7. SeeSaw Spout – I saw a saw that could out saw any saw I ever saw saw. If you happen to see a saw that can out saw the saw I saw saw I’d like to see the saw you saw saw.
  8. Scary Berry – How many berries could a bare berry carry, if a bare berry could carry berries? Well, they can’t carry berries (which could make you very wary) but a bare berry carried is more scary!


The Fun Tongue Twister

While every tongue twister varies in difficulty and length, they are all meant to be fun. The following list of funny tongue twisters for adults is more focused on the fun and less on the length and difficulty. These tongue twisters should be fun for all ages. Find these and many others on sites like this.

tongue twisters in English

  1. Uncanny Convo – Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
  2. Fishing Mishap – There was a fisherman named Fisher who fished for some fish in a fissure. Till a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in. Now they’re fishing the fissure for Fisher.
  3. Which Witch – If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
  4. Kooky Cookie – How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
  5. Stinky Speak – A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.
  6. Woodchuck Cousin – How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog if a groundhog could hog ground.
  7. Fabric Funny – Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.
  8. Hospital Haha – Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.
  9. Dinner Doozy – I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.
  10. Tiny Shiny – Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she shines, she sits, and where she sits, she shines.
  11. Fish Your Wish – I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.


Try One of These Funny Tongue Twisters for Adults!

Despite the apparent difficulty of many tongue twisters, spouting them out is meant to be fun. Yes, they are challenging, and there are so many memories of your little brother using them to get on your nerves — but there are actually substantial benefits that come from extensive practice, including improving clarity of speech and diction. Ultimately, the strange and peculiar assonance and alliteration are a game that is meant to be enjoyed. So, take a breath, laugh and give any one of these funny tongue twisters a try.


Need Writing Help For Your Website?

Now that you’ve improved your diction with the help of some tongue twisters, it’s time to improve your website with the help of expert SEO content writers! Our writing/editing experts can help take your website to the next level by creating SEO content that ranks on Google and brings in real traffic. Check out our SEO blog writing services to see how our affordable plans can help your small business!

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5 Free PDF to Word Converter Tools https://www.bkacontent.com/5-free-pdf-to-word-converter-tools/ https://www.bkacontent.com/5-free-pdf-to-word-converter-tools/#respond Mon, 08 May 2023 04:39:10 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=40356 The post 5 Free PDF to Word Converter Tools appeared first on BKA Content.


5 Free PDF to Word Converter Tools

You’ve got work to do, and an uneditable PDF stands in your way. You don’t want to spend a lot of time finding a solution, and you sure as heck don’t want to spend any money you don’t have to. Let us save you some time by gathering a short list of free PDF to Word Converters that will streamline your workday.


Why use a PDF to Word Converter?

It’s pretty simple: a Word document is editable, while a PDF is not. You’re probably looking for a good PDF to word converting tool if you don’t currently own software that can edit a PDF file. It’s also likely that you are most familiar with Word’s setup, and it makes sense to want to edit a document on a platform that you are familiar with using.

The real kicker comes after you figure out how to edit the darn thing and then want to turn it back into a PDF for the final product. The answer is simple, and using this list of top 5 free PDF to Word Converters we found online might just make it even easier.

pdf to word converter free


1. Free File Converter

This PDF file to word converter is free and will do exactly what you need: quickly change your PDF to a Word file. Note that you you can only convert one PDF file at a time, but the process is fairly swift. All you have to do is click convert file and choose a format. Then, click convert. 

pdf to word converter

2. Nitro PDF to Word Converter

With Nitro PDF to Word Converter, you’ll find that there are two options. One is a Desktop program, whereas the other is an online writing to Word converter. The online PDF converter is always free. One of the major benefits of this PDF to Word converter is that you can upload multiple files at one time. The catch? You have a limit of five PDF conversions a month, but they can be sent straight to your e-mail.

pdf to word file free

3. Free Online OCR

The OCR uses optical character recognition when it identifies text in a PDF. If you have scanned documents and original files, this might be the short PDF converter for you. The OCR only converts one file at a time, but it’s simple to use. Something to keep in mind here is the background color of your document. If it’s too dark, the format may be hard to read.

pdf to word converter free

4. PDF Online

When it comes to PDF file to Word converters, PDF Online serves its functions very well. It excels at handling different types of documents and converting them. Once you upload, however, you need to download the file quickly, because it will disappear after a few hours. This is one of the downsides to using a free PDF to word converter.

convert word to pdf

5. Online2PDF

Open up this online2pdf word to pdf interface, and you’ll be immediately directed as to what to do next. This PDF to Word converter allows you to upload up to 20 files at one time. As long as the files don’t add up to over 100 MB, you can upload as many as you need. Once uploaded, you click the convert button and download the items as they finish.

word to pdf converter online2pdf

PDF Editing and Converting Made Easier

Converting a PDF to a Word document should be a simple process. Since the result is intended to simplify your editing job, you don’t want to waste your time with converters that don’t do what you need them to. Fortunately, no option on this list requires you to spend any money. Nor do you have to download any excess software. They are all free and lean on space. Double win!

These free PDF to word converters not only upload and convert your files, but do not require you to make any commitments to the companies involved. In some instances, you may have to register with an e-mail, but that’s the most you should have to do. Changing your PDF into a Word document has never been easier. Happy working!

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Check Out Our Favorite Random Blog Title Generators https://www.bkacontent.com/check-out-our-favorite-random-blog-title-generators/ https://www.bkacontent.com/check-out-our-favorite-random-blog-title-generators/#respond Fri, 14 Oct 2022 21:32:13 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=40782 The post Check Out Our Favorite Random Blog Title Generators appeared first on BKA Content.


Check Out Our Favorite Random Blog Title Generators

Titles are an opportunity to give readers vital information about your message before they even begin to read your work. Your title can introduce a feeling, a topic or an idea. They are equally important across all genres of work, from nonfiction about economic trends to the wildest fantasy stories. In business, they can be the sole reason a potential client does or doesn’t click to find out more. When it comes to business blogging, keyword research and SEO play a factor in random title generator makeup, but without a creative punch that draws a reader in, your title will sound robotic.


Best Random Title Generators

Choosing a blog title that succinctly communicates what readers can expect from you can be challenging, though. If you are struggling to come up with a title, or just need a little extra help, try using a random blog title generator to get a feel for different kinds of titles you can use. Here is a list of some of our favorite blog title generators:


1. Portent’s Content Idea Generator

random title generator

This random blog title generator gives you title ideas for internet posts and content. Type in a word and the title generator will provide suggestions that include that word, spanning a wide range of topics. Somewhat of a mad lib, it’s also just enjoyable to see what this article title generator comes up with.

Since the generator titles can be unexpected, it may give you an entry into thinking and writing about a particular topic that you may not have considered otherwise.

Our Tip: This random title generator is the most useful option for short nonfiction, especially when you need ideas for your article’s angle.


2. Ruggenberg’s Title Generator

article title generator

This article title generator is definitely geared toward fiction. Its titles tend to use powerful, epic words like “sword” and “sky” that appear most often in the names of fantasy or science fiction novels. It may also be useful for writing prompts, since the titles are so specific and evocative. When you’re looking to get your “creative writing” mojo going, this is the fantasy blog/book title generator you’re looking for.

Our Tip: This random title generator seems best for epic, sweeping fantasies.


3. Blog Title Generator

blog post title generator

This blog title generator offers useful title suggestions for short articles and website content. Just type in a keyword, select the category it belongs to, and let the random title generator show you four relevant article titles. This is especially helpful for businesses that are looking to blog. You’ll be able to easily spot trends in the industry or niche the keyword you typed falls into, showing you what other competitors are currently writing that your customers are consuming. Listicles, how-to’s and guides seem to be a sweeping trend in business blogging.

Our Tip: The grammar in the generated titles will usually need some refinement, but they include blog ideas that will help you narrow your focus and connect with readers.


4. Adazing

random book title generator

Adazing has a thorough blog title generation system to help you find a title that is randomly generated but still relevant to your writing. It is one of the most complex, random title generators out there, with filters for genre and spaces to fill out other information to incorporate into the title, such as your protagonist’s profession or the number of steps included in your nonfiction guidebook.

Our Tip: An email address is required to access three free title lists, but all the features included in this article title generator make up for the inconvenience.


Conclusion: Blog Title Generators can be Strategically Random

The best random titles aren’t really random at all. Whether you’re looking for help to come up with a blog title, book title, article title, or something else, using a random title generator can help you narrow down your writing and provide more value to your reader overall. Know of any other blog title generators?  Leave them in the comments below!

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60 Easter Puns That Will Keep You Hopping https://www.bkacontent.com/60-easter-puns-that-will-keep-you-hopping/ https://www.bkacontent.com/60-easter-puns-that-will-keep-you-hopping/#comments Mon, 02 May 2022 20:10:25 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=40769 The post 60 Easter Puns That Will Keep You Hopping appeared first on BKA Content.


60 Easter Puns That Will Keep You Hopping

It’s finally spring again. The weather is warming up, the sun is shining (when it’s not raining), and the Easter Bunny is setting a path towards your house. Easter is an inherently cheerful time of year. Pastel colors seem to be everywhere, flowers are in full bloom and the baby outfits alone are enough to draw smiles to people’s faces. After the long winter months, Easter is really a breath of fresh air.

Now is also a good time to let loose and have a little fun. If you’re the type that always has a pocket full of cheesy jokes, there is no holiday with as many pun opportunities as Easter. With so many colored eggs and toothy rabbits hanging around, there is a hopping amount of potential when it comes to cracking the perfect Easter puns. So, hatch a plan and make this your most pun-filled Easter ever.


What Is a Pun?

A pun is a form of wordplay that relies on two words that sound alike, but that deliver different meanings. This is the straightforward definition of a pun, but the truth is, you pretty much know a pun when you hear it. Think: dad jokes. While not all dad jokes are puns, the vast majority of them tend to be, and like dad jokes, they tend to get similar reactions from the people who hear them.

These are the jokes that make people groan, sigh and maybe even laugh. If you’re a master of cheesy humor, you already know what reaction you’re going for; you might even relish in it! With those family gatherings on the near horizon, it’s time to load up on your Easter ammo. (Think about it, when do you have a better captive audience?) Whether you want to make the teenagers in your family groan or beat Uncle Harry at his own game, this comprehensive list of funny Easter one liners will give you some of the most awesome Easter puns out there.


Easter Puns

We sent out a bunch of little bunnies to do some research and found a treasure trove of wordplay ideas perfect for this season. Here are 60 of the best Easter Puns out there. Enjoy!

Easter Puns

Funny Easter One-Liners

Some of these Easter one-liners might be a little more difficult to add into everyday conversation, but we believe in you. 

  • I carrot wait for Easter.
  • No eggs-cuses.
  • For Peep’s sake.
  • An Easter bonnet can tame a wild hare.
  • What an egg-citing day.
  • I like to look on the sunny side.
  • That’s all, yolks.
  • I just don’t carrot all.
  • Don’t yolk with me.
  • I might whisk it.
  • You’re scrambling my brain.
  • Are you egg-noring me?
  • Omelettin’ this slide.
  • You’re so hard boiled!
  • I’m eggs-hausted.
  • I have so many egg puns, it’s not bunny.


Song-Related Bunny Puns

Everyone likes a well-timed music pun. If you’re the kind of person who naturally can find a way to insert song lyrics into any conversation, these Easter puns will make the crowd go wild:

  • I whip my hare back and forth.
  • You’re just some-bunny that I used to know.
  • Don’t worry, be hoppy.
  • I’m so egg-cited and I just can’t hide it.
  • I wanna dance with some-bunny, some-bunny who loves me.
  • Can anybody find me some-bunny to love?
  • We found eggs in a hopeless place.
  • Beat it.
  • Every bunny was kung fu fighting.


Q & A Easter Jokes

What would an Easter pun list be without a list of good old-fashioned riddle jokes? If you want to mix it up or if you’re not ready to unleash the one-liners into regular conversation, you can throw these Easter puns in at any time throughout the holiday without much work:

bunny puns

  • Q: How do you know you’ve been visited by a possessed rabbit?
  • A: He leaves deviled eggs.
  • Q: What days of the week do Easter eggs hate the most?
  • A: Fry-days!
  • Q: Why did the Easter eggs hide?
  • A: They were a little chicken!
  • Q: What kind of music does the Easter Bunny like?
  • A: Hip hop.
  • Q: Did you hear about the Easter bunny who wouldn’t leave her house?
  • A: She had a bad hare day.
  • Q: Why do people paint Easter eggs?
  • A: It’s hard to wallpaper them.
  • Q: How does the Easter Bunny stay healthy?
  • A: Egg-ercise.
  • Q: Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter pun?
  • A: You might crack up!


Easter Greetings Jokes

On Easter morning, a simple “good morning” isn’t going to be enough for someone with your skillset. An easy “Happy Easter” just isn’t going to do your humor justice. Whether you’re just saying hello or wishing someone a good day, your Easter puns arsenal isn’t complete without a variety of greetings. Use these for inspiration:

  • Happy Easter to my peeps!
  • Have a good hare day!
  • Have an eggs-tra special Easter!
  • Have a Hoppy Easter!
  • Some-bunny is thinking of you!
  • Happy Egg-ster!
  • Ears to a great Easter!


Romantic Easter One-Liners

Don’t leave your partner out of the fun. While these romantic one-liners will probably not woo anyone you haven’t managed to snare already, you might get a laugh or two.

funny Easter puns

  • Your kisses are to dye for.
  • Hey there, hop stuff.
  • You’re one hot chick.
  • There’s no bunny like you.
  • You’re a good egg.
  • Hop on over, honey bunny.
  • You might not carrot all, but you are irresistible.
  • Some-bunny is thinking of you!
  • When it comes to delivering sweetness, the Easter Bunny has nothing on you!
  • Eggs love you.


Easter Egg Words

Looking to create your own Easter egg puns on the run? This list has you covered. With a few extra words, you can up your pun game and have all the kids laughing (or sighing). Either way, you’ll be having a good time. Go ahead, be a little eggs-tra creative here.

  • Eggs-cellent
  • Eggs-press
  • Egg-static
  • Egg-sactly
  • Egg-streme
  • Egg-splosive
  • Eggs-aggerate
  • Egg-stravagant
  • Egg-ceptional
  • Eggs-tra


Let the Easter Pun Begin!

Easter is just about hare, and time is running out for you to get your ducks in a row. Add a little sunshine to your family’s day (or to your own day, at their egg-spence) with a few of these carefully colored Easter puns.

Know any other great Easter puns (dad jokes)? Let us know in the comments below!

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Perfect Cupcake Puns https://www.bkacontent.com/gs-perfect-cupcake-puns/ https://www.bkacontent.com/gs-perfect-cupcake-puns/#respond Fri, 26 Nov 2021 19:00:46 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=41232 The post Perfect Cupcake Puns appeared first on BKA Content.


Perfect Cupcake Puns

People are crazy for cupcakes! From the Food Network’s Cupcake Wars to the explosion in cupcake cookbooks to the proliferation of cupcake bakeries around the country, it’s clear that these tiny treats have carved a niche for themselves in Western culture.

cupcake puns

One thing is sure—where popularity happens, humor is sure to follow. People are now sharing their pastry obsession on everything from cards and t-shirts to posters and internet memes. You can find the perfect funny birthday card for your cupcake-loving friend, or take her to a specialty shop with the kind of name that will make you smile, like Sprinkles Cupcakes in Beverly Hills, CA, or Cape Cod’s Miss Cupcape.

To jump on the food truck with the rest of the virtual world, we’ve gathered the ultimate list of cupcake puns, jokes, sayings and memes we’ve cooked up for all the cupcake fans out there. Don’t go off half-baked—we have the right pastry humor for every occasion.


Every-Occasion Cupcake Puns

These cupcake puns are the bread and butter of the batch, and may or may not be the perfect secret ingredient for a killer T-shirt:

  • Some only dream of cupcakes—others bake it happen.
  • Cupcakes are good for muffin.
  • What did one cupcake say to the other? Absolutely muffin!
  • I am so baked right now.
  • What’s up, cupcake? Muffin much.
  • Cupcakes are just muffins that believe in miracles.
  • You bake me crazy. (Cue Britainy Spears.)
  • Go ahead—bake my day.
  • Life is what you bake it.
  • Life is good—bake the most of it.
  • I’m just a cupcake in search of a studmuffin.
  • Cupcakes pave the way for legalized frostitution.


Cupcake Puns To Inspire You

Need a pick-me-up pastry pun for a friend in need? These couldn’t be any sweeter:

  • Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake
  • Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed. Cupcakes make it worthwhile.
  • A meal without Cupcake is like a day without sunshine.
  • Cupcakes are Sweet and even Sweeter when Shared
  • Dream as if you’ll live forever, eat Cupcakes as if you’ll die today.
  • Muffins are just ugly cupcakes.
  • You’re the frosting to my cupcake.
  • Some days you eat salad and go to the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to wear pants. It’s called balance.


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Cupcake Puns

In addition to the cupcake puns and sayings that stand on their own, you can find a whole world of cupcake memes that combine wordplay with illustration for maximum effect. Here are a few of the best:

For that “special someone:”

cake puns


For the day when no diet is worth it:

baking puns


For that moment when you need to forget it’s not Friday yet:

cupcake sayings

Holy Smokes, More Cupcake Jokes!

Have any other great cupcake puns or cupcake jokes you want to share? Get those cake puns in the comments, quick!

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Cookie Jokes for Extra Holiday Pun https://www.bkacontent.com/cookie-jokes-for-holiday-pun/ https://www.bkacontent.com/cookie-jokes-for-holiday-pun/#respond Wed, 17 Nov 2021 15:13:22 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=39310 The post Cookie Jokes for Extra Holiday Pun appeared first on BKA Content.


Cookie Jokes for Extra Holiday Pun

From Medieval pun competitions and Shakespearean word duels to dedicated websites and viral memes, the pun has been around for centuries. In fact, nearly every culture around the world has their own way of appreciating this form of humor and it’s been that way since the time of the pyramids.

If your family is like mine, puns are especially common around the holidays when a series of parties, amazing food, and family members provides endless fuel for groan-worthy dad jokes. We’re about to share some of the tastiest cookie puns we could find, so start your ovens and get ready to cook up some holiday pun.


Treat Your Friends With Cookie Jokes

The English language is especially good for punning as we’ve adapted our vernacular from the words of so many different cultures, providing a melting pot of options to dip your cookie jokes into.


Much like a good pun, a holiday food appreciated across cultures is the cookie. So if you’re a fan of kooky wordplay, you may want to serve up some of these cookie puns at your next holiday party.

Click here for the list of cookie jokes included in our slideshow.

Q: What do you get when you use a deer-shaped cookie cutter?

A: Cookie doe!


Q: What kind of snacks do little monkeys have with their milk?

A: Chocolate chimp cookies!


Q: What do you call it when two cookies from the same sheet fall in love?

A: A batch made in heaven!


Q: What kind of cookies do rich people like best?

A: Fortune cookies!


Q: Why did the cookie cry?

A: Because his mother was a wafer so long.


Q: Why did the boy go to the doctor after eating a cookie?

A: He was feeling crumby!


Q: What type of cookies do redheads like best?

A: Ginger snaps!

Give the Gift of the Cookie Pun

Everyone enjoys getting a meaningful gift, and in most cases a box full of a favorite cookie hits the spot. This year, add an extra bit of flavor to the occasion with a well-placed cookie pun.

cookie puns

For Cookies in General

  • Without you, I would crumble
  • A cookie gift for my kooky friend
  • Just hoping to bake your day a little better
  • I heard you were feeling crumby. Hope this cheers you up
  • A little sugar for the sweetest friend a person could ask for
  • Get batter soon

For Cookies With Nuts

  • These cookies are a little nutty… just like me!
  • Because I’m nuts about you
  • Nuttin’ better than these cookies I brought you

For Cookies With Chips

  • For someone who never fails to chip in when asked
  • You’re a chip off the old block
  • Thanks for being my friend when the chips were down

For Cookies With Raisins

  • For someone who’s always raisin the bar
  • Thanks for all your help with the fund raisin
  • You’re the raisin I smile
  • Cookies for mom, who did a grape job raisin me

cookie jokes

Play It Up All “Season” Long

In its most basic form a pun is a great play on words. Cookie puns are no different. Stock up on these 10 nutty wonders that will earn you some epic eye-rolls.


“Those cookies were so big I had to slice one in half. I guess that makes me a cookie cutter.”

“Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies?”

“I’ll dough what I can to get these cookies made in time for the party!”

“I sure didn’t macaron choice with these cookies.” (When making meringue macarons)

“Doughn’t you wish you were eating these too?”

“I ate a box of thin mints and gained a pound. I don’t think they work…”

“If a redhead works at a bakery does that make him a gingerbread man?”

“I always macaroon in my heart for you.” (When making coconut macaroons)

“Yeah, that joke made me snickerdoodle!”

“I’m not going to sugarcoat it, these cookies might be burnt.”

Keep the Puns A-Comin’

Stay on top of your game even when the conversation drifts away from holiday, baking, cookie, or even food-related topics. Here are some great cookie puns you can chip in for just about any topic.

When Talking About Work

  • Since I have to cookie the books I may be home late tonight
  • I need to head to work and make that dough
  • Doughn’t worry, I won’t crumble under pressure during the meeting

When Discussing School

  • You can dough it!
  • Failing that test was a crumbling situation
  • Feel free to chip in with answers when you have them
  • My presentation was only half-baked

When Feeling Ill

  • I know you’re feeling crumby, so I hope you get batter soon
  • I had too many cookies and now I’m feeling half baked
  • Everyone gets sick sometimes. It’s just the way the cookie crumbles

When Talking Sports

  • Ouch, he crumbled the ball
  • I think we can agree that play was a half-baked idea
  • They batter recover and score soon
  • I doughn’t think they can lose!

When You're Watching a Movie

  • I guess he/she got caught with his hand in the cookie jar
  • I hope he/she doesn’t crumble under pressure
  • I wonder if his/her friends have enough dough to make bail

Savor Every Opportunity to Cookie Pun

Whether you’re trying butter up to the boss at the holiday party, get a rise out of your siblings at the dinner table, or win the coveted eye-roll from the ultimate punster of them all — your dad — taking these cookie puns out of the jar might have you serving up some belly laughs. Plus, with so many of these kooky holiday puns out there you can simply pick and chews your favorites.

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Want To Improve Your Content Writing Skills? Try Freelance Writing Jobs https://www.bkacontent.com/improve-content-writing-skills-through-freelance-writing/ https://www.bkacontent.com/improve-content-writing-skills-through-freelance-writing/#comments Mon, 01 Nov 2021 22:04:26 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=51764 The post Want To Improve Your Content Writing Skills? Try Freelance Writing Jobs appeared first on BKA Content.


Want To Improve Your Content Writing Skills? Try Freelance Writing Jobs

You’ve got talent and a passion for the trade, but becoming a freelance writer (especially one that can make a living to support an actual human) takes a lot more than just thinking happy thoughts and hoping for the best. Writing for a living requires skill and experience, both of which will be easily gained by trying your hand at freelance writing jobs.


What Skills Do You Need to Be a Freelance Writer?

Where do we start? Spelling, grammar, flow, writing speed, organization, creativity, professionalism, ability to research, sentence structure, vocabulary, keyword optimization, formatting, accuracy, originality and cohesiveness are just a few writing skills that great writers need to be successful.

While that sounds like a lot of things, the good news is you don’t have to master all of those content writing skills all at once. You can develop different parts of your writing as you go, but you do need access to some content writing jobs in order to do that.


How Do I Improve My Content Writing Skills?

They say that practice makes perfect; I submit that paid practice is even more perfect because it also allows you to do important things, such as eat. If you’re looking for freelance writing jobs that offer you the kinds of experiences that will transform you into the professional writer you’ve dreamed of becoming, BKA Content has what you need.

Here are a few of the top ways that becoming a writer for BKA will boost your content writing skills.


Create a Steady Content Writing Regimen

Common sense tells us that doing something consistently can lead to an increased ability to do that thing more effectively and efficiently. If you regularly exercise the muscles needed to write high-quality content, you’ll see your writing improve with time. On your own terms, how often do you find yourself doing grammar curls, topic lunges or research runs?

content writing skills

At BKA, an opportunity to join several writing teams could offer you the equivalent of an open gym for your content writing skills. Work from home writing jobs like this allows you to choose the workflow that fits your schedule and get into a “workout” rhythm that will pump up your professional writing skills on a regular basis.


Tackle a Variety of Writing Topics

If the span of your writing knowledge and experience can be wrapped into one tiny topic box, it might be hard to get your professional writing career off the ground. Whether your writing dreams live in the realm of fiction or family law, knowing how to expertly tackle a slew of different topics will give you the versatility you need to rise above the content writing crowd.

Luckily, opportunities to write about a wide variety of topics are typically built-in when you’re rocking freelance writing jobs with a content company. Here’s what one writer had to say about this:

skills for a freelance writer


Raise Your Content Writing Standards

One of the most important things freelance writers must do is capture their audience through coherent, interesting and error-free copy. Readers need to feel drawn in, easily understand the content and trust that the author knows what he or she is talking about. This is really hard to do if the writing is sloppy, stuffed with filler, or grammatically clunky.

At BKA, we don’t subscribe to the mediocre standards of other freelance writing gigs. We feel it is important to do whatever it takes to help our writers rise above the rest. That’s why we do the following:

    1. Give you specific training on your assigned writing projects. We are known for our hands-on training process, and we take your success seriously. We’ll walk you through the basics, then pair you with an editor as you go out on your own for the first few articles.
    1. Create style guide and project outlines that help you achieve excellence. Every project has its idiosyncrasies, so our managers go out of their way to clearly outline important items that their clients request in the content. We also give you plenty of examples to look at to make sure you’re on par.
    1. Offer constructive feedback on your writing. To keep our overall quality high and our writers on the up-and-up, our team of editors and managers do all they can to help you improve your skills by offering kind and informative feedback on articles reviewed for special editing or internal quality checks.


Live the Content Writing Dream

The truth is, you really can write for a living — and love it. Given the right opportunity, any amateur writer can become a professional writer through consistent effort, dedicated research and practice, and a commitment to keep quality standards high.

how to improve my writing skills

Christina C., a writer who has been with our company since 2017, agrees that the BKA system works. She writes, “My writing has improved SO much since beginning to work for BKA, and I attribute that to the company’s high standards and the editors’ thorough feedback.”

Robert B. agrees, saying: “[BKA has a] very supportive team, and provides the guidelines I need to write the proper content. It’s been a good learning experience and opportunity to use my writing skills.”


Improve Your Writing Skills Today – Join BKA Content!

So what are you waiting for? It’s your turn to live the dream, and today is the perfect day to land the perfect freelance writing job — come join the BKA Content writing team!


Want to join the BKA Content team?

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5 Things To Look For in Part Time Content Writing Jobs https://www.bkacontent.com/5-things-to-look-for-in-part-time-content-writing-jobs/ https://www.bkacontent.com/5-things-to-look-for-in-part-time-content-writing-jobs/#comments Fri, 15 Oct 2021 21:11:50 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=52711 The post 5 Things To Look For in Part Time Content Writing Jobs appeared first on BKA Content.


5 Things To Look For in Part Time Content Writing Jobs

Let’s be honest: a 9 to 5 kind of career isn’t for everyone. More and more, people are turning away from the traditional cubical-to-office connection to their employers, and seeking out stay at home opportunities to make money on their own schedule from the comfort of, well, anywhere with Wi-Fi. This includes those looking for part time content writing jobs.


Part Time Content Writing Jobs FAQs

If you’ve got grammar skills and an itch to write, landing some stellar work from home writing jobs could be the perfect fit for your lifestyle and schedule. All you have to do is know what to look for. Here are some frequently asked questions when it comes to finding real writing jobs you can do from home.


1. There are lots of part time content writing jobs online. How do I know this company is legit?

It’s okay to be on guard when you’re job hunting. In this age of all-too-prevalent internet scams, it’s probably good to approach online freelance writing gigs with a careful click. Not everyone offering a job opportunity out there has a clean conscience to back it up. However, with a little education, you can steer clear of the creepy sites and land yourself a really great place with a company that’s trying to do it right.

stay at home writing jobs

Signs A Work-From-Home Writing Job is Not a Scam

  • The freelance writing company seems well-established. The content writing company has a real website, and the people involved (like the CEO) can be found on major social media networks like LinkedIn or Twitter. You can also Google the company and find reviews, blogs, or articles that point to the legitimacy of the business.
  • The job posting is well-written and free from grammatical errors. If you’re looking for stay at home writing jobs, the company you work with to find clients should be a poster child for high-quality written content on their site! The hiring manager in contact with you should also possess a clear understanding of spelling and grammar rules.
  • Freelance writing pay is clearly outlined up front — and doesn’t seem too good to be true. If you’re finding yourself feeling lost in the labyrinth of application without any clue as to what kind of pay you’ll expect in the end, it might be time to peace out and try something else.
  • The writing company does not ask for personal or financial information upfront. If someone is asking for a social security number and a bank account early on in the application or interview process, that’s a red flag you don’t want to ignore.


How does BKA Content measure up? Let’s ask some of our freelancers:


BKA is such a wonderful company to work for! I had trouble with a lot of scam online jobs and others that simply don’t pay appropriately for the work being done. BKA is nothing like that. The team is a group of real people who care about their work and their writers. Thank you BKA for this job that has changed my life as a stay-at-home Mom looking for part-time work.”

Maggie B.

BKA Writer since 2018

“BKA is by far the best company I’ve ever freelanced for, and I’ve been doing it for 10+ years. The managers are amazing, flexible and helpful, the people talented and the culture unlike any you will encounter with any other online company. The writing is varied and pays well, and the company offers unlimited opportunities for financial growth. I went from four freelance gigs to just this one in the past year and a half. I’m excited to see what this year doing strictly BKA work has to bring!”

Christina C.

BKA Writer since 2017

2. Life is pretty hectic for me. Can I make money writing articles part time on my own schedule?

Flexibility in schedule and workload may be the number one motivation for someone to seek out part time content writing jobs. Maybe you’re a stay-at-home parent, juggling work around family responsibilities. Perhaps your other streams of income have changed recently, or leave something to be desired when it comes to making ends meet. Your mental or physical health might require a non-traditional job to allow for the unknown. Whatever the push behind your decision to do freelance writing from home, you’re probably not alone.

part time content writing jobs

Reasons To Invest in Stay at Home Writing Jobs

According to a survey of 7,300 respondents by FlexJobs, there are significant reasons behind looking for flexible writing work from home. Here are the top four:

  • Finding a good work-life balance (75%)
  • Catering to family needs (especially caregiving) (45%)
  • Saving time—or using time more efficiently (42%)
  • Reducing the stress (and cost) of commuting (41%)

Do any of these reasons hit close to home for you? If so, freelance writing jobs might be a great solution. However, not all content writing companies are equal. Make sure you vet the writing company to see if you’re able to pick up work on your own time, and if you have the option of increasing or decreasing your article writing workload, as needed.

At BKA Content, we try and cater to the widely varying needs of all of our writers. This is what a few have to say about the flexibility we offer at our part time content writing jobs:

“As a mom, grandmother, preschool teacher, and community volunteer, flexibility is crucial. Writing for BKA Content gives me the opportunity to work around the rest of my schedule.”

Niesha R.

BKA Writer since 2014

“Like so many other writers, BKA is not my only job. I am also a freelance graphic designer and have several other things going, so BKA’s flexibility allows me to write when and where it works for me, fitting nicely between my other responsibilities. I think this would be a great option for students, stay-home parents, or even those with social anxiety issues like me, who need the flexibility to work where and how it fits your life, instead of trying to fit into a standard 9 to 5.”

Leni D.

BKA Writer since 2017

The flexibility is amazing. I love that I can pay the bills and still be available for my special needs children.”

Daneen H.

BKA Writer since 2014


3. What about writing pay? How do I know they won’t leave me high and dry?

This one’s especially important. You may have read about part time content writing jobs that take a writer’s submitted work (which has taken significant amounts of time and effort to complete) and then leave them wanting or uncertain when it comes to pay day. Hopefully, by vetting the company you’re looking at using the pointers we outlined above, you’ll be able to avoid any glaring scams. However, it may not be a bad idea to find out in advance what you can expect when it comes to freelance writing pay.

part time content writing jobs at home

Make sure to choose a stay at home writing job that is up front about when they’ll pay you, and that operates on a regular pay schedule you can count on.


Part Time Content Writing Jobs Can Help You Kick Off Your Career

Wouldn’t it be more lucrative for me to seek out my own clients, rather than work with a freelance content writing company?

While working with a content company may mean that some of your payout rates are lower than if you were to be hired directly by a client, the truth is that, early on, a lot of time and money spent in marketing to potential clients could be saved on your end by going with the content company. They will have the infrastructure needed to onboard new clients, gather the style guide information needed for their projects, and get the work to you in a consistent flow you can depend on.

If you’re already out there gathering clients on your own, you may want to consider having a foot in as a freelancer at a high quality content company anyway. This would ensure that, during periods of slowness in your personal business, you can still have access to writing work.

We know you’re counting on every penny you earn, which is why we pay our freelance writers and editors promptly every two weeks.

“BKA is a great company to work with. You get paid promptly and accurately, and the project managers and editors treat you like a person, even when critiquing your work. I’ve never been belittled or talked down to.”

Amy J.

BKA Writer since 2018

4. How can I still feel “connected” when I work alone all the time?

Stay-at-home writing jobs are nice in so many ways, but they can leave you feeling isolated socially. Granted, most of us freelance writers probably lean towards introversion anyway, but any human being still needs to feel some kind of connection, and work is often the way this is accomplished throughout the week.

stay at home writing job

Find an Online Writing Job that Offers Community

As you look for freelance writing gigs online, see if you can get a feel for the culture as far as connection is concerned. Look for the following things in the company structure:

  • Is there any sort of platform for communication between yourself and other writers?
  • Are freelance writing managers or editors readily available to answer questions and provide support?
  • Does the company engage in incentives or company-wide programs that allow you to feel a part of a greater whole while simultaneously working on your own?

If you can say “yes” to any (or all) of these, you may have stumbled onto a part time content writing job from home that’s pretty special.

Our company culture is very important to us. Hear what some of our writers have to say about it:

I’ve only been with BKA a couple of months, but I’ve been really impressed by their company culture. Everyone I’ve interacted with has been friendly, responsive and helpful. The training process is thorough and really set me up well as a writer.”
Megan M.

BKA Writer since 2019

“I have been writing for BKA Content since 2011, acting as an editor for some of those years as well. You will not find a better content company to write for! They care about every last writer, ensuring we have access to tips and information that will help us do our jobs better. The work load is fairly consistent, with new clients coming in all the time, meaning I don’t have to ever worry about not having work. The management is super fun, always coming up with exciting new ways for us to all interact with each other, even though we work all over the country instead of in one office space.”

Shelley S.

BKA Writer since 2011

5. I’d like to grow my freelance writing skills. Will part time content writing jobs help me do that?

The answer depends. Each work from home writing job is unique, and some are completely hands-off while others could try to micro-manage you. If you’re looking for help in advancing your freelance writing career, you’ll want to work with a part time content writing job where you have access to training, editors and skilled writing professionals who can offer feedback.

real writing jobs

How to Improve Your Freelance Writing Skills When You Have a Stay at Home Writing Job

There are a few important things to look for if you’re hoping to improve your writing ability:

  • Comprehensive training. You’ve already got talent, but having a clear idea of what is expected of you will contribute to your success and satisfaction. A good freelance content writing company will offer hands-on training, including constructive feedback, as you get started.
  • Style guides and examples. Different clients require different things to be included in their content. If your freelance content agency provides style guides specific to each project and examples to look at, you’ll be able to get it right every time, and learn things along the way.
  • Feedback. While you likely can’t expect to have constructive feedback on every submission, having access to tips from professional editors who work with your company is an excellent way to make sure you’re expanding your freelance writer skill set.
  • Range of topics Are there opportunities to choose work from a wide span of topics? If so, you’ll have the chance to expand your knowledge of different industries and types of writing while on the job.

Some low-level content mills are all about quantity, but a company focused on quality will help push you to be your best right out of the gate, and encourage you to improve your freelance writing skills over time. Coupled with options such as focusing on one project until you master the details, and occasionally picking up new topics, freelance writing jobs (like the one you’ll find here at BKA Content) can be the perfect way to hone your writing skills.

“BKA has been a place to grow for me. A year or two out of college, I realized I wasn’t using my writing degree. The BKA managers and editors gave me the support and encouragement I needed to jump-start and advance a career in my field. Three years later, I’m still finding challenging new projects here.”

John B.

BKA Writer since 2016

“The recruitment process at BKA makes sure that you are a round peg in a round hole. Then the follow through from trainers helps you sand the edges for a perfect fit.”

Diane F.

BKA Writer since 2019

When it Comes to Part Time Content Writing Jobs, We’re the Real Deal

At BKA Content, we want you to feel 100% confident in applying to work with us. Established in 2009, we’ve worked hard to be the best in our field, both in the content we provide our clients, as well as the experience we offer our freelance writers and editors. We make sure our writers receive hands-on training and continual feedback to help you be your best while at this stay at home writing job. Our company culture is completely focused on people, and we strive to help you feel connected, informed, and appreciated.

We’ve been on an upward track ever since we began, and have to hand a lot of credit to the hundreds of talented individuals all over the United States that write for us — one of which, could be you! If you’re ready for a part time online freelance writing job experience that is head and shoulders above the rest, apply now to join our team.

“Working for BKA has been one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. Everyone on the staff is so helpful and encouraging, and I really feel like my work is appreciated. I love the variety of topics that I get to write about, and I feel that I am always compensated fairly for my time.”

Marie A.

BKA Writer since 2018

“BKA goes above and beyond for writers and clients in every possible way. Communication is spectacular, writers & editors are incentivized to take on more work, managers are friendly and beyond helpful, and the positives go on and on and on. I refer friends to write for BKA all the time because it is such a breath of fresh air to work for a company that actually genuinely appreciates the work being done.”

Joe P.

BKA Writer since 2015

Want a part time content writing job that really rocks? Write for BKA Content.

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Beating Burnout: How To Overcome Freelance Writer’s Block https://www.bkacontent.com/beating-burnout-how-to-overcome-freelance-writers-block/ https://www.bkacontent.com/beating-burnout-how-to-overcome-freelance-writers-block/#respond Tue, 14 Jul 2020 13:14:25 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=72246 The post Beating Burnout: How To Overcome Freelance Writer’s Block appeared first on BKA Content.

freelance content writer experiencing writer's block

Beating Burnout: How To Overcome Freelance Writer’s Block

The page is blank and your fingers are stiff. The pressure to write has never been greater, but your brain just can’t seem to get on board. We get it. As a freelance writer, it’s normal to feel some burnout from all the writing. The stress of getting paid, the lack of inspiration and your busy life make it that much harder to sit down and create. Writer’s block is a real problem.


The Three Phases of Writer’s Block

freelance writer's block

Whether you recognize them or not, the experiences and pressures in your life can affect your feelings towards writing. Many freelance writers work on the side of an already busy job or lifestyle. Others love the freedom of a stay-at-home job but struggle to keep a steady schedule. Sometimes big life changes can uproot a writer, making it even harder to sit down and write about car parts or real estate. Occasionally, you just wake up and don’t feel like writing. Those times can be both frustrating and perplexing.

Sometimes, total and complete writer burnout can creep up on you. Like the sun moving towards the horizon, the gradual change of attitude and effort is hardly noticeable. By the time you do something about it, you might already be in the burnout phase.

So what does it mean to feel “burned out?” There are typically three stages of writer’s block that freelance writers can cycle through:


Topic Fatigue

Some writers write the same thing every day. Others pick up topics that don’t always match their interests. Either way, topic fatigue can set in. The disgust, exhaustion and hesitation radiate from your face as you begin researching and typing away. At this stage, your creative facilities are still working, but you’re not enjoying it like you usually do. It might take you longer than you expect to complete a project.


Writer’s Block

This stage is when it really gets hard to write. No matter how hard you try, you can’t find the right words and every sentence you type looks ugly to you. You procrastinate working and find other things to prioritize. Perhaps you start to feel a little anxious as you think about that unfinished work. You may even start picking up less work.



You can’t even look at the empty page. The words just won’t flow, and you have no desire to write. You’re in a funk, and you can’t find a way out of it! This is a hard and disappointing place to be in, and watching Netflix always seems like the better option.

Even if you experience writer’s block in a different way, you probably feel those same feelings of frustration. And chances are, you don’t want to keep feeling that way for long. The downhill process of writer’s block can be discouraging, but it isn’t incurable. It’s important to recognize where you are in the process so that you have the power to get up and fix it.


Signs You Might Be Burning Out

writer burnout

Just as a match ignites and eventually burns out, writers can feel like the “fire” of their writing is going out. Here are a few signs you can recognize in yourself:

  • Your quality levels are going downhill
  • You don’t feel motivated to write
  • You’re dealing with difficult life situations
  • You feel stressed about writing
  • You avoid writing when you can

Do these signs sound familiar? What you are feeling is a normal part of being a freelance writer.


How To Overcome Writer’s Block

writer's block

Let’s be real, writing is hard! Luckily, overcoming writer’s block is possible. Before you know it, you’ll be back at it again, pounding out amazing content at brilliant speeds. Here are seven of the best writing practices that can give you just enough motivation to get the fire going again.


1. Feed Your Brain

Just like a car, our brain needs fuel to work properly. And, also like a car, low-grade fuel can actually keep your brain and body feeling clunky and sluggish. If you’re stuck in a fog of writer’s block, you may need to evaluate what kinds of things you’ve been using to feed your engine. If candy bars and day-old coffee is at the top of the list, make an effort to seek out some other, more powerful food for thought. Drinking a glass of orange juice, snacking on a handful of blueberries, or simply trying to eat a solid breakfast every day can go a long way toward helping you stay motivated in your writing.


2. Get Outside

Going for a walk can do a lot more for you than just stretch your muscles or up your daily dose of Vitamin D (although those are two great reasons to do it). Studies have found that taking a break to go outside can positively affect your health physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. Getting exercise is a great way to boost your brain for non-exercise related activities, such as writing. Doing so outside only increases your chance of hitting “reset” on your internal motivation setting.


3. Check Something Else Off Your List

creative ways to overcome writers block

Writer’s block can be perpetuated by procrastination. Literally checking off a box can help to break this cycle, because that tiny action can signal the release of dopamine, which is connected to our mood, focus, pleasure and motivation. Take a couple of minutes to write down a list of things you need to do. Then, pick an easy one (something that can be done in five minutes or less) and move. When you’ve completed the task, physically check it off your list. Seeing the check mark can help spark a little motivation to get more done, clear your mind a bit, or refocus your energy in a new direction.


4. Crank Up Some Music

Many people say that music can be a powerful motivator, and there is actually a lot of science to back up such claims. Music wakes up your brain, stimulating memory, movement, and the release of – you guessed it – dopamine. If you don’t already have a “get pumped” playlist, now might be the time to create one.


5. Freewrite

Sometimes, you just have to get things flowing. One of the best ways to do this is to engage in something called “freewriting.” Without feeling constrained by proper grammar or punctuation, sit down with a notebook and pen (or laptop!) and write out anything and everything that comes to mind. This can be especially valuable if you do so with emotional issues you’ve been trying to process internally. Writing them out, including any stray thoughts that might enter in, can actually be therapeutic in many ways. This kind of catharsis may open up the needed space required to focus on things like work.


6. Start From the Bottom

Even if you’re banging your head against Writer’s Block, you sometimes have to simply push through. Instead of staring at a blank screen trying to conjure up a title, try starting your article from the bottom and working up. Working from an outline is a brilliant way to make this possible without wandering too far from your assigned topic. It will also save you time, energy, and frustration.


7. Write in Small Increments

steps to overcoming writer burnout

To piggy-back off the tried-and-tested outline strategy, consider revving up your focus by writing in small increments. There are lots of recommended ways to portion your time for increased productivity, but the gist is that short bursts of productivity followed by purposeful breaks can actually improve your output.


Get Started Again

We gave you the kindling, wood and fuel, but are you going to build the fire? If you want to reignite your drive to write, you need to make a plan. American novelist Louis L’Amour advised, “start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” In other words, if you want to punch through writer’s block, get up and get started.


Make a Goal

Start by writing down what you want to do (i.e. complete two 500-word articles by the weekend) and then wrap your schedule around that goal. Schedule your outdoor breaks, that trip to the grocery store and any other activity that will distract you from following your plan. Challenge yourself to achieve your goal and congratulate yourself on each baby step.


Hold Yourself Accountable

Are you bound and determined to get those articles done? Enlist your loved ones to help you stay on track. Let them know what you’re planning to do and have them check in on you occasionally. Did you write yesterday? Did you make your desired word count? Even better, let them be your personal cheer squad as you write to the finish line.


Reward Yourself

The first few achievements after a long writer’s block should be highly praised. You defeated the odds by pushing through, and you’ve finally come out on the other side. Don’t forget to reward yourself with your favorite treat, time to relax or a night out with friends. You deserve it!


You Can Beat Writer’s Block

freelance writer

As writers, we face mental blocks, creative droughts and burnouts all the time. It is all part of the job description – being a content ninja has its highs and lows. Just don’t let those moments get you down. If you’re in a rut, remember that there are good things to come as long as you keep getting back up. Keep working through writer’s block, punch through if you must and hold on to the hope of brighter days. Now go and get the fire going!

Do you have any great tips on ways to push through writer’s block? Comment below!



The post Beating Burnout: How To Overcome Freelance Writer’s Block appeared first on BKA Content.

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