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How To Write a Press Release in 11 Steps

Press releases are an important part of any digital marketing strategy. Writing news releases can be an opportunity to disseminate important information, increase your branding and even improve your SEO. Here, you’ll find important steps on how to write a press release successfully.


What is a Press Release?

A press release is typically defined as an important story or statement that is sent to members of the news media. The press release covers the who, what, why, when, where and how of the information. Press releases are composed of specific structural elements, including a heading, intro, body, boilerplate and more.


how to write a press release


What is a Press Release Used For?

In business, press releases are typically used to announce partnerships, events, structural changes, new hires, new products or anything else considered newsworthy. The goal of a press release is to have the information in the release to be distributed to a target audience in the most objective way possible.

From announcing new products, events or new hires to introducing a partnership with a community organization, press releases are an ideal way to share with the world the good things your company is doing.


How Do You Write a Press Release?

Following the template of an already existing press release example is an easy way to create a press release, but the problem is that press release samples can sometimes be hard to come by that match your specific needs. Press releases have a specific structure that needs to be met, which is why many companies outsource them to experts. You can simplify the process and cut costs if you learn the basic elements of how to write a press release on your own.

There is a basic formula that every press release follows, which gives constraints on your writing that help structure the information. While the formula should be followed, the creativity and taste come with word choice, sentence structure and credible information. So without further ado, here are some key steps on how to write a press release.

1. Choose the Correct Language

The first step to consider when learning how to make a press release is the specific language that you use. Some press releases are rushed and announce information that needs to get out right away. In this case, the words “FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” should be placed at the top of the release. You can also write a press release early for a future event, just make sure to designate the date and instead use the words “HOLD RELEASE UNTIL” at the top of the document.

You want to control when your press release hits the media and the public, and this is the best way to do that. Choosing a specified publish date for your news release allows you to tell journalists and readers when you are ready for the information to print or be released. When you share a press release can greatly affect the success of your content marketing campaign.

2. Stay Consistent With Company Colors and Logo

You’ve worked so hard to create a brand and logo that customers associate with your products, and making a press release is one of the key times you should use it. Branding is critical when considering steps to writing a press release, and your company’s colors and logo should always be present in the headline section. For example, check out this press release example from the Utah Jazz:

how to write a news release

The organization starts the press release with their logo and colors, ensuring that readers know exactly who is sharing the information. For bigger brands, this is one of the easiest ways to catch people’s attention and make sure they read the release. Similar to a headline, your logo and colors may be the deciding factor of if interested parties actually read the press release or not.

3. Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

Before you write your press release, you should have keywords chosen to try and expand your reach organically. Keywords are vital to making your release accessible and ranking higher with search engines. They can also help the media and readers better understand the subject and content of the press release.

Don’t overdo it; keywords should be placed naturally throughout the content rather than stuffed in unnatural places. For many online press release distribution platforms, they only allow a select number of targeted keywords and/or links out of your release. Be sure to choose them wisely.


Press Release Title Tips

When it comes to the press release headline, you should be using Title Case. This means that any word in your headline that has four or more letters should be capitalized, unless it is a preposition (for, on, after).  Also, you should try to use one of your main keywords within this headline. See the picture below from Dick’s Sporting Goods for a good example of using a keyword as well as title case in your press release:

how to write a press release

Press release headlines should be under 160 characters with spaces, so readers can quickly skim what the announcement is about and determine if they want to read.

4. Include a Strong Summary Paragraph

The first paragraph in a press release is the summary paragraph. This paragraph has a few important functions and guidelines:

  • No longer than five sentences
  • Give the reader a summary of the information in the press release
  • Draw the readers attention to read the release
  • Attract the attention of journalists skimming through many press releases
  • Include bullet points at the top to draw additional attention
  • Add the most exciting and relevant information along with the key points

When readers find value in a press release immediately after they start reading, they are likely to continue. This is your chance to grab their attention and ensure higher press release visibility.

5. Important Information to Include

Within the meat of your press release, you need to have some very specific details that help narrow down who the information should matter to. In many cases, this boils down to a local demographic. Press releases can be spread throughout the world, but they should always be tied to a specific location. That means every press release needs the month, day, year, city and state. Local information is necessary to give the readers the date and time of your release and put the information in context.

See the press release example below from Sephora:

how to make a press release

6. Writing the First Paragraph of Your Press Release

As with any piece of content, the first paragraph works as the lead of the press release and should include six elements: who, what, why, when, where and how.

  • Who: who are the main players, who is the company and who is the release about?
  • What: what’s your topic and why do readers care about it?
  • Why: why did you choose this time to send out a press release and how will it affect the readers?
  • When: when is the new hire, the product release or the other event taking place?
  • Where: where is the event being held or where is your company?
  • How: does your release help your readers and provide a valuable experience, and how? 

If readers can pick out these elements from the first paragraph of a press release, they are better able to understand the overall message of the release. The press release example from Sephora above also does a good job in the first paragraph to address these six important elements.

If you can succinctly answer these six questions, you’re well on your way to learning how to write a press release.

7. The Body of the Press Release

The content in the press release’s first paragraph should be expanded throughout the body of the release. Limit paragraphs to three or four sentences and make sure they are cohesive. Although there should be a clean break between information in each paragraph, the previous one should flow seamlessly into the next.

The body of the press release is your chance to share the exciting things that are happening – advances the organization has made, a new discovery, a new hire or a new product. If you have quotes, this is the time to use them. They lend credibility to your press release and give readers an objective view from an expert.

Remember, though, to not be too wordy in the body. This is still a news release and people are really only interested in the facts. Getting too flowery or explain-y in this portion of the press release can turn off readers. For a more detailed explanation of the newsworthy item, consider crafting a supplementary blog on your site that expounds on any of the additional details your devoted readers would like to know about.

8. Your Concluding Paragraph

In all reality, when learning how to write a press release you can approach it just like any other type of content. Your goal is to catch the attention of the reader from the beginning, provide relevant, credible, interesting information in the body and then wrap it all up with a compelling conclusion. Your conclusion is what would be your closing remarks if you were giving a speech. This is also the place to put any necessary information that didn’t fit in the body of the release.

The concluding paragraph of your press release gives your reader continuity to the next step. It could be something as simple as contacting a new supervisor or trying out a new product. It’s a great place to put expert opinions and quotes that motivate the reader to learn more about what you are announcing.

The following example of a press release title and concluding paragraph from McDonald’s shows why the company is hosting the All American Games:

how to do a press release
how to write a press release

9. Boilerplate Information About the Company

The boilerplate of the press release should be a brief summary of information about the company. Include achievements and merits here but it shouldn’t sound as if you are trying to promote or sell the company. This information allows journalists to put content into context for the readers. It also makes your company sound more professional and recognizable.

Essentially this is your elevator pitch that makes you recognizable and unique and allows you to briefly sum up who the company is and what it stands for.

10. Contact Information

Since making a press release is a way to attract customers and media attention, the press release should have information about how to contact you. Always ensure that your contact information is up to date and current. Include at least a few of the following things:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Link to company’s social profiles
  • Link to company’s website

This press release example from Target shows you how a larger company may choose to share their contact information when writing a press release:

how to press release

If readers can’t get a hold of you after reading a press release, then you’ve wasted your time. This may be one of the most simple, yet important steps of how to do a press release.

11. Finish it Up

Every press release should wind up with the symbols ### or the word END. This informs readers that the release is completed and there is nothing more to read. This is a simple part of how to write a press release, but not one you want to forget.


Additional Tips for How to Write a Press Release

Now you have the formula and the structure of press releases, but the key to figuring out how to write a press release comes in the actual creation, distribution and optimization. If you want to stand out above the rest and draw the attention of the media and your reader, we have a few tips to help:


Press Release Writing Tips

  • Write to the reader, but in third person.
  • Always use a professional voice but try to place yourself in the reader’s shoes.
  • Optimal releases are between 400-500 words and no longer than one page.
  • Get right to the point and avoid inefficient communication and jargon.
  • Limit adjectives as they are often difficult to read and distracting.
  • Write objectively and remember you are giving information rather than selling something.
  • Always proofread and edit; a simple typo can cancel any credibility you have.

Press Release Distribution Tips

  • As well as syndicating for SEO purposes, try contacting local media outlets to share your release for better traction and return on investment.
  • After sending out your release, always follow up with the outlet by email or phone to offer a personal touch and help a journalist remember you.
  • Use a distribution service like Cision (PRWeb) to get maximum exposure.

Press Release Optimization Tips

  • Don’t stuff keywords as it makes the content seems dense and spammy, which quickly turns readers off.
  • Use relevant keywords sparingly and naturally so readers can easily find your content when searching.
  • Use images or videos to enhance a press release but remember that the overall focus should be on the text.


Now You Know How to Do a Press Release!

When you’re first starting out, figuring out how to write press releases can seem overwhelming. The fact that they are so important to your company may seem intimidating to the average writer. The reality is that if you follow the formula above and allow for a little bit of creativity and detail to be added to your sentences, you may find that writing your own press releases is fun and simple.

If you need to write a press release but don’t want to have to do it yourself, let us take care of it for you! Check out our press release writing services.

The post How To Write a Press Release in 11 Steps appeared first on BKA Content.

25 Tongue Twisters Everyone Should Know https://www.bkacontent.com/gs-25-tongue-twisters-every-family-needs/ https://www.bkacontent.com/gs-25-tongue-twisters-every-family-needs/#comments Mon, 15 May 2023 18:51:18 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=40686 The post 25 Tongue Twisters Everyone Should Know appeared first on BKA Content.


25 Tongue Twisters Everyone Should Know

Funny tongue twisters are the cornerstone of many family road trips, recess games and annoying little brothers, and that is likely due to the near impossibility of perfect pronunciation. These phrases are made to force mispronunciation and confusion, but it is this purposeful manipulation that makes tongue twisters in Enghlish great for teaching proper pronunciation as well as excellent for good, old-fashioned family entertainment.


The Ultimate List of Funny Tongue Twisters For Adults

The key to practicing tongue twisters is to never take it too seriously and too have as much fun as possible. Here are some of our favorites:


The Classic Tongue Twister

You probably remember some of these classic tongue twisters from those days as a child, riding in the backseat of a car with your friends or siblings and pushing each other to say each three times fast or faster. While this is not an extensive list of classic funny tongue twisters, you can find more like them either here or here.

funny tongue twisters

  1. Wordy Woodchuck –  How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
  2. Bear-ly Babbling – Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t very fuzzy, was he?
  3. Pete’s Pick – Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers? If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
  4. Baker Blurb – Betty Botter had some butter, “But,” she said, “this butter’s bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter – that would make my batter better.” So she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter, and she baked it in her batter, and the batter was not bitter. So ’twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.
  5. Sea Speak – She sells seashells by the seashore.
  6. Medical Mayhem – When a doctor doctors a doctor, does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored or does the doctor doing the doctoring doctor as he wants to doctor?


The Strange Tongue Twister

While part of the fun of tongue twisters is the nonsensical nature of the genre, the following selection is a little stranger than your typical twisters and offers some of the most challenging and funny tongue twisters in the English language. Can’t get enough? Try checking out more strange speaks on this cool site.

tongue twisters for adults

  1. Gobs of Gab – Gobbling gargoyles gobbled gobbling goblins.
  2. Spooky Story – Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and thundered threatening the 3-D thoughts of Matthew the thug – although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty-year-old thug thought of that morning.
  3. Lucky Lick – Luke Luck likes lakes. Luke’s duck likes lakes. Luke Luck licks lakes. Luck’s duck licks lakes. Duck takes licks in lakes Luke Luck likes. Luke Luck takes licks in lakes duck likes.
  4. Marriage Mumble – Mary Mac’s mother’s making Mary Mac marry me. My mother’s making me marry Mary Mac. Will I always be so Merry when Mary’s taking care of me? Will I always be so merry when I marry Mary Mac?
  5. Easy Fleasy – Through three cheese trees, three free fleas flew. While these fleas flew, freezy breeze blew. Freezy breeze made these three trees freeze. Freezy trees made these trees’ cheese freeze. That’s what made these three free fleas sneeze.
  6. Baseball Blab – Bobby Bippy bought a bat. Bobby Bippy bought a ball. With his bat, Bob banged the ball. Banged it bump against the wall. But so boldly Bobby banged it. That he burst his rubber ball. “Boo!” cried Bobby. Bad luck ball. Bad luck Bobby, bad luck ball. Now to drown his many troubles, Bobby Bippy’s blowing bubbles.
  7. SeeSaw Spout – I saw a saw that could out saw any saw I ever saw saw. If you happen to see a saw that can out saw the saw I saw saw I’d like to see the saw you saw saw.
  8. Scary Berry – How many berries could a bare berry carry, if a bare berry could carry berries? Well, they can’t carry berries (which could make you very wary) but a bare berry carried is more scary!


The Fun Tongue Twister

While every tongue twister varies in difficulty and length, they are all meant to be fun. The following list of funny tongue twisters for adults is more focused on the fun and less on the length and difficulty. These tongue twisters should be fun for all ages. Find these and many others on sites like this.

tongue twisters in English

  1. Uncanny Convo – Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
  2. Fishing Mishap – There was a fisherman named Fisher who fished for some fish in a fissure. Till a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in. Now they’re fishing the fissure for Fisher.
  3. Which Witch – If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
  4. Kooky Cookie – How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
  5. Stinky Speak – A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.
  6. Woodchuck Cousin – How much ground would a groundhog hog, if a groundhog could hog ground? A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog if a groundhog could hog ground.
  7. Fabric Funny – Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.
  8. Hospital Haha – Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.
  9. Dinner Doozy – I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.
  10. Tiny Shiny – Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she shines, she sits, and where she sits, she shines.
  11. Fish Your Wish – I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.


Try One of These Funny Tongue Twisters for Adults!

Despite the apparent difficulty of many tongue twisters, spouting them out is meant to be fun. Yes, they are challenging, and there are so many memories of your little brother using them to get on your nerves — but there are actually substantial benefits that come from extensive practice, including improving clarity of speech and diction. Ultimately, the strange and peculiar assonance and alliteration are a game that is meant to be enjoyed. So, take a breath, laugh and give any one of these funny tongue twisters a try.


Need Writing Help For Your Website?

Now that you’ve improved your diction with the help of some tongue twisters, it’s time to improve your website with the help of expert SEO content writers! Our writing/editing experts can help take your website to the next level by creating SEO content that ranks on Google and brings in real traffic. Check out our SEO blog writing services to see how our affordable plans can help your small business!

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Perfect Cupcake Puns https://www.bkacontent.com/gs-perfect-cupcake-puns/ https://www.bkacontent.com/gs-perfect-cupcake-puns/#respond Fri, 26 Nov 2021 19:00:46 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=41232 The post Perfect Cupcake Puns appeared first on BKA Content.


Perfect Cupcake Puns

People are crazy for cupcakes! From the Food Network’s Cupcake Wars to the explosion in cupcake cookbooks to the proliferation of cupcake bakeries around the country, it’s clear that these tiny treats have carved a niche for themselves in Western culture.

cupcake puns

One thing is sure—where popularity happens, humor is sure to follow. People are now sharing their pastry obsession on everything from cards and t-shirts to posters and internet memes. You can find the perfect funny birthday card for your cupcake-loving friend, or take her to a specialty shop with the kind of name that will make you smile, like Sprinkles Cupcakes in Beverly Hills, CA, or Cape Cod’s Miss Cupcape.

To jump on the food truck with the rest of the virtual world, we’ve gathered the ultimate list of cupcake puns, jokes, sayings and memes we’ve cooked up for all the cupcake fans out there. Don’t go off half-baked—we have the right pastry humor for every occasion.


Every-Occasion Cupcake Puns

These cupcake puns are the bread and butter of the batch, and may or may not be the perfect secret ingredient for a killer T-shirt:

  • Some only dream of cupcakes—others bake it happen.
  • Cupcakes are good for muffin.
  • What did one cupcake say to the other? Absolutely muffin!
  • I am so baked right now.
  • What’s up, cupcake? Muffin much.
  • Cupcakes are just muffins that believe in miracles.
  • You bake me crazy. (Cue Britainy Spears.)
  • Go ahead—bake my day.
  • Life is what you bake it.
  • Life is good—bake the most of it.
  • I’m just a cupcake in search of a studmuffin.
  • Cupcakes pave the way for legalized frostitution.


Cupcake Puns To Inspire You

Need a pick-me-up pastry pun for a friend in need? These couldn’t be any sweeter:

  • Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake
  • Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed. Cupcakes make it worthwhile.
  • A meal without Cupcake is like a day without sunshine.
  • Cupcakes are Sweet and even Sweeter when Shared
  • Dream as if you’ll live forever, eat Cupcakes as if you’ll die today.
  • Muffins are just ugly cupcakes.
  • You’re the frosting to my cupcake.
  • Some days you eat salad and go to the gym, some days you eat cupcakes and refuse to wear pants. It’s called balance.


A Picture is Worth a Thousand Cupcake Puns

In addition to the cupcake puns and sayings that stand on their own, you can find a whole world of cupcake memes that combine wordplay with illustration for maximum effect. Here are a few of the best:

For that “special someone:”

cake puns


For the day when no diet is worth it:

baking puns


For that moment when you need to forget it’s not Friday yet:

cupcake sayings

Holy Smokes, More Cupcake Jokes!

Have any other great cupcake puns or cupcake jokes you want to share? Get those cake puns in the comments, quick!

The post Perfect Cupcake Puns appeared first on BKA Content.

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Thin Content? Beefing It Up Can Catapult You to the Top https://www.bkacontent.com/thin-content-beefing-it-up-can-catapult-you-to-the-top/ https://www.bkacontent.com/thin-content-beefing-it-up-can-catapult-you-to-the-top/#respond Mon, 04 Mar 2019 21:13:35 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=40174 The post Thin Content? Beefing It Up Can Catapult You to the Top appeared first on BKA Content.


Thin Content? Beefing It Up Can Catapult You to the Top

As the SEO agency evolves and advances, content must do the same. Unfortunately, this may mean that after a few months or years, your content is outdated or too thin. What exactly do we mean by thin content? Basically, thin content lacks value and offers nothing to the reader.

In SEO content writing, it’s important that the content on your page answers a question or resolves a problem for the reader. If the text on your site is thin and just stuffed full of keywords, your site will rank lower on the search engine results page. Cheap content is easy to find, but the reality is that it does nothing for your site rankings and can hurt your reputation and brand. You may save a few dollars up front, but your site will suffer in the long run if you don’t have engaging, relevant, helpful information to offer to your readers.

So, what is your best bet? Should you replace thin content or beef it up? We have a few suggestions to help you.


The Importance of Good Content 

What part does good content play in your marketing strategy? When it’s good, it can send your website right to the top. When it’s bad, it can cause Google to serve you penalties that are extremely difficult to recover from. Digital content can include many things, including any of the following:

  • Blog posts
  • Industry news
  • Press releases
  • Case studies
  • Websites
  • Articles
  • Images
  • Infographics
  • Tutorials
  • Social media posts
  • E-books

Did you know that Google processes more than 3.5 billion results each day? In 1998, Google made it their mission to organize the information in the world and make it useful and universally acceptable. With this mission in mind, it’s easy to see how sites with good, informative content are preferred in a simple Google search.

Each piece of content is ranked by how useful and valuable it is to the reader. A content marketing agency would encourage you to create content that is the following things.

  • Informative and useful: Say you’re launching a restaurant website; include the hours, contact information, the menu, the location and create a blog to share any fun upcoming events.
  • More valuable and more useful: There are thousands of pages out there with information on how to choose a plumber. Make your content unique and use a different perspective from every other article on the internet.
  • Credible: Cite sources, link back to resources and include reviews and testimonials from real customers.
  • High quality: SEO content writing must be specific, unique and high-quality. When creating content, the goal is to provide useful information and a good user experience rather than rank high in search engine results.
  • Engaging: Add images, regular updates, social media posts and comment boxes to stay engaged with your customers on a personal level.

The lack of good content can tank your SEO strategy. Now it’s time to determine if you have thin content and if so, what’s the best way to handle it?


Does Your Site Have Thin Content?

Simply put, thin content is anything that doesn’t provide value. It may be badly written or generated just to pull in clicks. Clicks are great, but if you can’t keep the reader on your page or coming back to it, then your marketing strategy is useless.

Full pages that are only used to stuff keywords are also thin. If you are unsure, consider if you would ever share something on your social media pages; if not, then it is likely not valuable to the reader.

Thin content is often short with just one or two paragraphs and has content that is repeated throughout your entire site. Remember that these become bigger problems when they are on a large scale. If you have just a few pages with shorter text, there may not be a problem, but if 70 percent of your site has short pages, it’s not likely you will be ranked high by Google.

Doorway pages, invaluable affiliate pages, auto-generated content and anything duplicated from another website can also be considered thin. You can identify if your content is thin by taking the time to read through it with a focus on the relevance and quality. Remember that long content doesn’t always rank better, but relevance and quality are vital.


How Can You Improve Thin Content?

The age old question is whether it’s best to remove thin content entirely or to beef it up. Fixing your content requires a little bit of instinct and a little bit of logic. As you audit your site, you’ll have to decide if you still need certain pages and what you should do with them. For example, you may have a blog post that ranks well and consistently gets hits. You won’t want to remove that even as you change your lower value content.

Content should be removed and maintained at least once a year. Remove posts that don’t apply to your current business, and start from the oldest. If you have URLs that still receive traffic, you can just redirect them to a similar post or page, or to your home page. The other option is to remove them and allow Google to focus on the more relevant pages on your site.

An even better way to handle thin content is to beef it up with newer, better, more unique stuff. Rather than copying a source, you want to become the source. Readers will share your content if it is insightful, useful, unique and helpful. Website content writing services are available to ensure that your pages are full of information that readers truly value. In turn, Google sees your site as more valuable and sends more users your way.


Where Should You Turn?

As your site progresses and you work to reach the top of the SERP, you’ll realize how important valuable content is. Hiring website content writing services to beef up thin content and replace it with useful information your readers will share with their friends can make all the difference in how your site ranks on all search engines.

The post Thin Content? Beefing It Up Can Catapult You to the Top appeared first on BKA Content.

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Project Give: Our Chance To Pay it Forward https://www.bkacontent.com/project-give-our-chance-to-pay-it-forward/ https://www.bkacontent.com/project-give-our-chance-to-pay-it-forward/#respond Fri, 21 Dec 2018 20:10:40 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=39697 The post Project Give: Our Chance To Pay it Forward appeared first on BKA Content.


Project Give: Our Chance To Pay it Forward

There are three things we love at BKA: Christmas, community and company culture. Despite most of our company being scattered all over the country, we strive to create events that bring us all together. This year, we decided to bring the power of the BKA community together to bring hope, happiness and Santa to families struggling within our community.

This state has been good to us as we’ve grown and found our footing in the industry, so this was the perfect opportunity to give back a little of what we’ve been given. Working with Your Community Connection here in Ogden, we had the chance to sponsor 10 children and bring them a few of life’s basic necessities along with some special toys and presents they’ve been hoping Santa would bring.

The Call for Help

Our writers were invited to join in on the fun and reap the rewards that come from focusing on something bigger than ourselves. With the help of Amazon and their fantastic shopping lists, writers sent toys, coats, shoes, clothing, pajamas, socks, underwear and anything else the kids requested. It was a humbling experience to watch package after package come in as our writers answered the call sent out by those in our community who have fallen on hard times and need some extra support.

The company made up the difference with the things our writers couldn’t send, and we delivered 10 large sacks of goodies to the community center on December 10. The parents now have the chance to wrap the gifts and be involved in Christmas for their children, experiencing the joy that comes from a child’s smile when they realize that Santa made an appearance.

A Small Gift Goes a Long Way

At BKA, we never want to forget the lessons we’ve learned and the support we’ve been given over the years. We want to stay in touch with the needs of our community and always foster a culture of fun, giving and inclusion within our ranks. We thank everyone who sent packages and those who simply included a thought or prayer for these special kids.

All kids should know the joy of Santa Claus and the magic of Christmas, and we are so thankful we could give hope back to those who need it most. May you all have a merry Christmas and a happy new year, and always remember that just a simple smile can go a long way toward improving someone’s life. The world is a big place, and we are committed to changing it for the better one small act at a time.

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Writing Supplies Every Freelancer Needs https://www.bkacontent.com/freelancer-writing-supplies/ https://www.bkacontent.com/freelancer-writing-supplies/#comments Thu, 27 Oct 2016 20:58:35 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=5916 The post Writing Supplies Every Freelancer Needs appeared first on BKA Content.


Writing Supplies Every Freelancer Needs

Writers are an interesting bunch. Most are very sensitive, perfectionistic and maybe even a little bit superstitious. We have a tendency to be very protective of our work but quick to take on something new. Many SEO freelance writers also thrive with order and consistency. For me personally, there are five writing supplies I simply cannot go without. If I want productivity and speed, this is where I start.

A Checklist

Whether it’s a fancy Excel worksheet, a Google calendar or a Post-It note (my preference), we all need something that keeps us organized and on our toes. With all the thoughts and jobs running through my head, I am guaranteed to forget something if I don’t have it on a sticky note in front of me. I know, I know. What is this, 1982? Something about crossing a job off my list is so much more satisfying than deleting it from a document.

The freelance writers who do well are the ones who have developed a system with tools that work for them to stay organized on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

A Beverage

Most mornings, my breakfast consists of a Dr. Pepper with coconut and blackberry syrup, and a granola bar or candy bar. While this may not be the healthiest way to pound calories, I can’t write without a fountain drink in my line of vision. Rarely does the drink get finished, but it seems to soothe me when I need to take a quick break and hydrate. And if I drink all my calories every day, at least I’m getting paid, right?

Two Monitors

This one is tough because many writers work on a laptop and the benefit of freelance writing is that you can work from anywhere, but I almost feel as if I have lost an arm when I’m asked to work without both screens. How can you expect me to go back and forth from my document to my sources without two screens and create high-quality content? I’m sweating just thinking about it. All that time wasted trying to fit everything on one screen gives me anxiety. If you can afford it and it’s an option, invest in two monitors so you can have 5,187 programs open and see all of them at the same time.

A Good Playlist

I’m a Spotify girl myself, and my preferences range from Mumford and Sons to the Killers to Eminem and P!nk, if I’m in a really feisty mood. While I turn it off when I’m working on a particularly hard topic so I can focus, a good playlist of songs I love keeps me upbeat and motivated. It also helps me shut out the total craziness that exists in a basement where four kids are left to fend for themselves while mom makes herself a paycheck.

A Comfortable Chair

I’m only 35 years old, but some days I feel like I’m 90. Back problems, tension headaches and carpal tunnel are all common in writers these days, and these issues can decrease productivity in no time. While I’m encouraged to take a break every 45 minutes and stretch, that isn’t happening if I’m in the zone and moving along. With a comfortable chair that supports my back and improves my posture, the aches and pains that come after a day of writing are minimal. Usually they are just bad enough that I can whine my way into a back massage from my husband.

These are the five things I can’t live without when I’m writing, but every writer is different and particular in their own way. What writing supplies do you absolutely need as a freelance writer? Feel free to comment below!

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How To Create a Writing Area That Increases Efficiency https://www.bkacontent.com/create-writing-area-increases-efficiency/ https://www.bkacontent.com/create-writing-area-increases-efficiency/#respond Fri, 08 Apr 2016 05:33:40 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=3879 The post How To Create a Writing Area That Increases Efficiency appeared first on BKA Content.


How To Create a Writing Area That Increases Efficiency

I spent a full 18 months writing SEO articles at my kitchen table from an old laptop, turning cartoons on every 23 minutes and trying my best to be as efficient as possible. While the beauty of writing is that you can do it from anywhere, I finally figured out that in order to maximize the time I spent writing and the money I made doing so, I had to learn how to create a writing area that inspired motivation and focus and minimized distraction. Here’s how I did so.

Create Your Own Space

Rather than moving my laptop from counter to table to couch, I finally designated a spot in the house that was just for work and writing. I found that not only did that help me be more efficient, it also allowed me to shut work down once I left that space. Then I could be Mom when I needed and Writer when I needed to without meshing both worlds and completely frying my brain. Now, anyone who visits the house knows that if I’m in my “office space,” I’m working.

You may not have a home office, but there is always a creative space that speaks to you. Whether it’s the local McDonald’s where you get free Wi-Fi, a special corner of the kitchen table or a card table on your back patio, designate a spot that is only for work.

Decide What Motivates You

When it comes to the bottom line, money is a big motivator. But what else motivates you to keep pecking away at the keys? Is there something that inspires creativity or motivation for you? For me, it’s an organized desk (when the rest of the house is in chaos), a UV light and a painted blue wall. These things make me WANT to go to work rather than avoid it. I also throw in a Dr. Pepper and a few favorite treats that stay in the office to encourage me to get busy.

Decorate your office/work space/writing area so that you actually like being there. Choose colors that soothe you and a few pictures to brighten up the space. Even the tiniest work area can be an escape if it’s a place you want to be.

Cut Out Distractions

The beauty of the job is that you work from home – the downside of the job is that you work from home. Distractions are plentiful when you aren’t in an actual physical office, and you have to cut those down in order to be truly efficient. When I found myself more interested in SpongeBob and Patrick’s adventures to dry land than the article I was writing, I knew it was time for a change.

Social media, phones and TV will kill your motivation when working. While you can’t cut out the Internet completely, you can give yourself a certain amount of time to browse the web AFTER your work is completed. I’ve jumped in on plenty of heated FB arguments (embarrassingly enough) that wasted hours of my time and left me feeling discouraged. Place your phone on a charger where you won’t see it buzz every five minutes. Any text or phone call you get can wait an hour until your work is done.

It also helps to set rules about your work space – for you and others. For example, if my office door is shut, my kids know they have to knock before they come in, and they aren’t likely to get my full attention until I’m done. If I’m in my office and I’m supposed to be working, I know that browsing the web for that elusive perfect purse will put me behind, so I set specific rules about when I can browse and when I can’t. Now, if I could only keep them …

Make It Your Own

What speaks to you and motivates you is totally different than what motivates the next writer. I love having post-it notes all around to write lists on. I have a few toys to entertain the four year old when he visits and I can’t distract him. I have a picture of my third child when he graduated from kindergarten that I love to look at. I have a small heater next to me because I’m always cold. My office is in a room full of books because I love to read. The point here is that is it MY space and it’s just how I like it. That makes me want to be here, and it makes me want to be productive. Much more than Dora and her explorer friends ever did.

What ideas do you have about how to create a writing area that makes you productive? Comment below and share your ideas!

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A BKA Writer’s Top 10 Resolutions for 2015 https://www.bkacontent.com/collaboration-corner-a-bka-writers-top-10-resolutions-for-2015/ https://www.bkacontent.com/collaboration-corner-a-bka-writers-top-10-resolutions-for-2015/#respond Fri, 13 Nov 2015 22:52:07 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=1951 The post A BKA Writer’s Top 10 Resolutions for 2015 appeared first on BKA Content.


A BKA Writer’s Top 10 Resolutions for 2015

Writers are just like everyone else in the world using January as a time for setting new goals and accomplishing at least 5 percent of them throughout the year. As a group, writers tend to be perfectionists, so all the goals that aren’t met have a tendency to grate on us until we want to pull our hair out and scream.

At BKA, we decided to hold ourselves accountable for our goals this year and put them out there publicly. Here is our list of the top 10 resolutions from our writers.

Read More Books

Writers also have a tendency to be readers, and we fill our spare time with even more words. Many of us have a goal to read more books this year than we did last year, whether it be fiction, non-fiction or, in my case, the Kindergarten readers that come home from school with my 5-year-old.

Write Something That’s Not for Work

So many of our writers love to write things outside of work. Some are working on novels, others write short stories for magazines or other publications, and some just want to keep in touch with old friends through letters and email. No matter what we’re writing, it’s clear that we communicate best through the written word.

Write More for Work

BKA is getting busy, and many of our writers want to beat their personal best by setting high word count goals and improving grammar and vocabulary skills.

Better Oral Hygiene

On a totally unrelated note, one writer wants to be better at flossing, rather than just buying floss. Let’s be honest, we can probably all fit into that category.

Better Posture

It’s amazing how tough the strain is on your neck and back when you sit at a computer all day, but when you’re in the zone, it’s hard to focus on your posture. We are determined to start small over here by sitting up straight in our chairs at least once a day.

Be More Present

This one isn’t just exclusive to writers. Many of our writers (myself included) want to cut back on social media time and be more present in the moment. You know that when you find yourself looking for a “like” button in your emails, you probably spend too much time on Facebook.

Less Time Online

When you browse the Internet for information for your job, it’s easy to get distracted by retargeting ads and every article that catches your eye. Many of us have goals to spend less time online and more time with the people who are physically here in our lives.

Earlier Bedtimes

When the kids are asleep, and the house is quiet, it’s so hard to go to bed and give it up for the day. BUT the late hours and early mornings are tough on the mind and the body, so we are setting goals to go to bed before 2 AM each night. Maybe eventually we’ll even move that up to midnight.

Be Thankful

With the stresses of everyday life, it’s easy to get caught up in all the things that are going wrong. One writer set the goal to find something to be thankful for every morning. I think this is one that we could all use if we want to be more focused on the good in life.

Serve Someone Every Day

Even when you’re busy, it’s amazing how much energy you can get when you take the time to do something for someone else. Serving doesn’t have to just be about other people. Many of our writers set goals to serve themselves and hit their own personal objectives. Some examples are:

  • Hit weight loss goals
  • Learn more about investing
  • Spend more time with the toddlers at home
  • Grow a garden
  • Learn a foreign language
  • Work on family history
  • Learn how to knit
  • Complete a service project once a month

So, there you have the complete list of resolutions from the writers at BKA. Whether we meet these goals or not, we are firm believers that setting targets and working toward them makes us all better people in the long run. What are your New Year’s resolutions? Comment below!

Special thanks to Deborah B., Chantelle S., Carly P., Irene C., Amber M., Claudia C., Rebekah S. Daneen H., Beth W., and Shelly P, for their help in putting this together!

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28 Things Writers Are Thankful For https://www.bkacontent.com/the-freelance-writers-ultimate-thankful-list/ https://www.bkacontent.com/the-freelance-writers-ultimate-thankful-list/#respond Thu, 12 Nov 2015 19:20:51 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=1738 The post 28 Things Writers Are Thankful For appeared first on BKA Content.


28 Things Writers Are Thankful For

As a wife, mother, sister, friend, writer and account manager at BKA Content, I am thankful for different things in all areas of my life.  For example, shopping and cell phones hit high on my list with my friends and sisters (I’m such a girl),while the neighbor girls that entertain my kids come REALLY HIGH on my thankful list as a mom.

As a wife, I’m thankful for my husband’s job, sense of humor and thick head of hair, while as an account manager I’m most thankful for my CEO’s help with my never-ending list of simple technology tasks.

As a freelance writer, though, my thankful list hits all over the board.  In an effort to make this list a little more comprehensive, I reached out to other BKA Content freelance writers to see what things they are most thankful for this year.  Some were unique, while others were found on almost every list that came in.  In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I’d share some of the things that we, as freelance writers, are most thankful for (in no particular order):

1. The Copy and Paste Function (CTRL-C, CTRL-V) – Need I say more?



2. The UNDO Button – For all those times I changed something on a document or a spreadsheet and can’t figure out what it was


3. Texting and Skyping – These allow me to become a total hermit as I work from home and am never forced to have an actual conversation with another human.

4. Post-it Notes – Because who doesn’t like to create stick figure animations on something other than a rented library book?  But seriously, checklists and notes litter my desk, whether or not I actually ever go back to read them again.  Somehow, it feels therapeutic in nature.

5. Preschool that Runs 5 Days a Week – Allows me to keep my sanity and (sometimes) make my writing deadlines.


6. Cherry Coke (Personal Preference) – Also known as my ‘comfort blanket’.  I get nervous if I can’t find my drink.


7. Plush Executive Chairs – This one is two-fold.  One, because if I’m going to sit on my butt for hours on end, I might as well do so in luxurious, wall-street excess type comfort.  And two, because I’m the boss.


8. Spotify – So I can play the same song over and over again for 10 small dollars every month.

9. Noise Cancelling Headphones – So no one knows that I am actually listening to the same song over and over again.  I mean, who does that?


10. Dual Monitors – If you prefer a desktop and you haven’t upgraded to this setup, you don’t know what you’re missing.  Take one of my monitors away and I’ll cut off your left hand.  Then we’ll be even.

11. Laptops- Thank goodness someone came up with the idea of a portable computer.  We can sit at the park while the kids play, hit Starbucks or McDonald’s and use the free Wi-Fi or even sit in the driveway so the kids can’t find us.  Now if we could only remember to charge the laptop before we leave home…

12. Google Search – Let’s face it, most of us wouldn’t have jobs without it; and it’s just plain fun to say.  Oh and don’t forget the fact that every single freelance writer has Googled themselves at one point or another to see where their work has been posted (warm fuzzies).

13. Caffeine – Whether in soda form or coffee form, everyone needs a mid-afternoon boost to get through the rest of the day.  Mine comes at 8 AM, then again at 9:30, and on and on in a similar pattern throughout the rest of the day.  Don’t judge me – I have four children.

14. Good Friends that Don’t Tire of Us – As SEO content writers, we’ve become the self-appointed expert on anything you can find on the web.  From vacuum cleaners to accounting services to skin creams, we know it all. Fortunately, we also have good friends that don’t tire of us sharing our loads of important tidbits about lawn mowers on a regular basis.

Festival people, facial expression

15. Thesaurus Tool (Shift F7) – It’s hard to write 525 words about diamond rings and only use the word “diamonds” a few times.  Thanks, Microsoft Word, for the Thesaurus tool and the easy way to get to it.


16. Facebook – Yes, it kills me to say it, but I’m thankful for this time waster.  Although it can make me hate people I barely know because of their incessant status updates, the occasional hilarious vine that gets posted makes it all worth it.  Or the memes.  Or the E-cards.  Ok fine, I secretly like it all.

17. Online Shopping – Allowing us hermits to remain hidden in our offices even through the holidays, and taking our paychecks only seconds after they are made.  Online shopping provides a much-needed break from hours of writing roofing pages and product descriptions.


18. Fingerless Gloves – It’s next to impossible to type when my poor little fingers are frozen, but how in the world are my fingers supposed to fit on the keyboard when I’m wearing gloves?  Some brilliant soul heeded the call of thousands of at-home writers and came up with the most brilliant idea yet – fingerless gloves.

19. Find Feature (CTRL-F) – Ever lose your place on a document or spreadsheet?  Yeah neither have I.  Oh and don’t forget about the ‘Replace’ feature either.  Fixing mistakes has never been so easy.


20. Fuzzy socks, space heaters, sweat pants and soft, snuggly blankets – Sure we may look ridiculous, but we think the same thing about people in suits and ties.   The beauty of working from home as a freelance writer is that you don’t have to impress anybody (unplug your computer camera just in case), and you can make dressing and office interior design decisions based solely on comfort.  Aside from the fact that you do have to live with yourself, everything else is fair game.  Oh and we are nice and warm.  Don’t forget about that.


21. Books and Kindles – Most of us write because we love words.  While I don’t have a creative bone in my body, many freelance writers are also creative writers that are working on novels or stories.  Those of us that aren’t often lose ourselves in a good book when we simply can’t find it in us to create one more original sentence about security gates.


22. Online Typing Tests – Sure, in the real world, WPM doesn’t get you much recognition, but in the writer’s universe, it means bragging rights for dayyyzzz.  In fact, I’m faster than 95.76% of the general population.  Boom.


23. Netflix, Nick Jr. and Disney Channel –If you’ve got your DVR set up, most children’s television shows last for 21-22 minutes.  As a parent that is trying to finish up one more writing project, that is an invaluable amount of time.  Thanks, Dora, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Ninjago and the puppies on Paw Patrol, for keeping us from losing our minds.

24. Fruit Snacks – I need to find out who it was that created Fruit Snacks.  I owe you my first-born child.


25. Cup O’Noodles – Because we’d like to at least pretend like we work in a real office, even though most of us don’t.


26. Spell Check – Is it there, their or they’re?  Should I use who or whom?  That REVIEW button and those little red and blue lines offer us tranquility and peace as we send off work to be reviewed.


27. Free Online Therapy – The nature of the job is that we’re allowed to work from home, and it’s also one of the biggest benefits.  This doesn’t mean we don’t (occasionally) need social interaction or want to get to know the people we work with!  Sometimes it’s easier to bear your soul to someone that is just a name on forum rather than someone you see every day.  Let’s just hope we don’t ever end up as next door neighbors.

28. Food, Laughter, Music, Friends and Safety – At the end of the day, the true thankfulness lies in all the things we have that we may take for granted.  Things like hot water for a bath on a cold night, enough food to feed our families when many go without, music that is uplifting, someone to cuddle with on the couch, the ability to work whenever and wherever we want and the safety we enjoy living here in America.

Or, as one writer said:

“Today, I’m thankful that I’m not a turkey.”

Happy Thanksgiving!

(If you can think of anything else you’re grateful for as a freelance writer that I’ve left off of this list, please include it in the comments below!  Now, go eat some turkey!)

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Why I Love My Job (and Legos too) https://www.bkacontent.com/why-i-love-my-job-and-legos-too/ https://www.bkacontent.com/why-i-love-my-job-and-legos-too/#respond Wed, 11 Nov 2015 21:51:09 +0000 https://www.bkacontent.com/?p=1688 The post Why I Love My Job (and Legos too) appeared first on BKA Content.


Why I Love My Job (and Legos too)

I’ve known Matt and Greg since long before they were even legally allowed to have a job.  So when the opportunity to write for their growing company opened up, I jumped on it, knowing that they are great people and that they would help make this a positive experience for me.

I was nervous about my ability to understand and write what they needed, but felt encouraged by their excitement in helping me to succeed.  Along the way I had the chance to meet Phil, who might be the nicest of them all.  All three men are honest and hard working, and are willing to help their writers in any way they can.

I am a mostly stay at home mom to four kids, so my days are consumed with multiplication tables, sippy cups, and lots of whining.  Writing for BKA gives me a chance to flex my brain and develop my writing talent.

I’ve always loved writing and felt it came naturally to me, and turning that skill into a moneymaker seemed like the perfect idea.  What sounds better than working from home, choosing how much I work, and working at my own pace?  Add to that the fact that I get to interact with the outside world on a professional level, essentially choose the amount of my paycheck, and buy plenty of Lego sets for my kids without guilt, and the opportunity was too good to pass up.

One day I was driving home from one of many doctor appointments and I realized that I was truly excited to check the spreadsheets to see what new work had come in while I was gone.

I started thinking of the fact that every morning after my kids left for school, the first thing I did was open up my computer and look for new work to complete.  I realized in that moment that I was more excited to see the spreadsheets than I was to check out my Facebook page!  Apparently the perfect opportunity had turned into the perfect job that made me excited to “go to work” every chance I got.

I’ve always felt that the best jobs are the ones that you enjoy, no matter how much they pay.  No amount of money is worth being unhappy every day.  I love writing for BKA not only because of the flexible schedule, set your own pace mentality, and regular paycheck, but also because of the positive feedback I get in creating something that is unique and original every time I write.

Granted, I’ve made four humans, but there is something rewarding about knowing that my brain and the way I think is valued by the world.  In knowing that I have a talent and skill that helps businesses to be successful that I get paid to use.  I feel an obscene amount of pleasure that goes beyond monetary value as I save a piece of work that I feel was written particularly well.

I love my job because I have an investment in something that is growing and expanding every day.  I feel excitement for Matt, Greg, and Phil every time a new opportunity opens up or a new client is landed.  I take pride in knowing that my content has helped them to be successful, and am excited for what the future holds.

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