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One of Utah’s Fastest Growing Companies 3 Years in a Row

One of Utah’s Fastest Growing Companies 3 Years in a Row

by | Oct 20, 2017 | Community, News | 0 comments

by | Oct 20, 2017 | Community, News | 0 comments

Last week on Oct. 10, we attended an awards luncheon hosted by the MountainWest Capital Network, honoring Utah’s Top 100 fastest growing companies.  The show took place in the ballroom of the Grand America Hotel in SLC and there we got to see our company, BKA Content, recognized as the 61st fastest growing company in the state of Utah!  While this is our third year being in the Top 100, it never feels any less significant due to all the hard work that goes into getting us there year after year.

The Event

The event started with an address by the governor, followed by a short presentation from Ron McMillan about earning and giving respect to those around us. Then came the countdown – It’s always exciting to take everyone’s guesses of what number we’ll be and then wait for our logo to come up on the screen.  I’m always a little nervous the presenter will botch pronouncing our company name, but in three years we haven’t had any issues on that end (knock on wood).

”Utah is a leading state both in the number of startups and the number of companies that survive their first five years. This annual event is a great ​opportunity to celebrate t​hose innovators, business owners, and entrepreneurs who keep our communities vibrant and strong.”​ – Gov. Gary Herbert

This year, we sent Drew Allen (our VP of Sales) up to collect the award and shake the governor’s hand. This was a really hard decision, and in no way diminishes the incredible impact that all of our other employees have had on our success.  We have so many deserving members of our team we could send up, but we felt that with all that Drew has done to bring in new business over the last 4-5 years, he’s been instrumental in helping us hit the sales numbers we’ve needed to get us into this elite group. I can’t say enough good things about the initiative, drive and hard work he’s put into getting BKA to where it is now.

We hope to attend many more shows like this so that we can deservedly honor the rest of our team members for their limitless contributions. It truly is a group effort.

The “Wall”-Stars

On another note, one thing that we’ve done each year is commemorate a little spot on one of our office walls for this specific award.  Since most of our walls are covered in chalk paint, this has been a fun exercise for me. The first year we won the award felt like an explosion of excitement, like our little startup was really taking off and flexing its muscles.


Last year, with it being our second year, I really felt validated. Like the first year wasn’t just a fluke, but that we had actually “created” something special.



This year I haven’t finished my drawing, but with it being our third year and now having a trifecta of awards, it seems fitting to think we’re creating something of a “legend” here…



Business wisdom, power and courage never looked so good!  (Follow our Instagram to see the final result). Yes, there are a bunch of nerds here in the office in case you were wondering.

Group Effort

When it comes down to it, winning an award like this is only made possible by the amazing people behind the scenes. Our virtual BKA family consists of 16 extraordinary employees, hundreds of excellent writers/editors, and thousands of awesome clients.  I literally cannot say enough about each group and how much they mean to Greg and me.

We legitimately love and care about our employees and think they each bring something unique and crucial to the company. If it were up to me, I’d hang out with all of you every weekend (which means you are probably very glad it’s not actually up to me).

Our writers and editors are the best in the business, not only in the quality of their craft but also in character. Many of you have been here for multiple years and have seen and been a crucial part of the growth of BKA. We consider you family and always want to know how we can make the BKA experience better for you.

Lastly, we’ve developed relationships with our clients that extend beyond just high-quality content and order fulfillment; we consider them good friends. We are all about long-term partnerships and custom solutions to get you exactly what you need.

We appreciate each of you, and hope to add to our growing family throughout the next year.  We are truly grateful for you all!

Matt and Greg Secrist

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