Your Complete Guide to Comma Rules

Your Complete Guide to Comma Rules

Your Complete Guide to Comma Rules If you’ve heard that joke about a panda bear entering a restaurant and eating, shooting, and leaving, you know that the difference between “eats, shoots and leaves” and “eats shoots and leaves” matters. This example is more...
The Marriage of Independent Clauses

The Marriage of Independent Clauses

The Marriage of Independent Clauses Marriage has been a hot topic in the news and media for years. Individuals, activist groups, and even businesses are taking a stance on the issue. Now it’s my turn. Specifically, I want to address the marriage of independent clauses...
What Is a Vocative Comma?

What Is a Vocative Comma?

What Is a Vocative Comma? In addition to greeting a lot of people throughout my day – if I venture outside, being a freelance writer who works from home – I spend a lot of time refereeing disagreements between my young kids. Thus, it’s often important to identify...