5 Things To Look For in Part Time Content Writing Jobs

by | Oct 15, 2021 | Miscellaneous, Writing Tips | 1 comment

Let’s be honest: a 9 to 5 kind of career isn’t for everyone. More and more, people are turning away from the traditional cubical-to-office connection to their employers, and seeking out stay at home opportunities to make money on their own schedule from the comfort of, well, anywhere with Wi-Fi. This includes those looking for part time content writing jobs.


Part Time Content Writing Jobs FAQs

If you’ve got grammar skills and an itch to write, landing some stellar work from home writing jobs could be the perfect fit for your lifestyle and schedule. All you have to do is know what to look for. Here are some frequently asked questions when it comes to finding real writing jobs you can do from home.


1. There are lots of part time content writing jobs online. How do I know this company is legit?

It’s okay to be on guard when you’re job hunting. In this age of all-too-prevalent internet scams, it’s probably good to approach online freelance writing gigs with a careful click. Not everyone offering a job opportunity out there has a clean conscience to back it up. However, with a little education, you can steer clear of the creepy sites and land yourself a really great place with a company that’s trying to do it right.

stay at home writing jobs

Signs A Work-From-Home Writing Job is Not a Scam

  • The freelance writing company seems well-established. The content writing company has a real website, and the people involved (like the CEO) can be found on major social media networks like LinkedIn or Twitter. You can also Google the company and find reviews, blogs, or articles that point to the legitimacy of the business.
  • The job posting is well-written and free from grammatical errors. If you’re looking for stay at home writing jobs, the company you work with to find clients should be a poster child for high-quality written content on their site! The hiring manager in contact with you should also possess a clear understanding of spelling and grammar rules.
  • Freelance writing pay is clearly outlined up front — and doesn’t seem too good to be true. If you’re finding yourself feeling lost in the labyrinth of application without any clue as to what kind of pay you’ll expect in the end, it might be time to peace out and try something else.
  • The writing company does not ask for personal or financial information upfront. If someone is asking for a social security number and a bank account early on in the application or interview process, that’s a red flag you don’t want to ignore.


How does BKA Content measure up? Let’s ask some of our freelancers:


BKA is such a wonderful company to work for! I had trouble with a lot of scam online jobs and others that simply don’t pay appropriately for the work being done. BKA is nothing like that. The team is a group of real people who care about their work and their writers. Thank you BKA for this job that has changed my life as a stay-at-home Mom looking for part-time work.”

Maggie B.

BKA Writer since 2018

“BKA is by far the best company I’ve ever freelanced for, and I’ve been doing it for 10+ years. The managers are amazing, flexible and helpful, the people talented and the culture unlike any you will encounter with any other online company. The writing is varied and pays well, and the company offers unlimited opportunities for financial growth. I went from four freelance gigs to just this one in the past year and a half. I’m excited to see what this year doing strictly BKA work has to bring!”

Christina C.

BKA Writer since 2017

2. Life is pretty hectic for me. Can I make money writing articles part time on my own schedule?

Flexibility in schedule and workload may be the number one motivation for someone to seek out part time content writing jobs. Maybe you’re a stay-at-home parent, juggling work around family responsibilities. Perhaps your other streams of income have changed recently, or leave something to be desired when it comes to making ends meet. Your mental or physical health might require a non-traditional job to allow for the unknown. Whatever the push behind your decision to do freelance writing from home, you’re probably not alone.

part time content writing jobs

Reasons To Invest in Stay at Home Writing Jobs

According to a survey of 7,300 respondents by FlexJobs, there are significant reasons behind looking for flexible writing work from home. Here are the top four:

  • Finding a good work-life balance (75%)
  • Catering to family needs (especially caregiving) (45%)
  • Saving time—or using time more efficiently (42%)
  • Reducing the stress (and cost) of commuting (41%)

Do any of these reasons hit close to home for you? If so, freelance writing jobs might be a great solution. However, not all content writing companies are equal. Make sure you vet the writing company to see if you’re able to pick up work on your own time, and if you have the option of increasing or decreasing your article writing workload, as needed.

At BKA Content, we try and cater to the widely varying needs of all of our writers. This is what a few have to say about the flexibility we offer at our part time content writing jobs:

“As a mom, grandmother, preschool teacher, and community volunteer, flexibility is crucial. Writing for BKA Content gives me the opportunity to work around the rest of my schedule.”

Niesha R.

BKA Writer since 2014

“Like so many other writers, BKA is not my only job. I am also a freelance graphic designer and have several other things going, so BKA’s flexibility allows me to write when and where it works for me, fitting nicely between my other responsibilities. I think this would be a great option for students, stay-home parents, or even those with social anxiety issues like me, who need the flexibility to work where and how it fits your life, instead of trying to fit into a standard 9 to 5.”

Leni D.

BKA Writer since 2017

The flexibility is amazing. I love that I can pay the bills and still be available for my special needs children.”

Daneen H.

BKA Writer since 2014


3. What about writing pay? How do I know they won’t leave me high and dry?

This one’s especially important. You may have read about part time content writing jobs that take a writer’s submitted work (which has taken significant amounts of time and effort to complete) and then leave them wanting or uncertain when it comes to pay day. Hopefully, by vetting the company you’re looking at using the pointers we outlined above, you’ll be able to avoid any glaring scams. However, it may not be a bad idea to find out in advance what you can expect when it comes to freelance writing pay.

part time content writing jobs at home

Make sure to choose a stay at home writing job that is up front about when they’ll pay you, and that operates on a regular pay schedule you can count on.


Part Time Content Writing Jobs Can Help You Kick Off Your Career

Wouldn’t it be more lucrative for me to seek out my own clients, rather than work with a freelance content writing company?

While working with a content company may mean that some of your payout rates are lower than if you were to be hired directly by a client, the truth is that, early on, a lot of time and money spent in marketing to potential clients could be saved on your end by going with the content company. They will have the infrastructure needed to onboard new clients, gather the style guide information needed for their projects, and get the work to you in a consistent flow you can depend on.

If you’re already out there gathering clients on your own, you may want to consider having a foot in as a freelancer at a high quality content company anyway. This would ensure that, during periods of slowness in your personal business, you can still have access to writing work.

We know you’re counting on every penny you earn, which is why we pay our freelance writers and editors promptly every two weeks.

“BKA is a great company to work with. You get paid promptly and accurately, and the project managers and editors treat you like a person, even when critiquing your work. I’ve never been belittled or talked down to.”

Amy J.

BKA Writer since 2018

4. How can I still feel “connected” when I work alone all the time?

Stay-at-home writing jobs are nice in so many ways, but they can leave you feeling isolated socially. Granted, most of us freelance writers probably lean towards introversion anyway, but any human being still needs to feel some kind of connection, and work is often the way this is accomplished throughout the week.

stay at home writing job

Find an Online Writing Job that Offers Community

As you look for freelance writing gigs online, see if you can get a feel for the culture as far as connection is concerned. Look for the following things in the company structure:

  • Is there any sort of platform for communication between yourself and other writers?
  • Are freelance writing managers or editors readily available to answer questions and provide support?
  • Does the company engage in incentives or company-wide programs that allow you to feel a part of a greater whole while simultaneously working on your own?

If you can say “yes” to any (or all) of these, you may have stumbled onto a part time content writing job from home that’s pretty special.

Our company culture is very important to us. Hear what some of our writers have to say about it:

I’ve only been with BKA a couple of months, but I’ve been really impressed by their company culture. Everyone I’ve interacted with has been friendly, responsive and helpful. The training process is thorough and really set me up well as a writer.”
Megan M.

BKA Writer since 2019

“I have been writing for BKA Content since 2011, acting as an editor for some of those years as well. You will not find a better content company to write for! They care about every last writer, ensuring we have access to tips and information that will help us do our jobs better. The work load is fairly consistent, with new clients coming in all the time, meaning I don’t have to ever worry about not having work. The management is super fun, always coming up with exciting new ways for us to all interact with each other, even though we work all over the country instead of in one office space.”

Shelley S.

BKA Writer since 2011

5. I’d like to grow my freelance writing skills. Will part time content writing jobs help me do that?

The answer depends. Each work from home writing job is unique, and some are completely hands-off while others could try to micro-manage you. If you’re looking for help in advancing your freelance writing career, you’ll want to work with a part time content writing job where you have access to training, editors and skilled writing professionals who can offer feedback.

real writing jobs

How to Improve Your Freelance Writing Skills When You Have a Stay at Home Writing Job

There are a few important things to look for if you’re hoping to improve your writing ability:

  • Comprehensive training. You’ve already got talent, but having a clear idea of what is expected of you will contribute to your success and satisfaction. A good freelance content writing company will offer hands-on training, including constructive feedback, as you get started.
  • Style guides and examples. Different clients require different things to be included in their content. If your freelance content agency provides style guides specific to each project and examples to look at, you’ll be able to get it right every time, and learn things along the way.
  • Feedback. While you likely can’t expect to have constructive feedback on every submission, having access to tips from professional editors who work with your company is an excellent way to make sure you’re expanding your freelance writer skill set.
  • Range of topics Are there opportunities to choose work from a wide span of topics? If so, you’ll have the chance to expand your knowledge of different industries and types of writing while on the job.

Some low-level content mills are all about quantity, but a company focused on quality will help push you to be your best right out of the gate, and encourage you to improve your freelance writing skills over time. Coupled with options such as focusing on one project until you master the details, and occasionally picking up new topics, freelance writing jobs (like the one you’ll find here at BKA Content) can be the perfect way to hone your writing skills.

“BKA has been a place to grow for me. A year or two out of college, I realized I wasn’t using my writing degree. The BKA managers and editors gave me the support and encouragement I needed to jump-start and advance a career in my field. Three years later, I’m still finding challenging new projects here.”

John B.

BKA Writer since 2016

“The recruitment process at BKA makes sure that you are a round peg in a round hole. Then the follow through from trainers helps you sand the edges for a perfect fit.”

Diane F.

BKA Writer since 2019

When it Comes to Part Time Content Writing Jobs, We’re the Real Deal

At BKA Content, we want you to feel 100% confident in applying to work with us. Established in 2009, we’ve worked hard to be the best in our field, both in the content we provide our clients, as well as the experience we offer our freelance writers and editors. We make sure our writers receive hands-on training and continual feedback to help you be your best while at this stay at home writing job. Our company culture is completely focused on people, and we strive to help you feel connected, informed, and appreciated.

We’ve been on an upward track ever since we began, and have to hand a lot of credit to the hundreds of talented individuals all over the United States that write for us — one of which, could be you! If you’re ready for a part time online freelance writing job experience that is head and shoulders above the rest, apply now to join our team.

“Working for BKA has been one of the best jobs I’ve ever had. Everyone on the staff is so helpful and encouraging, and I really feel like my work is appreciated. I love the variety of topics that I get to write about, and I feel that I am always compensated fairly for my time.”

Marie A.

BKA Writer since 2018

“BKA goes above and beyond for writers and clients in every possible way. Communication is spectacular, writers & editors are incentivized to take on more work, managers are friendly and beyond helpful, and the positives go on and on and on. I refer friends to write for BKA all the time because it is such a breath of fresh air to work for a company that actually genuinely appreciates the work being done.”

Joe P.

BKA Writer since 2015

Want a part time content writing job that really rocks? Write for BKA Content.

Shaundra Cragun

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