professional copywriting services

A Guide to Professional Copywriting Services

by | Mar 18, 2023 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

When you think about how often you come across written content throughout your day, it’s immediately apparent how priceless the skills of reading and writing really are. While favorite childhood books and stories tend to spring to mind when people think of writing and reading, those are far from the only products that take root from a writer’s hand.

There are myriad types of writing that serve a specific purpose, and anyone who owns a business may benefit from the skills of a talented copywriter. As you launch your search for professional copywriting services, it’s important to understand what these types of services are, who can benefit from them and how to find the best ones. Here is an actionable guide to professional copywriting services.


What Are Professional Copywriting Services?

Professional copywriting services provide high-quality content that benefits and/or promotes a brand. These businesses work with professional copywriters to create content for your website, and they typically fall into the realm of content marketing because the intention is ultimately to convert online traffic into sales. Copywriting services provide a wide range of content such as the following:

  • Landing pages
  • Blogs
  • Product descriptions
  • Ebooks
  • White papers
  • Advertisement text

But wait, you might think; isn’t this the same as SEO writing services? Yes and no.

What are professional copywriting services


Different Kinds of Professional Copywriting Services

The content a copywriting service produces does overlap with other types of writing and can even include some editing. For this reason, SEO writing and copywriting are similar in many respects. They are both working to help people find a specific website online and hopefully encourage visitors to the site to use the goods or services offered. However, copywriting and SEO content writing also serve different purposes, and some professional writing services provide specific types of content.


SEO Content Writing Services

Search engine optimization looks at analytics and applies the findings to a website to help it rank higher organically in online searches. Usually, this is done through the strategic incorporation of specific search terms users use, called keywords, into the written content on a website. However, the use of keywords alone is not quite enough these days to make certain types of content rise in search rankings. The content must also be of good quality and informative to the reader. Generally, content writing with the specific purpose of optimizing a page’s content for search engine visibility is defined as SEO content writing.

SEO content writing services are equipped with the skills and talent to create informational content for a business that includes SEO techniques. Along with proper formatting and keywords, this kind of content needs to be engaging and interesting to readers. Most often than not, these types of writing services focus more on informational content than promotional content (i.e. a blog series vs. an email campaign).


Copywriting Services

Professional copywriting services illuminate a brand’s unique voice and entice readers to learn more or to take the dive into purchasing a product or service. A skilled copywriter either creates or mimics the voice of the brand the content is being created for. You can find the works of these writers just about anywhere you go:

  • Advertisement Spaces: If you pass by a billboard, poster or another type of advertisement that has words on it, a copywriter probably had something to do with that. While the writers don’t necessarily have a hand in the visual design, they may be responsible for creating a hook through word choice in a limited space.
  • Audio and Visual Spaces: The commercials that you hear on the radio or see on the TV also included writing at some point. Since these mediums are specifically for promoting brand awareness, copywriters are an important component for ad creation.
  • Print Media: Articles that you see in newspapers and magazines most likely went through the hands of a copywriter at some point. In journalism, copywriters and copyeditors may work closely together or even be the same role. Whether the copywriter created the content or looked it over for approval, this role is essential in creating engaging printed content.
  • Online Content:  Online content overlaps with the copywriter roles above as online videos, website banners and articles all live on the internet as well.

Professional copywriting services offer a variety of content that professional copywriters can write. When it comes down to it, copywriting can have a hand in almost any type of online content the same as SEO-focused writing. Informational content can be just as persuasive as a deliberate advertisement campaign, and that’s where BKA Content comes in. We can do both kinds of writing, and we have the skills to reach a variety of businesses and industries.


Businesses That Need Professional Copywriting Services

Any business that wishes to market and promote its brand can use professional copywriting services. Building a strong online presence is becoming increasingly important for even small businesses. Nearly half of online searches are looking for information near the user’s location, and a majority of users won’t scroll past the first page. This means if you want potential customers to click on your website, you need a lot of quality content.

What businesses need professional copywriting services

Industries That Benefit From Professional Copywriting Services

The truth is that professional copywriting services can help just about any industry. Here are a few examples of how content writing can do wonders in any type of niche:

  • Retail: Product descriptions, landing pages and blogs can increase visibility for special sales or even the use of specific products. There is a lot of competition online with different websites that may be selling the same products, so uniquely written content that still centers on high-ranking keywords is essential.
  • Manufacturing: Everything from aviation to tool and die production can also benefit from a solid online presence. There may be a lot of do-it-yourselfers out there, but the need for manufacturing professionals and products is still vital. Hiring a copywriter to detail the specifics of your proprietary products and services can help turn your brand into a go-to for other pros in your industry.
  • Services: If your business focuses on providing a specific service, you can still benefit from professional copywriting. Such services may range anywhere from coaching to taxes to consulting and beyond. Quality content that explains what you do can make your business easier to find and aid in convincing readers that you are the premier choice for their needs.
  • Niche: Sometimes, your business might not fall neatly into a well-known industry. If the service you offer to your clients is a little harder to find, you probably fall into the niche category. This is where professional copywriting services become particularly important as you need to convey your product or service in a way the reader will hopefully understand.
  • Consumer-Facing: Any consumer-facing business stands to benefit from good content, and so can use the services of a talented copywriter. If your goal is to increase conversions on your site, copywriting services may be able to help you to focus and fully realize your content marketing strategy.
  • B2B: Even if your business is less involved with the consumer and more focused on providing products or services to other businesses, you still need professional copywriting services. Other companies still need to be able to find you and want to work with you, so it is imperative that you sell yourself as necessary for other businesses’ success.


Qualities of Good Copywriting Services

Poor marketing contributes to a lack of sales, which contributes to the failure of many startups. You may understand how important it is to have content to help your business grow organically online, but it is just as important to make sure your content is good. Professional copywriting services should be able to provide you with the following:

  • Website Content: the writers you work with should be able to create landing pages, blogs and any other kind of website content that you may need. It is a good idea to look over a writer’s portfolio or see examples of what a copywriting service has done for clients in the past to determine if they will be able to meet your needs.
  • SEO Content: While general website content and SEO content can be the same thing, SEO is also anything that aids in organically promoting the rise of your website in search engine searches. This can include product descriptions, emails, newsletters and advertisements, among other types of content. These days, it is essential for a good copywriter to at least have a basic understanding of SEO.
  • Technical Content: Technical writing is its own can of worms that may also overlap with more niche products and services, but a solid copywriter should be able to help you in most cases. If you work with SEO writing companies that have teams of writers to choose from, you are more likely to have access to a writer who understands or can properly research your needed content.

Qualities of a Good Copywriter

Good writers should make good business partners, so make sure your copywriter of choice also embodies these qualities:

  • Is knowledgeable about the topics
  • Can research more difficult topics and properly cite sources
  • Submits content by the requested deadline
  • Asks for and applies feedback
  • Uses ethical (white hat) means of creating content


Where To Hire Professional Copywriting Services

You know why you need copywriting services and the qualities to look for, but where do you actually find professional writers for hire? You have two main options: employ your own or go with a third party.

Where to hire professional copywriting services


Insourced Copywriting

An in-house copywriter can be beneficial if your business has the means to onboard an employee for this specific purpose. This can be a good investment if you will be needing a lot of copywriting in the long term and you generate enough business to maintain the position. Employing your own writer also means you can more easily train the writer to match your brand voice and understand your product or service. Essentially, with an in-house writer, you have more complete control over the content produced.

The main drawback of hiring an in-house writer is the cost. You need to be able to pay an attractive wage to keep a solid writer on your payroll, and that may mean supplying benefits, too. If the cost of adding a permanent copywriter to your team does not fit your budget, then you may be better off using a third party.


Outsourced Copywriting

There are usually two choices if you decide to use a third-party copywriting service: freelancers and content companies. Whichever option you end up using, it’s essential to do your research like you would if you were hiring a new employee. Check out reviews, ask for samples if available and compare prices. With the pricing, remember that you are likely to get what you pay for if you go with the lowest price. Conversely, a higher price does not always equate to better content.

A freelancer, or independent contractor, is someone who usually works for themselves. A freelance copywriter may charge an hourly or a per-item rate for writing services. One of the advantages of working with a freelancer is that you are more likely to get to know the writer personally and build a good rapport. However, expect to pay a higher rate for the services of the best professional freelance writers.


The Benefits of Working with a Professional Copywriting Agency

As a content company ourselves, we know how useful a professional copywriting service can be to both your company and your budget. A content agency tends to offer a balance between hiring an in-house copywriter and working with an independent contractor. Most copywriting agencies supply their own employed writers or teams of contracted writers to meet your needs. This takes out the time and effort of hiring someone on your own (which can take a painstakingly long time as you commission samples and negotiate prices, not to mention the overhead prices for in-house writers).

Additionally, if you want to write a lot of content to improve your marketing strategy, a professional copywriting agency can handle the large order in a timely way. You’ll likely have a point of contact with the agency who can work with you to customize your project and content to meet your specific needs, but the company oversees the actual writing so you don’t have to. High-quality copywriting services are reasonably priced for the level of quality you’re looking for, but overall, this may be the most affordable option.

Here at BKA Content, we care about the relationships we create with companies using our services. Our writers are trained to write engaging, error-free content that contains SEO techniques and formatting. We also have teams of writers for specific niches such as legal or financial writing.


How Hiring Professional Copywriting Services Benefits You

Writing seems like a simple enough skill, so you might be thinking, why not tackle the job yourself? If you have plenty of experience with writing good content, this isn’t a bad idea – if you don’t need to focus on other aspects of your business, such as serving clients and creating or maintaining inventory. There’s a lot of responsibility that comes with running a business, so having someone else manage the production of your written content can be advantageous.

Whether you are looking for a blog writing service or an ebook writing service, there are agencies out there that take care of the writing and supply quality content according to your needs. A professional copywriting service includes writers who are using their skills regularly, and just like any muscle, writing is a skill that requires regular practice and use.

how a professional copywriting service can help you

Hiring a professional copywriter can be cost-effective for you depending on how much content you need and whether you hire an in-house writer or use a content service. It also takes the stress of producing content off your plate so you can focus on running your business.


The Bottom Line of Professional Copywriting Services

A good copywriter is a skilled writer who can produce and possibly even edit any written content designed to promote or market a specific brand or voice. Copywriting is similar to and overlaps with SEO content strategies. Every business in every industry is likely to benefit from using a copywriter in some way. If you are looking to grow your company online and still need to produce regular, quality content using the unique voice of your brand, it’s time to look into professional copywriting services.

Jon Bingham
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