faqs outsourcing

10 FAQs About Blog Writing Outsourcing

by | May 4, 2023 | Content Marketing | 2 comments

10 FAQ's to ask when outsourcing blog writing

So you may be wondering, “how do you outsource blog writing?” Setting up and maintaining a quality blog that is an asset to your business takes time, skill, and focused expertise. If you do not know a backlink from a browser, you may want to outsource article writing. Here are 10 of the most important questions to ask before you do:

1. How much does a blog post cost?

The cost of outsourcing blog content varies greatly. The axiom “you get what you pay for” generally holds true here. Frequently, the less money you spend, the poorer the quality of blog writing you will get. Opting for the cheapest you might find –$5 per blog post, for example– means that you risk the chance of poorly researched, quickly crafted content. This is especially common if you work with blog writers whose first language is not English.

On the other hand, you could also spend as much as $2,000 per post. For this amount, you would expect extremely high-quality articles customized to your site and brand voice. These blog posts should include information based upon time-consuming research and perhaps interviews and will be focused on helping you achieve your specific business goals.

Fortunately, however, the norm when outsourcing often falls somewhere between these extremes. If you outsource blog writing to a reputable content company that vets and trains their writers effectively, you can generally expect to get great individual blog posts for between $20 and $125, depending upon the post length and information depth you desire.

2. How do I hire a blog writer?

When you outsource blog writing, it is essential to find a skilled person to write your content. You want to work with a blog writer who has a style you like and who understands what you are trying to achieve. Neil Patel describes three important steps for hiring contract blog writers.

  • Set clear, reachable goals
  • Advertise your need and find potential applicants
  • Interview applicants and choose the most qualified individuals

Locating the best blog writing professionals for your needs is a vital part of outsourcing blog content. It also takes a lot of time and effort.

From our perspective, we think hiring blog writers on your own is a little outdated. Blog content services are centered around creating high-quality content for companies like yours. It’s like hiring a roofing company to take care of replacing your roof instead of finding people in the neighborhood who are “good at fixing roofs”. Go to the source that has the right resources and manpower to get the job done.

outsource article writing

3. Does good blog content writing really matter?

In short, yes. Blogs are excellent vehicles for SEO and backlinks, which can improve your search engine rankings. According to statistics from Hubspot, about 55% of business professionals rate blogging as their most important marketing tool. Orbit Media published findings from another enlightening survey showing that about 64% of business-to-business marketers contract their blogs out to professional writers. If you decide to outsource your blog posts, you will be in good company.

Also, the meat of your blog content should also be stellar. If you’re putting out sub-par content, you can expect sub-par engagement from your reader base. Outsource blog writing to professionals that can nail your brand voice and style while doing enough research to really provide value in their article writing.

4. Do I risk getting lower-quality work by outsourcing my article writing?

Not necessarily. If you want to outsource blog writing, be aware that not all freelance article writers are equal. There are specific ways you can ensure you find experienced, talented writing professionals to work with on creating your blog posts. When you partner with a high-quality content writing company as opposed to negotiating with an individual, you will be working with professionals who already have quality control methods in place to ensure writers focus on your goals and meet your requirements.

You need high-quality, original blog copy in your regular postings, but you can also refresh older posts and republish them. Many content marketing professionals have success with this strategy. To keep information in your blog relevant for longer, you can specifically order new blog posts that are “evergreen,” meaning they do not contain specific dates or information that becomes quickly outdated. You need to outsource article writing to someone who understands this tactic.

5. How long should a blog post be?

In addition to the frequency of your blog posts, another point to consider is the length of each post. Neil Patel points out that longer blog posts get better results. Today’s consumers are savvy and smart. They want useful information and helpful links, and they want them framed within blog posts of 2,500 words or longer.

Writing high-quality long-form blog posts takes time, talent, and hard work. You must include interesting, pertinent information gleaned from research and your own experience and present it in an engaging way that keeps people reading. If you doubt whether you can carry out these quality-driven strategies on your own, consider outsourcing to a respected content writing company to do the blog content writing for you.

outsource blog content writing

6. How do I know if blog content writing is helping my business?

Blogs are an integral part of a content marketing campaign, which you undertake for long-term results rather than quick fixes. That being said, however, you can look at specific metrics to help you judge your outsourced blog writing’s performance. The aspects you examine depend upon what you want to measure.

  • Do you want to increase awareness? Look at page views, followers and readers, email and RSS feed signups, and media links.
  • Do you want to get more sales? Consider registrations and click throughs to your website.
  • Do you want to attract new readers and interact with your audience? Pay attention to page views, comments and discussions, likes, how long readers stay on your site, and how frequently readers share your blog posts.

Sharing is an important indicator of audience interest. When people share your blogs, you benefit in three important ways. First, you get an audience you might not normally reach yourself; secondly, you get free marketing, as it were; and finally, your voice increasingly becomes authoritative in your particular specialty, which boosts your reputation.

Staying aware of the general reaction to your blog post writing through tracking specific results can help you tweak your content strategy to reach both short- and long-term goals.

7. Will I have legal rights to outsourced blog content?

You should, but you need to pay attention to what your agreement says. If you do not determine this detail ahead of time, you could run into trouble later, especially if working with individuals or a group of freelance blog writers without a definite policy on copyright ownership.

When you outsource blog writing to a reputable content writing service, however, such companies are often clear about copyright jurisdictions. You want to buy blog content categorized as “made for hire,” which considers you rather than the blog writer as the legal author.

8. Can outside blog content writers capture my professional personality?

Yes, if you are clear about your expectations and provide specific guidelines upfront. When you decide to outsource blog posts, the more information you provide the freelance blog writer or the content writing company about how you want to appear to readers and what your goals are, the better the results you will get.

As the saying goes, “Nothing comes from nothing,” and this is true when you outsource blog writing. If the writer has nothing to go on, the results may not be what you want. You are, after all, the expert on your company, brand, and product or service. Giving writers basic information is like laying the foundation for them. They can then creatively build upon this base to craft fresh blog content that entices readers.

9. When is the best time to outsource blog writing?

Rather than waiting until you get in a bind or even teeter upon a crisis, consider outsourcing blog content as a tool you use to help your company grow stronger. Contracting your blog content writing out to professionals frees up time and energy to let you focus on growing your business.

According to a study published on Economist.com, about 90% of firms surveyed said outsourcing article writing was vital to their growth. This is not a mere trend or a simple strategy that might help you get ahead. Contracting article writing out to skilled writing professionals is how business is done now.

time to outsource blog writing

10. Are there guidelines for quality blog content writing?

There are best practices in the content writing industry, so familiarize yourself with the standards reputable freelance writers should follow when you outsource blog posts to them.

However, if you outsource to a trustworthy content writing company, they have already set high standards, and the writers working for that company will adhere to its principles of excellence. Working with a reliable content company to develop your blog removes stress—in this area, at least—and makes your life easier.

How to Manage a Project When You Outsource Blog Writing

If you work with individual freelancers privately when you outsource blog content, it is best to set up a management team within your company to oversee them. This includes making sure deadlines are met and the content quality is consistently high. It is also important to put checks in place to prevent issues with plagiarism. Plagiarism can harm you in multiple ways, including hurting your search engine rankings, not to mention your company’s reputation.

Another plus of working with a strong blog writing company: This process is usually managed for you. Account managers will oversee blog assignment distribution, set deadlines, and keep in contact with writers working on your blog posts. This lets you breathe easier and frees up your internal resources for other activities.

Outsource Blog Writing Without the Hassle

Partnering with a highly regarded blog writing company means you can do what you know best and trust that knowledgeable blog writers will produce copy that meets and exceeds your expectations.

Jon Bingham
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