business blog statistics

20 Business Blogging Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind

by | May 28, 2023 | Content Marketing | 2 comments

As you plan your company’s content marketing strategy for 2022 and beyond, you might be ready to focus on new formats like TikTok and invest more money in video production and related expenses, but don’t neglect the power of blogging. While blogs represent one of the earliest forms of online marketing, they still remain a vital part of any successful content plan.

Here are the best business blogging statistics to illustrate the importance of publishing online content for your brand.


1. Business blogging can boost website visits by 55%.

boost traffic with blogging statistics

This stat from Hubspot highlights the importance of blogging for your brand to drive online traffic. Not only does this method increase website visitors through promotions, but it also improves performance in organic search. Simply put, business blogging statistics show that more people will connect with your company’s online presence if you have a blog.


2. 88% of brands outsource their blogs to professional content writers.

According to Findstack, the vast majority of people who publish business blogs have moved away from the DIY approach. Many marketing managers and small business owners find they can free up their time for operational pursuits by outsourcing content. Remember to budget for images when you invest in custom content. Orbit Media reports that 42% of bloggers whose posts have at least 10 images say they see very strong results, compared to just 15% of those who rely on a single image.


3. 77% of business bloggers report a return on investment.

The dollars your company budgets for content will almost certainly drive ROI. Orbit Media surveyed people who blog for business and found that 55% reported results and 22% reported strong results. Only 9% said they were disappointed by the value of their blogs, while the remaining 14% said they hadn’t measured or weren’t sure about ROI.

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4. 33% of bloggers who report strong results spend at least 6 hours per post

According to business blogging statistics from Orbit Media cited above, the amount of time spent writing and editing each blog post correlates with strong ROI. Only 14% of those who write a post in just one to two hours are similarly satisfied with the return they receive from this aspect of content marketing.


5. 83% of top-performing blogs track KPIs

KPI blogging statistics

If you want to learn from the best business blog out there, start tracking key performance indicators. This survey from Content Marketing Institute also found that 59% of business bloggers say they do a very good or excellent job of tracking ROI, which skyrockets to 84% for identified top-performing content creators.


6. 70% of users want to read custom online content about brands

According to data from Demand Metric, 68% of respondents also said they spend time online reading about companies and products that interest them. Like many business blogging statistics, these numbers illustrate the importance of using online content to educate and entertain your target audience.


7. An average blog post takes 4 hours to write.

The business blog statistics from Orbit Media indicate that content creators spend 3 hours and 55 minutes writing a standard-issue blog post. Using this estimate as a benchmark can help you determine how much time and money your organization should dedicate to blog writing, whether you plan to use internal or external team members for the task.


8. 59% of online shoppers research purchases with a Google search first

This insight from Think With Google reveals the importance of paying attention to search engine optimization. The better your SEO, the easier it will be for these searching shoppers to find and buy your products and services. Have an in-person location? 74% of surveyed shoppers said they search Google for information about the store before visiting in person.

In another report, Google notes that the number increases to 89% for business to business buyers. Among this group, 42% say they use their mobile devices to investigate and complete work-related purchases, so don’t underestimate the power of responsive design.


9. Blogging can boost leads by 126%

Hubspot reviewed the content creation activities of more than 2,000 marketing professionals over a six-month period to learn more about lead generation. Companies that blogged saw lead growth of 165% over that timeframe compared to just 73% for non-blogging businesses. If you want to expand your marketing funnel, building a blog can support that objective.


10. 88% of brands that successfully blog prioritize audience needs over promotional objectives

reach audience with blog

Informational posts that don’t overtly promote a product or service tend to perform better with readers, according to the above-cited study from Content Marketing Institute. Conversely, only 50% of survey respondents who said they had the least successful results from blogging put reader preferences above promotions.


11. Content marketing provides triple the leads of traditional marketing at just 38% of the cost

Another one of the business blogging statistics published by Demand Media illustrates the value of blogging and other forms of content for your brand. Consider shifting your spend from tried-and-true marketing tactics to allocate a larger percentage to content if you want to revitalize your organization’s approach and save money.


12. The average first-page site on Google has 1,447 words.

Backlinko analyzed data from thousands of websites that appear of the first page of Google search results to obtain this valuable nugget of information. They also found that in most cases, the top-ranked page on the first page of website rankings had 3.8 times more backlinks on average than pages 2 to 10 on the list.


13. Blogs can increase your site’s inbound links by 97%.

increase inbound links with blogging

Do you want to improve the authority of your brand? When other websites link to your content, it boosts the trust of your audience and your status as a knowledgeable source in your niche. This statistic from Hubspot shows that a blog can help you achieve this common marketing objective.


14. 10% of blog posts see steadily increased traffic over time.

Quora Creative refers to this type of content as a compounding blog post. While 10% may not seem like a lot, these posts create as much traffic as six standard posts and generate nearly half of the total traffic to business blogs. By the same token, certain power posts, which represent just 1.3% of published blog posts overall, make up an incredible 75% of social shares.


15. 32% of bloggers who report strong ROI post regularly

The business blogging statistics gathered by Orbit Media found that bloggers who see strong results tend to post two to six times each and every week. In comparison, only 10% of sporadic posters and 6% of those who post fewer than once a month saw similarly strong results.


16. Long-form blog posts attract 77% more links

Consider going long with your blog posts according to blog statistics for business from Backlinko. However, this approach only works for content ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 words, since the number of links tends to decrease for both shorter and longer posts. You may also want to expand your headlines, since links also increase by nearly 77% for blogs with 14-to-17-word titles. Keep in mind that blog length isn’t an exact science; for example, Hubspot says the ideal post is 2,250 to 2,500 words.


17. Only 15% of brand bloggers post every day

This number from Quora Creative’s business blogging statistics showcases an opportunity gap for companies that can commit to daily posts. While few businesses post every day, 60% of business bloggers who adhere to this practice report a very strong return on their content investment.


18. Frequent posts increase lead generation by 450%

upload blogs

Do you want to attract prospective clients with your blog posts? Business blogging statistics from Hubspot suggest that you should post at least 16 times a month to achieve this impressive boost in lead generation compared to bloggers who publish four or fewer monthly posts.


19. How-to articles represent 76% of blog posts

While the how-to content format is the most popular among marketers, business blogging statistics from Orbit Media indicate that how-to articles have the lowest return. On the other hand, while only 24% of marketers rely on “round-up” articles, this catch-all format drives the highest return, suggesting its popularity among blog readers.

Backlinko looked at social sharing across different blog formats. These business blog statistics found that list posts were the most popular for this purpose. Users shared them with friends and followers 218% more often than how-to posts and 203% more often than infographics.


20. Businesses that blog increase marketing ROI by 1,300%

If you aren’t already blogging, what are you waiting for? Hubspot reports that companies with an active blog see 13 times the return on their marketing dollars than businesses that don’t bother to blog. While it can seem like a heavy lift, outsourcing content production often pays for itself when brands realize the potential ROI of blogging.


Use These Business Blogging Statistics To Your Advantage

These business blogging statistics offer key insights about how you can better position your business for success by publishing quality content in 2022. Perhaps that’s the most convincing evidence of the fact that blogs work.

Most measures indicate that 95% of businesses have a blog in 2022. Don’t let this effective strategy pass you by, use our blog writing services to provide quality SEO content that you can rely on.

Charlotte Secrist

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