How To Move to Online Content Writing Jobs From Full-Time Employment

by | Dec 27, 2022 | Write for BKA | 0 comments

Have you ever wished you could work in your pajamas? If you’re a fan of coziness and convenience, then online content writing jobs may be a perfect fit. Success as a freelance writer will take just as much work as in other fields, but you can pursue this career from anywhere — even your couch. If you want to become a full-time web content writer, take a look at this guide.

online content writing jobs

Practice Writing Before Applying to Online Content Writing Jobs

You should always practice writing before applying for jobs, especially if you don’t have much experience. The great thing about writing practice is that you don’t need much to get started — just a pencil, paper and an idea.

Try New Topics

To develop well-rounded writing skills, pick a new topic each time. Most online content writing jobs have a wide range of clients, so you’ll have to create pieces on many subjects. Businesses generally want webpages with an authoritative tone; writing about unfamiliar topics gives you the confidence to write like an expert.

Imitate Great Pieces

Did you stumble across a blog post you love? Try imitating the style. To avoid plagiarism, pick a different topic, but try mimicking the tone, organization and rhetorical devices as practice. This exercise is just for you, so don’t worry too much about polishing the results.

Don’t Quit Your Day Job Right Away

In most cases, you shouldn’t quit your day job right away. Freelancing has many benefits, but it takes a while to build momentum. Staying at your current workplace provides stability as you find your footing in the online content world.

Get Your Feet Wet

If you don’t have much experience with online content writing jobs, you should try out the field before taking the leap. Freelancing takes discipline and dedication, and you may find it’s not everything you hoped it would be.

Build Your Client List

Once you discover you love writing web content, you can start building a client list. This process takes time, and most freelancers can’t support themselves at first. A day job provides stability while you build a foundation for your career.

Create an Exit Plan

Even if online content writing jobs come flowing in, it’s bad workplace etiquette to leave your employer in the lurch. Before you switch careers completely, make a plan to courteously and professionally exit your current position. After all, your former company could become a future client.

Get Paid To Write From Home

Do you have what it takes to write for an industry-leading content creation company?

Write for Content Creation Sites

Content creation sites are an excellent place to start your job search as a freelance writer. Companies such as BKA Content provide clients with high-quality blogs, metadata and landing pages. Some enterprises have in-house writers, others partner with independent contractors and some have a mixed workforce.

Enjoy a Stable Income

Online content writing jobs with a company provide a more stable income than freelancing alone. As an independent contractor, you have to actively search for work, which can feel like a job by itself. When you work with content creation sites, the company brings on clients — all you have to do is write the pieces.

Focus on a Narrow Role

Typically, freelancers must act as content managers, client liaisons, and editors. Some people enjoy the versatility of taking on all these duties, but if you’d rather focus on writing, a content creation site is the way to go. These companies hire others to fill the above roles so you don’t have to.

Take Writing Classes

If you’re not yet confident in your writing, you may benefit from taking classes. There are plenty of low- and no-cost options that teach the basics and offer professional tips.

Attend Workshops at Your Local Library

Libraries are an excellent resource for all writers. If you’re interested in online content writing jobs, look for professional writing workshops and seminars. Many libraries host these events online as well as in person.

Join a Writing Group

A writing group lets you network while improving your skills. Groups offer critiques on works-in-progress, share industry news and promote writing opportunities.

online content writing

Build a Portfolio for Online Content Writing Jobs

A writing portfolio shows potential clients what to expect from your work. Most businesses request a portfolio before hiring to see the caliber of your writing.

Keep Your Portfolio Fresh

The internet is a fast-paced place, which means the expectations for online content writing jobs change over time. To keep up with clients’ needs, you should update your portfolio periodically. For example, if you work on a type of landing page you’ve never written before, that’s an excellent addition to your portfolio.

Host Your Portfolio Online

Putting your portfolio online makes it easy for prospective clients to access. You can also use search engine optimization and other marketing tools to draw traffic.

Online content writing jobs allow you to exercise your creativity, make your own schedule and develop valuable skills. If this sounds like your dream position, consider writing for BKA Content. Our writers create content about a variety of topics and receive many opportunities to learn on the job and build their writing skills.

Veronica Engler
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