How To Integrate Facebook Live in Your Marketing Strategy

by | May 24, 2016 | Content Marketing, Social Media | 0 comments

With the number of social media networks growing each year, it can be difficult to know which sites to focus your energy on. Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and Tumblr are all examples of networks that are slowly climbing the ranks, but the top spot still goes to Facebook. With a reported 1.1 billion members, it’s a safe bet that the social media giant is a solid place to focus your marketing energies.  A brand new feature uses Facebook Live content to make it easier than ever to connect with your followers and promote your business.

How it Works

The process for going live on Facebook is a simple one. With a few easy steps, you can be interacting live with your followers in no time.

  • First, hit the “Status” button just as you would normally, but select the “Live Video” option instead.
  • Second, title your video. When followers are notified that you’re going live, they will see the title and decide if they want to watch, making it vital to create a catchy title that will attract the maximum amount of viewers.
  • Go live! Now’s your chance to impress your audience and grow your following.

Facebook has made it simple to broadcast content and integrated several features that make this a more useful platform than other networks.

What Happens During a Broadcast

When you start your video, you’ll be able to have a high level of interaction with viewers. As followers begin watching, their names will pop up on your screen, allowing you to address them. This is one reason why Facebook Live content can work well with a small group when you want to be sure that certain people are in attendance. Also, visitors will be able to make comments and ask questions, allowing you to interact even further.

Tips for a Standout Video

As you plan and execute your video, there are some things you can do to incorporate your content strategy and attract as many viewers as possible. These are especially important practices for businesses to follow in order to use the service to grow their following.

  • Warn followers ahead of time. Write a post announcing the fact that you’ll be going live and what time you’ll start. Use creativity to give just enough information to intrigue and excite viewers to increase the chances that they’ll watch. Since they will only see the title posted once you’re live, you’ll want your announcement of the event to include a few more details so they know what you’ll be discussing.
  • Stay live for an adequate amount of time. Facebook suggests anywhere from 10-90 minutes, but through trial and error you’ll be able to figure out what the perfect length is for your particular viewers. Filming for at least ten minutes ensures that if followers are a little late, they’ll still be able to join the conversation.
  • Vary the types of broadcasts you do. You can do this randomly or have certain days of the week assigned to specific broadcast types. Some can be simple and funny, while others may be more informative and educational. Your audience will likely appreciate seeing all sides of your company.
  • Make your purpose clear. While going live may be exciting for you and your viewers, be sure you have a reason to do so and that you’re not abusing the privilege, or you’ll find your viewers skipping your videos. An occasional impromptu session may be fine, but try to plan out the majority of your broadcasts so that they support your content marketing goals.
  • Prepare for a good broadcast. Beyond content strategy preparation, you also need to be sure of things like a strong internet connection and limited background noise. Imagine you’re setting up for a professional shoot and make sure there’s nothing distracting or offensive in the shot, then pay attention to what’s happening around you while filming. Since it’s live, there’s no way to go back and edit anything out.
  • Be creative. While you want your post to promote your business, simply talking about what you do each time is not going to engage viewers. Talk with other people about their experience with you, branch out in unique ways and keep things light and positive.

By following these practices, you’ll be prepared to open the door to a completely new way to interact with clients on the world’s largest social media platform. Keep trying and you’ll eventually figure out what works for your company and audience and how to involve them in your Facebook Live content.

Greg Secrist
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