7 Effective Blog Promotion Strategies for Social Media

by | Feb 22, 2021 | Content Marketing, Social Media | 1 comment

Content marketing can be harder than it looks. If you’re a company or influencer, you need followers (and potential buyers). These followers often come through traffic on your website… but what happens if you’re getting no views?

The first remedy is to start producing quality content. Once you get a steady flow of well-written content on your website’s blog, you have the material for getting great traffic. But what happens if you publish content consistently… and still get no hits on your website?

What you need are blog promotion strategies, and you need them fast. Content distribution is an important part of content marketing and it requires strategic effort. Luckily, we have a few tips that can help you out.


Why Do You Need To Share Your Blog?

why use blog promotion strategies

Content marketing is the newer kid on the block, especially when it comes to traditional advertising. In order to make a dent in the digital sphere, you need content. Content comes in many forms such as blog posts, product descriptions, web pages and even social media posts. These pieces of content are circulated on Google for users to find, and with the help of SEO, the search engine can use your content to meet users’ needs.

There’s a lot you can do in the SEO world, but there’s one thing that stands out as a priority: make your content available, especially content that is shareable (such as blog posts and articles). Want to know how to share your blog? This can be done through blog promotion strategies, and we have a few ready for you to start using immediately.


Where Do You Promote Your Blog?

Most websites have a blog page on their website that showcases recent blog posts, but to be honest, not many people will go there… yet. Unless you already have a big following and your readers are hungry for each and every fresh post, you need to do some extra work.

Other than using SEO tactics to get blog posts to rank high on Google, the best place to make your content available is through social media. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and even Instagram are powerful tools that you can use to find more readers. When using blog promotion strategies, focus on social media and consider how to use it to fuel the traffic and get your article shared and circulated among users.

Sharing on social media platforms is easy. Once you have an established profile (make sure to include your website URL and contact information), you can post on your feed whenever you want. You can easily post the latest article for your followers to read. To some, social media can be a beast. Hopefully, our tips will help you get the best out of your social media accounts.


7 Blog Promotion Strategies That Can Make a Difference

how to share your blog

Part of any blog promotion strategy is shareability. Your social media audience wants to share content that creates an appearance of intelligence, culture, and sophistication. They won’t just share any content, so what you produce needs to be engaging and beneficial, containing unique knowledge seldom found elsewhere.

Even if the content is available in other places online, the way you display your content has to be interesting enough to captivate your social media savvy readers. You have to leverage all the power that social media channels provide, particularly after investing so much time to cultivate your audience and create your content. In addition to just posting on your social profiles, there are other excellent methods for sharing your blog. Here are seven blog promotion strategies that you can start implementing.


1. Use Intriguing Titles

When you publish a post linking to an article on your website, all you have to convince readers to click through is a title and a small description. What happens if your title just seems… boring?

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When you’re scrolling past dozens of posts in your social media feed or inbox, does this title stand out? A slight shift in the style and tone of your posts’ titles can increase your exposure.\

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To some people, this will likely catch their eye much faster than the original title would have. This is because usually, your social media feed, RSS feed or email subscribers of your blog may have subscribed to additional blogs in your niche. With congested information lists in their inbox and feeds, a creative title may keep you from getting neglected in the crowd. Engaging images may also draw the attention of social media friends, resulting in more shares of your post.


2. Integrate Social Media Into Your Blog

share your blog with social media widgets

Integrating social media into your blog can bridge the gap between popular social media sites and your content. Visitors to your blog need an easy way to connect with and share your blog content via social media elements embedded in your site. Part of a good blog promotion strategy is giving more access to your readers.

These elements could be in the form of social media buttons that help your readers join your social media community such as Facebook or Twitter, social media share buttons that help readers share your content or social media logins that help readers comment on your blog. In whatever form, make sure to include those social media buttons at the end of each blog post, allowing anyone to share if they feel inclined to do so.

Buttons aren’t the only way to integrate social media into your website. Consider embedding a social media widget, which is a great way for readers to interact. There are many you can choose from that look interesting and encourage readers to take action.


3. Add Visual Appeals

When you share a blog post on a Google+ page, LinkedIn, or Facebook, write a personal message about the post to motivate others to read it. However, don’t stop there. Always include a picture.

We lived in a media-saturated world. We hunger for good images and interesting content that appeal our visual senses. If you want to get noticed on social media, include an image that goes with the title.

In fact, adding images to your blog is not a bad idea. Images and videos that break up the text are more engaging, and these blog posts generally get more traffic. When using blog promotion strategies to distribute your blog, use high-quality images that are interesting.

It’s also a good idea to share a photo with the post because most platforms automatically display a thumbnail image from the post. This is just another plug for your blog, and it can help your reader click-through.


4. Social Bookmark Your Blog Posts

Social Media


Although social bookmarking is not as well known, it is still a great way to distribute your blogs and find new ideas and information for future articles. Social bookmark your posts on high-profile sites, including Reddit, Delicious, Digg, and StumbleUpon, which have extensive audience bases.

Because this approach has been overused, it is not as effective as it was at first. To make your presence on social bookmarking sites known, spend more time liking, sharing, commenting, or bookmarking other blog posts to boost activity for your post bookmarks. There are many social bookmarking sites available on the web, but it is ideal to identify and update a few of them on a regular basis.


5. Promote Your Blog in a Forum Community

Keep in mind that many excellent forums in virtually all niches don’t support link sharing to your blog unless you are an active member and help fellow members with their questions. Blog promotion strategies are all about interacting with your target audience, and you can do this easily in niche-related forums.

While this requires a lot of time and effort, building up your expertise in forum communities can be worth it. This often depends on your niche and what other networking opportunities you have. For some niches, forums are home to many great readers and potential followers.

If you plan to spend quality time on forums in your niche, you can easily locate them with a basic Google search of “niche + forum.” You may not do a lot of link sharing, but you can build up a network of people, encourage them to follow you on your social media accounts and answer genuine questions that your target market has.


6. Join Social Communities

Along with forums, join LinkedIn and Facebook groups relevant to your niche. These are great platforms to achieve recognition for your blog and gain attention. Instead of promoting your blog aggressively, start off slowly by joining conversations and helping those with questions. If you put in the effort and show your intentions of helping people in these communities, you could ultimately share links to posts from your blog.

Also, Facebook automatically displays the post images and allows you to select the title image from the ones located in your post. The images are much larger than merely a thumbnail. Additionally, you can upload an external image that is not in your blog post.


7. Share Parts of Your Content

You can share the same blog post across multiple social media platforms, but consider personalize each according to the type of platform. For Instagram, put the link in your profile or on your story and focus on the image. For Facebook, share a piece of the blog along with the link and image.

Get creative with this blog promotion strategy, but keep in mind the types of audiences that use different types of social media. For instance, LinkedIn is used more by professionals and business-oriented people. 80% of Twitter users are affluent millennials, so you can use this along with your buyer persona to create social media content that gets their attention.

Most people read blogs to find answers to questions or discover solutions to problems they might be experiencing. This line of thinking can be helpful for finding inspiration for your blog. In fact, it’s easy to stay one step ahead of the search by actively seeking those readers who might profit from your blog posts by establishing an enthusiastic presence on Internet forums such as Quora and Reddit.

There is more to advertising your blog on social media than just tapping the share button. Distributing blog posts on your social channels can further entice new visitors to your blog and contribute more worth to your current followers. At a minimum, share your blog posts on relevant social media platforms using a proportion of 10 messages about other people’s content for each one you post about your personal or business interests.


Start Promoting Your Blog Today

Social Sharing

These are just a few blog promotion strategies you can use to get more traffic and pique the interest of followers. Social media promotions can be an exciting part of your digital marketing strategy and the results are completely worth it. Blogging and social media can achieve your reach and maximize your potential as long as you spend the required time distributing and promoting your content.

So, ready to start distributing your content? Pick a blog promoting strategy that you like and get started.

These are just a few quick ways to promote your blog on social media. Social media promotions can be fun and the results are completely worth it. Blogging and social media can achieve your reach and maximize your potential as long as you spend the required time distributing and promoting your content. As an added benefit, social media can also enhance your blog’s search engine ranking.

Caleb Shepherd

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