Writing a Call to Action They Will Answer

by | Nov 7, 2022 | Writing Tips | 2 comments

You persuaded them to click through to the website with a powerful meta description. Hooked them with your tantalizing title and won them over with engaging body content. And then . . . you lost them. Why? Because your call to action wasn’t compelling enough.

Learning how to write a call to action that works is important. Next time, use these four tips to write a call they will answer.


1. Determine the Goal

set goals for CTAs

Although it may be tempting to look for the perfect call to action to use on every page, there isn’t one phrase that fits the mold for every blog post. Your call to action may or may not be about persuading readers to make a purchase. There are as many different reasons to include a call to action on a landing page or blog as there are empty candy wrappers on my desk at this moment. (Stupid, delicious fun-size Snickers!) Your goal for viewers might also be to:

  • Schedule an appointment
  • Leave a comment
  • Share on social media
  • Print a coupon
  • Download an app
  • Get a free estimate

Keep in mind that learning how to write an effective call to action means it might not be exactly the same on every page. On the homepage of a fencing company, for example, the purpose might be to direct readers to an online gallery where potential customers can get design ideas and become more familiar with the products offered. On the gallery page, the goal would likely be to convince customers to call for a free estimate.


2. Be Clear About the Benefits and Value

Above all else, the best way to motivate people is to clearly answer the question: “What’s in it for ME?” Briefly sum up main points in the blog or landing page and the benefits of accepting the call to action, and do so definitively. Avoid using words such as “if” or “might.”

  • If you think you might be a good candidate for a nerve block injection, contact us at xxx.xxx.xxxx to schedule an appointment.
  • Don’t settle for short-term solutions. Find lasting relief from chronic pain by calling xxx.xxx.xxxx to schedule your free consultation appointment with our team of nerve block injection specialists.

While reading, did you recognize the difference? Confidence and action words go a long way, especially when learning how to write a call to action. Be sure to include any value props you have, especially time- or money-saving reasons to act.


3. Add a Personal Touch

be personal with your calls to action

The right words make the call to action resonate with readers. When appropriate, use personal pronouns such as:

  • Me
  • You
  • Yours
  • Us

Beyond pronouns, there are even more ways to add a personal touch.

  • Fill out our online form to enroll in one of our adult dance classes.
  • Join us Thursday night for our sizzling, salsa bachata class. You can enroll in just a few minutes using our online form.

The latter reads more like a personal invitation rather than a business transaction.


4. Give it a Sense of Urgency

Regardless of how amazing the benefits are, some customers will still be indecisive. The most effective calls to action inspire readers to act immediately by creating a sense of urgency. Consider using phrases that imply time sensitivity without actually listing a deadline or expiration date. For example, “don’t miss out” or “space is limited” make enrolling in a dance class more desirable, but might deter someone from calling to schedule a medical appointment.


Learn How To Write A Call To Action That Works

write a call to action

Whether it lives on a branded blog or a landing page, the call to action plays a crucial role in content marketing. Make your next call to action as irresistible as the bag of Snickers that used to be on my desk by incorporating these elements into the copy.

What tips do you live by to help you create more compelling calls to action? Comment below!


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