Content writing agency

Everything You Need To Know About A Content Writing Agency

by | Nov 2, 2022 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

Content on your website is not the icing on the top of the cake. Rather, it is a much-needed foundational piece of your marketing plan. According to Social Media Examiner, more than 50% of marketers agree that original written content is important. In fact, it’s more important than any other kind of content, including visuals. Of course, videos and images are eye-catching and should be included, but this statistic goes to show that there is real weight to consistent content creation, whether you write it yourself or work with a content writing agency.

Yet, consistency isn’t the only feature needed to bring results. As with any other aspect of marketing, content marketing should be taken seriously. The articles and blog posts you publish on your website should be high-quality, relevant to readers and optimized for search engines. This is why a content writing agency can come in handy.

What exactly are content writing services, and what are the benefits of a content writing agency? Here is what you need to know.


What Is a Content Writing Agency?

A content writing agency is a service that works with freelance writers to produce quality content for your website. These companies manage and write all kinds of articles, webpages, product descriptions and other types of content.

Working with a company that specializes in high-quality online content is a smart solution. By outsourcing the content on your website, you can focus on other marketing efforts while guaranteeing a content marketing strategy. Additionally, content writing agencies are generally able to partner with both large and small-scale businesses. This is because they usually have a large supply of writers and an organized system for purchasing content. It makes the process for companies (like yours) as simple as possible.

Why you want to work with a content writing agency

How Does a Content Writing Agency Work?

Not every writing agency works the same way. Generally, you work with managers to identify the specifics of each blog post, or you order content directly through the website. Once ordered, a qualified team of writers will pick up your work, write some great content and the managers will deliver it to you by a certain due date.

Although you could hire a few freelance writers or add writers to your team, there is beauty in the well-oiled machine of a content writing agency. First, you have dozens of writers who can write the content you need. This ensures you get posts written quickly, and you get the benefit of originality in each article since writers with fresh perspectives on the topic will be writing your content.

Second, you get the freedom of paying for content when you need it. You don’t have to pay overhead expenses for in-house writers, and you get to skip the tedious search for freelance writers who can pick up the work and format it exactly the way you’d like it.


Choosing the “Write” Content Agency

Of course, it is important to choose a content writing agency that is trustworthy and competent. Keep in mind that content is priced based on the amount of research and written quality desired. If high-quality content is priced at an extremely low price, it’s either too good to be true or is coming from a “content mill,” where writers are paid the bare minimum (or less!).

Be sure to check out the website of any writing services you choose and get in touch with the agency. You may want a few sample pieces done first before you decide on a steady flow of outsourced content. When working with the agency, look for the following key features of quality content:

  • Minimal spelling or grammar mistakes. If you paid for editing services, there should be few, if any, mistakes.
  • Good readability. The content should flow well from one thought to the next.
  • No fluff. Depending on the type of content, you want to watch out for excessive phrases or unwarranted tangents. This is something you can discuss with managers at the content writing agency if you have a problem with your content feeling too “fluffy.”
  • Content is delivered in a relatively timely way. Because this kind of product requires that each piece of content is original, it takes time and effort to research, write and proofread. If you have a large amount of content, the agency may need time to ramp up its services to meet your needs. If the agency is behind on work, the managers should be in contact with you. Otherwise, you may want to be wary of services that constantly do not deliver on time.


6 Benefits of Working With a Content Writing Agency

While anyone can perform basic content marketing, there are many advantages to hiring a professional writer or content writing agency. If content marketing is done well, companies can see exceptional growth in traffic, lead generation and brand authority in the eyes of readers.

The benefits of working with a content writing agency

Because of this, high-quality content writing agencies can be a huge asset to your marketing strategy. The following are six of the most significant benefits.


1. Guaranteed Consistency

As described above, consistency can help you to extract the best results from your content marketing. However, sticking to a schedule can be difficult, especially when your marketing team has numerous other responsibilities. Having a dedicated, professional writer is a great way to solve this. Hiring an agency is even better.

A content writing agency will typically have multiple writers. So, having someone get sick or take time off won’t interrupt your schedule. Plus, if you have a time-sensitive topic you want to cover, you can usually have it turned around quickly, especially if the content writing agency has a good idea of what you’re looking for and has trained writers on the type of content you want.

Of course, larger orders are harder to complete on a fast deadline, but a great reason to work with an agency is that in the long run, they can get you the content you need consistently. And if you order a lot of content, you get the benefit of a large team of writers who don’t get burned out writing about the same topic.


2. Professional Quality Content Writing

Most professionals can write reasonably well. However, there is a big difference between crafting a solid email and effective content writing. If you work with an agency, you have the support of professional writers who are experienced with creating impactful blog posts, web pages, articles and other content.

Having an experienced writer helping with your content marketing can be the difference between reaching your goals and falling short. You will get a better return on investment if you trust your content writing to a team that knows what it is doing.

In many cases, content writing agencies work with editing teams as well. For a slightly increased price, you can ensure that your content is both readable and error-free. This is a great option for content aimed at specific audiences, such as white papers, academic material and ebooks.


3. Optimized Content for SEO Visibility

Search engine optimization and content marketing should always work together, as previously mentioned. However, SEO is a complex skill that is distinct from that of good writing. Rather than trying to master these two skills yourself, you may want to hire a content writing agency.

An agency team will typically have significant experience in creating SEO-ready content. Plus, many agencies even have SEO specialists who help to set the strategy for each piece. In other words, you are likely to get more eyes on your content (and generate more leads) if you work with an agency.

You can work closely with your content writing agency to determine the best outline for each piece of content. To improve SEO, you may consider adding meta descriptions, title tags and specific keywords to each article.

Saving money by hiring a content writing agency

4. Less Expensive Content (If You Value Your Time)

In a lot of cases, working with a content writing agency is costs less than trying to do the writing yourself. Many small business owners think that they can write a few blog posts and start bringing in leads for free. However, if you consider the value of your time and the opportunity cost, it is clear that hiring a professional makes more sense financially.

Every marketing strategy should produce a strong return on investment. Agency writers can typically create content faster and produce better results. In other words, you are going to see better returns when you hire an agency. Better yet, you can then invest more of your time into other, high-impact activities.


5. Audience-Focused Writing

Learning to write for an audience is a skill that one has to develop over time. Furthermore, researching an audience and using data to inform content writing is challenging, especially for beginners. If you are new to the process, chances are that you will struggle to execute a content marketing strategy that is truly targeted to your audience.

By comparison, a content writing agency likely has substantial experience with audience-focused writing and strategy. Some agencies train writers their writers. At BKA Content, we not only train them, but we regularly audit our writers to make sure they are hitting all the marks of high-quality, audience-focused, professional writers. Working with an experienced team can help you realize the most important criterion for successful content marketing: focusing on your audience.


6. A Lasting Relationship With Business Partners

Sure, many transactions are done completely online without much interaction between the two companies. However, when it comes to customized content, you should be a part of the process as much as possible. Content writing agencies want to make sure you are getting exactly what you want. You’ll collaborate with managers to work through any kinks and update them on new content needs. Since working with an agency already saves you time and money, this kind of relationship is valuable.

One thing that makes high-quality content writing agencies stand out is that they develop a relationship with your business. You’ll soon have a business partner that helps your company thrive. Here are BKA, managers go out of their way to help clients feel comfortable and satisfied with the content we produce. This level of trust can improve your content and create a lasting business relationship.


Work With an Experienced Content Writing Agency

Content writing can be a powerful tool to help you generate leads for your sales team. As you increase traffic, you also increase your online credibility. Through the content you produce, readers can find your website, get their questions answered and begin to see your company as an expert in the field. If you want to achieve the best possible results, consider hiring an experienced content writing agency.

BKA Content may be the right agency for you. Our team has produced content for brands ranging from single-person small businesses to global, Fortune 500 corporations. Learn more about how our content writing team can help you to excel. Then, contact us today to get started.


Charlotte Secrist

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